
Chapter 539 Undercurrent is coming

Lack of people is not a problem for Xueyue Ling's family. Almost all the lords in the kingdom's northern border and the Near East are facing the dilemma of insufficient population.

The larger the territory, the greater the labor gap. Even the established nobles cannot mobilize enough labor force.

As of now, all immigration work from the mountainous areas has stopped. There is no way, there is really no extra population.

The Kingdom of Alpha has a shortage of labor force. In addition to its insufficient population base, there is also the factor of war.

Before Hudson came to power, the kingdom suffered a series of defeats, with a cumulative loss of more than one million soldiers.

Although there was no major defeat in the follow-up, the war still killed people. Even if the battle is won, casualties are inevitable.

The massive loss of young adults caused by the war directly led to the imbalance of the kingdom's demographic structure.

Even the southeastern provinces, which have been relatively less affected, have seen population growth rates in recent years that are not optimistic.

After the grassland war, the main war faction in the kingdom proposed to launch an attack while the Orc Empire suffered heavy losses.

The proposal was immediately rejected by the Kingdom. In addition to the government's lack of financial resources, the actual domestic situation was also an important factor.

The regime has been able to survive for three hundred years of "militancy". The Alpha Kingdom is very experienced in this regard and knows what to do when.

In order to increase the population, the nobles of the kingdom also worried about it. Looking at the prices of human slaves on the international market, you can tell that everyone has done their best.

In this regard, Hudson had the most say, and he was definitely the most generous lord when it came to purchasing slaves.

This problem can be seen in the population size of the territory.

In just a few years after the war, the total population of the Mountain Territory + Xueyue Territory has jumped from two million before to the current two and a half million, which is obviously not something that can be achieved by natural reproduction.

It’s not that I don’t want to buy more, it’s just that the market supply is limited, and in many cases you can’t just buy what you want.

In the beginning, there were alien races that captured humans in the controlled areas and sold them as slaves. After several years of hard work, the survivors have been almost wiped out.

If you want to increase the population at this moment, there is no better choice than encouraging births.

It is a pity that people are not crops. No matter how much stimulation is provided, labor cannot be produced in a short period of time.

Had he not been desperate, Hudson wouldn't have been able to come up with the idea of ​​hiring a magician to do the work. It seems that they have done a very good job, but in fact, the investment is still losing money on the books.

The income generated from the land does not need to pay the magicians high remuneration at all. If it were not for the purpose of nourishing the soil, it is estimated that the higher-ups in the territory would strongly oppose it.

After all, the natural environment of the grasslands is not as good as the fertile fields of the southeastern provinces.

Even though they sit in Xueyue Lake and there are many rivers in the territory with no shortage of water sources, there are still a series of problems if they want to develop agricultural production.

Except for a few areas, the soil thickness of most grasslands cannot support long-term agricultural production.

If soil erosion occurs again, it is estimated that the grassland will be dried up and turned into a desert within a few decades.

For problems that can be solved by technological means, magic can also turn sand into soil. The only problem is the cost, which requires a lot of magicians.

From a long-term development perspective, these upfront investments are certainly worth it. As long as the financial resources can bear it, Hudson will persist no matter how much the loss is.

Nearly 70% of the magicians currently employed by Xueyue Leader are striving for this great goal.

If nothing else happens, this big job alone will keep them working for the next ten thousand years.

If the Xueyue Territory can continue to expand in the future, then this job will be their lifetime series.

Under the night, a group of black shadows kept shaking on the silent prairie, like ghosts from hell.

"Master, we have already found out the mission you ordered.

The inheritance of the Holy Land was secretly opened two months ago. The inheritance of the Holy Land that appears now is actually a trap! "

After listening to the report of the black shadow, the illusory strange shadow smiled arrogantly and said in a hoarse voice: "True is true, false is true, false is true, false is true.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, these single-minded orcs have also learned to use conspiracy and tricks.

If you want to play fishing, you need someone to cooperate. The boys in the Alpha Kingdom have just been warned by the elves, and they will definitely not come to join in the fun now.

You all should be more careful lately. Although the blood sacrifices of the past few days were deliberately framed on the human race, they may not be able to be fooled.

Huanyi, from now on, there is no need to worry about the issue of inheriting the Holy Land.

The inheritance I gave you can also break through the holy realm. You don't have to pick up what the beast god left behind countless years ago! "

She talks about being arrogant, but what she really thinks in her heart is completely the opposite. How could he not care about the inheritance left by the Beast God?

It's just that the illusory monster is self-aware. If it really goes to a place where the orcs are closely watching to cause trouble, there is a 99% chance that it will be exposed.

The feeling of being a bereaved dog is not pleasant. Instead of taking risks to find excitement, it is better to lurk in secret and prepare.

"Master, our infiltration from the Alpha Kingdom has temporarily encountered some difficulties.

Business travelers who enter the prairie do not have high status there, and it is difficult to get in touch with the core of power there.


Before Black Shadow No. 2 could finish speaking, the illusory monster's cannibalistic gaze cast its gaze over, as if it wanted to swallow the person in one bite.


After the laughter, Black Shadow No. 2's arm was removed and he ate it directly in front of all the Black Shadows.

The horrific scene made all the shadows present feel terrified, but no one dared to plead, as if this scene was a matter of course.

"There is still no movement on such a trivial matter. Huan Er, you are such a waste!

You shouldn't raise trash in the first place, but I have always been nostalgic, so this time I will give you a small punishment but a big warning. If there is another time, I will leave the task to Huan San.

That’s all, I’ll lower the difficulty for you. You are not required to be able to infiltrate the top leaders of the Alpha Kingdom in a short period of time. All you need to do is provoke a war.

The mission of everyone else is the same, no matter what kind of war they are provoking, just let the flames of war burn! "

After saying that, the illusory monster waved its hand, and Huan Er, who had lost his arm, actually grew an arm again.

"Thank you, Master..."

Before I could finish my words of gratitude, the illusive and strange shadow had disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

A group of tightly wrapped black figures looked at each other in the dark night, and then disappeared directly in place.

Communication is non-existent. It can be seen from the appearance that these guys do not know each other's identities.

Except for the secret gathering at the appointed time, everyone acted alone at other times. The downline of development is also a single line of contact.

From the strict confidentiality, we can know that the mysterious strange shadow is definitely experienced in this area. Maybe I suffered a lot of losses before I gained my current experience.

After the black shadows left, illusory and strange figures appeared again on the originally empty land.

If anyone were here, they would find that his illusory figure has begun to solidify.

"These little guys are getting harder and harder to fool. They are not as cute as they were ten thousand years ago. I'm afraid these phantoms alone won't make a difference.

What a damn bad luck. If the seal had been broken a few years earlier, it would have been enough to just lurk on the battlefield and collect souls. Why should she be in such trouble now? "

While talking to himself and recalling the good old days, the phantoms and ghosts inevitably hurt his nerves.

Based on the relationship between the Alpha Kingdom and the orcs, it stands to reason that provoking a war should be very simple. Unfortunately, the war had just ended, and neither side had the financial resources to start another war in a short period of time.

The probability of provoking a war between the two major forces with a temporary team is too low.

The front line, which was already experiencing constant border conflicts, ushered in a group of black hands who were doing things secretly. For a time, the Near East became more and more lively.

In the Near East Protectorate, Hudson was holding a regular monthly military meeting to discuss the next front-line defense issues.

"Marshal, these are the summary of border conflicts. In this month alone, thirty-three firefights of various sizes broke out.

The two most serious ones even led to the destruction of three knights and one barony in the kingdom, with a loss of nearly 10,000 people.

These losses are mainly concentrated in the upper reaches north of Xueyue Lake. Although the kingdom has stationed heavy troops locally, border conflicts cannot be avoided.

But overall, both sides win and lose each other. During this series of conflicts, many orc tribes were destroyed. "

Baron Jose said expressionlessly.

Since the last blow and knowing that his official career in the kingdom was cut off because of the king, he has completely given up the idea of ​​establishing his own business.

Nobles with insufficient political wisdom are destined not to do well in the large circle of the kingdom.

While admitting defeat, it was inevitable to also conduct self-reflection. But as a result of reflection, Jose secretly took a selfie on his forehead and cursed himself for being stupid.

If you take the blame for the boss, you may not get credit, and it may also be a fault.

After carefully analyzing the problem from different angles, Jose finally understood why Caesar IV disliked him so much!

The early disagreement was just a trivial matter. Even if Jose's judgments were correct and all Caesar IVs were chosen wrong, it wouldn't be a big problem.

The bad thing is that when he took the blame, he didn't do it beautifully enough. Failure to take up all responsibilities in time directly led to the collapse of Caesar's reputation during the crown prince era.

What's worse is that privately, Jose complained more than once about what would happen in the end if he followed his plan...

A person who witnessed the dark history of the king, after the accident, did not try to help cover it up, and dared to talk about it in private, which was obviously bullying the incompetence of the royal family's intelligence department.

If he wasn't worried about the influence, Caesar IV might have tried to kill him.

The boss who makes the wrong decision gets nothing wrong; the subordinate who makes the right decision not only has to take the blame and take responsibility, but also has to do so beautifully.

There is no point in being depressed, this is the nature of the Aslant continent.

If he hadn't worked with Hudson for several years and improved his political intelligence, Jose might have been kept in the dark now and wouldn't have known what he did wrong back then.

“Baron Jose, I don’t think it’s necessary to talk about such a trivial matter at this meeting!

Since the birth of the kingdom, when has the border conflict between us and the orcs really stopped?

A few days ago, they took the initiative and destroyed several orc tribes at their doorstep, and now they are enjoying the dividends of the times! "

Earl Albert said with an indifferent expression.

When eating meat, you must anticipate in advance the price you will have to pay when you are beaten.

Since his family's sphere of influence is not in the border area, it is difficult for him to resonate with the border nobles' current experiences.

When the kingdom was not suitable for provoking a war, the pressure was shifted to the garrison to protect the safety of the noble lords in the border areas.

Open the map and look at the long border. You will know that the small number of troops on the front line cannot be taken care of at all, and they can only occupy strategic places such as cities and fortresses.

"Your Excellency, this kind of thing should not be taken lightly. At present, everyone has no feelings. The main reason is that the scale of the conflict is not large for the time being.

The kingdom’s borders are too long. If border conflicts continue to escalate, who knows what will happen next? "

Jose said calmly.

Some problems cannot be solved just by thinking about them. Unless the garrison strength is increased, it will simply not be possible to take care of both.

However, increasing the number of troops stationed on the front line costs money, and when the kingdom's finances mention "money", it is an unbearable pain.

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