
Chapter 548 Confusing

There were no surprises. Stark, who had been prepared for a long time, got his wish and ascended to the throne of the patriarch.

Unfortunately, because of the sign-eating situation, this wave of forced elections cannot convince all the tauren.

In particular, the chiefs of several large tribes looked uglier than the last.

Among the upright tauren, there is actually a man who is playing tricks and tricks. It is simply...

Dissatisfaction remains dissatisfaction, and the election is still legal and valid.

The road to unification of the Tauren clan has taken a big step forward. However, whether Stark, the leader of the clan, can secure his position still depends on his subsequent performance.

"Head Stark, today is a good day for you to be elected.

Having prepared so well in advance, I think I must have some insight into the development of my tauren clan! "

Chief Primrose said with a sinister connotation.

It’s just that he didn’t win the position of clan leader, but he was actually betrayed by his competitors. Who can swallow this tone?

The results of the patriarchal election could not be overturned, but Stark wanted to secure his position as patriarch, and Primrose was the first to refuse.

Perhaps because he had expected all this, Stark, who was forced into the palace, was not only not annoyed, but said with a smile on his face: "I can be elected as the patriarch today because of everyone's support.

After sitting in this position, Stark realized the great responsibility.

The Tauren clan has been divided for a long time, and reintegration cannot be accomplished overnight. This requires the joint efforts of all of us.

Especially now that we are still performing border guarding tasks, we need more sincere unity from everyone.

Today is different from the past.

The Alpha Kingdom has risen, and in a short period of time the empire does not have the military power to overwhelm its enemies. This means that for a long time to come, those of us who are guarding the border will not have a good life.

Especially since we are neighbors with the big devil, if we are not careful, we will be overthrown.

There are too many lessons to be learned from the past. Almost all the big families in the empire have suffered heavy losses at the hands of the big devil.

Even the powerful Yingren royal family has been severely damaged and may not be able to return to its peak state within fifty years.

The Beamon clan, which had previously performed border guarding missions, now also suffered heavy losses.

There are many other victims.

Facing such an enemy, we must adopt flexible response methods. Don't face the big devil head-on unless absolutely necessary! "

When he said "flexible", Stark deliberately emphasized his tone. Obviously, "flexible" here has a deeper meaning.

All the tauren chiefs present were not fools, and they immediately understood the implication of Stark's words.

"Chief Stark, what exactly is your flexible response?

How should the empire explain it? "

Primrose continued to ask.

If possible, he would like to cut Stark into pieces, but the current situation is special.

No matter how unhappy he is with the new patriarch, he must admit that the situation described by Stark is the reality that the Tauren clan is facing.

If these issues cannot be handled well, there will be no need to consider power disputes. He couldn't tell, but one day he went to see the beast god in a daze.

"Chief Primrose, I think you should understand what I mean. It was all done by the tribes on the border before, and we are just following suit.

As for the empire, as long as we can stabilize the situation on the front line, they should have some fun. There is no time to trouble us!

Even if he was really caught, the worst he could do was wait for an opportunity to pick a fight with a few bully human lords, cut off a few heads and go back to deal with him.

However, to control the speed, the battle must be conducted within the empire and cannot go deep into the Alpha Kingdom. "

Stark said calmly.

There is no doubt that the few heads he mentioned were really just a few heads.

In order not to cause trouble, even the battlefield is limited to the empire.

Just as he was about to speak out to object, Primrose hesitated again when the words came to his lips.

With the strength of the Tauren clan, this is undoubtedly the best choice. If you foolishly fight with the enemy, you may be exterminated one day.

Kingdom of Hesse, Province of Mysia.

In a dark old castle, representatives of cult organizations from all over the continent gathered, and the air was filled with the smell of blood.

"This is a pink rose that was just taken down. Please enjoy it!"

As he spoke, the Lord of Darkness opened the lid in front of him, revealing two beating hearts and a bright red drink next to them.

A polarized scene instantly appeared in the hall.

Some of the cult leaders took the knife and fork directly to the heart and started fucking, commenting from time to time.

For these real evil spirits, the heart and blood of girls are the best food.

Some of the other cult leaders frowned. Although they still killed people like crazy, they did not degenerate to the point of eating human flesh and drinking human blood.

"Youming, if you have something to say, just say it directly!

After spending so much effort to invite us from all over the mainland, it can't be just to invite everyone to taste your pink roses, right? "

The Skeleton Lord at the bottom said angrily.

We are both in the cult camp, and everyone has their own way of playing. Compared to the infamous Nether Cult, the Skull and Bones Society is as pure as a little white rabbit.

"Ha ha……"

"Old Skeleton, after all these years, you are still impatient.

I heard from my subordinates that your Skull and Bones Society has not been having an easy time in recent years.

First, they suffered heavy losses in the Kingdom of Alpha, and then they lost a large part of the parish in the Northern Continent during the Continental War. Are you interested in turning around and doing something big? "

As soon as the Lord of Darkness finished speaking, the Skeleton Lord's expression darkened.

In recent years, Skull and Bones has been in bad luck.

There are no eggs left in the nest!

Many countries in the northern continent were destroyed, and the Skull and Bones Society's local operations were naturally destroyed.

In panic, they could only evacuate their personnel to the Alpha Kingdom for temporary refuge.

However, another order came from the Holy See headquarters, ordering them to launch an armed riot. As a result, they were hit hard again.

Before they could recuperate and regain their strength, the Alpha people's Near East development strategy suddenly succeeded.

A large number of people have migrated, and domestic social conflicts have gradually eased, directly compressing the survival space of cults.

Not only is it more difficult to develop a congregation, but the risk of exposure is also doubled. If you are not careful, you will be bloody suppressed by the local nobles.

If this situation is not changed, it may not be long before the Skull and Bones Society will disappear in the long river of history due to inheritance issues.

"Yimin, do you think I will believe it?

With the little strength of my Skull and Bones Society, I can barely survive. How can I do anything big? "

The Skeleton Lord said disdainfully.

The most important thing about being in a cult is not to be strong, but to be self-aware.

He can do as many things as he has the power to do. This is the main reason why the Skeleton Lord can live to this day.

Unless you have the ability to subvert the order, you must keep a low profile.

But if they really had the ability to subvert the existing order, they would no longer be a cult.


“Old Skeleton, you’re out of date now.

If the Skull and Bones Society alone is not strong enough, can't it find someone to join forces?

Everyone here is an outstanding person in my evil way. As long as we join hands, there is still hope to overthrow a decadent kingdom! "

The Lord of Darkness said with a strange smile.

There is nothing wrong with it. The cult organizations unite to bring down a decadent kingdom. The success rate is really not low.

The crux of the problem is that the reason why a cult is a cult is that it has various internal divisions.

The relationship between different cult organizations is not much better. Not only is there no sympathy for each other when we are in the same predicament, but we are never lenient when it comes to adding insult to injury and stabbing people in the back.

"Dear Lord of Darkness, which kingdom are you planning to overthrow?

What can we gain after it is accomplished? "

Long Xi asked with concern.

As a representative of the July Party, he was completely out of tune with everyone here.

As members of a cult organization, the July Society is obviously not evil enough and does not even worship evil gods.

If they hadn't taken the blame for the assassination of the Hessian Prince and became famous in one battle, they would still be a small local organization in the Alpha Kingdom.

Being a small regional organization does not mean that they are weak. Because most of the members of the organization are the declining nobles of the original Northland, many people have taken advantage of Alpha's eastward march and returned to the ranks of the nobles.

Troublesome things happen here. After returning to the ranks of the nobility, everyone's determination to rebel was no longer so firm.

In addition to their relatively unified stance on revenge against the five major families in the North, the July Society is already divided on other issues.

Except for those unlucky ones like Long Xi who were on wanted orders and had no way to withdraw, most members of the July Society became rational.

Looking at their performance in recent years, we can see that apart from occasionally assassinating a wave of members of the five major families in the North, they are almost nowhere to be found.

The unlucky ones, including Long Xi, began to waver deep in their hearts and gradually tended to compromise with the kingdom.

The revenge actions of the July Society are very single-minded and have not been expanded. There are not many enemies in the Alpha Kingdom. The main purpose is to attract hatred based on their guiding ideology.

If they could put aside these unrealistic things and rely on their connections in the aristocratic circle, it would be possible to change their identity and start a new life.

"Of course I choose one of the three kingdoms in the Chinese mainland!

Even if we add up to a powerful country like the Alpha Kingdom, we can't defeat it. The Principality of Moxi is in debt again, and its creditors will not allow them to fall.

The Southern Continent has the most declining kingdoms, but unfortunately they are all under the noses of the great powers. Even if we cause civil strife, we will only make wedding clothes for others.

After counting and counting, only the three countries in the mainland can take action.

As long as the flames of war are ignited, the alien alliance will naturally contain the Five Nations Alliance and buy us time.

After this is done, we can form a United Kingdom and stand under the sun from now on.

Everyone can divide the land of the New Kingdom according to their respective contributions. At the worst, you can get a few provinces, which is much better than hiding in a dark corner and being chased! "

The Lord of Darkness said matter-of-factly.

Pick the persimmon and pinch it softly, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. The only problem is that the picture he gave is not that reliable.

They want cult organizations to carry out terrorist attacks and use religious methods to engage in armed riots. These are their strengths.

When it comes to governing the country, these people are completely blind. There have been countless cult rebellions in history, and no matter how powerful they were, none of them could succeed, which is enough to explain a lot of problems.

If a rebellion is organized by a single cult, the internal government affairs cannot be sorted out; if so many cult organizations unite to govern the country, there is no hope.

Just look at the food on the table and you will know that no people can tolerate such a cruel ruler.

No matter how bad the rule of the nobles was, no one would dare to treat the girl's heart and blood as food and put it on the banquet openly.

If anyone dares to commit suicide like this, not only will their family's reputation be ruined, but religion and law will not spare them.

"Darkness, just say you start an uprising in the Hessian Kingdom and that's it. Why go in such a big circle?

Everyone present has spent time in the Northern Continent and the Central Continent. It is clear at a glance which country is strong and which country is weak.

If you want us to participate, we must at least let everyone know who the financial backers are behind the scenes. Without the support of major forces, I don’t think this alliance can succeed!

Even if you are lucky enough to occupy a kingdom and it is not recognized by the Human Alliance Parliament, it will be quickly destroyed by the other four countries. "

Pope Storm said nonchalantly.

Unlike other cults that operate on the mainland, the main area of ​​activity of the Blast Wind Church is along the coast, and most of its believers are fishermen, pirates, and sailors.

There is a mixed crowd of believers, and they hang out at the beach all year round, so their thinking patterns are different from those of inland churches.

Other cult organizations are still weighing the pros and cons, and Pope Storm's focus has shifted from the matter itself to the supporters behind the scenes.

"Biao Feng, do you need me to say something so obvious?

In addition to the alien races hating the Five Nations Alliance, the Aslant continent also has forces that can spend such a large amount of money. Didn’t you know? "

The Lord of Darkness said mockingly.

If someone else guesses the identity of the benefactor, and if he reveals the identity of the benefactor himself, the result seems to be the same, but the nature is completely different.

Once this plan succeeds, the Five-Nation Alliance will become the Four-Nation Alliance, and the political turmoil caused by this will be huge!

From this point of view, it is very likely that there is more than one force that has the motivation to support them in launching this action.

Maybe he even colluded with a foreign race!

For cult organizations, there is no problem in cooperating with the devil, and naturally there is no psychological burden in colluding with foreign races.

"Darkness, don't play with these nonsense. You must know that there is a behavior in the world called frame-up.

Those politicians like to play these tricks the most. Just analyzing the pros and cons, the conclusion drawn may not be true.

If you guess the wrong target and treat your enemy as your ally when taking specific actions, that will be very fatal! "

Pope Stormwind had an experienced expression on his face, which directly raised the atmosphere at the scene, and all the representatives expressed their opinions and demanded to know the truth.


"You people just lack trust. There are three sponsors behind the scenes, namely the Alien Alliance, the Falcon Kingdom, and the last one is the one you guessed.

Because there are many supporters, the funds for the activity are relatively sufficient, and now we just need everyone to join in. "

As soon as the Lord of Darkness finished speaking, everyone was dumbfounded.

The alien alliance and the Holy See support this rebellion. Everyone can understand, what does it mean for the Falcon Kingdom to get involved?

As an island country, the Falcon Kingdom and the continent of Aslant are separated by the sea. Although the overall national strength is good, the Frankish Kingdom and the Iliban Kingdom happen to be across the strait, giving them no chance to interfere with mainland affairs.

According to past practice, except when the human race is at a disadvantage in the continental war, the Falcon Kingdom will send troops to participate in the war, and they rarely come out to increase their presence during the rest of the time.

Because Guxuan Overseas is not a mainland country, their existence is often ignored by everyone.

In the past, they were not included in the compilation of the ten major kingdoms in the mainland.

The Falcon Kingdom seems to enjoy this feeling of being ignored, and has been keeping a low profile for a long time. Including meetings of the Human Alliance, they all play the role of soy sauce.

It is obviously abnormal for such a peaceful country to suddenly come to support the cause of a cult.

Perhaps knowing that everyone would get to the bottom of it, the Lord of Darkness immediately added: "The current situation in the Falcon Kingdom is special. Their domestic situation is already precarious, and civil strife may occur at any time.

One of the factions supporting us now has a very clear goal: to cause chaos on the mainland and attract the attention of other countries to cover their next actions.

The specific action is not yet known. However, 20% of the strategic materials they assisted are now in place.

The rest will be sent over one after another after everyone agrees to join. So what the internal contradictions in the Falcon Kingdom are actually don’t matter to us! "

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