
Chapter 556 There are sutras that are difficult to recite

The world is fair, and if this natural disaster occurs once in a century on the Aslant continent, it is natural that the unlucky ones are not just the Alpha Kingdom.

A series of natural disasters such as droughts, floods, earthquakes, typhoons, and tsunamis continue to occur across the mainland.

From human races to alien races, they were all attacked indiscriminately, and no one was immune.

Affected by natural disasters, the rebels, who were originally contained, once again started a new round of explosive growth.

Countries were trying to provide disaster relief and suppress rebellions, but for a while they forgot about the rebels in the Falcon Kingdom.

However, despite their busy schedule, representatives from several major countries still met and exchanged their opinions and views.

In the end, everyone came to the unanimous conclusion that intervention was necessary, but the Human Alliance meeting could not be held.

What we need is to eliminate the bad political influence, not to expand the influence of the rebels. Once the alliance meeting is convened, it will be recorded in the history books.

At that time, it will become difficult to erase this disgraceful existence. After all, there are rebels in every group, and there are also nobles who are keen to record dark history.

To study the history of Aslant continent, we must combine official history and unofficial history. Many times, the secrets recorded by the established nobles are far more reliable than what is spread outside.

A series of processes were going on, and while the various countries were discussing how to send troops, the rebels of the Falcon Kingdom had already evacuated the royal capital.

Some of the rebel nobles whose identities were exposed returned to their fiefdoms and defended themselves in danger, while others directly evacuated to the sea with their families.

It looked like the rebels knew they were in trouble and fled.

Similar cases have happened in the past. The rebels ceased to exist, and the coalition intervention came to nothing.

Except for the Holy See, the Frankish Kingdom, and the Iliban Kingdom, which still want to intervene, the Five-Nation Alliance has completely lost interest.

The ownership of the throne of the Falcon Kingdom means nothing to the Five Nations Alliance.

They would only be happy to see the rebels disperse on their own. The subsequent armed suppression is a matter for the new king and does not need outsiders to worry about.

No matter who takes the throne, the first priority is to avenge Henry V, and then he can legally inherit the royal family.

Without the intervention of the Five Nations Alliance, the Falcon Kingdom was still bustling with activity. The intervention of the Holy See, Frank, and Iberia directly divided the Falcon Kingdom's nobles into three.

Around the vacant throne, the three major camps launched a fierce competition. For a time, even the thought of suppressing rebellion was diluted a lot.

Hudson is not very clear about the specific situation. Anyway, he knew that the Falcon Kingdom was very lively at the moment.

How long this farce will last depends not on the internal fighting among the local nobles of the Falcon Kingdom, but on the game between the three major forces behind it.

There was no time to worry about the future of the Falcon Kingdom. As soon as the floods ended, Hudson's attention was drawn to the Orc Prairie.

The Xueyue Territory, which sits on Xueyue Lake, has encountered a severe drought, and the situation of the Orc Empire will only get worse.

The occurrence of natural disasters has intensified the conflicts between various ethnic groups. In order to compete for water sources, firefights often broke out between the orc tribes on the prairie.

Even if the imperial court issued a truce order, it would become worthless in the face of the pressure of tribe survival.

The piling up of social conflicts will inevitably affect the strategic decisions of the Orc Empire. Referring to the past practice of natural disasters, they always ended with orcs invading the kingdom.

If you win on the battlefield, you can rely on the spoils of war to survive the crisis; if you unfortunately encounter a defeat, then the person who caused the problem is gone.

If you think about it from another perspective, if Hudson were a senior member of the Orc Empire, he would also choose to use war to divert domestic conflicts.

As for the vitality of all ethnic groups, they are not suitable for starting a war. Facing the pressure of racial survival, it is really not an insurmountable difficulty.

Looking at the intelligence collected in hand, in just one month, hundreds of tribal conflicts broke out within the orc empire in order to compete for water sources and pasture.

This is just statistical data. The kingdom's intelligence department's penetration into the Orc Empire is not unlimited, and there are still large areas that are completely blank.

Hudson has not forgotten that in addition to the prairie, the Orc Empire also has large areas of hills and mountains, as well as vast plateaus.

Although the land in these areas is barren, as long as the area is large enough, it can still support a large number of people.

After being severely beaten by the human alliance, these areas were once regarded as the rear area by the Orc Empire and carried out key operations.

What is the current situation? The intelligence agencies have not yet penetrated it, and Hudson does not know.

However, land development is a long-term process. The civilization process of the Orc Empire is still in the transition stage from nomadic civilization to agricultural civilization, and racial productivity is still very low.

If we want to operate the rear area, it is destined not to be completed in three to five or eight years. Considering that various races are holding each other back, this time period may be even longer.

"Tom, send a warning of war to the noble lords of the Near East!"

Hudson suddenly ordered.

Without any sign that a war was about to break out, he could only issue a war warning in advance.

Other generals, even if they had doubts in their hearts, did not dare to draw conclusions easily. If you make a mistake, you need to take responsibility.

Hudson's ability not to care about taking risks was mainly due to the influence of the Falcon Kingdom's coup.

Caesar IV seemed to still have great trust in the powerful factions in the kingdom, but a series of personnel adjustments still exposed his true thoughts.

When the boss becomes suspicious and the younger brother wants to be stable, he must know how to advance and retreat.

It's too late to hide one's clumsiness. With the glorious record ahead, the more one hides one's clumsiness, the easier it will be to backfire.

However, when making strategic judgments, Hudson became increasingly bold. Misjudgment will indeed affect one's reputation, but this is what the king wants to see.

It is too difficult to control a "god". The king needs his subordinates to be "human beings", not "gods" who can plan everything.

If nothing unexpected happens, after defeating the Orc Empire again, Hudson will live a life of luxury and wealth.

If a person is not romantic, his youth will be wasted!

He is already a powerful person, but if he doesn't get a bunch of lovers to dilute his sacred aura, how can he rest assured that he is the boss?

If you refer to historical data, you will know that heroes without any stain will not have any good results in the end.

On the contrary, people like "Wang Jian" and "Guo Ziyi" who know how to defile themselves fare better.

Although Hudson did not think that Caesar IV had the courage to massacre heroes, he still had to avoid the troubles that could be avoided as much as possible.

As a minister, if you foolishly confront the monarch head-on, you will definitely suffer a big loss.

Even if he didn't say it explicitly, Hudson knew very well that there were many people from the royal family in his camp.

Not only the royal family planted nails, but all the major forces in the kingdom planted nails in his team.

The Koslow family was able to rise rapidly. In addition to the efforts of Hudson, these "nails" also made great efforts.

At present, everyone's interests are aligned, so everything is tacit. If they meet one day, the internal problems will be enough to cause a headache for Hudson.

There is no way, the gameplay in Aslant is like this: you have me, and I have you.

The Koslow family's rise was too short. If it had developed for a hundred and eighty years, it would still be able to plant nails among the major forces in the kingdom.

It is impossible to stop it, because the strength of a family depends not only on its own strength, but also on the strength of its vassals.

At most, one-third of Hudson's current strength comes from his family, and the other two-thirds come from the nobles who rely on him.

These loyalties are very magical and have different performances on different occasions. They cannot be simply judged as high or low.

For example: against the Orc Empire, these vassals are Hudson's strongest supporters.

If Hudson wanted to set up his own business, the situation would be embarrassing. Not to mention that the vassal power is unreliable, even the direct power of the family may not be reliable.

Thousands of years of traditional education cannot be reversed in just a few years.

Those who talk about loyalty regardless of the historical background are just acting like hooligans.

What goes above and what works below is applicable in any era.

Hudson doesn't like to play double standards. He is not 100% loyal to the king, so why should he expect his subordinates to remain loyal to him?

The favor of promotion is based on the person's achievements and is not a free gift.

Orc Empire.

The continuous drought and lack of rain are not only difficult for ordinary orcs, but also the royal families and royal families are feeling the pressure.

Against this background, the new round of imperial court meetings had just been held, and the heads of various clans began to take turns to complain.


We all know the situation on the prairie, so there is no need to reiterate it.

The hot midsummer has continued to this day, and a large number of pastures have withered, and tribal disputes continue due to water sources.

We have called everyone here today to discuss how to reasonably allocate water resources and avoid conflicts! "

The Lion King scolded him sternly.

The camp suddenly became quiet, but the atmosphere was still as depressing as ever.

"Reasonable distribution of water sources" is just a statement that can fool children. The Orc Empire advocates the law of the jungle. How can a weak race compete with a powerful race?

No matter how reasonable the allocation is, when it comes to implementation, it is inevitable that some people will get more and more.

"Lion King, the key to the problem now is not how to distribute water, but that the drought is still continuing.

If the drought problem is not solved, it will be difficult for us to store enough fodder before winter! "

The Bear King's words pierced the last layer of window paper.

After the original population was reduced, the living space of all ethnic groups was sufficient, and they could continue to be "good neighbors and friendly".

A severe drought changed everything.

Affected by drought, not only fodder and water sources cannot meet the demand, but also a large number of pests and diseases spread across the prairie.

A few days ago, a locust plague broke out. If everyone hadn't reacted quickly enough, it would have almost caused a disaster.

"Xiong Emperor, I am certainly aware of these issues. I even know that in order to survive, many tribes are making deals with the human race in private.

The objects of trade were not only furs, but also livestock such as cattle, horses, and sheep, and even slaves.

As long as they can get food in exchange, there is nothing they dare not sell.

But knowing is one thing, solving the problem is another.

With such a large-scale drought, even if the shamans are exhausted to death, the problem will not be solved! "

The Lion King said helplessly.

Extraordinary power can change the world, but it has its limits. It's okay to conduct artificial rainfall once in a while, but it's simply unrealistic to do it every now and then and cover the entire prairie.

Originally, the number of sacrifices in the orc empire was small, and the number of sacrifices in the water system was even smaller. Artificial rainfall requires a lot of sacrifices.

Especially in the current situation, the sky is clear every day and it is difficult to see even a dark cloud, making rainfall even more difficult.

Under the double blow of "high temperature" + "severe drought", the fragile grassland ecology is being broken.

First, vegetarian animals encountered a food crisis, and then it was the turn of carnivorous animals to suffer. Maybe a severe drought will cause many animals and plants to become extinct.

A similar scene also took place within the Orc Empire. If the water source is not enough for everyone to share, then the weak will eat the strong according to the laws of nature.

It is normal for weak and endangered races to be eliminated in this environment.

Anyway, the Heritage Holy Land has just been opened, and it is unlikely to come again in a short period of time. It does not hurt to reduce some orc races.

As for future issues, after a few more crosses, new races will naturally emerge.

The last Emperor Behemoth was one of the best. Although the situation at the time was special, it still contributed to the racial prosperity of the Orc Empire.

"Actually, there is an old method. Some people will die anyway. Rather than letting them die in internal fighting, it is better to let them die on the battlefield.

Although we have little chance of winning if we start a war at this moment, the human nations, including the Kingdom of Alpha, have also suffered heavy losses in this natural disaster.

Countries are cutting production together, and the entire continent is experiencing food panic. Nowadays, even if you have money, it is difficult to buy a lot of food in the market.

This means that even if we lose on the battlefield, the enemy will not be able to organize a large-scale counterattack.

As long as you control the rhythm of the war, don't blindly engage in decisive battles with the enemy, and be careful of the enemy's sneak attacks on the rear, that's enough! "

Silver Moon Wolf King said with a sneer.

The method is not afraid of aging, it just needs to be easy to use. If a war is launched at this moment, the Orc Empire will surely shed a river of blood.

The problem is that if we don’t provoke a foreign war, a civil war will break out!

Now it is just a fight between tribes. If no measures are taken, it will turn into a racial beating.

“The Wolf King’s proposal is very good, but it’s best to wait and see for now and take action after the situation on the mainland becomes clearer.

If conditions do not allow it, then limit the scale of the war. It is best to control local conflicts so that no matter how they develop, they can be properly handled. "

The Yingren Emperor's words were very cowardly and did not have the domineering power of the royal family at all. However, the orcs agreed very much that it was indeed time to be more steady.

In the past years, the Orc Empire has taken countless risks, and the final results have been disastrous.

The Kingdom of Hesse, as the area hardest hit by the cult rebellion, was hit by a wave of natural disasters that had never happened in a century, and Alexander V was in bad shape.

Combined with the development of the Hessian Kingdom in recent years, it has typically turned from prosperity to decline, and there is also a hint of a sign of national subjugation.

Recalling the high-spiritedness of forcing the Alpha Kingdom to compromise and embezzling the Count of Kolubia in the past few years, Alexander V suddenly felt that he was old.

It is really cruel for a king to witness his kingdom turn from prosperity to decline.

Knowing that the king's state was not right, no one from the ministers came forward to comfort him. There is no way, everyone's current mental state is similar.

Just now, they received another bad news: Marquis Ginsburg led troops to suppress the rebellion, but was defeated and suffered heavy losses to tens of thousands of troops.

After this battle, Marquis Leillian no longer had an armed force that could compete with the rebels in the province of Mysia, and it was almost considered a countdown to its fall.

Time passed by, and Alexander V, who was gradually recovering, glanced at everyone, and then said: "Where is Marquis Leillian, and where has his counter-rebellion army gone?"

A typical disaster!

There were so many rebels, and the counter-rebellion army was pushing them all the way, and they couldn't move faster at all.

"Your Majesty, the army led by Marquis Leillian is on the way to counter the rebellion and is expected to arrive in Mysia Province within ten days.

At that time, the rebels and these ragtag groups will be wiped off the map by us like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves! "

Count Nicholas, the Minister of Military Affairs, pretended to be calm, which made the ministers feel happy, but then they frowned again.

If things were that simple, the rebels wouldn't be able to grow to this point.

The group exploded again, which fully illustrates...


Stay calm, I'm afraid!

New group number: 906, 082, 865

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