
Chapter 571 Micromanipulation Master

There has been enough bad news recently, the most elite Warcraft legion is gone again, and Pius VII almost didn't come up in one breath.

The anti-French war has been going on so far, and no party has suffered any losses. Only the Holy See and its family are being beaten.

Although the Holy See has been declining over the years, it is also one of the two top forces of the human race, but the performance gap between the two on the battlefield is too big.

It can also be said that the fall of Port Saintes was because the main force was not in the country and was caught off guard by the Franks.

After all, they defended the Holy Mountain. Although the defense was a little more difficult and the losses were a little greater, they managed to hold it in the end.

It's different now. The terrain dragon army, known as the most elite of the human race, was directly defeated and scrapped by the enemy in one battle.

It would be too much to argue any further.

Being ambushed on their own territory, even if they told them, it would only prove their stupidity.

"Send the order and immediately arrange for people to collect the remaining defeated troops and save as many seeds as possible!

Inform the returning troops to be vigilant and to prevent the enemy from repeating the same tactics. "

Pius VII, who came back to his senses, hurriedly ordered.

We have already suffered a defeat, so we must minimize the losses as much as possible.

No one objected to the Pope's caution.

Today is different from the past. After a series of failures, the senior leaders of the Holy See have seriously lacked confidence in their own army.

Theoretically, they still have hundreds of thousands of main troops, enough to keep all the Franks' troops behind, but no one dares to gamble.

If we encounter another big defeat, not only will the position of the top forces in the human race be lost, but even the positions of the second and third most powerful people may be taken away.

At least from the perspective of military strength, neither the Iliban Kingdom nor the Alpha Kingdom will take them seriously, and even some of the kingdoms below can compete with them.

As for the advantage of high-end power, it is a deterrent power and cannot be used easily.

Especially during the human civil war, the restrictions were even greater.

Even if you dare to break the rules, you can only do it secretly.

If someone catches the evidence and brings it to the Human Alliance Council for discussion, there will be a heavy price to pay.

This is completely different from when Hudson led people to do things in the orc prairie.

When it comes to the outside world, the strong people of the human race are protective. These regulations are mainly set to protect the vitality of the human race.

Bad news always spreads quickly. Just a few days after the war ended, the news spread to the entire continent.

There are some who are happy, some who are angry, and some who are indifferent. The reactions from all parties are varied.

However, under these reactions, there is also a consensus reached by all parties: the Holy See is a parallel import!

There was no way. The collision between the two top forces was thought to be a peak showdown, but it was not expected to be a one-sided massacre.

If you can't even defeat a partial army, it would be a joke to put the Holy See and the Frankish Kingdom on the same level.

Naturally, the anti-French alliance was most stimulated by this change.

The absolute main force, which had high hopes, failed to defeat the Franks, and the pressure fell on them.

It's too late to regret it. There is no child's play in politics.

Now that we have joined the Anti-French Alliance, we must bite the bullet and go on, even if there is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire ahead.

There are many major forces in the anti-French alliance. Without the Holy See, there are several other kingdoms to take over. If single combat fails, they will fight in groups.

As the backbone of the alliance, Bordeaux VIII has mixed blessings.

Without the Holy See causing chaos, the dominant anti-French alliance went much more smoothly, at the cost of having to act as the main force.

This is not a case of shirk from all parties, but a real helplessness.

All countries have sent troops in accordance with the covenant, but this is only in sufficient quantity, and the quality is still worrying.

Frankly speaking, the various parties sent a lot of elite troops this time, and they are quite capable of fighting alone on a local battlefield.

After gathering together, the coalition's combat effectiveness is -1-1-1...

The generals of each country can only command their own soldiers, and cooperation with each other is just a political slogan.

The most deceptive thing is that there are still people in the alliance who are interested in the Frankish Empire. If they sneak into the alliance, they are professionally holding them back.

He was suddenly promoted to the position of leader of the alliance, but what he inherited was a mess. Bordeaux VIII was already riding a tiger and was unable to get off.

If it weren't for the dominance of the alliance and Ilibia's eagerness to unseat the Franks, he would have given up the fight long ago.

"How is the coordination among the coalition forces? When can they launch a general offensive?"

Bordeaux VIII asked with concern.

In multi-party joint military operations, military command authority is the most unsolvable problem. Although the human race has experience in uniting and using troops against foreign races, in a racial civil war, many rules still have to be overthrown and restarted.

What complicates command is essentially human nature.

When facing a foreign race, everyone should think twice before tricking their teammates. If you play too high, you will easily be accused of colluding with the foreign race. If the war situation collapses, you will be included in it.

In comparison, the crime of colluding with the Franks is much smaller. At least the conscience will not be condemned, and it does not matter if they lose the battle.

Referring to past human civil wars, if you lose, you usually end up paying a ransom. If you suffer a loss this time, the worst thing you can do is wait until you regain your strength in a few years before fighting again.

The confrontation between the Franks and the Holy See was already the most brutal civil war in human history, and there were still a lot of prisoners.

In private, the two families have negotiated a ransom price. In addition to the tragedy of ordinary soldiers, noble officers waited until the war was over and paid the ransom to go home.

It's quite funny to say that even if you become a deserter, you will be held accountable, but if you become a prisoner, nothing will happen.

"Your Majesty, things are a little troublesome!

With the full coordination of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, all parties have now prepared to establish a joint command, and we have successfully obtained the largest say.

The main problem now is: everyone is worried that after we launch an all-out attack, the Franks will not be able to withstand the pressure and will withdraw their troops from the Papal States.

We have also communicated with the Holy See, and they have promised that they will hold back the Frankish army in the territory and prevent them from coming back to cause chaos to the coalition forces.

Unexpectedly, the credibility of the Holy See has collapsed in recent years. The more powerful they promise, the less everyone believes it.

Some countries even proposed to contain the main force of the Franks first, and then wait for the end of the Papal State War before engaging in a decisive battle with the enemy to avoid being taken advantage of! "

Earl Midford replied helplessly.

These are the sequelae of the Battle of the Holy Mountain!

The Kingdom of Ruthenia, which was originally infiltrated by the Holy See and almost completely controlled, found that it could still struggle after noticing the boss's weakness, and decisively stabbed them in the back.

The effect was very obvious. With the efforts of the Ruthenians, the alliance's attack on the Frank Empire was delayed.

"Let's launch a general attack as soon as possible. After suffering such a big loss, the Holy See should not dare to mess around this time!"

Bordeaux VIII thought for a while and said.

The fisherman's profit also needs the support of strength. With the performance of the Holy See army on the battlefield, it does not have the strength to be a fisherman.

Compared with the Holy See, the thing that deserves more vigilance is actually the alien race. It's just that at the moment, the alien world is no worse than the human race.

Because of productivity, this wave of epic natural disasters will have a greater impact on alien races.

The autumn harvest was less than expected, and many foreign people were in a food crisis after winter. However, the foreign dignitaries did not take the suffering of the lower class people seriously.

The accumulated social conflicts have created opportunities for the development of cult organizations, and everyone is busy suppressing internal rebellions at the moment.

In comparison, the performance of the human race is much better. While serfdom restricted the development of productivity, it also increased the ability to resist risks.

If there is really not enough food to eat, the serfs can be sold off. Now there are several big forces in the market who are actively buying serfs.

Serfs had very low desires. As long as they had food to eat, they had no motivation to cause trouble.

Following the cult, it was mainly bankrupt freedmen.

This did not trouble the smart nobles. As long as they reacted quickly enough and sold them into serfs in advance, the problem would be solved.

Once your thinking pattern is opened, there are ways to make money everywhere. The original crisis of suppressing the cult rebellion was turned into a business.

An interesting scene emerged. The refugees who were trapped by the cult in the Southern Continent basically went to the Frankish Empire and the Iliban Kingdom, and less than one tenth went to the Alpha Kingdom.

The refugees from the Central Continent were divided into the Kingdom of Alpha and the Principality of Moxi.

Once the person who caused the problem is gone, the problem will naturally be solved. The massive cult rebellion has gradually entered its trough as its reserve forces have dwindled.

Even if the evil gods work hard to output, unfortunately, the power they can feedback is still limited.

After the believers who were forcibly promoted experienced a large number of killings, many of them could no longer control their own power and directly became madmen.

Naturally, there are advantages and disadvantages. With the influx of a large number of immigrants, the biggest problem is the increase in food consumption.

Coupled with the war that just broke out and several countries that were buying up serfs, life is actually not that easy now.

As the frontline commander, Hudson had made many protests to the royal government regarding food issues.

The military rations on the front line are naturally guaranteed, but they are still far from the million-ton military ration reserve required by Hudson.

The nobles of the kingdom have tried their best. Due to the large amount of support for the development of the Near East, the grain reserves in everyone's warehouses are not that abundant.

After leaving behind its own needs, the amount that can be provided to the front line is far less than the previous two wars.

Of the four logistics power banks, three were busy with the civil war, and one also purchased a large number of serfs, which consumed a lot of food.

In this context, in addition to the Principality of Moxi's promise to provide 300,000 tons of food to the Kingdom of Alpha within a year, it is still up to the Kingdom of Alpha to find a solution.

Three hundred thousand tons of grain sounds like a large number. The fact that only 50,000 tons of grain was actually transported to the front line in the Near East is due to the excellent performance of the logistics department.

Land transportation has always been very expensive. This is also the core reason why countries abandon the human wave tactic and switch to the quality route.

Hudson had calculated that with the current strategic material reserves on the front line, it would be okay to fight a defensive war. If he wanted to penetrate all the way into the depths of the prairie, he would be courting death.

The current situation is: every time the front advances three hundred miles, the army's logistics consumption will increase by 20 to 30%.

This is still the result of a flat plain. If it were replaced by a mountainous area with twists and turns, the material consumption would be unimaginable.

Today, Hudson nominally commands an army of two million, but actually has less than 600,000 combatable troops.

Without the blessing of shipping, this ratio would be even more disparate.

Historically, after defeating the Orc Empire, the Alpha Kingdom never expanded to the prairie. It wasn't that the kingdom's top officials had no ambitions, but that the country simply couldn't support it.

"Marshal, according to the intelligence from the front line, the main force of the orc army has gathered in the area above Xueyue Lake.

They are currently probing the border areas in an attempt to find weak points in our defense line. The day is not far away from launching a full-scale attack.

Considering that there is a cursed land buffer under Xueyue Lake, it is unlikely that the enemy will station a large army there for a long time. The staff's plan is to focus the defense above Xueyue Lake.

This area is flat, but the front line is only more than 400 miles away. Beyond that is a world of ice and snow with high mountains and ridges, and the roads are not suitable for large armies to spread out.

Orcs who lack cold-resistant equipment should not go over there and suffer the cold. The focus of this battle will most likely be the more than 400-mile front line.

Compared with the forces invested by the enemy and ourselves, the battle line is not too long. Even if a full-scale attack is launched, the enemy will not be able to devote too many troops at one time.

The kingdom has built many fortresses, and defense is not too difficult. It can be said that it is very unwise for the orcs to launch an attack at this moment.

If we wait until next spring, after the ice and snow melt, the number of offensive fronts that can be chosen will be greatly increased.

Considering the current situation of the Orc Empire, the enemy's motive for launching this war is most likely to conduct a war of attrition.

Reduce the excess population through war to ensure that each tribe has enough food for the winter, and at the same time consume the kingdom's strength.

As a defensive side, we also have one of the biggest advantages - the navy in the lake.

There are millions of orcs in the army, and drinking water is a big problem. The only one in this area that can provide them with sufficient water sources is Xueyue Lake.

Unfortunately, the orcs do not have a navy, and the amphibious frogmen, who are capable of water warfare, have pitifully low combat effectiveness.


In the headquarters, Jose, who served as the army staff officer, pointed at the position of the small flag on the sand table and kept analyzing.

The generals who were watching listened very carefully. Everyone knew the situation between the enemy and ourselves, but not everyone could sort it out systematically.

After all, before the establishment of the military academy in Hudson, the inheritance of military knowledge in the Aslant continent depended entirely on the inheritance of ancestors from generation to generation.

How much of the dry experience inheritance can be absorbed depends entirely on one's own understanding. Many things are memorized by rote, and it is difficult to use them flexibly without experiencing the training on the battlefield.

Compared with other generals, Hudson was obviously distracted. If food and supplies are insufficient, the alien races will inevitably fight against each other.

Although the orcs are a little dirty and carry a little more viruses in their bodies, if people are extremely hungry, they can still make do with what they eat.

Especially when it comes to amphibious races, images of "boiled frogs, steamed frogs, braised frogs..." came to Hudson's mind.

In fact, fighting the orcs is not the most exaggerated thing. The invasion of the sea tribe in the history books was the seafood meeting.

It's just that marine life is very poisonous, and a little carelessness can send people away. No one would bother with these corpses unless absolutely necessary.

"There is no big problem with the big strategic policy. However, the details still need to be optimized, especially the reserve force is seriously insufficient.

Soldiers are expensive and fast on the battlefield, and we cannot expect reinforcements from the kingdom. It is very likely that by the time they arrive, the fighter plane will have already passed away.

Since the enemy wants to engage in a war of attrition, then we will help them and slowly consume them with the help of defense line fortifications.

They have the final say when the war starts, and when the war ends, you cannot listen to them.

Mage Marek, next we need your magician group.

Scatter the trained necromancers, wizards, poison masters... into fortresses in various places. They don't need to kill the enemy, as long as the corpses under the city wall are stained with poison.

It's not even necessary that all corpses are poisonous, just some. The more concealed it is, the better. It is best not to let the enemy know that it is poisonous at a glance.

Except for these mages who are proficient in using poisons and curses and need to be busy, others cannot be idle either.

I will call the Magic Academy and the Arcane Academy and ask them to prepare a batch of poison, and the magician group will be responsible for putting it out.

For example: let the wind magician blow poison powder to the enemy camp; or let the water magician rain poisonous rain on the enemy..."

Everyone who listened to the series of sexy operations was stunned. It turned out that magic could still be played like this.

It may seem like an inconspicuous little operation, but if you do it, you will definitely suffer big losses if you are caught off guard.

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