
Chapter 573 Silent Collision

There were no surprises. The Rat Men with low combat effectiveness were quickly defeated, but the battle also attracted other Rat Men and Elephant Men to join them.

What was originally a small conflict turned into a melee between the two races.

Similar scenes kept happening in the orc military camp. Various ethnic groups with many contradictions staged grudges and grudges.

In the early stage of the chaos, it did not attract the attention of the top management of the orcs.

After all, racial conflicts are common in the orc army, and they are very experienced in dealing with them.

But tonight was different. After their inner desires were amplified, everyone acted very passionately.

After the orc officer responsible for mediating the conflict arrived at the scene, not only was he unable to stop the conflict, but he became involved in the melee.

As the firefight continued to escalate, the officers on duty finally discovered something was wrong and hurriedly reported the news.

"Marshal, there was a camp roar in the camp near the enemy's city, and troops from multiple races have been involved.

Law enforcement teams failed to crack down in the past..."

After receiving this bad news, the expressions of the top orcs in the discussion changed drastically.

Internal conflicts are the norm, and when conflicts get out of control, they become a roaring camp.

The soldiers who were red-eyed for killing in the dark night did not recognize anyone. They not only killed the enemy race, but also their own family members.

"Second order, all troops will strictly guard the camp. No one is allowed to leave the camp without my order!

You must go back and control the troops now, and you must not let more troops get involved.

The guards immediately followed me to the scene to see why the conflict broke out! "

Crown Prince Daniel ordered coldly.

The camp tsunami has occurred, and all that can be done is to reduce the losses. As for the troops that have been involved, just leave it to fate!

In the dark, sending people to intervene without authorization will only further expand the scale of Yingxiao.

After leading the guards all the way to the battlefield, Daniel, who was used to seeing killings, was also stunned by the scene before him.

The soldiers of all races in the battle have obviously fallen into a state of madness, and all they can think about is killing.

"Marshal, something is wrong. After entering here, the resentment in my heart is rising. Maybe these soldiers are also affected."

As he spoke, the old priest released a divine spell to purify the soul.

The soldier covered by the magic suddenly stopped and stood there in a daze, as if he couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

Seeing this scene, Daniel gritted his teeth angrily. There is no doubt that this is definitely a conspiracy of the enemy.

No evidence is needed. Any changes that occur on the battlefield can be blamed on the enemy. Ninety-nine percent of them are correct.

"Send the order and let the sacrificial group take action to save people!"

The order was given, but Daniel still couldn't calm down. The war had just begun, and he was tricked by the enemy again. This account was directly charged to Hudson.

Although the routine has changed, the strong Ha's style cannot. In his mind, only Hudson could come up with such a harmful idea.

In the early morning, the morning glow rises, the sparse sunlight shines on the earth, and a new day begins.

The orc army that was supposed to attack the city stopped, and countless orc soldiers were busy collecting the bones of their colleagues on the battlefield.

With the efforts of the priests, the camp roar last night was successfully calmed down, but the losses were still huge.

The casualty data has not been calculated, but it can still be roughly inferred from the flesh and blood of the corpses on the battlefield.

After a sleepless night, Daniel received new bad news before he could take a breath.

Naturally, the premeditated calculation could not only target their own troops, but other armies also failed to gain favor.

Relatively speaking, Daniel's main army was lucky and was not directly targeted by Hudson.

The southern route army responsible for the feigned attack on the Xueyue Territory was in a miserable state. The sacred monsters sprayed chemicals on their heads, and many high-level priests died in confusion.

After finally calming down the chaos, they were immediately counterattacked by the defenders, who retreated for dozens of miles before stabilizing their formation.

Obviously, it’s a typical persimmon to pinch the soft one first!

If the soldiers and horses of his headquarters were not strong enough and the situation was not controlled in time last night, Daniel was sure that they would not be able to avoid a surprise attack.

"Damn Hudson, still so mean!"

After scolding angrily, Daniel found with embarrassment that he seemed to be unable to do anything now.

The enemy was too cautious and immediately retracted into his turtle shell after the fight, leaving no chance for him.

"Marshal, the South Route Army suffered a disastrous defeat, and the enemy's sanctuary must have taken action!

The high-ranking generals and priests in the army are closely protected, and accidents will not happen under normal circumstances.

What's more, their strength itself is not weak. Even the eighth-level strong men who encounter the enemy are not completely powerless to resist! "

Marquis Wusuhe said with a solemn expression.

If you can play tricks on the generals of the Southern Route Army, you can play tricks on them. If you are unlucky and run into an enemy, you don't know how you died.

"Where's the evidence?"

Daniel asked coldly.

The time for each tribe of orcs to obtain inheritance is too short, and the eighth-level experts who have the potential to break through the holy realm are all in secret retreat at the moment.

If you don't have your own strong men in the sanctuary to contain the enemy, you can only turn to your allies to improve the protection of the strong men. Then you must speak with evidence.

The most important thing is that this war was forcibly launched by them, which caused dissatisfaction among the elves from the beginning.

With this kind of borderline behavior, the elves will most likely choose to watch the joke.

After all, although the enemy had a dirty trick, he did it very measuredly and did not directly attack the coach as soon as he came up.

The death of several generals and priests was completely trivial in the eyes of the elves.

There is no way, what people need is an obedient little brother, not an uneasy ally like the orcs who makes their own decisions and drags them into the water at any time.

All races in the Anti-Humanity Alliance, except for the orcs, have basically been recaptured by the elves, and now they are the only ones left wandering around.

"Marshal, what kind of evidence do you need for this unclear matter?

Except for the enemy's sanctuary, who can..."

Before Marquis Wusuhe could finish his words, Daniel interrupted: "A professional eighth-level killer can also kill with one blow!

The corpses were all killed in one blow, and all the so far known sanctuaries of the Alpha Kingdom were mages.

You can't say that it was a sacred monster holding a dagger that carried out a sneak attack on them, right? "

Daniel said angrily.

It is common sense that everyone knows that it is impossible for a human magician to attack at close range.

The sacred monster used a dagger to sneak attack, which was also very anti-cognitive.

People's claws are the best weapons. Even if they are hit directly with the body, they are more offensive than a dagger.

Judging from the apparent situation, this is what the top assassin did.

As for whether the eighth-level assassin has the ability to advance and retreat freely in the military camp, and whether he can escape unscathed after killing many people in a short period of time, that is another matter.

After stopping the commotion of his men, Daniel fell into deep thought again. Things have happened, and we have to find a way to solve the problem.

It is not that there are no means in the military camp to target the strong men in the sanctuary. There are also eighth-level daredevils among the orcs. Theoretically, as long as they find the enemy's strong man in the sanctuary, they will immediately entangle them with all their strength and create conditions for encirclement and killing.

The enemy of the problem is too rogue, and his game is: "He comes in a hurry, and he leaves in a hurry."

Judging from the intelligence collected, no one has ever seen the enemy take action. According to the description of the eyewitness: the shadow flashed and then turned into a corpse.

"Marshal, there is actually no need to worry too much. Judging from the current victims, the enemies have chosen targets with weak melee capabilities.

For powerful warriors, safety is guaranteed. At least if the enemy doesn't want to reveal their identity, it's difficult to kill an eighth-level warrior at once.

What we need most now is to stabilize people's hearts and not to mess up our position and let the enemy take advantage of it! "

Count Purvey on the side comforted him.

Being able to come out to comfort people is mainly because there are no thick-skinned bears in the list of victims. Of course, this kind of accident did not happen to other thick-skinned races.

As long as their own clan members are fine, they can completely pretend not to see the loss of their colleagues.

"Okay, I will appeal the matter to the imperial court. The empire has already discussed it with the elves, and I think it won't be long before the elves' sanctuary comes to take control.

After you go back, curb some of the bad habits in the military. If someone with no eyesight bumps into a strong man from the Elf Sanctuary, his death will be in vain! "

After hearing Crown Prince Daniel's warning, the expressions of all the orcs changed drastically.

In the eyes of elves who cannot tolerate sand, there are countless bad habits in the orc army. I guess when people come here, they won’t like anything they see.

If you meet someone with a good temper, you may get scolded at worst, it's just a minor problem.

The biggest fear is to encounter nosy elves and directly dictate to them according to their own will.

"Sorrow" is "sorrow", they still need this wave of reinforcements. It is better to be told what to do than to have no safety guarantee.

None of the orcs had confidence in Hudson's integrity.

After all, the strong make the rules. The human race is now the overlord of the continent, and it is not impossible to break the rules occasionally.

On Xueyue Lake, Hudson was taking a group of generals boating, as if they were not affected by the frontline battle at all.

The war has just begun, and it’s still early for the decisive battle! It is enough to give the enemy a blow in the head and boost the morale of the frontline officers and soldiers.

After so many defensive fortifications have been built, they cannot be left idle. Take advantage of these lines of defense to consume the enemy's troops and morale.

The official document sent from China for a quick victory was thrown into the trash can by Hudson as toilet paper. He also responded to an official document asking for money and food.

The meaning is very clear. It is impossible to launch a full-scale war on the front line until the strategic material reserves do not meet the requirements.

Not afraid of the central government making trouble, Hudson had already communicated with the governors of the provinces on this issue, and everyone unanimously agreed with Hudson's proposal: win at the minimum cost.

As a defensive side, the Kingdom's army is still relatively relaxed at the moment. According to the enemy's current offensive intensity, it will be difficult to break through the defense without a year and a half.

No doubt this is just theory. Any army will not be able to endure high battle losses for a long period of time.

As the attacking party, the orcs' battle losses were many times that of the defenders. No matter how large the number of cannon fodder is, there is still a limit.

There are thousands of casualties on one battlefield, and the casualties on the entire front can exceed 10,000. As time goes by, even the orc empire with its big family and business cannot survive.

What's more, the defenders are still fighting back. Judging from the intelligence collected from various places, a man-made camp roar caused the loss of at least 200,000 troops to the orcs.

Mainly because after the defeat of the South Route Army, they lost troops and generals along the way while being chased, which increased the number of casualties.

Such a record would be a great victory anywhere. It's a pity that most of the people who died were cannon fodder races, which lowered the value of the victory.

Holding the fishing rod and looking at the lake, Hudson told the guard: "Give the order, go northeast, let's go see the orcs' camp by the lake!"

As soon as the words were spoken, all the accompanying officers were startled, especially the five Northland Dukes. They almost suspected that Hudson wanted to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

It's true that the orcs don't have a navy, but that doesn't mean they have no power to fight back against enemies on the water.

If the identities of these people on the ship are known and the enemy gathers a group of masters to kill them, Hudson can just slap his ass and leave, but they may not be able to escape.

"Marshal, the general won't stand under a dangerous wall. We'd better not get too close to the orc camp!"

Duke Rodriguez spoke to persuade.

Deep down in his heart, he had already cursed. If the current situation wasn't the right time to fall out, he would have just fought back.

He had seen his teammates cheated before, but this was the first time he encountered such an unskilled trick. As he spoke, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Don't worry, Your Excellency, there will be no danger in this trip. Our coming here today was a temporary decision, and the enemy will not know about it.

Even if a high-level orc leader appears by the lake and sees through our identity, it will not be possible to assemble the experts scattered in the army in a day or two.

If the few masters accompanying the army nearby dare to come and die, they can just kill them.

You must know that the rules of the Holy Land are not allowed to interfere in secular wars, but this does not include: after the enemy strikes first, he cannot fight back! "

Hudson's reply with a smile made the five Dukes of Peking University look shocked. Speaking of fishing law enforcement being so aboveboard is obviously a slap in the face to a few of them.

Obviously, in the eyes of coach Hudson, the five of them are unstable elements.

The five people could only complain secretly. A few years ago, they might have made a fuss, but now they really didn't dare.

With the previous series of wars, the military structure of the kingdom has long since changed. The north was once strong and the south was weak, but now it has been reversed.

The Northland Military Group, which developed with the support of the Kingdom, has been limited by financial difficulties. In recent years, its military strength has declined instead of rising.

On the contrary, a group of noble lords in the south, relying on their strong financial resources and the backbone of veterans who came from the battlefield, continued to transform economic strength into military strength.

Basically, the more times a noble lord went on expeditions with Hudson, the stronger the combat effectiveness of his private army would be.

Affected by this, the Northland Military Group's proportion of all the kingdom's defense forces has been declining year by year.

Compared with the 40% to 50% share at the peak, it has now dropped sharply to less than one-eighth, and the corresponding political voice has also dropped along with it.

The worst thing is that the five major families' control over this military group is also declining.

The small and medium-sized nobles who once followed them are no longer so firm in their stance under the strong political offensive of the kingdom.

Once upon a time, they could change the world with just one order. Now when they give an order, everyone must listen selectively.

If they were a little more unruly, coach Hudson might give an order, and the subordinate forces under his command might stand on the opposite side of them.

When the wall falls, everyone pushes it down, this is human nature.

Seeing that the ship of the Northland Military Group is about to sink, apart from the five major Northland families who are in the center of the storm and unable to jump off the ship, the small and medium-sized nobles who are attached below have begun to find a way out for themselves.

The war had just begun, and more and more Northland nobles were showing favor to Hudson and building relationships with him.

"The marshal is right, it's our Meng Lang!"

Duke Hero on the side agreed bravely.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads. When it’s time to give in, you must give in.

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