
Chapter 574 Burning Camp

At the end of the episode, the rafting trip stopped ten miles away from the enemy camp.

There is often a fine line between being bold and seeking death among talented people, and Hudson didn't want to get within the range of the enemy's magic crystal cannon for excitement.

The people on the ship were all high-ranking members of the Kingdom's military. If they were hit by a few shots and a few of them were taken away, Hudson wouldn't be able to handle it.

Looking at the densely packed tents along the coast, Hudson felt that it would be impossible for the orcs to cooperate so well without setting a fire.

However, judging from the reactions of the generals, no one seems to have noticed the problem. It seems that camping like this is the norm.

In terms of use, camping like this does have many advantages. There is no high tide in Xueyue Lake, so it is very convenient to station directly by the lake to get water.

If you are really surrounded by people, you can still fight to the death.

The only problem is that the density of tents is a little higher, but there is nothing we can do about it. There are so many orcs in the army, it’s hard not to crowd them!

The strict hierarchy of the Orc Empire is reflected here. The stronger the race, the better the camping position it occupies.

It's just that this kind of good location, in Hudson's eyes, is an excellent place for fire attack.

The tents are connected to each other, and the gap between them is very small. Once it is set on fire, there is no place to run.

It seems easy to get water to put out fires near the lake, but the problem is that there are still water armies in this world. If someone messes up while putting out the fire, it won't be that easy.

However, the extraordinary world has more means of extinguishing fires. If you want to achieve full success, you must contain the enemy's masters.

Fortunately, the number of orc magicians is small, and even fewer are proficient in the water system. As long as the camp is set alight on a dark and windy night, there is no need to worry about losing any achievements.

"Marshal, the enemy's protection is very tight, and they should have expected us to attack from the lake.

You see, there are still orc soldiers digging traps, trying to wait for us to be fooled! "

Count Forbes's voice pulled Hudson back from the "extermination plan".

Looking in the direction of his finger, a group of orc soldiers were busy constructing, seemingly digging pits and other facilities.

Hudson despised this meaningless work.

By digging a sinkhole near the lake, is this bullying the lake so that the water cannot penetrate?

Maybe it is a trap today and a well tomorrow.

But this is not certain. Maybe the enemy is digging a well.

After all, there are so many men, horses and animals in the army. Even if the orcs' stomachs are highly resistant to viruses, drinking water from the lake for a long time is still a problem.

Had Xueyue Lake not been large enough for poisoning, Hudson would have wanted to use the water source to spread the plague.

Of course, this can only be imagined. The plague is a double-edged sword. Unless he is at a disadvantage and wants to make a comeback, Hudson will not make such a damaging move.

Suddenly, Hudson realized something was wrong. They planned to use the city wall to consume the enemy, but why did they only think of proactive attack strategies?

“Let them dig slowly!

We have completed the clearing of the strong wall and the orcs now have no place to grab. With so many people gathered here, the daily consumption is not a small amount.

If you wait like this for now, when the enemy's logistics problems arise, they will naturally make a fool of themselves! "

Hudson said expressionlessly.

After all, the true thoughts in my heart were not expressed. Politics is too dark, and no one can guarantee that these guys will commit a traitorous act for the sake of profit.

In particular, the five Northland Dukes were regarded as unstable elements by Hudson from the beginning.

Of course, these guys still don't dare to directly collude with the orcs.

There is a deep hatred between the northern nobles and the orcs. If they really want to cooperate with the orcs, the first thing they will have to face is the defection of their subordinates.

In recent years, their attraction to talents has dropped significantly. The knights who originally defected to them would have changed clubs long ago if it weren't for their personal reputation.

Once the betrayal of the human race occurs, it will give them an excuse to leave the broken ship in the North.

The appearance of the cruise ship quickly attracted the attention of the orcs. A group of Eagle soldiers came up to check, and then there was a sound of falling into the water.

The orc generals on the shore gnashed their teeth in anger. After all, there are only a few strong people. Many tribes on the prairie do not have eighth-level strong people who can fly.

When something like this happened, they, a bunch of landlubbers, besides looking at the lake and sighing, could only choose to report the news.

The boat did not stop in place, but circled all the way around the lake. All it could see were the orc camps.

The tranquility of Xueyue Lake was finally broken. I don’t know how long it will take to restore the clear water and blue sky as before.

After feeling a little sad, after completing the knocking and reconnaissance of the target, Hudson decisively ordered a return trip.

It’s just that the people accompanying him were not at peace inside. Everyone is knowledgeable about soldiers. From the density and length of the enemy's camps, we can infer the approximate strength of the orcs stationed by the lake.

Coupled with the number of enemy troops detected on various battlefields, everyone knew the seriousness of the problem.

At this moment, the Orc Empire is no longer just an ordinary military invasion, but an outpouring of force.

It is obvious that such a big game is not just to consume the population and survive the current famine.

The enemy is desperate, which is not good news for everyone present. Some older governors have awakened their deepest fears of orcs.

If it weren't for Hudson being here and instilling confidence in everyone, I'm afraid most of the people here would not be able to sleep at night.

"Marshal, the enemy has invested too many troops this time. I'm afraid they want to avenge their defeat last time!"

Earl Doug said with a fearful expression.

As one of the seven governors of Northern Xinjiang, his territory is close to the Near East. If there is a problem on the front line in the Near East, Northern Xinjiang will not be able to escape the flames of war.

"Ha ha……"

"Your Excellency, wars are never won by numbers. No matter how many troops the Orc Empire has, the majority are soldiers of the cannon fodder race.

A race with strong fighting power, limited by the number of tribesmen, the number of armies is very limited.

Taking all factors into consideration, we humans are actually uniquely endowed with an almost perfect balance of quality and quantity.

Just look at the development of civilization!

The history of the Aslant continent has lasted for at least a hundred thousand years, but the development and progress of civilization only made breakthrough progress after our human race became the overlord of the continent.

The Orc Empire has existed for a long time, but after tens of thousands of years of development, they are still stuck in the barbaric tribal era.

Even if they have our development template to copy, they will be stuck in the transition from nomadic civilization to agricultural civilization for thousands of years.


Hudson replied with a smile.

It is still necessary to cultivate racial pride. In terms of pure talent, the human race will definitely not be able to keep up with the alien races, but the human race also has its own advantages - balance.

But this point is often ignored by everyone. People only see the bright side of others and ignore their flaws.

Of course, Hudson's words are also written in Spring and Autumn Period, erasing the dark history in the development of human race.

The popular history books on the mainland only record the hard work of the ancestors of the human race to resist the tyranny of the Orc Empire and thus seize the hegemony of the continent.

Obviously, this is deliberately forgetting that at the peak of the Orc Empire, the human race was once one of the countless races in the Orc Empire.

Not only the human race, but also the several major alien forces existing on the continent, except for the elves, have all joined the orc empire.

In essence, the Orc Empire is a grand alliance of races. It's just that this alliance didn't operate well and fell apart internally due to interests.

It was by inhabiting this behemoth that the human race was able to continuously accumulate strength when the Orc Empire dominated the continent, creating opportunities for subsequent power seizures.

In the history books of the alien races, it is clearly recorded how the human race and several major alien races rebelled against the Orc Empire and established separate factions.

In a sense, the human race's continental hegemony is also a continuation of the orc empire's hegemony. It's just that the races have united and become a single family.

Identity determines stance, and Hudson naturally knows where his butt should sit. Praise where you should praise and omit what should be omitted.

If it weren't for the wise decisions of his ancestors, there would be no happy life for Lord Hada. If he had been born into a miserable little tribe in the Orc Empire, he might not even have time to cry.

The "struggle of small tribes" is a thing of the past. The situation on the mainland has reached a stage where it will inevitably come together after a long period of separation. Only a few wealthy families are left who are qualified to participate in the game.

Perhaps one day, when the orcs are weakened to the point where they are no longer a threat, Hudson may play this hidden card to induce political surrender.

After returning to the headquarters, Hudson sent everyone back to the army without issuing any additional military orders, as if nothing happened.

Responding to all changes by remaining unchanged, the war situation in the Near East suddenly came to a stalemate. The feelings of the defenders are not obvious yet, but as the siege party, the orcs have suffered a lot.

Facing the experienced defenders of the Alpha Kingdom, they could only risk their lives to fill in the city wall, and they would not see any results until the city was breached.

No matter how simple-minded the orcs are, they will still be afraid of war if their own tribe suffers heavy casualties.

This is a vicious cycle. The longer the war of attrition lasts, the lower military morale becomes.

For the safety of the camp, Daniel was forced to send all the priests in the army to take turns to be on duty to prevent the enemy from attacking with hallucinogenic drugs again.

Unfortunately, everything backfired. The siege lasted for more than a month, but no enemy came to cause trouble, causing the priests to complain.

Smart people can see that this is the "weakening strategy" devised by Hudson. But they didn't have a choice yet, so they could only grit their teeth and hold on.

There has been no progress on the front line, and Daniel, as the coach, is under too much pressure. At this moment, a group of emperors and kings have arrived at the front line. They are here for inspection in name, but in fact they are here to supervise the battle.

In all the previous wars, the Orc Empire has never been blocked by enemies. Even if the later invasion fails, a lot of loot can still be looted from the front.

As long as you grasp the "degree", you will make money every time you invade. This was the first time they had encountered a war like this, with almost no profit.

"Marshal Daniel, it has been more than two months since the war began and nearly 400,000 casualties have been lost. However, the front line has not advanced yet. Isn't this too inefficient?"

The Lion King asked with a frown.

The heavy casualties were on the one hand, but the logistical pressure was a big trouble.

Although the war was launched to reduce the number of people to survive the winter, the deaths could not be in vain!

Those who died in the siege were all cannon fodder races, and no one had any objections. However, the enemy planned a counterattack in front of them, and all races suffered losses.

The worst situation is still that of the Southern Route Army. After the last defeat, they retreated to the east of the Cursed Land without even having the courage to attack again.

Of course, as a force responsible for the feint attack, the target was Demon King Hada's lair, so it's not surprising that they fought like this.

"Your Majesty the Lion King, the current battle line is too narrow and the enemy has enough troops to defend.

You know the defense line of the Alpha Kingdom. A city can never be breached by tearing down a city wall.

Taking the unknown fortress in front of us as an example, we successively broke through five walls, but the enemy still stood in front of us.

Judging from the current situation, if we want to change the situation, we will have to wait until the ice and snow melt in the next spring, and we will outflank them from the north.

Compared with the frontal defense line, the enemy's defensive capabilities in the north are much lower. Of course, road traffic is much worse to the north.

I personally went there to investigate. After the ice and snow melt, it won't take much time to temporarily open a road for everyone to pass! "

Daniel said expressionlessly.

The plan was given, and no one had a choice anyway. This invasion of the Alpha Kingdom not only diverts internal conflicts, but also creates opportunities for the grasslands to recuperate.

The outside world only thinks that the orcs are warlike, but in fact, they have no choice but to fight in many wars.

Drought and lack of rain have caused great damage to the ecology of the grassland. If the tribes were allowed to scatter in various places, the grass roots would be dug up.

It is easy to destroy but difficult to recover. Even in the extraordinary world, once the grassland turns to desert, it will cost a lot to restore it.

The prairie is the best habitat for the orcs. The land further east is covered with mountains, hills, and plateaus. To expect a nomadic civilization to develop it is obviously to embarrass the orcs.

In the past few years, the Orc Imperial Court has organized manpower many times to control the problem of grassland desertification.

After many attempts, we finally came to the conclusion: control the population and give the grassland enough time to recover.

Under this guiding ideology, every orc invasion was a recovery period for the prairie.

In order to support the war, the grassland near the Alpha Kingdom was used as a backup base during wartime, and few tribes usually came to graze.

This is also one of the reasons why the Orc Empire often wants to continue the war even though it knows there is no chance of winning.

"I have no objection to opening up new battlefields after spring, but Hudson's use of troops is the most vicious. If you are not careful, you will fall into his scheme.

There are too many lessons learned from the past, Marshal, please be careful! "

The Elephant Man King on the side said insinuatingly.

It was obvious that this was an expression of dissatisfaction with the heavy losses suffered by the Elephant Man army in the previous attack. Unfortunately, there's nothing he can do now except complain.

Changing the coach is impossible!

In recent years, the Orc Empire has also been declining. The group of powerful generals in the past encountered accidents at the hands of Hudson one after another.

Against the backdrop of his teammates, Marshal Daniel stands out from the crowd. Although it is impossible to defeat the Hudson, in the previous civil war, they were invincible.

The snowy moonlit lake at night is eerily quiet. The sparse moonlight shines on the lake, and ships can be vaguely seen moving forward.

The extended version of the magic crystal cannon was reflected in the lake, looking particularly scary in the moonlit night.

As the commander, Hudson looked at the brightly lit orc camp in the distance from the flagship. The accompanying magicians are already eager to try, ready for a big fight at any time.

Frankly speaking, when it comes to arson, Maxim is still the expert. It's just that when doing this kind of work, you have to cover up.

Hudson did not want to break the unspoken rule of the Sanctuary not to intervene in the war. Once all parties put aside their scruples, ordinary people will be hurt the most.

Closer, closer!

"There's someone on the lake!"

I don't know who shouted, which instantly attracted the attention of the officer on duty and immediately blew the horn.

It's just that it's too late to warn. Following Hudson's order, the cannons on the ship immediately fired, and the fire magician who had been prepared immediately started his performance.

The wind magician on the side was the best assistant. As soon as the fire was ignited, the strong wind immediately assisted, carrying the sparks from one tent to another.

As a professional fire player, Maxim also joined the fire-arson team. If others set fire to one tent, he can set a hundred tents on fire.

It's all about the charm of gold coins. For this operation, he charges according to the number of camps burned, so it won't work if he doesn't work hard.

If you look carefully, you will see that there is a fire on one side and a recording stone on the other paw.

Fire assisted the wind, and soon a single spark started to start a prairie fire. The orc camps that were connected together turned into a sea of ​​fire in an instant.


"Quickly put out the fire!"

No matter how much the orc generals shouted, they could not hinder the spread of the fire. Even if a strong person comes out to stop the spread of the fire, there will soon be a new ignition point.


An old orc man had just opened a burning tent, and before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he was struck by a magic crystal cannon.

There was no way, the fire was spreading in other places in the dark night, but it was shrinking back here, it was really too dazzling on the battlefield.

The price for being in the limelight was that half of his body was blown up unexpectedly. He was about to say something, but his body died first.

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