
Chapter 60 Difficulties in the aftermath

Seeing the Holy See's flying dragon cavalry appear in the sky, Hudson's heart was also hanging, fearing that these plague gods would find him.

For the sake of his own life, Hudson threw the broken Blood Moon Horn into a remote courtyard as he was moving forward, as if he was disposing of a mistaken trophy.

Everyone has had similar operations. The king's envoy promised a heavy reward. During the robbery, everyone was paying attention to trophies such as horns to see if they could come across the legendary "Blood Moon Horn".

The detection standard is very simple, check whether there is any magic fluctuation. As a famous evil weapon in the Aslant continent, it is not restrained, and the magic power fluctuations can be felt dozens of meters away.

Seeing the Dragon Cavalry landing on the street next door, Hudson pretended to be solemn and suggested: "Uncle Chelsea, the people from the Holy See are coming to the place we just passed by, and they are most likely searching for the Blood Moon Horn.

The king's envoy is also looking for that thing. The matter is too involved for small bodies like us, so we should inform the earl as soon as possible! "

Involving his allies, Hudson was very helpless. But there was no way, who let this unfortunate thing happen to them?

If the naughty boy hadn't reacted quickly and snatched the Blood Moon Horn back in time, allowing the mysterious compass in Hudson's body to seal his breath, the Fifth Army would have been bleeding like a river by now.

Hudson didn't know how long he could keep it secret. Sealing the Blood Moon Horn does not mean that everything will be fine. No one can guarantee that it will not be sensed at close range.

Even after hiding the Blood Moon Horn outside, Hudson was still worried about getting burned. After all, the reputation of the Holy See is involved, and killing people and silencing them is the most routine operation.

Even if the Alpha Kingdom held them responsible afterwards and kept all these plague gods, it would not be able to bring the dead back to life.

Nodding slightly, Chelsea took out a magic flare and shot it directly into the air. A huge firework was generated in the sky and lasted for two or three minutes before dissipating.

This is the contact method agreed in advance. If a major discovery is made, a signal will be sent, and nearby coalition soldiers who receive the message will immediately rush over for reinforcements.

When the rebel altar was discovered by coalition soldiers before, a signal flare appeared in the sky. But the nobles of the Fifth Army, who were focused on paddling, tacitly chose to pretend not to see it.

Now that the situation has reversed, it is their turn to send a signal for help. It is still unknown how many reinforcements will arrive in time.

The only good thing is that the Blood Moon Horn has not yet been exposed. The people in the Holy See have no idea that Hudson has hidden it, and it is not yet time to kill and silence it.

It turns out that Hudson was simply overthinking. Seeing the signal flare in the sky, the coalition reinforcements had not yet arrived, but Carlis made a decisive decision.


They had no choice but to leave. If they appeared in the city at this time, once they were blocked by the coalition forces, they would not be able to tell clearly.

Watching the flying dragon cavalry leave, everyone in the Fifth Army breathed a sigh of relief. Just because you hate the Holy See doesn't mean you want to have a PK with the Holy See.

If there is no evidence that the Holy See supports the cult, the Alpha Kingdom will indeed suffer a heavy loss due to the "Blood Moon Horn" incident.

But for a group of small nobles, survival always comes first. It was indeed a big loss for the kingdom, but the nobles present were the beneficiaries, and grass had already grown on the graves of the real victims.

"Everyone from the Holy See has left. Have they also taken the Blood Moon Horn away with them?"

A cold voice sounded in his ears, bringing Hudson back to reality. The person who came was none other than Count Frodo, the king's special envoy.

But at this moment, his expression was terrifyingly gloomy, without any of the cordiality he had at the military meeting that day, as if everyone owed him gold coins and refused to pay them back.

"Your Excellency, the flying dragon cavalry of the Holy See, after staying here for a short time, left from the southeast.

As for whether the Blood Moon Horn fell into the hands of the Holy See or is still in the hands of the rebels, it is not yet certain.

However, before they arrived, we searched several nearby streets and found no trace of the Blood Moon Horn. "

Knight Chelsea replied seriously.

Count Frodo, who scanned the crowd and found nothing unusual, sighed helplessly.

Deep down, he didn't think that the Fifth Army, which had killed the Holy See Cavalry, would lie on this issue.

Without seizing the Blood Moon Horn from the rebels at the first opportunity, Frodo had given up hope and began to consider the aftermath.

As a special envoy sent by the king, in addition to the "Blood Moon Horn" matter, he also dealt with post-war matters.

The southeastern province is fertile and densely populated, making it one of the richest provinces in the kingdom. Naturally, such a good place cannot be monopolized by a noble family, otherwise it will easily lead to a situation where the tail is too big to lose.

As one of the king's twelve major fiefdoms, the Dalton family is already very powerful. What was revealed in this war was only its apparent strength.

The real war potential is far more than what appears on the surface. Including a group of nobles who participated in the war, except for a few with shallow backgrounds who came out in full force, most of them had spare strength.

Of course, it's not that they don't want to fight for the fiefdom with all their strength. The main reason is that the children who are working hard outside are scattered all over the world and cannot be summoned for a while.

The corruption of White and Leighton counties directly led to the breakdown of the original political order. As the nobles of the Southeast Province who put down this rebellion, they obviously wanted to take the biggest cake.

Except for a few families with deep foundations who were able to keep their territories, the rest of the unlucky nobles in the land of the two counties were expelled.

This is determined by strength. Even if there is a direct blood heir, it will be difficult to defend his own territory without sufficient strength.

Of course, according to the rules of the game between nobles, everyone will not do things so brilliantly right from the start.

As long as the successor knows how to behave, the connections accumulated by his father's generation can still support one or two generations. Theoretically, during this period, there is still hope for them to turn around.

But once you have a prodigal son, or if you are unlucky enough to die on the battlefield, or if your son is not talented enough to become a knight, then you will only be left in the cold.

In the continent of Aslant, where classes are severely consolidated, large-scale territorial annexations or the decline of large families often last for several generations.

In any case, the territory of the southeastern provinces is becoming more and more concentrated, and the effect of the strong always becoming stronger is an inevitable result.

In addition to these local snakes, some big nobles in the royal capital also want to get involved.

The eldest son inherited the family business, and the second son also had to arrange a good place to go. Being able to take advantage of the opportunity to expand externally, no one is willing to split up their original territory.

Thousands of intertwined interests are intertwined together, just like a tangled mess that keeps getting cut and sorted out.

How to balance the political structure of the post-war Southeast Province while satisfying the interests of all parties as much as possible is an issue that Count Frodo urgently needs to solve now.

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