
Chapter 581 Divide the Feast

Despite one more episode, the inauguration ceremony of the members was successfully completed. In addition to the representatives of the Holy See who were very disappointed, the representatives of various countries who were the melon-eaters also looked a little unnatural.

With the completion of the parliamentary re-election, the three major countries' proportion of parliamentary seats in the alliance has reached close to 45%.

The balance has finally been broken!

The political structure in which the Holy See and the ten kingdoms jointly dominated the Human Alliance will never return.

However, this is just the beginning. With the decline of the Holy See and several other kingdoms, the future Human Alliance will inevitably move towards a giant monopoly.

For most countries, this change is undoubtedly catastrophic. Now that everyone is united and can still rely on the Alliance Parliament to check and balance several big countries, the future may be uncertain.

After the brief "worry", the expressions of representatives from various countries became divided again. A group of representatives from small countries who knew that their struggle was useless simply failed.

The real struggle is with several declining kingdoms. The pride of a big country makes them unable to tolerate themselves lying down. They want to fight but cannot win against the Big Three.

Among them, the only one who was different was the representative of the Principality of Moxi, who showed his unique vitality.

As the only country among small countries that has achieved leapfrog development in recent years, they have the capital to be proud.

Once a solid foundation is established, it is almost inevitable that the overall strength will surpass some of the declining old kingdoms.

Anyone with a bit of common sense knows that even among countries with similar overall national strength, those in the growth stage are much stronger than those in the decline stage.

No matter how deep the foundation is, once the people's hearts are broken, no matter how hard they try, they will be unable to recover.

The Holy See is the best example. Before the anti-French war broke out, it was the top force in the mainland that was awesome and coaxed.

As soon as the flames of war were ignited, the tiger's skin was instantly exposed and he became the laughing stock of the mainland.

There are cases like this where a group of declining kingdoms have a strong sense of distrust in their own strength.

The Three Kingdoms of the Central Continent are slightly better. Although they know they are not good, at least they have fought against foreign races and have a clear understanding of their own strength.

It was a tragedy for the three declining kingdoms in the Southern Continent. During the last continental war, they were all in trouble.

Of course, it cannot be said that they were not involved at all. At least the Kingdom of Ruthenia was severely beaten by the dwarves.

As for the Kingdom of Oprus and the Kingdom of Avalat, they only participated in the war symbolically. It's not that they want to fish for themselves, but that they are not geographically adjacent to foreign races.

The Franks and Iberians, who wanted to live alone, simply refused to lend them the road. Coupled with the slow pace of domestic mobilization, the continental war would come to an end before preparations for all-out war could be made.

Typical of "dying for comfort", if there is a foreign threat on the side, no matter how rotten they are internally, their military strength will not drop too much.

The deal is done, it's too late to regret. At this moment, they can only hope that the domestic reforms will succeed, otherwise they will only be the yes-men at future Human Alliance meetings.

“The re-election of members was a complete success, and now we are entering into the second agenda, which is to mediate the conflicts between the human race countries.

In recent days, due to some misunderstandings, an unnecessary war broke out in the Southern Continent.

Taking advantage of today and the platform of the alliance, I propose that both warring parties send representatives to sit down and negotiate, and end this meaningless battle of emotions as soon as possible! "

After hearing what Caesar IV said, Hudson was no longer able to complain. Sure enough, he was still too shameless to confuse right and wrong in front of everyone.

There was no misunderstanding in the anti-French war, let alone a so-called battle of wills.

If the person who proclaimed himself emperor was not Charles III, but a monarch of a small country, everyone might just laugh it off.

The main thing that can trigger sieges from various countries is the Franks. Charles III not only proclaimed himself emperor, but also clamored to inherit the legal system of the previous human empire.

Hudson was very suspicious that the Franks were talking about getting high. After all, political slogans are always shouted loudly.

It’s just that some slogans are easy to catch up with. Many times if you shout and shout, you will find that you can’t get down.

There are many people who claim to be the heirs of the imperial legal system. It is nothing more than that Charles III really proclaimed himself emperor, and others are just shouting slogans.

If it were not the last human empire that ruled the northern continent, but the Empire of Light controlled by the Holy See, the Alpha royal family would still claim to have inherited the imperial legal system.

Without paying attention to the details, it was announced during the coronation ceremony and it is impossible to take it back.

The outside world unanimously believes that this is the ambition of the Franks.

Under the instigation of the Holy See and the Ilibans, countries in the Southern Continent joined in the anti-French cause for their own interests.

Of course, the Franks were tough enough in this regard. Even if they encountered armed interference from various countries, they still did not compromise and take the imperial title.

The matter is so clear that Caesar IV's deliberate beautification seems too false.

“Your Majesty, there is no misunderstanding in this anti-French war launched by the Alliance!

If it weren't for the Franks' ambition to destroy all the countries on the mainland and unify the human race, we wouldn't have organized a coalition.

I originally wanted to let them find their way back, but unfortunately they were not only ungrateful, but also despicably attacked..."

Bishop Montesson's sincere accusation made those who heard it sad and shed tears, and even Hudson was almost infected.

There is nothing wrong with him. More than 90% of the content of his accusation is true, and less than 10% of the content is private goods.

It's a pity that no matter how touching it is, it can't change the fact that the Franks defeated the Holy See on the battlefield.

The outcome of the war determined that it was the Holy See that was divided today, not the new Frankish Empire.

Even because of the war, the patriotism of the Franks was aroused, and the morale of the military was rising all the way.

Even though the number of troops was less than one-third of the anti-French alliance, the two sides still fought back and forth on the battlefield and successfully defended the enemy from outside the country.

“Your Excellency, please watch your words!

The empire has never thought of unifying the continent. This is simply impossible.

Countless similar lessons have occurred in history, and all countries that attempted to unify the continent have paid a heavy price for this.

Except for you, the Holy See, no normal person would be able to do such a stupid thing! "

Earl Davis said with disdain.

Hudson, who was eating melon on the side, clearly noticed that while he was talking, he looked at Bishop Montesson as if he were looking at a fool. The contempt between his eyebrows did not shrink at all.

The tone used was that of the superior versus the inferior, as if he wanted to use this method to tell all the representatives at the scene: The Frank Empire and the Holy See were not players on the same level.

The naked insult almost caused Bishop Montesson to explode on the spot. Falling from the top power, this kind of psychological gap cannot be adapted to overnight.

If he were a representative from a small country and was despised by a representative from a big country, he would most likely feel nothing at all.

"Dignity" belongs to the strong. If the weak want to survive, they must first learn to bow their heads.

It feels good to be tough for a while, but later the country is ruined and the family is destroyed.

At this moment, the Holy See has actually reached the edge of the cliff. Its own comprehensive strength has dropped sharply, it has lost its unique religious status, and it has enemies all over the continent.

With so many buffs superimposed, it’s a perfect prelude to death. Being able to enter the parliament is because the anti-French alliance is trying to gain control, and it is embarrassing to attack the allies directly.

Every country has a bottom line, but that does not mean that this bottom line cannot be breached. Montesson wanted to kidnap the anti-French alliance and put pressure on the Franks together, which was obviously a fantasy.

There is no way, the paintings that the Franks have given to other countries are really too tempting.

By protecting the Holy See to the death, except for a few words of gratitude on the surface, everyone will get nothing. How can it be compared to dividing the inheritance of the Holy See?

"Now that things have happened, you two, let's not dwell on the past. Instead of having a meaningless entanglement here, let's discuss how to deal with the aftermath!

Don’t forget that our human race is not the only one on the continent of Aslant. If everyone keeps making trouble, they will only benefit the foreign races in vain. "

Caesar IV's persuasion gave both parties a step forward. But when these words fell into the ears of representatives of the Holy See, they seemed particularly harsh.

Just as he was about to speak, the representative of the Iliban Kingdom, Count Djordjevich, said first:

"Your Majesty is right. There is no need to dwell on the past, but wars always require someone to take responsibility.

For the sake of the unity of the human race, we can put aside the issue of accountability, but some selective issues must be resolved.

First, the Franks must go to the Imperial Palace and promise to abandon the imperial legal system;

secondly, to compensate the Alliance for the losses caused by the war;


A dozen demands were put forward in one go, covering all aspects and perfectly taking care of the interests of the Anti-French Alliance.

"Your Excellency's proposal is without any sincerity. Now that we are here, there is no point in making those useless excuses.

Now that the empire has been established, it is impossible to take the imperial title. As for the issue of legal system, our Frankish Empire has its own system, so why should we inherit other people’s?

Secondly, the division of war responsibilities is also very unfair.

Whoever started the war should pay for it. If it weren't for the malicious instigation by some groups, I don't think this war would have happened.

Whoever joins forces in private to form an anti-French alliance and guide the outbreak of this war will be responsible for compensating everyone's losses.


Earl Davis' pun-intended answer instantly aroused discussion among the representatives.

On the surface, the Frankish Empire appeared very strong and had actually made major political concessions.

He did not give up the imperial title, but denied inheriting the imperial legal system. There may not seem to be much difference, but in fact the principled contradiction in the dispute between the two parties has now been resolved.

Only one of the representatives of the Holy See had a terrifyingly gloomy expression. From the sound of discussion in the ears, it was clear that most representatives were inclined to compromise.

If the Franks are soft persimmons, then it goes without saying that we must teach them to be a new person.

It's just that the battlefield is currently in a stalemate, and it is difficult to achieve breakthrough progress without desperate efforts, which requires political means.

The most powerful country in the human race still has some cards to play. In fact, it is not unacceptable to everyone to force an imperial title.

As for subsequent compensation and liability issues, they are all side issues.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this war was jointly launched by the Holy See and Iberia, but the loser at the moment is the Holy See.

According to the Franks' proposal, the Holy See would take the blame and compensate everyone for their losses.

The damage was a little bit, but before the meeting, "dividing the Holy See's heritage" was the underlying consensus among everyone.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Bishop Montesson hurriedly interrupted: "No!

The war was caused by Charles III proclaiming himself emperor. How could we blame the Alliance? This is extremely irresponsible.


The quarrel, quarrel, quarrel, centered on the issue of the responsible person, continued for three days, and it made Hudson's scalp numb.

Facts have proved that diplomats are indeed not something ordinary people can do. In terms of quarreling alone, Hudson was far beyond his reach.

If it weren't for the fact that fighting was still going on at the front, both sides wanted to end the war as soon as possible, and Hudson very much doubted that they would be able to argue from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.

However, as time passed, the situation at the meeting gradually became clearer.

The Franks, who should have been the target of public criticism and fighting with the heroes, were not besieged by representatives from various countries. Instead, the Holy See delegation was caught in the whirlpool of the storm.

According to the information sent by the Kingdom's intelligence organization, Hudson learned that the Holy See was selling off assets in various places and was preparing for strategic contraction.

Unexpectedly, the news was so big that it attracted the attention of governments around the world and took the lead in inspecting their properties.

Showing such eagerness was caused by too much profit. The Holy See has a lot of heritage. Outsiders are not qualified to participate, so they can only take advantage of the domestic interests first.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with the Alpha Kingdom. As one of the two major heretics in the mainland, the Holy See's property had long been confiscated by the kingdom.

Once the meat is eaten, it cannot be spit out. Every country needs a fig leaf to hide the fact of robbery.

In this context, the Holy See must be guilty, and the original sin cannot be reversed.

Protests were useless. The power of hatred made Alpha Kingdom, the mediator, not only fail to come forward to uphold justice, but also followed up to make trouble for the Holy See.

Even if you don't participate in dividing the spoils, as long as you can see the enemy suffer misfortune, it is worth the kingdom's action.

At the same time, they were attacked by enemies, allies, and neutral countries. Even the strong-minded Holy See delegation was driven to the verge of mental collapse.

Hudson was sure that this state of affairs would not last long, and the Holy See delegation would definitely collapse.

There is no way, the carving up of the Holy See has become an established fact. The war continues, but the anti-French alliance has begun to withdraw its troops.

Apparently, secretly the Ilibans had reached an agreement with the Franks. The current quarrel is just a routine matter.

If this continues, the situation will only become more unfavorable to the Holy See. Without the restraint of the anti-French alliance, it is not impossible for the Franks to destroy the Holy See as long as they are willing to pay a certain price.

"Marshal, there is an urgent report from the front line!"

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