
Chapter 583 The human marshal’s bean dregs project

"Marshal, these are all plots by the enemy to force us out of the city to fight them!"

In the headquarters, Count Ebert said solemnly.

Since ancient times, conspiracy has been the most terrifying thing!

It is impossible to leave it alone. When the flow is large enough, the power of the flood is enough to swallow the city.

Going out of the city to sabotage the enemy's construction is only treating the symptoms but not the root cause. Maybe others have set up traps waiting for them to be fooled.

Seeing everyone's solemn faces, Hudson smiled slightly and said: "Don't be so nervous, the enemy has just started construction.

With the water flow of the Xueyue River, it would not be possible to gather enough water to destroy the city in a day or two.

Just wait and see, the enemy will soon find that the water storage capacity of the river is insufficient. Next, they would either dig deeper into the river or raise the riverbed on both sides.

Playing with water is a technical job, and an inexperienced orc will not be able to master it in a while! "

There is a lack of similar cases in the Aslant continent, but there are many cases of water attack in the past history, but there are very few successful cases.

The main reason is: lack of experience, or copying the ancient tactics, which ultimately leads to a tragic ending.

The orcs have indeed made progress now. They are innovating tactics and there is nothing wrong with their battlefield selection. It is just that the level of civilization is holding them back.

If they were really smart, they would have expanded the river channel and built a dam during the dry season last winter.

The delay in starting work until now may be because the enemy had not thought of attacking with water beforehand, and was inspired by the stimulation of the Hudson Burning Company.

Or they have limited knowledge and take it for granted that as long as they build dams and store water, they can easily destroy the kingdom's defense line.

Overall, the orcs did make progress during the war, but this progress was very limited.

If you encounter a weak opponent and panic when you see the enemy building a dam, this method will work.

Unfortunately, Hudson has seen far more water attack failures than successes.

The main reason why it can be praised by military strategists is that this style of play requires low costs. If you fail, you won't lose much. If you succeed, you will gain blood.

"Marshal, even if the enemy lacks experience, judging from the terrain, their plan is still feasible. It just requires a few more trials and errors.

When we built the defense line, we did not consider the waterproofing of the city. Once the enemy's plan is successful, I am afraid that many cities and fortresses downstream will be turned into a swamp.

If you can't defeat the enemy in a short time, I'm afraid there will be big trouble in the future! "

Marquis Medel on the side added bitterly.

The situation was originally very good. According to the plan in advance, the enemy could be killed directly by delaying it here.

With nothing gained on the battlefield, the orc army could persist for at most another year and a half before it would collapse internally.

At that time, all kinds of internal troubles will break out, and in order to compete for the limited means of survival, various ethnic groups will inevitably have another civil war.

In a sense, the world favors the human race. Every time a large-scale natural disaster occurs, it is a good thing.

Because of productivity, during major disasters, humans save themselves through production, and their food production is often reduced. However, many alien races lack the means to deal with it, and their food production is often reduced on a large scale, or there may even be no harvests.

The orcs in the nomadic era were even more tragic. When encountering large-scale natural disasters, they could only rely on waging war to divert losses.

If it cannot be transferred out, it will have to bear "double losses", that is, losses from natural disasters and losses from war failure.

Now the situation has suddenly changed, and the original simple mode has suddenly turned into a "hell mode".

A quick victory, even if it can defeat the orc army, the kingdom will have to pay a heavy price.

Referring to the history of previous battles, casualties in a decisive battle of this level often number in the millions.

For the Alpha Kingdom, which had just stood up, one battle could send them back to five years ago. Countless officers and soldiers in the army will stay on the battlefield forever because of the war.

This is still the result of everything going smoothly. If there are omissions in some places, the orcs may even be able to overturn the situation!

"Your Majesty the Marquis is right, we really don't have much time left.

I sent an order to carry out the drainage work in the city, raise the position of our granary and camp, and ordered the logistics department to rush out a batch of small boats.

Don't worry, everyone, our city wall is strong enough and cannot be easily destroyed by a wave of water.

There are plains all around. No matter how strong the enemy's water flow is, the impact is very limited. The city wall cannot collapse unless it is soaked for a long time.

Let the orcs try it once first, just to test their quality! "

Hudson said calmly.

It's obvious that deep down he already has something to worry about. Water attack is a double-edged sword. It can destroy cities on the plains and can also devour armies.

Anyway, the kingdom has been fortified and cleared, and even if the lower reaches are reduced to a marsh, the losses will be very limited.

Of course, this "limited loss" is just Hudson's military view.

Economically, the farmland opened up and various projects built by the noble lords in the downstream areas may suffer a devastating blow.

It's not our own territory that was damaged, so we don't need to feel bad. At worst, we can apply for kingdom subsidies for everyone after the war, and we can win over people's hearts.

In order to win the war, it is worth paying a certain price. It is better to lose some industry than to die on the battlefield!

While the military meeting was held urgently, the voting results in the royal capital also came to an end.

Facts have proved that the Holy See is not important to the human race at all. Without the participation of Holy See representatives, the alliance meeting can make decisions faster.

The parties concerned are pretending to be stunned, and the rest are the beneficiaries. Naturally, it is impossible to stand up for the Holy See.

“The voting results have been tallied.

Except for some deputies who were in poor health and were receiving treatment below and were unable to vote, all the remaining members cast their sacred votes.

There was no threat or coercion during this period. All votes were true expressions of everyone’s hearts. Under the witness of the Lord of the Dawn, I declare that all votes are valid.

Plan No. 3 currently has the most votes and was unanimously approved. If there are no objections, the second round of review will now begin. "

As soon as the host Caesar IV finished speaking, thunderous applause broke out. Except for a few representatives who looked ugly, everyone else was immersed in laughter.

It’s so fair!

You must know that what they voted just now was clearly in support of their own plan, but in the end the vote turned out to be unanimous support for Plan No. 3.

Knowing the tricks in the counting process, the independent representatives broke out in cold sweat. The counting of votes just now was completed under the joint supervision of the three major powers.

The results announced now are obviously a silent warning to them. It would be fine if they knew the current situation and cooperated, but if they jumped out and made trouble without thinking about life and death, the country behind them would be in trouble.

Sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing. If they had done nothing and knew nothing, the alliance would still be the just and sacred alliance in their minds.

After seeing the cruel side of the world, some representatives' perceptions of life have changed.

It turns out that my own opinion doesn’t matter at all!

Seeing that no one objected, Caesar IV was too lazy to continue asking questions and directly announced the start of the second round of review.

The Aslant continent has a strict hierarchy. You can determine their respective status in the alliance by looking at the proposal number ranking.

Since then, the alliance's voice has changed from the top three powers of one religion and two countries to the top three powers of three countries.

It seems to be just an ordinary change of power, but in fact it is the beginning of "religious secularization."

Perhaps the divine power will counterattack in the future, but at this stage, the royal power suppresses the divine power, and the era of kings has arrived.

The overall situation has been decided, and nothing will happen in the second round. Except for symbolic modifications to the details of Plan No. 3, the big aspects are completely copied.

The only discordant thing was that one member of the House of Representatives was not enthusiastic enough. It was mainly representatives from the three countries who spoke, while others either agreed or remained silent.

Silent protest, this is the last stubbornness of representatives of various countries. The representatives of the Holy See fainted at such a critical moment and deserved their misfortune.

Of course, with the strength shown by the representatives of the three countries, even if the members of the Holy See were here, they would just have a fight and then forcefully pass the proposal.

Fortunately, the three companies still have a bottom line. Although they are suppressing the Holy See, they are using existing rules instead of formulating a set of targeted rules.

The most thorny issue was resolved. Representatives from various countries signed the armistice agreement one after another. Now all that was left was for representatives of the Holy See to sign, and the anti-French war was officially over.

Efforts are directly proportional to gains. The gains from the Alpha Kingdom are mainly political status. There are not many substantive benefits, and the corresponding price to pay is also minimal.

How to get the Holy See to agree to this humiliating treaty, the next step is the performance of the Franks and Ilibans.

"Continuous troop surge", "material embargo", "direct military threat"...

For a time, countless images targeting the Holy See appeared in Caesar IV's mind, and he couldn't help but smile.

The decline of the Holy See means that he has completed the first step of revenge. What needs to be done next is to wait for the opportunity to wipe out the top leaders of the Holy See.

"Perhaps the top of the Holy Mountain of Drinking Horses" is the highest glory of the human monarch in the Aslant continent.

"Representatives, the armistice treaty has been signed. Let's start the next agenda now, which is to consider granting Duke Hudson the title of human marshal!"

Count Onofre said first.

This scene fell into the eyes of the representatives of the Five Nations Alliance, leaving only endless annoyance. I didn't even get this kind of favor, and I would inevitably be complained by my boss when I returned home.

Without any hesitation, a group of representatives from the Five Nations Alliance hurriedly followed suit. No favors have been sold, and at the very least, no one can be offended.

No one has the slightest doubt that the proposal will be passed. On the one hand, it stems from a series of achievements of Hudson himself, all of which were based on foreign races to improve the record, and no black spots can be found at all.

On the other hand, the Franks were the first to propose it. Even if the Alpha Kingdom did not accept it and nominated it themselves, such a landmark event that would go down in history would not be a slap in the face.

With the support of two of the three giants, as long as the Ilibians are not strongly opposed, plus the votes of the Five-Nation Alliance, and the support of countries with good relations with Hudson, it is not a problem to get more than two-thirds of the votes.

There is no doubt that the Ilibians at this moment have no reason to object. After all, the two big countries, one in the south and the other in the north, are completely unrelated to each other.

Even if a major merger occurs in the future, it will be difficult for the two countries to have a comprehensive strategic conflict.

Based on the existing productivity, no matter how strong the overall strength is, no country can rule the entire continent, not even unify the southern continent.

The outside world thinks that the division of the human race is due to internal fighting. In fact, there is a more core and deeper reason that has been deliberately ignored by everyone.

"The territory is too big to manage!"

If the great empire of the human race had not been divided and had been forcibly ruling all the territory of the human race, it would have been impossible to maintain the hegemony of the continent, let alone the vigorous development of the human race.

It couldn't be managed back then. Now that the human race's territory is larger than before, it is even more unrealistic to manage it uniformly.

This is still the aristocratic enfeoffment system, which saves administrative costs to the greatest extent. If it is replaced by the feudal county system, the territory that can be directly controlled will be even smaller under the current productivity.

"The voting begins!"

As the host spoke, a group of representatives wrote answers on parchment in twos and threes. Compared with the previous serious and cautious voting, this round of voting was obviously much more relaxed.

Hudson's achievements are all on the surface for everyone to see. There is no need to play behind the scenes, it is just a matter of procedure now.

Except for Caesar IV who was deeply worried, most of the representatives present wore their signature smiles.

The voting work was completed quickly, and the vote counting work also started immediately. The main focus was efficiency.

"The valid votes exceeded two-thirds and complied with the legal procedures. The Alliance Parliament reviewed and approved the proposal and selected a date according to the procedures to officially grant the title of Marshal to the Duke of Hudson!"

Late at night on the battlefield in the Near East, the Tatim tribe's camp was brightly lit, and Chief Stark was looking at the incoming man in a panic.

At such a sensitive moment, if a human appeared in the camp, it would be very fatal if he was discovered.

“Don’t worry, no one will see me coming.

Judging from the location of the camp, you, the Niutou clan, are having a miserable time. You, the clan leader, have not even been able to enter the core area.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages. If it were in the core area and there were strong men from the elven sanctuary, I would not dare to come in like this! "

The mysterious man's complaints made the Stark clan angry to death. This is risking one's life, so can't we be more serious?

"Your Excellency is so courageous, but you only have your own life. I have a family of young and old, and I cannot tolerate any negligence!

Tell me, what do you want us to cooperate with this time? "

Chief Stark said angrily.

Deep down in his heart, he already had some regrets. His intuition told him that colluding with the human race was seeking the skin of a tiger.

It's just that for some things, once you get in the car, don't even think about getting off easily.

If he could do it all over again, he would most likely do it again. Because they did not accept Hudson's kindness, the Minotaur clan would have been doomed long ago and would not be able to survive until now.

"Don't worry, I won't embarrass you. This isn't the first time we've cooperated. When have we ever sent out dangerous missions?"

The mysterious man's answer reassured the Stark patriarch a little. In the past cooperation, the tasks assigned by Hudson were very easy.

Basically, they are collecting some daily information. There is no need to deliberately send people out to find it. They can just report what they know.

After receiving the secret message from the mysterious man, the figure rushed out and disappeared into the night.

After confirming that there was no danger, Stark slowly opened the secret message. Looking at the content above, he almost suspected that he had read it wrong.

There is only one requirement: cut corners and materials during the construction of the river dam and create a shoddy project.

In the eyes of the Stark clan leader, this cannot be considered a task. As long as their supervision is not so strict, the orcs below will create dregs of projects on their own.

Vaguely, he noticed something was wrong. The purpose of damming rivers is to impact the human city fortress downstream, and it does not need to be used for a long time, so the quality requirements for the project are not high.

If it gets a little sloppier, the dam may collapse early just as the water volume rises.

The flood does not recognize people, it can attack the human city, and naturally it can also swallow the army outside the city.

Stark turned pale when he thought of the empire building dams to break through the enemy's defenses, only to have them collapse prematurely due to poor construction quality and wash away their own troops!

This is a scandal of epic proportions, capable of being laughed at by all races on the mainland for ten thousand years.

After being frightened, he felt a little excited again. In the Orc Empire, the Minotaur clan's current position is very embarrassing.

His strength has reached the point where he is feared by the ruling group; but he does not have the ability to overturn the table.

If there is no external force to break the current situation, the fate waiting for them is to be cannon fodder on the battlefield, watching helplessly as a large number of young people in the clan are consumed on the battlefield.

No matter how heavy the loss is, you can't complain at all, otherwise not only will you die, but your own tribe will also be implicated.

If you have no choice, you can only silently accept the reality. But now that he had a choice, Stark's mind became more active.

In the face of racial survival, the interests of the empire are worthless.

If the royal family and the royal family above suffered heavy losses and wanted to maintain the rule of the empire under the attack of the human race, then it would be necessary to recruit powerful races to join.

When the situation has reached that point, it has become inconsequential whether there was any collusion with the human race before.

For details, you can refer to the seven major royal families. During the civil war, they took no less sponsorship from the human race. After they came to power, they immediately turned against each other.

For a moment, Chief Stark was lost in thoughts, and his mind was already imagining the birth of the Tauren Imperial Court.

Similar episodes, many races that have cooperated with the human race have received similar secret messages.

Some people have understood the truth, and some are still confused, but this does not affect everyone's work as required.

After all, the superiors are urging construction progress every now and then. Without sacrificing the quality of the project, it will be difficult to complete it according to standards in a short period of time.

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