
Chapter 590: Build a firewood for five miles, a pier for ten miles, a castle for thirty miles, and a

In the early morning, the first ray of morning glow shone on the earth, and all the important ministers of the kingdom gathered at the Jade Palace.

Looking at the pile of corpses on the ground, everyone's expressions darkened.

"It's probably not suicide. There are two doubts.

The first doubt: Although there was no trace of resistance at the scene, the deceased's eyes had been forcibly closed. This should not be the case for suicide.

There are many ways to kill people invisibly on the mainland. Marquis Milles, Earl Roman, and Marquis Gadry are not very strong, so it is not difficult to pretend to commit suicide.

The second doubt: the three of them took the same kind of poison. They couldn't have formed a group to commit suicide, right?

Also, the poison they used was not ordinary. It was the soul of a skeleton most commonly used by the Skull and Bones Society. Even the soul would dissipate after taking it.

Normal people would not commit suicide so cruelly! "

The professional appraisal opinions given by the Tyran Patriarch made the matter become more and more confusing.

However, the theory of homicide was still easier for Caesar IV to accept than suicide. Three important officials who were promoted turned traitor at the same time. What a poor sense of judgment!

Of course, criticism is inevitable. Under normal circumstances, if you want to hold such a core position, you must be at least a seventh-level expert.

Especially the captain of the palace guard and the commander of the forbidden army, but those who have to protect the safety of the king are usually eighth-level strong men.

If you are not strong enough and an accident occurs, who will protect whom?

It was obvious that none of the three dead people fit the bill. If they are strong themselves, they will not be "suicided" at home.

Things were back to square one. In the end, it was the king's fault in hiring people.

At this moment, Caesar IV looked embarrassed. The three of them are all former ministers of his Qianlong Mansion. In addition to their own strength, they have performed well in all aspects.

In line with the principle of employing people only for loyalty, Caesar IV promoted them as an exception, and then it was tragic.

In fact, employing people in this way is not a big problem.

Weak strength now does not mean we will be weak in the future.

After all, the three of them are only in their thirties and can be considered young talents, with unlimited possibilities for the future.

It's a pity that the three of them died, and they died in such an ignominious manner in their own mansion, which immediately forced Caesar IV into a corner.

Although no one said anything, the kingdom would inevitably make personnel adjustments. The person who was originally promoted by Caesar IV will most likely be knocked back to his original form.

"Since all three of them committed suicide, let's change the direction of the investigation. We can't let the enemy lead us by the nose!"

Hudson opened his mouth to make a rescue.

At such a sensitive moment, only he, the client, could speak easily.

Anyway, in his opinion, the probability of the three people participating in the assassination was not high. If he continues to linger here, Caesar IV will have no choice but to punish himself.

Forcing the king to do that is the proper behavior of a powerful minister. Hudson, who considers himself a loyal minister, does not want to be a villain yet.

"Prince, please tell me about the investigation!"

Caesar IV looked at Hudson gratefully and said.

It's not easy. This is the best opportunity to undermine his prestige as a monarch.

If we dig deeper, half of the personnel appointments he has made since taking office may be overturned.

The interests involved behind this are huge. If Hudson wants to enter the central government, now is the best opportunity.

Calling a halt at this moment not only saves the king's face, but also makes it clear that he has no intention of intervening in the power disputes of the royal government.

This is the best choice for both Caesar IV himself and the Alpha Kingdom.

The unlucky neighbor next door, because the marshal and the king fought wildly for power, ended up destroying the kingdom. No one wants to imitate this kind of internal strife.

"Your Majesty, distinguished ministers. Through the analysis of the traces on the scene, the weapons used by the assassins, the fighting methods and other factors, it can be determined that these people come from three different organizations.

Taking part in the assassination together was probably a coincidence. If they bribed the defenders to infiltrate, it makes no sense that some of the assassins even brought in magic crossbows, while others came with bare hands.

Unfortunately, the enemy was too vicious and we were silenced before we could enter into in-depth interrogation.

The information we currently have is very limited, and it is far from enough to dig out the mastermind behind the scenes. Now the focus of our investigation has shifted to the soldiers responsible for the inspection.

According to eyewitness accounts, multiple suspects have been arrested. But the results of the interrogation were not optimistic, as if they were missing a piece of memory.

It is very likely that the enemy temporarily controlled their actions through special means, covering the assassins and sneaking into the crowd to avoid censorship. "

A long paragraph of what the palace minister said can be summed up in one sentence: the clue is broken!

Hudson no longer has any confidence in the kingdom's investigative capabilities. The last assassination case has not yet come to a conclusion, and the situation this time is similar.

"Since these people are infiltrators, they must have appeared in the outside world. Have you investigated how they entered the royal capital?

Who has come into contact with them?

What are the characteristics of your speaking accent?

What’s different about your usual eating habits?


Hudson asked a series of questions, and everyone who listened was stunned. So the case can still be investigated in this way?

Deep down, they even think that if Hudson doesn't become a detective, it will be a waste of talent!

Of course, these can only be thought about in secret. It's not a comedy show. Let the Marshal of the Kingdom be responsible for investigating the case. Who will go to the front line to fight the orcs?

Don't look at the orcs who took the initiative to kill him like a fool in front of Hudson. If another general went over, he might be pushed back by the enemy.

Having suffered this loss, Caesar IV would not dare to do it again. If the current good situation is messed up, the angry nobles can directly pull him from the position of king.

In the Alpha Kingdom at this moment, the first priority is to destroy the orcs, and the rest are all side effects.

Just giving a hint was enough. Hudson was completely unsure whether he could find out the mastermind behind the scenes.

There is no way, there are too many suspects.

The Frankish Empire and the Iliban Kingdom are all suspected, the Holy See also has the motive of committing evil, and the suspicions of the orcs and the alien alliance are also not small.

It is not even ruled out that people within the Five-Nation Alliance are responsible. After all, the strength shown by the Alpha Kingdom puts them under a lot of pressure as their younger brothers.

In addition to international forces, domestic political factions may also be involved.

Of course, most of the assassination cases have nothing to do with them. Everyone is fighting among themselves, so there is no need to overturn the table.

It is difficult to say about the deaths of Marquis Milles, Count Roman, and Marquis Gadry.

Although it is a normal practice for an emperor to have his ministers and the new emperor to replace the old ministers, what Caesar IV did was still a little out of the ordinary.

I had endured it for so many years, but a big failure happened at the last minute.

He succeeded in taking control of the court, but he also pushed some of the core members who originally belonged to the royalist party to oppose him.

Many things in politics are out of necessity. Caesar IV's crude replacement method will inevitably cause a backlash from these interest groups.

Waiting for an opportunity to kill three unlucky guys and passing the blame to the mastermind is already taking care of the king's face.

If things were to be done more decisively, and secretly involve the important ministers promoted by Caesar IV in the assassination case, it would be the real decisive blow.

Once the military joins forces with these old ministers of the former dynasty, it is not difficult to establish a new king.

In terms of pure strength, the power currently held by the king may not be comparable to that of the old ministers.

Of course, the strength comparison between the two sides also changes with the passage of time. The longer time went on, the greater the power in the king's hands.

It was a mess, and Hudson had no time to mess with it. Anyway, the ceremony has been messed up, and the aftermath can be left to Caesar IV to deal with.

The ceremony ended hastily, and the Alliance Council also came to an end.

Overall, this conference was all about excitement.

The powerful Holy See fell, and the glorious Alpha Kingdom was slapped in the face, causing all the representatives to say: This trip was well worth it!

The "truth" is the Alpha Kingdom's own business. It's enough for the masses to watch the excitement.

Except for the representatives who were accidentally injured and needed to make compensation, the remaining representatives from various countries took their leave one after another.

For many representatives who do business on the side, Alpha Kingdom is a sad place. The business logic that I thought was perfect was completely overturned here.

I thought I could gain a lot of blood, but in the end it turned into a loss of blood. A large amount of goods are backlogged and can only be transported back the same way.

There is no other way. For the next eastward strategy, all the nobles of the Alpha Kingdom are tightening their belts.

In order to raise funds and develop new territories in the future, everyone is saving as much as they can.

If the ruling group is poor, the ruled people will naturally not be much richer.

Business travelers from all walks of life are often borrowed money. Now even if they have money in their pockets, they don't dare to spend it, for fear of being targeted by a nobleman who is crazy about poverty.

After losing a lot of blood, it's strange to be in a good mood. If the Alpha Kingdom were not at its peak now, I would probably be more than just gloating.

Anger cannot be suppressed forever, so the miserable Vatican is in trouble.

Before the end of the Congress, a member of the House of Representatives passed a proposal to reconsider the territory of the Papal States. All the disputed areas were listed in one go.

The anti-French coalition forces supporting the Holy See at this moment may become the vanguard force to carve up the Holy See at any time.

In addition, the Five-Nation Alliance, which quelled the cult rebellion, is also discussing whether to send troops to "mediate".

At present, the maritime power of the Holy See is almost wiped out. The Five-Nation Alliance can completely avoid the obstacles of foreign nations and travel to the Papal State by sea.

Mediating disputes is a fake, mainly for robbery. The wealth that the Papal State has accumulated over countless years is really too coveted.

Especially for a poor guy like Alpha Kingdom, the temptation is doubled.

Maybe if they go out and rob people and come back, the kingdom's financial crisis can be easily solved.

However, this had nothing to do with Hudson. When the kingdom's top officials were discussing this issue, he had already left early under the pretext of presiding over military affairs.

The title of "Marshal of the Human Race" is also a double-edged sword. While it brings countless glory, it also restricts Hudson's actions.

Throughout the ages, there have been countless famous human generals in the Aslant continent, but only a few of them have been awarded the title of human marshal.

It's not because they lack achievements, it's mainly because they are involved in the human civil war while fighting externally.

His hands are stained with the blood of his tribe, and no matter how outstanding his military exploits are, he cannot be recognized by all parties.

In this respect, Hudson is actually lucky. Since his debut, he has been fighting against alien races.

As for the initial suppression of the Skull and Bones rebellion, that was completely off the table. Cultists have no human rights, and their life and death are never cared about by any party.

He didn't touch it before, and now Hudson would never touch it.

Anyway, the nearby human countries all followed the kingdom, and there were no major conflicts between them. There was no motive for provoking a racial civil war.


"Marshal, I just received news that the nearby orc tribes have begun to evacuate!"

The news brought by Tom overturned all of Hudson's previous combat arrangements.

With all the enemies gone, the follow-up battle plan cannot continue to unfold.

Subduing the enemy's troops without fighting is an excellent military strategy, but the officers present were not happy at all.

If there are no battles, there will naturally be no military exploits.

Without military exploits, what qualifications do you have to obtain a fief?

Of course, Hudson knew everyone's suffering, but he couldn't change his military exploits.

If the orcs want to run away, they can't send out a large army to pursue them in depth!

Now it is the kingdom's army that suppresses the enemy and fights. Once they penetrate deep into the prairie, the situation changes.

The long logistics transportation line will be the army's biggest weakness. Once the enemy engages in grassland guerrilla warfare, there will definitely be problems with the army's logistics.

Facing everyone's eager eyes, Hudson immediately shook his head and said: "The strategic goal of this battle is to reduce the enemy's living space.

Since the enemy has retreated on their own, let them continue to retreat. I want to see where they can retreat!

Pass the order, starting from the current defense line, build a flint every five miles, a pier every ten miles, a fort every thirty miles, and a city every hundred miles!

Each force will as soon as possible make statistics on the materials and manpower required to establish a new defense system in their respective jurisdictions, and the headquarters will report them to the Royal Government. "

He has given out the plan. As for where to raise the money and food to build the defense line, that is what the royal government needs to worry about.

As the commander-in-chief of the army, it is not a good thing to take care of too many things.

Theoretically speaking, according to Hudson's plan, it is only a matter of time before the prairie is annexed.

When dense fortresses appeared on the grassland, the cavalry that the orcs were proud of lost their original mobility.

The kingdom's defense line cannot be broken. In order to survive, various races will inevitably compete with each other for living space.

In essence, this is a conspiracy to provoke infighting among the orcs.

The Royal Government simply could not find any reason to object to the plan for the extermination of the beasts which was logically impeccable.

Even if anyone has an opinion, the people around him will persuade him to take the overall situation into consideration and strive to complete the great cause of destroying the Orc Empire as soon as possible.

Deep in the prairie, after a series of killings, the heads of various ethnic groups who successfully returned to their nests gathered together again.

But compared to the strict hierarchy before, the orc conference at this moment seemed particularly scattered.

The originally aloof royal family no longer had the domineering power it once had.

Strength determines the right to speak, and the royal family and the royal family, which have suffered heavy losses, have no longer obvious advantages over all clans.

The comprehensive strength of some races with relatively well-preserved strength even exceeds that of some unlucky royal families.

In order to maintain governance, new members had to be recruited as a last resort. But as a result, the power of the Shouren Empire, which was already decentralized, became even more decentralized.

The imperial court meeting that determines the fate of the empire has now become a joke. The remaining power of the four royal families simply does not have the ability to command the heroes.

"Everyone is arguing endlessly. I think we should adopt a parliamentary system in the future!

All ethnic groups present have one vote. If there is a dispute, they can directly vote to resolve it. "

Chief Stark suggested with a smile.

There are more and more races participating in the decision-making process. Continuing to use the names of royal family and royal family will only make people laugh.

As latecomers, the tauren clan has no historical baggage, and it doesn't matter if they overturn the table.


"Chief Stark, you think things are too simple. If we give up the title of royal family and royal family, why should we continue to order all the clans?

Especially on the human side, the enemy is ambitiously trying to annex the empire. Making big changes at this moment would not expose our reality!

Once the Alphas know how weak we are now, the enemy will surely continue to wage war.

All races have been severely weakened, and the empire's national strength is now greatly damaged, and it simply does not have the conditions to continue fighting.

If we continue to lose, we will have no choice but to abandon the prairie and retreat to the hills and plateau areas again.

Everyone has experienced what the environment is like in those places. Someone said he was recuperating and recuperating, but I'm afraid it would be difficult to maintain his current strength! "

The Yingren Emperor was the first to retort.

This time they escaped unscathed, but they had suffered injuries in the last grassland war, and the actual situation was not much better than the other three royal families.

The only advantage they can rely on is: they can fly!

The title of royal family is not only a name, but also has a lot of benefits.

As long as the name is preserved, as the only air force in the empire, it will definitely receive preferential treatment. Even if the interests of each tribe were to be re-divided, it would only touch the cake of the other three tribes.

Once the table is overturned, there's no telling.

When everyone is at the same level, if you want to get special treatment, you need the support of all ethnic groups, which is almost impossible.

Don't talk about the overall situation. In the Orc Empire, the interests of the race have always been higher than the interests of the empire.

"The Eagle King is right, the current situation is very special, and it is better to be still than to move.

The enemy has not sent troops for a long time. It is because they do not understand our true and false situation and do not dare to go deep into the prairie easily.

You can fool around for as long as you want. Every day you delay, the empire will have one more day to recover! "

The Lion King persuaded with earnest words.

It is easy to give up the title of royal family, but it is difficult to get it back.

Although his strength is temporarily lacking, as long as he keeps his name and regains his strength in the future, he can still find a way to restore the royal family's due status.

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