
Chapter 601 The Prelude to Troubled Times

The turbulent public opinion is just the beginning. The real battlefield is still in the noble council.

The reforms in "Caesar's Six Articles" involve changes in the kingdom's political system, and cannot be changed at the request of the central government.

Promulgating policies has never been the key. Whether it can play a role mainly depends on the specific implementation.

Without the support of the local powerful aristocrats, these reform provisions are nothing more than a piece of paper.

In this context, the first thing that must be dealt with when the New Deal is introduced is the provincial governors and county governors. These talents are the key to ensuring the implementation of the policy.

There is no doubt that this reform has harmed everyone's interests. Under normal circumstances, the probability of getting it passed by the Noble Council is almost zero.

However, these are obviously abnormal times. Most of the governors and governors in various places have made their fortunes in the Papal States, and it is impossible to return to the country immediately to participate in the meeting.

There are not enough noble members in the country, but they also meet the minimum conditions for convening a parliament of nobles.

In order to ensure that the terms were passed in parliament, the reformists were not idle and continued to launch public opinion offensives to win the support of young nobles.

As soon as Hudson arrived in the royal capital, he felt the atmosphere of reform.

Countless high-spirited and distinguished generations are rushing to promote reform. Some young aristocratic children are even discussing going to parliament to vote in support on behalf of their elders.

The Kingdom's Parliament of Nobles does not have the habit of voting in lieu, but there is no express provision prohibiting it.

Referring to the special laws of the kingdom, in the event of the absence of a noble due to special reasons, the heirs can exercise powers and perform obligations on their behalf.

Originally this article was prepared for military obligations, but now it has been expanded and interpreted by the reformists and extended to the Parliament of Nobles.

Seeing this scene, Hudson, who was skeptical about reform, also became serious about it.

If the reformists maintain this level of political struggle, they may actually be able to achieve success.

Drawing the descendants of major families into the reform faction is tantamount to political kidnapping in disguise.

If you want to defeat the reformists politically, you must first defeat your own children. No one should think twice before taking action.

"Marshal, the situation has been decided, and I will send you out..."

Before Marquis Delgado could finish speaking, Hudson waved his hand and interrupted:

“Prime Minister, there are specialties in the arts.

As a soldier, I'm fine with killing enemies on the battlefield, but I'm really not good at reforming internal affairs.

You still need to take the lead in the specific reform of the kingdom. The most I can do is assist from the side! "

The reformists have been very successful in building momentum, and they have done better than other reforming countries on the mainland.

But this is just the beginning. How the situation will develop in the future, Hudson is still unsure.

Young nobles are the main force in reform. It is true that these people are best able to break through the constraints of tradition, but they are not in power!

Now they are able to build up momentum and overwhelm the kingdom's conservatives, mainly relying on the power of their fathers.

Once the powerful nobles from all over the country return, this kind of game of pretending to be powerful will no longer continue.

Except for a few young nobles who sincerely hope that the reform will succeed, most of them follow the trend and at most are ideologically inclined to support the reform.

If you want them to throw their lives and blood for reform, it will be difficult for people.

At present, the powerful people who openly support the reformists are basically concentrated in the central government, and only Hudson is the only one in the local government.

Several emerging nobles were persuaded by the reformists, but these guys didn't have the guts to stand out.

Prime Minister Delgado encouraged Hudson to move forward. The main purpose was to use his name to attract local nobles to join the reformists.

Theoretically, as long as Hudson's position is firm enough, most of the nobles from the seven provinces in the Near East and the seven provinces in Northern Xinjiang can pull him over.

The kingdom has a total of 45 provinces (including the queen's dowry), and with the support of fourteen provinces at once, plus the royal family and the central government's direct jurisdiction, the reformists will soon gain an overwhelming advantage as long as they work harder.

The subsequent addition of new provinces will most likely support the reform.

The butt determines the head. If the government has no money, it will be difficult to guarantee national defense security.

It seems that things are going well for the reformists.

However, the reality is exactly the opposite. The fate of the Alpha Kingdom is still determined by the original twenty-five old provinces. The newly added provinces can only be said to be a little better than the original ones.

Potential is always just potential, it is nothing until it is developed.

Take the seven provinces in the Near East as an example. They are all tied together and cannot economically keep up with one southeastern province.

Many of the newly added provinces have the area and potential to meet the specifications of a province, but the rest are far behind.

Of course, these emerging provinces are not without their advantages. A blank space makes it easy to paint and carry out political reforms.

Taking "Caesar's Six Articles" as an example, it seems to have touched the interests of many nobles, but this has nothing to do with the nobles of the emerging provinces.

Whether it's "abolition of transit tax" or "abolition of the tax package system", they don't have it in the first place!

This was the initiative of Hudson. In order to promote the development of the Near East, he took the lead in reducing the transit tax to one copper coin.

Then he lobbied nobles from various places to reduce transit taxes.

Because the tax rate is too low, many noble lords are too lazy to send people to collect it.

The transit tax is gone, let alone other taxes.

There were no free people in the territory, the subjects of foreign transactions were the nobles themselves, and the establishment of tax officers was redundant.

Naturally, I won’t feel bad for something I’ve never gotten my hands on before.

Many people would accept these illusory potential incomes in exchange for the long-term development of the kingdom.

Other reform articles are related to them, namely local personnel appointments, but these impacts are very limited.

The noble masters are not easy to control. The airborne troops cannot suppress the situation. In the end, they can only be produced from the local area.

Unless the two families are equally powerful, arbitration by the royal government is required. At other times, whoever is stronger will be in power.

Theoretically, the entire emerging aristocratic group can be fought for.

However, strength determines the right to speak. It is still the old nobles who control the power of the kingdom, and even the emerging nobles are separated from their families.

Although nominally separated from the relationship, in reality one still has to be controlled by it.

Decades of training can't be pulled over with just a few words!

If they really matched up, there would be undercover agents everywhere.

If you lead a group of teammates like this to carry out reforms, you don't even know when someone will sell you out.

Seeing that Hudson refused to come forward, everyone was very helpless.

In fact, this is also the biggest shortcoming of the Kingdom's reformists.

Except for Hudson and Caesar IV who were young enough to lead this reform, the rest were a group of old men.

The experience is rich enough, but it lacks the hard-core fighting spirit of young people.

"Marshal, we can formulate specific reform measures, but you still need to worry more about the noble council!"

Caesar IV said slightly disappointed.

At this moment, his heart was very complicated. He hoped that Hudson would take the lead in leading this reform, but he was also worried that Hudson would take the opportunity to become bigger.

Now that it has been rejected, we simply retreat to the next best thing and leave the legal issues that must be faced first in the reform to Hudson to deal with.

“Your Majesty, please rest assured.

Now that the momentum for reform has almost been built, the proposal should be put to a vote immediately. The probability of passing it is very high! "

Hudson immediately expressed his stance.

As a reformist leader, he must do something. Rather than formulating specific measures to stir up hatred, he would rather argue with congressmen.

The reform has just begun. Even if the nobles leading troops overseas receive the news, they will need some time to weigh the pros and cons.

While they haven't made a decision, it is undoubtedly the best choice to trick the younger generation of aristocratic children into voting for the proposal on their behalf.

Among the younger generation in the kingdom, Hudson, who became famous early, is everyone's idol.

On July 25, 99999, the Kingdom's Noble Council passed the "Caesar Six Articles" with a high vote of 70% support, and the Alpha Kingdom officially began to reform.

Without the constraints of their fathers, young nobles in the royal capital joined the reformist camp one after another and became the vanguard of reform.

The angry conservative nobles stomped their feet!

The former prime minister and military minister who resigned reluctantly refused to step forward, and there was no strong local support. Faced with the pressing pressure of the reformists, they could only retreat again and again.

The conservatives in the royal capital took the lead in joining forces, and the conservative nobles who stayed behind in the local areas also secretly took measures to obstruct the progress of the reform.

The news reached the Papal States, and all the governors and governors were furious.

I came out to do some side business, and someone actually wanted to steal my house. The grumpy lords wanted to lead their troops back home directly.

However, this idea was quickly dissuaded by the people around him.

Not consulting their opinions in advance is indeed a bit disrespectful, but whether to object will depend on the subsequent development of the situation.

Reform cannot be completed in a day or two. You can return to China anytime, but if you miss the opportunity to make a fortune, you will lose it.

Thinking of their own withered pockets, all the nobles and lords who were not wealthy regained their rationality.

Not being able to go back does not mean doing nothing. After all, he is a prince, and he must make his own voice on the issue of reform.

"Duke Beckett, you cannot sit idly by and ignore the current situation!"

Faced with the instigation of the noble lords, Beckett also complained secretly.

They are all burdened by their great reputation. The title of the first family in the kingdom is not only the glory of the Hoyle family, but also their bondage.

In recent years, he has always adhered to the principle of keeping a low profile, which is because they have suffered from being in the limelight.

In the past few years, the five major families in the North were able to dominate the kingdom. In addition to their own strength, they were also behind the scenes.

There is no way, who makes their family’s strength closest to that of the royal family!

This potential threat cannot be ignored by any monarch, and various subtle suppressions have occurred throughout the ages.

After suffering hardships, the Hoyle family also learned wisely.

Instead of directly confronting the royal family, it is better to push others to the front and draw hatred, while you hide behind and make a fortune in silence.

The effect is very obvious. In recent years, although their sense of existence has dropped again and again, the family's strength has not grown slow at all.

The fief under Duke Becket's name has not changed, but the number of small and medium-sized nobles bearing the Hoyle family name has continued to expand.

I originally thought that this beautiful life could last forever, but today I finally couldn't escape it.

If he had known that everyone would come looking for him, Beckett would never personally lead this expedition to the Papal States.

The largest family in the kingdom, the natural leader of the noble camp. Now it's time to take sides. Others can wait and see the situation, but Duke Beckett must take a stand.

Between reformers and conservatives, or between kings and nobles, a choice had to be made.

“Everyone, don’t panic!

Just a few reform provisions will not damage our foundation.

To put it bluntly, if people don't buy it, these decrees will be a piece of waste paper.

If His Majesty the King wants to make trouble, let him make trouble first.

If the reform is successful and the kingdom becomes stronger, everyone will also benefit.

Even if the reform fails, once the matter in the Papal States is over, we can go back and put things right.

In this world, strength speaks for itself after all! "

Using the softest tone and the harshest words, Duke Beckett shocked everyone as soon as he opened his mouth.

Obviously, the old Duke in front of him is a low-key tiger. In addition to being low-key, it is also cannibalizing.

“Old Duke, the kingdom needs to reform, and we have no objection.

But why should we be summoned together to discuss such a big matter?

For the reformists to take action in such a hurry, it is clear..."

Before Duke Thorsten could finish his words, Beckett interrupted forcefully: "Little guy, you are too young to play such a trick.

You should find a way to settle your grievances with the royal family and your feud with Marshal Hudson. Don't try to involve us.

This time, they were indeed a little hasty, but that's understandable.

The kingdom's financial problems must be solved sooner or later. If we don't remove this stumbling block, how can we move eastward and destroy the Orc Empire?

If we really want to bring everyone together for discussion, I'm afraid that even if we argue for a year and a half, we may not be able to come up with any results.

It is understandable to force reforms while we are away. It's all for the kingdom. There's no need to take such a trivial matter seriously! "

Although he said that he didn't take it seriously, in fact, Beckett had already been thinking about it.

It's just that the reform has just begun, and it's too early to talk about success or failure.

Failure to communicate in advance is indeed very disrespectful, but this is not a reason for conviction.

He also dismantled "Caesar's Six Articles" in private. There are those who support it and those who are against it.

There is nothing you can do about it when it comes to your own interests. The royal government has no money, and they will still have to share it with the noble lords in the future.

The current reforms involve the same cuts on everyone, and there is not much difference in essence.

The current knife alone cannot fill the hole. The key lies in whether the cake can be made bigger next!

Most of the nobles present had the same idea as him, let the reformers try it first.

If it succeeds, everyone will be happy. If it fails, some people can be purged and these resources can be used to fill the kingdom's financial black hole.

In this context, the sudden appearance of Duke Torsten naturally became a joke.

However, there is no way to do this. Seeing that the Beidi Group is about to sink, it will be too late if we don't take action.

Among the five major families, their family has the most hatred, even if they don't stand out.

On the Holy Mountain, facing the eradication and robbery by various countries in the mainland, the atmosphere of the Holy See became increasingly solemn.

The result of the strategic contraction is that, except for the two hundred-mile radius of the Holy Mountain, various countries have now completed the substantive partitioning and occupation of the Papal State.

It is unbelievable to think about having an army of hundreds of thousands, but not daring to fight out.

But there was no way. The several counterattacks launched by the Holy See ended in failure, except for the defeat of the armies of several small countries.

Instead of launching a final general offensive, they sent people to argue with them at the negotiation table. On the one hand, the countries did not want to push them into a hurry, and on the other hand, there were too many trophies to transport.

In fact, it does not matter at all whether the general offensive is launched.

It is impossible for the Holy See's remaining corner of the country to support hundreds of thousands of troops. They would disperse on their own within a year or two.

After all, this is a civil war among the human race. If we can defeat the enemy without fighting, we don't want to do anything too cruel.

The main reason is that the Holy See is too wealthy to cause trouble, but if you were poorer, you would never attract so many wolves, tigers and leopards.

Except for the Alpha Kingdom, the countries that initially sent troops were indeed prepared to mediate, and at most they could make a small fortune.

Unexpectedly, the more people grab it, the more addicted they become, and they simply can’t stop.

In the end, everyone had no choice but to make mistakes and turn the political slogan of "mediation" into "rescuing those oppressed by the Holy See."

The standard has come up, and the legitimacy has come. If you don’t take people back, you will be sorry for this slogan.

Then the Holy See was hurt!

Not only the political and economic losses were heavy, but the reputational losses were even heavier.

The loss of reputation of a religious organization is more terrible than the loss of a city or territory on the battlefield.

With the tacit understanding of demonized propaganda by various countries, the Holy See of Dawn has gained a good reputation on the mainland and is now the "chief helmsman" of the cult alliance.

Pius VII has become the number one "villain"!

It's just political propaganda. What's worse is that countries still have evidence that the Holy See manipulates cults to cause chaos.

If there wasn't a better choice, maybe the Lord of Dawn would have become the leader of the evil god.

"Your Majesty, make a decision!

There is not much time left for us. If we continue to delay, even if we launch a counterattack later, it will be useless. "

Blake said harshly.

Given a slight choice, he would never choose to take this step.

Although the Holy See is corrupt, it was once one of the saviors of the human race. But now in order to survive, they have to put down their bottom line.

There is no other way. Before the political slogans of various countries change, the Holy See will at most lose some benefits.

It's different now. Countries are here to liberate the oppressed people, and the Holy See must become the villain.

Who would let a villain stand in the way?

Even if they are afraid of their high-end power, if they don't destroy the Holy See now, they will find opportunities to wipe them out in the future.

"Taking this step will shake the foundation of our human race's hegemony!"

Pius VII said with his eyes closed.

Obviously, he had made a decision in his mind, but he still needed a reason to convince himself.

"Your Majesty, there is no way to escape the catastrophe of ten thousand years!

This is a test from the gods. Just look at how chaotic the mainland has been in recent years.

Even if we don't start the troubled times, other forces will start it, it's just a matter of sooner or later! "

Gulei added.

As an old enemy, it was rare for him to unify his position with Blake.

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