
Chapter 63 Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared

The top management is playing games, and the people below are not idle either. After clearing away the rebels in his area, Hudson followed the trend and joined the activity.

At this time, the favors sold earlier began to come into play. They all hang out in aristocratic circles, who doesn't have any connections?

Following the visit, Hudson became a familiar face in front of most of the powerful nobles in the Governor's Mansion.

The king of hell is not easy to deal with, and the devil is also difficult to deal with.

Being suddenly in a high position is the easiest thing to make people jealous. I don't dare to expect that I can get help from these people in just one visit, which at least reduces the probability of being tricked.

The main reason is that the family network is not in the hands of Hudson, and when he goes out to socialize, he can only represent himself, not the Koslow family.

To be precise, Baron Redman can only represent the branch of the Koslow family. If you want to represent the entire family, you must hold a clan meeting.

Who made the clan leader’s lineage unfortunately cut off during the orc invasion hundreds of years ago, without having time to designate a successor?

The blood relationship is too far apart, and it is really unclear who should inherit the position of clan leader. Each branch wants to compete for the orthodox position and refuses to give in to each other.

The most important thing is that the ancestral land where they started is also lost. It was a time of war, and the various branches of the feuding clan simply made an agreement to discuss it after the ancestral land was recovered.

Unfortunately, until the end of the war, the ancestral land of the Koslow family was not able to be recovered, and the position of the patriarch was left vacant.

Fortunately and unfortunately, the Koslow family has no patriarch. Although each branch falls into a state of independence, it also avoids being feared.

Distance creates beauty. After the children of each branch developed their own lives, there was no conflict of interest, and since they rarely saw each other every few years, their relationship became better.

It thrived on the strength of its population and spread its branches everywhere, even outside the kingdom. In the circle of the kingdom's nobles, he gradually gained quite a reputation.

There is no shortage of troubles in aristocratic families, and the situation in the Koslow family is considered good. The ancestors made a good start and left everyone the best plan to deal with internal conflicts - points.

The later ancestor of Frederick went a step further and directly set the rule that the eldest son would inherit the family business, and the second son would leave home and establish a new family when he came of age.

Seeing that the effect was good, other branches followed suit. Since then, the Koslow family has rarely experienced major internal disputes.

Even if the disciple is unworthy, the torment will only be at the level of Laisul. Anyone with a little bit of brains would never do anything at home.

The successful experience is not something that no nobles want to imitate. Unfortunately, the prerequisite for success is to have enough sons. If the population is not prosperous enough, it is easy to end the heir.

After all, the continent of Aslant has not much else but a lot of wars. The life of a nobleman who has not experienced ten or eight wars is incomplete.

The busiest people are not the nobles like Hudson who have clear military exploits and are just waiting for the fiefdom to be implemented. What was really exciting was the group of people who lacked military exploits but were able to have kinship with the heirloom nobles of Wright and Wyton counties.

The battle over inheritance rights is where everyone really shows their talents. Not only the nobles from the southeastern provinces, but also some nobles from outside the province also joined the battle.

Fighting for ancestry, connections, and military exploits. Some people who were ill and sought medical treatment in a hurry had gifts sent to Hudson, just to gain support from public opinion.

In order to make up for the huge expense of giving gifts, anyone is welcome to receive these windfalls, but the support is limited to not causing trouble.

There is no way. Although these guys are casting a wide net, the things they send are really too shabby, even stingy than what Hudson did.

You must know that in order to get a good fiefdom, Hudson gave away gifts worth thousands of gold coins. Even the Governor's Mansion paid a visit with generous gifts.

Unfortunately, Earl Pierce's threshold was high. Although he met in person, he was received with dozens of nobles.

Obviously, this young knight with great military exploits still failed to make the big shots treat him differently.

Being able to take time out of his busy schedule to receive guests is because the earl needs to be approachable these days. At another time, at most a member of the Dalton family would come out to receive him.

Those who can move around have been moved around once, and the rest are out of reach.

For example, for the king's special envoy, Hudson failed to find a way and just sent the gift.

Experience tells him that giving gifts may not necessarily attract the attention of big shots, but there is a high probability that not giving gifts will be remembered.

The territory could not be settled for a long time, and Hudson was idle. I spend the whole day either attending banquets or on my way to attend banquets, and occasionally I have to hold one myself.

The communication between nobles is so simple and unpretentious. It's a pity that they are all a group of grown men and there is no eye-catching noble lady, which makes the banquet boring.

At midnight, after a day of socializing, Hudson just returned to his station when he saw the cub enjoying his collection of Monster jerky.

"Hudson, well done! I didn't expect that your boy, who is so close to Warcraft, would be able to win the favor of the Earth Bear."

Baron Redman's words instantly extinguished Hudson's anger. Originally, he thought that some daring guard dared to use his monster meat jerky to please the cub, and was preparing to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys, but now there was no need.

Most of the people in the team were brought from their hometown, how could they not recognize Baron Redman? Compared to Commander Hudson, the man in front of them was their real master.

"Father, are you here so soon?"

Hudson said in surprise.

Although he knew that Baron Redman would come to help him, he was still a little touched to come so quickly.

Looking at the tired look on his face, you could tell that Baron Redman was rushing over at a high speed. Obviously, he takes this matter as seriously as Hudson himself.

"Of course I have to be quick about this kind of thing. If I arrive late and others take advantage of me, I will regret it to death!"

Tired and exhausted, Redman is really happy as a father watching his son soar into the sky.

As he spoke, he opened a box, carefully took out two pieces of parchment, and handed them to Hudson.

Looking at the dense lines and small notes on it, Hudson's expression perked up. The content above is actually a map of Wright and Wyton counties. Even some important resources are marked with the code words of the Koslow family.

"Don't be surprised, nobles with profound knowledge of these things will have them. Although the Koslow family is not a big family, it has been passed down for thousands of years.

What's more, the family also has roots in Wright and Wyton. It's a pity that two unlucky guys, Garrett and Weber, actually lost their lives in this war.

Fortunately, they all had sons outside, so they were not spoiled by the rebels, and they finally managed to keep their inheritance.

Adrian and his son have worked for the Dalton family for two generations and have accumulated a lot of credit. If no accidents occur, there is a high probability that they will be able to get a fiefdom this time.

I just don’t know what’s going on with Lester and Crohn. If they can also obtain a fief, the family's future voice in the two counties will be guaranteed. "

After listening to Baron Redman's words, Hudson suddenly realized that his family seemed to be the big winner in this war.

"Don't worry, father. Knight Adrian is in good condition and is looking after the gate for Earl Pierce. I visited him yesterday.

As for the Knight of Leicester and Baron Crohn, I even met them at the banquet that just ended. It's just that they have been very busy recently. Whether they can get what they want depends on the next activities. "

He said it lightly, but in his heart, Hudson was not optimistic about their plan. There is no way, the Koslow family has gained too much from this war.

If you are awarded a knighthood based on your military exploits, even if someone is unhappy, it is difficult to stop them due to the rules of the game.

Unfortunately, they were not very lucky and did not gain enough military exploits. We can only avoid the idea of ​​​​exterminating relatives. There are so many people with inheritance rights. This is a confusing account.

If Adrian Knight doesn't get the fief, maybe they have a chance. Just listening to what Baron Redman said, Adrian's father's generation had been with the Dalton family. There was no merit but hard work, so there was no reason not to be given a fief.

A knighthood + a barony is already dazzling enough among the small nobles. What do the nobles who have gained nothing think about getting a third fief?

Maybe they can't accomplish anything, but they definitely have the ability to do bad things.

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