
Chapter 633 Theory of Killing

Looking at the entire continent, the internal struggle in the Alpha Kingdom can only be regarded as an inconspicuous incident.

The invasion of the races in the center of the earth broke the original structure of the continent.

As the overlord of the continent, the human race received the most severe beating. Some small and weak countries fell directly into the flames of war.

One after another bad news came out, and the Human Alliance was furious!

To engage in trouble so unscrupulously, they simply don’t take the mainland overlord seriously. If we don't use thunderous measures to suppress it, all the other ethnic groups will have to follow suit.

Under the call of several major powers of the human race, the Human Race Alliance held a new round of alliance meetings on October 10, 100,000 in the Holy Calendar.

The mainland tyrant took the initiative!

All eyes were focused on the "Human Alliance Meeting".

The alien alliance, which was originally preparing to cause trouble, suddenly fell silent. At this sensitive moment, they don't want to block the attacks of the inner earth races.

However, the impact of all this on Hudson was limited. The Alpha Kingdom, which had suffered many years of bad luck, finally had a change of luck this time.

Up to now, a total of two entrances to the center of the earth have been discovered in the territory.

One was taken care of by Hudson, and the other was in the royal family's private territory and did not spread to the whole country.

The nobles who had been fighting for years were finally able to stop and take a breath.

Having just returned from the Papal States, everyone was busy digesting the results of the battle and had no time to make trouble.

Vested interests group Si'an, which hurt Alpha I very much. Even though they were victorious one after another on the battlefield, there was still no reaction from everyone.

In recent years, the kingdom's foreign wars have been unfavorable, and everyone has long been accustomed to victory.

For the nobles, it was normal for the kingdom to win, but it was news when it lost.

It was obvious that Alpha I was plotting military power, and Caesar IV was not idle either. He took advantage of the situation and put the blame for his breach of contract on him.

As soon as he took the first step to seize power, he was taught a lesson by his juniors. Hudson was very doubtful whether Alpha I could survive.

Time can change everything. There has been no opportunity to play politics for more than three hundred years. Even if the brain is not rigid, the political struggle ability will inevitably deteriorate.

Judging from the current series of events, Alpha I's political struggle ability can only be regarded as quite satisfactory.

There are no big mistakes and not many highlights. If this situation continues, Hudson strongly doubts that the founding father's restoration plan will be aborted.

"Hudson, will you attend this alliance meeting?"

Bathed in the autumn sunshine, Melissa hugged Lao Wu and asked.

With the continuous development of the human race, the "Human Alliance Conference" has become the highest-level meeting on the Aslant continent.

The "Conference of Ten Thousand Races" on the mainland above this has long become a decoration. With the two camps in opposition, it would be difficult to hold such a meeting again.

The past few league meetings had nothing to do with Hudson. On the one hand, there are no parliamentary seats, and on the other hand, they are busy commanding the army to fight.

According to the normal rhythm, the Koslow family would have to wait in line for at least several decades to win a seat in the House of Representatives.

However, as Hudson became the marshal of the human race, the original queuing process was simply omitted. Not only did he get a seat as a member, he also got a seat on the presidium.

This is the practice of the alliance. Every human marshal will automatically become a member of the presidium of the parliament and has the qualifications to participate in the highest decision-making of the human race.

"Don't go!"

"I, the human marshal, was the product of a special period. The human marshals in history were not awarded posthumously, but were obtained by Feng Zhu while lying in bed in his dying years.

The standard of treatment given to the human marshal by the Alliance is too high. If I appeared at the meeting, it would make many people uncomfortable.

In order to reduce unnecessary trouble, let the eldest brother attend this meeting on behalf of the Koslow family. He happened to be attending a wedding in the Southern Continent. "

Hudson said with his hands spread out.

If virtue is not matched, misfortune will surely follow!

The position of the presidium of the alliance usually represents a powerful kingdom. If it is placed in the hands of an individual, it is a hot potato.

Originally, the Alpha Kingdom had one seat in the presidium. If he participated in the meeting, it would become two seats.

You must know that the Frankish Empire and the Iliban Kingdom both have only one seat in the presidium, and the Alpha Kingdom occupies the two major seats. What do the boss and the second child think?

Hudson, who has good political acumen, will naturally not let himself become the target of public criticism. Unless the meeting place is in the Alpha Kingdom, he will not go there in person to find excitement.

He was a member of the presidium in person and sent representatives without the bonus of being a human marshal. His political status suddenly dropped to the level of ordinary members.

With the current strength of the Koslow family, it is still possible to obtain the position of an ordinary member of parliament.

"It's okay if you don't go out. The mainland is in such chaos right now, and you're already a big tree, so just try to avoid the trouble you can!"

As Melissa spoke, she played with her son's little face. The picture made Hudson very happy.

Sure enough, children are born to play. Human pups are the cutest, and even the older ones are disgusted by dogs.

Among Hudson's sons, the eldest is now a little more sensible, and the others are more naughty than the others.

It felt like a relay race, one after another came out to toss, and he was often so angry that he and Melissa played mixed doubles together.

Fortunately, there are many babies, so the fight is not that painful. Generally speaking, beating one person can scare a group of people, but unfortunately the effectiveness is a bit short.

In Hudson's view, the boss's understanding is also highlighted by the following. It's just that I'm older, have too much daily homework, and don't have the energy to do things.

On the holy mountain.

"Pope, have you found out the information about the three holy ghost ships?"

Raffaele asked with concern.

To ordinary people, ghost ships are the most terrifying existence. But in the eyes of top experts, ghost ships are their "resources" to improve their strength.

As the only remaining member of the Dark Sanctuary Level 2 among those who have returned to the Holy See, Raffaele became concerned about the existence of the three Sanctuary Ghost Ships after learning about them.

He was urged to search for information every now and then, which made Pius VII very angry. After various countries withdrew their troops one after another, the mess of the Papal State was left to them. They were so busy every day that they had no time to care about the ghost ship!

Even though those three ghost ships once destroyed the Holy See's naval fleet, that was already a thing of the past.

If they had the energy to spare, they would have retaliated long ago. It's a pity that the mess in the Papal State is too big to be distracted by other things.

"Venerable Raffaele, those three ghost ships have been active in the foggy sea, and everyone who has seen them is basically dead!

The few news came from the Alpha Kingdom.

It is said that in order to ensure the smooth flow of sea routes, Hudson fought a battle with three ghost ships. In the end, no one could do anything to anyone, and the two sides reached an agreement to peacefully coexist! "

Pius VII replied perfunctorily.

The war between the Holy See and the races in the center of the earth is still fiercely unfolding. The performance of its own army on the battlefield is very average. It relies solely on the support of high-end power to gain the upper hand.

In this context, dividing the troops to retaliate against the ghost ship is obviously not something a wise man would do.

But from Raffaele's personal standpoint, the situation is different. By seizing the cores of the three ghost ships, his cultivation is likely to go even further.

As a by-product, the soul beads can also cultivate a group of dark-type strong men. Affected by the last naval battle, the Holy See's dark power suffered heavy losses and has not recovered to this day.

If Raffaele hadn't made a strong return, these shadowy forces might have disappeared from the Holy See's establishment.

Discrimination is everywhere.

In the Holy See, the most distinguished ones are always the clergy of the Light Department, followed by several major professional branches.

If the power system classified as a heresy can have a place in the Holy See, it is considered to be inclusive, and there is no status at all.

Usually they don't get the benefits, and they are responsible for all the dirty and dirty work.

"Send me the location of the ghost ship, and you don't have to worry about the rest!"

Lord Raffaele replied angrily.

He naturally understands what his Pope means. However, after being freed from the shackles of the Holy See for three hundred years, my thoughts and concepts have already changed, and my own cultivation has further improved, which is obviously more important than the so-called overall situation.

"Rafaele, ghost ships are not easy to deal with. Even if your cultivation level is one level higher than the opponent's, you still can't take down three ghost ships.

What's more, the other party is still hiding in the foggy sea and has inextricable connections with the Alpha Kingdom. If you are not careful, you will fall into the other party's plan.

If you want to take action, it is better to wait for us to free up our hands and then accompany you for a walk. "

Fabrizio on the side spoke to persuade.

The wisdom of the ghost ship at the sanctuary level has long been no weaker than that of the human race. All kinds of conspiracies and conspiracies are readily available.

The few operations in history to annihilate the Holy Ghost Ship were accomplished by gathering many powerful Saints to besiege them.

"There's no time to wait!

If I don’t take action, others will. Once you miss this opportunity, it will not be easy to go further.

Worrying about the intervention of the powerful men from the Alpha Kingdom is simply too much worry. Even if they were connected, the relationship wouldn't go very far.

In the past time, except for the rare robberies of Alpha Kingdom's ships, the two parties had never cooperated once.

If they were really closely related, when Alphas and Orcs were fighting to the death, these ghosts should have come to help!

You can rest assured that as long as you help me seize the core of the ghost ship, if you need it later, I will do my best to help. "

Raffaele promised immediately.

For this kind of thing, you can't join forces with a strong person from the dark system. Otherwise, subsequent loot cannot be divided.

"Rafaele, first verify the strength of the ghost ship. If you are just entering the sanctuary for the first time, a few of us will accompany you.

If the opponent's strength has also entered the second level of the Holy Realm, then wait and see. In the same realm, it is difficult for us to kill such a strange life as the ghost ship! "

Puccino said with a smile.

It can be seen that the relationship between the two is good.

It is a miracle in itself that the ghost ship can advance to the sanctuary. The probability of advancing further is too small, or the time required is too long.

This scene fell into the eyes of Pius VII, full of helplessness. Facing these old and powerful men in the religion, he was really powerless.

Fortunately, these people don't have much interest in power, and at most they only occasionally point fingers, otherwise the Holy Mountain would be really busy.


A new round of meetings of the Human Alliance was once again held in this historic city.

Different from previous meetings, there were slightly more powerful people attending this meeting.

Seeing this scene, the foreign spies hiding in Lutesia all became reclusive, fearing that they would bump into the old antiques and have their flaws discovered.

Even if they try their best to hide, the number of spies who reveal their identities is more than ever before.

"Welcome to Lutesia, everyone. The topic of today's meeting is - the catastrophe of ten thousand years!

Judging from the information collected from various aspects, it basically proves the existence of the catastrophe of ten thousand years, or that the catastrophe has already begun.

Thousands of years ago, our human race was still a small and inconspicuous tribe. We relied on our ancestors to comb their rags and overcome all difficulties along the way to create the prosperous age of the human race today.

However, under the prosperous age, there is already an undercurrent surging at this moment. Whether it is the ambitious alien alliance or the bloodthirsty inner earth race, they are all threatening our rule.

In addition to these enemies on the surface, there are many enemies hidden in the dark, ready to give us a fatal blow at any time.

The enemy has blocked the news of the catastrophe for thousands of years, trying to use the information gap to cause heavy damage to us!

Now it's time to make a decision. I hope all members of Congress can pool their wisdom and find the best solution for our human race!


Charles III's high-spirited speech directly assumed the role of the leader of the human race. The expressions of the congressmen present varied, some were in agreement, some were indifferent, and some were dismissive.

There were many thoughts in my heart, but no one raised any objections at the scene. It is obvious that in the face of the complicated continental situation, all parties have recognized the existence of the Frank Empire.

As the only large empire in the human race, it is natural for the Frank Empire to dominate the alliance meeting.

"His Majesty Charles III has already explained the basic situation, so now, on behalf of the Kingdom of Iberia, let me share our opinions!

Troubled times have begun, and the practices of the past peaceful times are now somewhat inappropriate.

Since the enemy dares to provoke, they will use thunderous means to suppress the emerging race first.

The kingdom's position is: All parties unite and organize a coalition to strangle the inner earth races in the human race area first, in order to shock all races on the mainland! "

Count Djordjevich said murderously.

Don't blame them for being angry. In the past few days, three of the younger brothers in the Iliban Kingdom have been brutally destroyed, and many younger brothers have asked for help.

If they don't take action, the alliance they have worked so hard to build will soon fall apart.

With their own strength alone, they are still unable to support multiple younger brothers at the same time.

At this time, it is very necessary to win over the human alliance.

"The undercurrent is indeed a threat. We have no objection to using the inner earth race to scare the monkeys.

It's just that the catastrophe of ten thousand years may not be that simple.

Judging from the collected intelligence, the invasion of the inner earth race happened tens of thousands of years ago. They did not launch an invasion ten thousand years ago, which means that the invasion of the inner earth race is not the whole of the catastrophe of ten thousand years.

At least judging from the strength they have shown so far, it is not enough to shake our human race's rule on the continent.

Perhaps the real disaster has not yet erupted, and this is just the beginning. Maybe the catastrophe will enter its climax, and all the races on the mainland will take action against us.

Fight early and fight late, war is inevitable. The opinion of the Alpha Kingdom is: to eliminate the threat of the race in the center of the earth within two years, and to clear the entire continent in five years!

Any alien forces that may threaten the hegemony of our human race should be within the scope of the clearance. Eliminate all potential threats, and the truth of the 10,000-year catastrophe will naturally emerge. "

Earl Predrag's words fell to the ground, making the members of the House of Representatives so shocked that they could hardly close their mouths.

The Ilibians just want to strangle the inner earth race, and the Alpha Kingdom is preparing to kill all the alien races.

If we can really wipe out all the alien races, then no matter how the situation changes in the future, the position of the hegemon of the human continent will be difficult to shake.

"Count Predrag, your judgment on the catastrophe is: killing. As long as you kill enough, the catastrophe will disappear, right?"

An old man in black robe asked uncertainly.

In the absence of sufficient information support, there are also different opinions on the judgment of the "10,000-year catastrophe".

However, there are generally two speculations: one is a catastrophe caused by the natural evolution of world consciousness; the other is that someone is controlling it behind the scenes.

There are even more speculations about how to survive the catastrophe, and basically no unified statement can be found.

"The theory of killing" is just one of them. It's purely a guess, and no supporting evidence has been found yet.

"Yes, Duke Melnia!

There is too little information in our hands, so it is difficult for us to analyze the ins and outs of the 10,000-year catastrophe, but one thing can be confirmed.

The replacement of overlords on the mainland in the past dynasties only occurred after the catastrophe of ten thousand years, when the overlord's strength was seriously weakened.

The orcs replaced the elves, and we replaced the orcs, all following this rule.

Now that we have determined this, we might as well take the first step and eliminate the hidden dangers in advance.

As long as our competitors are gone, who can replace me, the human race? "

Count Predrag replied calmly.

This set of guesses was the result of many discussions in the Alpha Kingdom, and he was already familiar with various theoretical supports.

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