
Chapter 648 Decision of Destiny

Chapter 47, Decision of Destiny

"The crowd below is very excited. Do you think we should expand the war now?"

Charles III asked expressionlessly.

Ever since it was discovered that the alien alliance was secretly supporting the Earth-centered race, the human race's arrogance as a hegemon was aroused.

The last continental war ended midway and lost a large area of ​​territory, which already made the young factions in various countries very dissatisfied.

It's just that these people have not yet taken power and have been suppressed by the older generation of the family.

It can suppress people, but it cannot suppress people's hearts.

The alien alliance supported the inner earth race and became the trigger that once again aroused racial conflicts.

The younger generation is clamoring for revenge, and dignitaries in exile countries have also joined the flag-waving team.

Not only are they building momentum in public opinion, but they are also busy with public relations in private, hoping to restore the country with the support of the alliance.

Lutecia is lively!

There was a roar of fighting outside.

The power of the peace party is also not small, but most of the peace parties are older nobles. They pay more attention to their status and will not go to the streets to fight with the war party.

“Your Majesty, this matter cannot be rushed!

It is easy to start a war, but it is not that simple to win a war.

The strength of the alien alliance is not weak, and coupled with the inner earth race, the outbreak of war is destined to be very tragic.

What's more, the number of entrances to the center of the earth is uncertain, and new entrances may pop up at any time.

If at a critical moment of the war, the inner earth race suddenly breaks out in the rear, things will be in trouble.

Rather than risking a little face, it is better to ignore it first and wait until the inner earth race is wiped out before settling the settlement with the alien alliance.

What's more, countries now have insufficient motivation to launch a full-scale war.

The Principality of Mossi, the Kingdom of Alpha, and the Kingdom of Ilibia all need time to digest the results of the battle.

The reforms of the Hessian Kingdom, Dante Kingdom, and Nan'an Kingdom in the mid-continent have entered a critical moment, and they have no intention of provoking a full-scale war at this moment.

The situation in the Kingdom of Oprus, the Kingdom of Avarat, and the Kingdom of Ruthenia is even worse. The reformists and the conservatives are fighting fiercely, and it is difficult to suppress the races in the center of the earth.

Once a full-scale war breaks out, no one can tell which direction the situation will develop! "

The Marquis of Jesus was the first to express his opposition.

As Foreign Minister, he is well aware of the situation on the mainland.

Now is the most glorious moment for the human race, but many countries are out of shape.

In the case of internal instability, the prospect of forcibly launching a foreign war is really not reassuring.

If all-out war breaks out and there are "pig teammates" everywhere, no matter how powerful the Frank Empire is, they won't be able to bring them along!

“Marquis Jesus, what you said is too exaggerated.

It is true that many countries are out of shape now, but this is also a normal situation for our human race.

Whenever a war is launched, there is no guarantee that all countries will be at their peak.

Referring to past cases, most of the time waging war abroad is the best way to divert internal conflicts.

Once all-out war breaks out, the so-called conservatives and reformers will cease to exist.

It especially has the greatest impact on countries on the front lines, and war can unite them! "

Earl Phils immediately refuted.

In recent years, watching the Alpha Kingdom killing all sides on the battlefield, the Frankish military has long been unable to hold back.

Although they also have a record of defeating the Holy See, this is still a civil war among the human race.

In this era when unity is needed, victory in the civil war is not worth advocating. Everyone pays more attention to foreign wars.

In contrast, the Alpha Kingdom military is much more confident.

Every military achievement on his body is to expand the living space for the human race, and can be used to brag on any occasion.

As the most powerful country in the mainland, how could the arrogant Frankish military endure such grievances.

They had prepared a plan early, preparing to cripple the alien alliance in one fell swoop and lay the foundation for the human race to unify the Aslant continent.

The time now is a little premature, but Count Phils feels that he can still fight for it, otherwise he will not be able to explain to his subordinates later.

"Count Phils, what you said is just a possibility. When it comes to the rise and fall of the race, we must be cautious.

If we do not develop according to the most ideal state and our human race is defeated in the war, who can bear the consequences?

Don’t forget that this is a period of great tribulation for ten thousand years!

Demonic disasters and the invasion of races from the center of the earth are just the beginning, and we are still far from the troubled times in myths and legends!

In addition, we also need to consider a practical issue - money and food.

After years of continuous fighting, the Principality of Moxi and the Kingdom of Alpha are both poor.

Without enough money and food to support them, these two main combat forces in the northern continent had to make do with each other during the war.

The alliance can provide certain support, but the current situation of the alliance is not good either.

Many countries have depleted their domestic war reserves due to the invasion of the inner earth races.

Among the big countries, except for us and the Iberians, several others have gone to reform again.

If the internal problems are not sorted out, it will be difficult for them to spend a lot of money and food to support this ethnic war.

Although the empire is rich, we still have to participate in the war, and it is impossible to spend enough extra money and food to support our allies. "

The Marquis Tullio, the finance minister, refuted this from a professional perspective.

If you don't become a householder, you don't know that firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive.

War is the biggest gold-devouring beast. Once a full-scale war breaks out, money and food will be consumed like water.

Compared with money, food is actually the most difficult problem.

It would be fine if it was a quick victory, but if it dragged on for three to five years, the Frankish Empire, which had a large family and great business, would not be able to bear it.

Seeing that the ministers wanted to agree, Earl Phils said first:

"Prime Minister, what do you think?"

It feels uncomfortable to fight alone. Fighting with ministers may seem awe-inspiring, but in fact it is not feasible at all.

Regarding the topic of war, everyone has long weighed the pros and cons in private. Once something is determined, it is almost impossible to change it.

As a last resort, Count Fels could only seek help from the Prime Minister Duke Bergson, who was a soldier, hoping to gain support.

"Your Excellency, I respect everyone's opinions. The current situation is indeed not suitable for blindly provoking a war.

The foreign races supporting the inner earth race is actually the behavior of some races, not all.

At least the elves and orcs have never supported the earth-centered races. You are too sensitive! "

The answer of the prime minister, Duke Bergson, made Count Fels angry until he died.

According to this logical interpretation, the alien alliance does not support the inner earth race. What supports the inner earth race is only the individual behavior of its members.

However, the elves did not support the earth-centered race because there was historical hatred, and the two sides simply could not urinate in the same pot.

The orcs were just unlucky to encounter the "Erha race hell multi-headed dog", and they couldn't help but fight it.

After the dark elves emerged, they were also ready to support them.

The plan had not yet been implemented. After receiving a severe beating, they turned around and came over to compete with them for territory.

All they encounter are enemies, so why should they support them?


After giving a cold shout, Earl Phils kept silent.

He fought for everything that should be fought for. The collective opposition of all the important ministers in the court was not something that a military minister could change.

Unless all local nobles support the war, the imperial government's decision cannot be changed.

There is no doubt that this is impossible.

The position of the local nobles has never been unified, nor can it be unified.

Otherwise, the emperor's life would be difficult.

At almost the same time, all human nations were discussing the same topic, but there were some differences in the content.

The Franks are discussing whether to launch a full-scale war, but other countries are discussing how to avoid a full-scale war.

It's not a question of "coward" or not, the main thing is that everyone is really not ready.

Generally, wars initiated on one's own initiative are prepared in advance, and the preparation period is at least five years.

It has not been five years since the last continental war ended, and many countries have not recovered from the war.

The human race doesn't want to fight, and the alien alliance doesn't want to fight either, at least the elves don't want to fight now.

Elf forest.

The three elf queens were happily celebrating the full moon for the elf. After receiving the news that the situation in the mainland was tense, their faces turned green with anger.

"Continue the ceremony and don't let those annoying guys ruin our mood!"

The forest elf queen suppressed her anger and said.

These little elf babies in front of us are not ordinary elf babies, but the "fruits" conceived by the elf mother tree again after tens of thousands of years.

Compared with the elves reproduced the day after tomorrow, the blood of these first-generation elves is purer and their affinity for magic will be stronger.

Although the quantity is not much, the quality is outstanding.

As long as he is taught well, it is almost only a matter of time before he becomes an eighth-level powerhouse. The probability of breaking through the holy realm is much higher than that of ordinary elves, making him a true favorite of heaven.

Within the elves, "the elf mother tree gives birth to elves" has always been considered a sign of the elves' prosperity.

Even though the elf in front of him only had single digits and looked malnourished, he still gained great attention from the top elf clan.

If you can breed the first wave of elves, you can breed the second wave.

It is worth mentioning that the time period for the elf mother tree to give birth to elves is not fixed.

After absorbing enough energy, it will blossom and bear fruit, and the time period depends entirely on the concentration of magic elements between heaven and earth.

Theoretically speaking, the stronger the magic element between heaven and earth, the shorter the fruiting cycle of the Elf Mother Tree, and the greater the number of fruits it will produce.

The magic element is rich, which is not only beneficial to the elves, but also helpful to other races.

The more a race relies on bloodline talents, the more advantageous it will be in this environment.

After successfully completing the full moon ceremony, the elves began the celebration. Only three elf queens left quietly and worriedly.

Walk in the forest, soak in the scent of flowers, and listen to the singing of birds.

The elves have achieved true harmony with nature.

"Sister, the situation seems to be out of control. Since all the tribes have taken action, let them have a good time at once.

If the human race provokes a war, then simply unite all races and give them a heavy blow.

Even if it cannot destroy the hegemony of the human race, it can still interrupt their general trend! "

The night elf queen said aggressively.

It was obvious that her tolerance for the situation was reaching its limit.

In recent years, the expansion of the human race has become more and more obvious.

Even in the last continental war, they destroyed many human nations, but they did not curb the vigorous development of the human race.

"It's difficult!"

"There are too many human countries. Just destroying a few countries will not have a big impact on them.

Unless we can defeat several of their major powers at once, but this is too difficult!

Compared with other races, the resilience of the human race is too strong.

The Alpha Kingdom is the best example. It was on the verge of death a few years ago, and even its position within the human race was unstable.

Yet just a few years later, they recovered and even went further.

Our previous destruction of the countries in the Northern Continent was actually the biggest driver of their rapid growth in strength.

After the decline of the Holy See, they made another wave of reinforcements, and now they will only become more difficult to deal with! "

The forest elf queen said with a depressed look.

After finally making up his mind to destroy a bunch of human countries, the result was that the remaining human countries became stronger.

It was done to reduce the strength of the human race, but in the blink of an eye, they made up for the losses.

The same labor force can create completely different values ​​in different countries.

In some decadent countries, even if more labor is added, it will be difficult to convert it into military strength.

But in a country like the Alpha Kingdom that serves war, as long as the labor force comes in, there will be feedback in the military field soon.

If that's all it is, it's not unbearable.

After all, war kills people, and only a few can successfully escape overseas.

The most troublesome thing for the elves is the rapid recovery speed of the humans. In just a few decades, a new powerful country can be built on top of ruins.

"Then do it!

Arrange masters to sneak into the human race, open the remaining entrance to the center of the earth, and use the evil demons to consume the human race.

With the greed of the human race, after realizing the wealth of the inner earth world, it is impossible not to be tempted.

Even if the top leaders of the human race can restrain their desires, the demons will take the initiative to kill themselves to help them make up their minds.

In ancient times, our ancestors paid a heavy price in order to develop the inner earth world. In the end, they not only suffered heavy losses, but also created a bunch of evil spirits.

The human race doesn't have that many strong men now, and just pacifying the inner world requires a lot of their energy.

Once one jumps into this bottomless pit, it will be difficult for the human race to climb out in a short time.

Even if they get lucky and gain something, it will be many years later.

By then, our clan's strength will probably be almost restored, and it will be time for the mainland to bring order to the chaos! "

The prairie elf queen said eagerly.

It was obvious that she had eaten this cake herself, which was why she was so excited.

If you really look into it carefully, you will find that there are many uncertain factors.

There is a seal of the earth center race on the front, not because the elves are so disciplined, but because they want to use it at critical moments.

For example: when the continental war reaches a stalemate, the sudden appearance of the inner earth race will be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Opening the entrance in advance can cause a lot of losses to the human race in a short period of time, but this is also a demining activity.

Perhaps for the human race, instead of leaving these hidden dangers in the future, it is better to detonate them now so that the aftermath can be dealt with earlier.

Of course, once the plan is successful, the flatbread will still be very delicious.

In theory, the success rate of this plan is very high. Even if it fails, it will buy time for the elves.

After hesitating for a while, the forest elf queen nodded slightly and said:


“Except for leaving some entrances in those big countries, waiting to be activated at critical moments, all other entrances in the human race have been opened.

For the sake of safety, this time let the strong men from the holy realm in the clan take action. The action time should be unified on the same day as much as possible, and don't leave any chance to the enemy! "

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