
Chapter 656: Picking up the bargains

"Ha ha……"

“You started the trouble, how come it’s our fault?

The whole continent knows that the Blackstone Mountains are our territory, and you shady centipedes dare to come and cause trouble.

To tell you the truth, if I don’t give you a satisfactory explanation today, there will be no need for you to exist next time we meet! "

King Tianqing said mockingly.

There is no such thing as perishing together, but looking for trouble is intentional.

There are too many races of Warcraft, and there are a lot of innately hostile races, and they do not have the ability to dominate the continent.

All the sacred monsters know this. No one wants to dominate the mainland stupidly, because they can't pass the internal level.

Not participating in the struggle for mainland hegemony does not mean that you are doing nothing.

The mainland is in such chaos now. If something is not done, the chaos will spread to the Warcraft clan sooner or later.

The giant centipede clan broke their rules and became the targets of their killing to scare the monkeys.

If they hadn't been determined to cause trouble a long time ago, the giant foot centipedes wouldn't have been attacked by the army of Warcraft as soon as they broke the rules.

After all, the two major camps in the Aslant continent are at odds with each other, and there are not many chickens suitable for slaughter.

They were not exterminated directly because the Warcraft wanted to show off their strength to the outside world.

In a sense, the greater the disturbance caused by the Giant Centipede clan on the mainland, the more successful their actions to establish their power will be.

After being threatened, Lord Golan was so angry that he gritted his teeth, but he still didn't dare to gamble.

All the major forces on the continent have a rough idea of ​​how powerful the Warcraft clan is, but they do not include the Giant Centipede clan.

Having suffered from poor information once, Giant Foot Centipede was frightened and did not dare to bet on whether King Azure's threat could be fulfilled.

"King Tianqing, what happened this time was our fault. I can guarantee that we will not expand our territory in the Blackstone Mountains in the future.

You can ask for whatever compensation you want, as long as it is within our capabilities, we will try our best to satisfy you! "

Lord Golan promised painfully.

The wave of monsters in front of us has caused great distress to the Giant Centipede clan. If there were a larger wave of monsters, the clan might be wiped out.

If you suffer heavy losses in the surface world, even if you return to the inner earth world, you may not be able to continue the race.

The earth's core passage in their hands alone is worthy of the outside world's peek, not to mention the large territory they rule.

"Ha ha……

If you had been like this earlier, nothing would have happened, and our trip would have been in vain.

Without further ado, I order your army to evacuate the Blackstone Mountains within three days, and are not allowed to return to the inner world.

We will supervise from the side, if you don’t cooperate..."

Before King Tianqing finished speaking, another group of flying monsters appeared in the distance. They seemed to be reinforcements coming from the depths of the Blackstone Mountains.

The leaders are two sacred golden eagles. Their huge wings are more than twenty meters long, and they can blow up a gust of wind with just a shake.

Seeing this scene, Lord Golan swallowed back all his grievances. Now was really not the time to be harsh.

If they continue to fight like this, the scale of the beast tide will only grow. Even if the giant centipede can withstand this wave of blows with all its strength and the human army comes back to kill them, they will still be finished.

If it weren't for the many monsters staring at him and his yearning for the bright world, he would have wanted to take his people back to the inner world immediately.

“King Tianqing, it’s not that we intend to stay in the Blackstone Mountains, the main reason is that the entrance to the center of the earth is here.

Apart from bordering you, there are only two human kingdoms left as neighbors.

As you know, the human race is now so powerful that it will be difficult for us to seize a piece of land from them in a short period of time.

We had also tentatively launched an attack on the Alpha Kingdom before, but unfortunately we made a wrong move in the end, resulting in heavy losses to the army! "

His Holiness Golan strives for Tao.

Knowing that these monsters had bad intentions and tried to provoke a war between them and the human race, he could only deal with them as much as possible.

Deep down in his heart, he has already greeted King Centipede several times. His ability to cause trouble is really too strong.

As soon as he entered the surface world, he attracted enemies from two powerful forces.

"Ha ha……

You are indeed stupid enough to not even understand the strength gap between the human kingdoms!

To tell you the truth, among the same human kingdoms, there are also three, six or nine levels.

The three big countries at the top directly account for more than 60% of the human race's military strength. How can they be compared to the kingdoms behind them?

Just pick the strongest opponent right from the start. It seems that living in the inner earth world for so many years has made your brains stupid!

No more nonsense with you!

No matter what difficulties you have, you must comply with our requirements.

I'll give you three hours to prepare, and break camp immediately when the time is up.

Whether it is revenge against the Alpha Kingdom or bullying the Hessians, that is your own business.

By following our rules, the entrance to the center of the earth can be preserved.

Otherwise, we will directly destroy the entrance, cut off the connection between you and the inner earth world, and then give you to the human race as a favor! "

King Tianqing immediately threatened.

As one of the smartest monsters on the continent, the Azure Beast has always been synonymous with trouble. Once it offends them, it will take revenge from morning till night.

The giant-footed centipedes were very unfortunate, and they encountered them just after they came out of the inner earth world.

"Let your men stop attacking first, let's go back and discuss it, and we'll give you an answer in an hour!"

Lord Golan said cruelly.

Even though he knew he was being used as a pawn, he didn't have the confidence to refuse.

At the moment of the conversation, three more eighth-level warriors in the clan died in battle due to excessive physical exertion and reduced reaction speed.

There is no potion in their hands that can instantly resurrect them with full blood. If they continue to fight like this, the next step will be the peak period of the fall of the giant centipede clan.

It's not easy to accumulate some knowledge in the clan, and you can't just put it all in just for the sake of temporary motivation.

Just shout "die together". If he really had to trade his life for his life, Lord Golan would not have lived enough, and the other strong men in the clan would not have lived enough either.


The order was issued, but the battlefield was so bloody that it was obviously not something that could be stopped just by shouting stop.

The war below is still going on, and the showdown between the strong men in the sky has come to an end for the time being.

Lord Golan is very satisfied with this result.

It would be good to be able to maintain the high-end power in the clan. These eighth-level warriors are the seeds for breaking through the holy realm in the future.

If all these foundations are exhausted today, then in the next twenty years, no new sanctuary will be born for the Giant Centipede clan.

In this age of great strife, it is very terrifying for the strong to be cut off.

High-end powers cannot guarantee the prosperity of a race, but they can enable the continuation of the race.

Referring to the history of the mainland, there are many cases of declining races rising up against the odds.

As long as race exists, anything is possible.

I don't know if it's a racial curse or other reasons. Once the race you belong to is exterminated, it will be difficult for the remaining strong people to make further progress.

The two are actually bound!

How long it takes for a small tribe to turn over is difficult to define. It mainly depends on fertility and racial talent.

In this regard, the human race is an inspirational example.

From a small and humble tribe to becoming the hegemon of the continent, this period only lasted for more than a thousand years.

For ordinary people, this is a long time; but for the pinnacle experts of long-lived races, this is just an experience in their lives.

Theoretically speaking, as long as they can break through the third level of the Holy Realm, even humans can survive a thousand years.

After briefly explaining the causes and consequences, as well as the requirements of the monsters, Lord Golan simply remained silent.

As the decision-maker, King Centipede immediately became numb on the spot. If he had known that there were so many terrifying monsters in the Heisen Mountains, he would not have expanded to the Blackstone Mountains.

These are all caused by experience!

There is no such settlement of Warcraft in the inner earth world, and the executives of Giant Foot Centipede also take it for granted that the strength of Warcraft in the surface world is limited.

After realizing that the human race was difficult to offend, they retreated to the next best option and chose to expand to the Blackstone Mountains, in an attempt to carve out a piece of territory between the two kingdoms.

The current situation is that the country has not been conquered, and the cemetery has been established first.

Judging from the situation on the battlefield, the casualties caused by the beast tide to the Centipede army were also tens of thousands.

"We are not even given the opportunity to return to the inner earth world. It seems that the intensity of competition in the surface world is no worse than that in the inner earth world.

These races in the surface world occupy more abundant resources, and it is reasonable for them to be stronger than us.

The enemy only left us an hour, and now one-third has passed, leaving us little time to make decisions.

Once again, it's time to decide the fate of the race. If we have to fight these monsters, we should send troops according to their requirements. Let's talk about your opinions! "

King Centipede said anxiously.

This was the first time since he took the throne that he felt so unsure.

In the past, no matter how big the trouble was, he could handle it calmly.

This time is different. The giant centipede clan is too weak and the situation is completely out of control.

"Your Majesty, we have no choice now!

According to these monsters, the fact that the Alpha Kingdom did not fight back was not because they were afraid of us, but because they had an agreement with them.

If the news is true, as long as they allow the Alpha Kingdom to send troops, a war will break out immediately.

At that time, we will be attacked from both sides. We will not only have to deal with the harassment of the Warcraft, but also face the revenge of the Alpha Kingdom. Maybe the Hessians will also send troops to stab us.

As long as the Warcraft can ensure that humans do not attack the Blackstone Mountains, then according to their requirements, it may not be an opportunity.

If we can't defeat the Alpha Kingdom, can't we defeat the Hessians?

Judging from the intelligence collected, the strength gap between the two countries is not small, and the Hessians also face the threat of the alien alliance.

As long as our appetite is not too big and our bottom line is not touched, the Hessians should not fight us desperately.

Let’s test the strength of the Hessians first. If they are strong, then it will be enough to capture a few counties near the Blackstone Mountains.

On the contrary, capture one or two provinces first, wait and see the situation on the mainland, and then decide on the next move! "

Prime Minister Jawat suggested.

As a veteran who has followed King Centipede for many years, he has already read the answer from the eyes of his boss.

The current answer seems to be a suggestion, but in fact it strengthens King Centipede's confidence.

The centipedes wanted to object, but in the end they swallowed their words. They really had no better choice now.

Although the plan in front of us is full of risks, it at least has certain feasibility.

Blood Moon Line of Defense.

Hudson, who didn't know that Warcraft had helped a lot, was still troubled by how to encourage the Giant Foot Centipedes to invade the Hessian Kingdom southward.

"What's happening in the Blackstone Mountains? The tide of beasts is attacking the camp of those stinking centipedes?"

Hudson asked in surprise.

Beast tides break out every few decades, and the noble lords near the Blackstone Mountains all have rich experience in dealing with them.

When the Blood Moon Defense Line was being built before, someone caused trouble and caused a wave of beasts.

When the territory is weak, the beast tide is a disaster; when the territory is strong, the beast tide is an opportunity.

Affected by the development of productivity, various human countries have been able to raise some of the big-stomach monsters.

The "Warcraft Legion" is replacing the traditional knights and becoming the most powerful force in the contemporary era.

As long as they are nobles of the Alpha Kingdom, no one wants to build a powerful Warcraft Legion.

It's just that there are many dangers in going into the mountains to capture monsters. It's okay if you do it on a small scale. But if you go too far, you'll incur the revenge of the monsters in the sanctuary.

Nobles with big families and businesses would rather pay high prices to issue mercenary missions than go out to capture World of Warcraft themselves.

You cannot take action at other times, but there is one exception, and that is - the beast tide.

In the beast tide, no matter how many demon beasts are captured, they will not attract the attention of the sacred demon beasts.

Our own Warcraft Legion is still a seedling, and claiming to be a legion is purely to put money on our faces.

If you really want to form a legion, you must have at least four to five thousand monsters. At present, Hudson has only completed one-fifth of it.

The gap among other noble lords is even greater. The entire Alpha Kingdom only has a thousand Warcraft knights gathered by the royal family.

This is still the result of the extensive use of ripening drugs. If it had been left for a few years, there would not even be these assets.

"Marshal, the information has been verified.

Those miserable centipedes expanded aggressively in the Blackstone Mountains and slaughtered many monsters. They probably attracted the attention of the sacred monsters above.

The current tide of beasts should be the revenge of the monsters on them.

There were so many high-level monsters in this beast wave that none of our people dared to get close to check them out.

It's a pity that the war broke out in the Blackstone Mountains, otherwise we could have taken advantage of it! "

Governor Pierce said with regret.

Seeing this scene, Hudson smiled slightly. As expected, they are like-minded people, and their ideas are surprisingly consistent.

Thinking back on it, Hudson still had no plans to act rashly. In order to capture the monsters, their dragons and bears were on the blacklist of many sacred monsters.

Fortunately, people didn't know the purpose of the Dragon Bear's capture of the monsters, and just regarded them as trying to grab territory from across the border.

According to the rules of the Holy World of Warcraft, if you encounter someone who is trying to grab territory, just fight and expel them.

A similar operation is enough once. If you keep playing, it will be exposed sooner or later.

After realizing the risk, Hudson decisively chose to stop for the sake of the safety of his territory.

"Your Majesty the Governor, since it is a war, there will definitely be opportunities, but due to political considerations, it is not convenient for us to come forward.

Let the mercenary group do it, they are most familiar with the Blackstone Mountains. There is still a chance to pick up a few lone monsters.

Let the rest take its course!

The power of those centipedes to attract hatred is really strong. I wonder how those holy beasts will torment them! "

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