
Chapter 658 Gossip

Blood Moon Line of Defense.

After receiving the news of the fall of Creston County, Hudson's first reaction was that it was impossible!

The enemy just launched an attack last night and the city fell. What did the 50,000 defenders do?

Hudson, who did not believe in evil, even took a trip to Creston County himself. The densely packed centipede soldiers below broke his last fantasy.

The centipede clan is a cannibal, and the probability of the defenders surrendering is low. The city's fall so quickly only proves that the Creston County defenders are really incompetent!

Nobles' lairs are generally the focus of operations. As long as they are not breached from within, their defenses are pretty good.

Under normal circumstances, no matter how bad the battle goes, the defenders should be able to hold on for ten days and a half.

Even if the enemy doesn't follow the rules and lets the strong men of the sanctuary take action, and engages in street fighting after the outer city is broken, they can still last for a day or two.

Perhaps he was restrained by the strong men of the Hessian Kingdom, or perhaps he was frightened by the previous sneak attack by Hudson.

Judging from the intelligence collected, the Centipede Clan’s Sanctuary did not take action in the siege last night.

In a confrontation between pure secular forces, he could lose so miserably. Hudson suddenly felt that he needed to re-examine the quality of the Hessian Kingdom.

If the noble lords behind are like this, maybe a simple encirclement and suppression battle by the earth's inner race can be turned into a battle to defend the royal capital.

With such a good teammate, Hudson found that his previous strategy of destroying the orcs was too hasty.

It is too unreliable to rely on such an ally for the security of the kingdom.

After sighing, Hudson returned directly to the camp. The plan to send troops to seize the Centipede clan's retreat must be carried out in advance.

Regardless of whether the Hessian Kingdom is reliable or not, the Five Nations Alliance cannot fall down. The Hessians can be weak, but they cannot let the foreigners think they are weak.

Being puffy and fat is also fat, and it can fool you day by day. As long as the Franks and Ilibans digest the results of the war and launch another war against the foreigners, the situation will be completely different.

The fall of Creston County was only the beginning of the collapse of the situation. Next, the Hessian nobles used their lives to explain what is: there is no worst, only worse!

A complete line of defense was built, and the military fortresses that were supposed to play an important role in the plan fell one after another.

Looking at the battle report in his hand, Marquis Simonyi's blood pressure rose sharply and his face turned red.

Deep in his heart, he vaguely regretted that he shouldn't have worked so hard when suppressing the small and medium-sized nobles.

It's not that the nobles of the Hessian Kingdom are incapable of expanding their armaments, it's that under the pressure of the big nobles like them, the small and medium-sized nobles don't dare to expand their armaments.

This top-down suppression ensured the stability of the upper class society, but it also paid a heavy price for the decline of the kingdom.

After the last continental war, the Hessian Kingdom, which had suffered great losses, realized that this way of playing could not keep up with the times, and launched a top-down reform movement.

However, they wanted to change, but the small and medium-sized nobles below did not dare to follow suit, for fear of exposing their ambitions and causing disaster for their families.

Facts have proved that the younger brothers are too settled, which is also a disaster.

When trouble comes and the younger brothers can't resist it, they have no choice but to step in as the boss.

Realizing that relying on the counties to build a defense line to block the enemy's offensive was useless, Marquis Simonyi immediately decided to strategically shrink and focus his defense on his home base.

This decision once again accelerated the decline of various counties.

With the governor's military order, the nobles of the counties on the verge of the front line reluctantly abandoned their fiefdoms and rushed to the provincial capital to participate in the provincial defense battle!

At the same time, letters for help flew to the royal capital like snowflakes. Sometimes there are three letters a day, and sometimes there are more than a dozen letters a day.

The communication magic circle has never been closed since it was opened.

After a series of sexy operations, Alexander V also suffered from insomnia.

The eldest brother couldn't sleep well, and the younger brothers didn't want to have a good sleep either. They were summoned to the palace in the middle of the night to discuss matters.

"Only three days after the war broke out, Gutland Province fell to three counties. At this rate, the kingdom will lose a province in less than half a month.

No matter what tonight, we must come up with a response plan!

Marquis Krasner, tell me first, what's going on over there in the Alpha Kingdom, and how soon will it take to send troops? "

Alexander V asked angrily.

From the beginning, hopes were placed on the allies, and the defense of the Blackstone Mountains was limited to the mobilization of neighboring provinces.

The royal government did not pay enough attention, and the execution efforts below were even less strong. As a result, it was discovered that no reinforcements from the Earth-centered race had arrived in Gutland Province for more than a month.

It's okay if there are no reinforcements, but the Gutland Province, which is located on the front line, is also very slow to mobilize itself.

A series of problems converged, causing the front line to retreat.

“Your Majesty, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has done the coordination work, and the Alphas have agreed to send troops.

However, the front line fell too quickly. It is estimated that the order from the Alpha Kingdom to send troops has not been sent to the front line yet!

Now that such a change has occurred, it may be difficult for allies to send troops. "

Marquis Krasner replied with aggrieved expression.

His Ministry of Foreign Affairs will not take the blame!

The front line fell so quickly that it was obvious that the local nobles were incompetent.

In the same province, the Giant Foot Centipede clan was able to defeat even the neighboring provinces. When they arrived, they were directly beaten by the Giant Foot Centipede. The reversal came too quickly.

If things continue like this, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs won't have to go out to work in the future, and it can't afford to lose that person.

At this moment, Marquis Krasner's resentment towards the military reached its peak.

In the last continental war, the military's performance on the battlefield was unsatisfactory, causing the kingdom to lose its reputation as a "powerful nation."

If it continues to fail now, it is estimated that the label of "big country" will be torn off.

Weak people are not qualified to occupy large areas of land!

"Marquis Krasner, don't just complain about us. No one wants to see the situation deteriorate to this point.

All current problems are caused by incomplete military reform.

If Gutland Province had improved its military training in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Military Affairs, it would never have been defeated so miserably.

Not to mention catching up with the Alpha Kingdom, but they should have half of their military strength! "

Count Niklas replied unceremoniously.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not want to take the blame, and the Ministry of Military Affairs also does not want to be held responsible.

Although it is difficult for them to completely break away from the relationship due to the nature of their work, every point in which they can shirk responsibility counts.

If you have everything covered, then don’t mess around in the Hessian Kingdom.

As long as someone in the Royal Government takes the blame, they will be blamed countless times until they are crushed.

Seeing the smell of gunpowder, Alexander V coughed helplessly and reprimanded:


Now it’s up to you to find a way to solve the problem, not to let you shirk your responsibilities.

The Ministry of Military Affairs will come up with a combat plan as soon as possible, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will continue to urge the Alpha Kingdom to send troops. Others should do whatever they want! "

After speaking, he turned around and left, leaving a group of ministers staring at him.

It's so surprising that tonight's meeting ended early before dawn.

According to past practice, every important meeting was inevitably followed by a quarrel.

The atmosphere had just begun to brew tonight when the king stopped it. It was obviously abnormal.

Rich political experience told them that if the situation in the kingdom failed to improve, a major earthquake would occur in the court.

Duke Milton's face was the ugliest. The king couldn't take the blame for the current situation, so there was a high probability that he, the prime minister, would take the blame.

As for the others, the portions were a bit off.

Of course, when it comes to that, if he, the prime minister, steps down, he will also leave with a large group of people.

After a brief absence, Duke Milton quickly returned to normal.

The king did not hide his dissatisfaction with them, but at this juncture, the possibility of a major reshuffle in the court was still low.

In the current complex situation, no one can guarantee that the new government can do better than them.

If the power reshuffle causes domestic turmoil and affects the frontline war, the consequences will be serious.

The chaotic situation continues to ferment, and more and more countries are in trouble. The embarrassment of the Hessian Kingdom is just a microcosm.

As the situation across the continent became turbulent, Hudson vaguely sensed something was wrong.

A series of changes have occurred. According to normal circumstances, the Human Alliance should have jumped out to take charge of the overall situation.

However, the reality is completely opposite. The Human Alliance, which has always been active, seems to be asleep at this moment, and directly made a move to ignore worldly affairs.

"Your Majesty the Governor, is there no action from the Human Alliance?"

Hudson asked confused.

As a rising star, it was because of him that the Koslow family got a parliamentary seat.

All the personal connections are newly established, and can only be regarded as a familiar face, but they are still far from deep friendship.

If we really talk about friendship, the relationship between the Koslow family and the Dalton family is quite deep.

The two sides have been in contact for at least hundreds of years. Not only are the villagers familiar with each other, but many of their children have also gotten married.

The family connections cannot be counted on. Hudson's title of "Marshal of the Human Race" is indeed eye-catching, but he has been active in the Northern Continent.

In order to avoid the limelight, he never attended the alliance meetings. He is nominally a member of the decision-making team, but if there are serious issues, he still needs to report them through the kingdom.

"Marshal, the Dalton family doesn't have much say in the alliance, and not many can really make decisions.

With the rise of the kingdom, the royal family also entered the decision-making level. If the marshal goes to the alliance to develop, he can directly enter the decision-making level. "

As he spoke, Governor Pierce's eyes showed deep envy.

The power composition of the Human Alliance is very complicated. On the surface, it is led by a group of strong men, but in fact it is promoted by several of the oldest nobles.

However, as time goes by, the original power structure has been broken many times, and it has gradually transitioned to a regional grouping model.

No matter how powerful a family is, it cannot compare to the power of a kingdom.

However, many of the great nobles on the mainland are separated from those ancient nobles, and they are still inextricably linked secretly.

For the emerging nobles, this is a completely unfamiliar circle that will only spread through blood.

All the royal families on the continent currently come from that ancient circle.

People fight among themselves, but it is extremely difficult for others to join in.

“Your Majesty the Governor, this joke is not funny!

The person who entered the decision-making level was the human marshal, not the Hudson, and not the Koslow family. "

Hudson immediately shook his head and said.

The more you know, the more you know awe.

As the marshal of the human race, theoretically he can participate in decision-making, but in actual operation, who informed him?

There is no problem if he offers to be sent to his door as a thug.

If you really want to stupidly intervene and take a piece of the big cake from the Human Alliance, then you will be tired of life.

Heroes are pushed up by people, and they can also be pulled down.

Once someone's core interests are touched, the "human marshal" respected by everyone can also become a traitor of the human race that everyone despises.

Governor Pierce's envy focused mainly on Hudson's future.

The long longevity of the powerful men in the holy realm is enough to ensure the prosperity of the Koslow family for hundreds of years to come.

Such a long time, coupled with the Koslow family's talent for procreation, is enough to marry the core nobles of the mainland.

If I could have more daughters, granddaughters, great-granddaughters...

You don't need to do anything to become the ancestor of many families.

Everyone has become their own people, and the original bloodline barriers naturally no longer exist.

Fortunately, Hudson didn't know what Pierce was thinking, otherwise his whole body would be numb.

It’s not that it’s impossible to operate, but it’s very feasible. Distance has become an obstacle for the ancestors of mainland China, but now they are just missing a group of daughters and granddaughters...

"Sorry, Marshal, I made a mistake!

There is no definite news from the Human Alliance, but there is one rumor.

It is said that someone wanted to deliberately expose the flaw and lure the aliens who are hostile to the human race to take the bait.

It seems that before the strong men in the alliance came back, they had signed a peace agreement with the strong men in the alien alliance, and the human race could not take the initiative to invade other races.

If the news is true, this agreement is the biggest obstacle for my family to rule the continent! "

After hearing Governor Pierce's explanation, Hudson was shocked.

This kind of gossip sounds very outrageous. Why would a strong human race sign such a treaty with a foreign race for no reason?

But experience tells Hudson that the more outrageous the gossip, the more likely it is to be true.

As for why there is this treaty, you have to ask those old antiques.

As a new member of the Sanctuary, Hudson's social network in the Sanctuary circle is very narrow, and he can only count the number of friends he has with him.

There is no way, who keeps him young!

Most of the other powerful men in the Holy Realm were figures of the same era, and had been dealing with each other for decades or hundreds of years.

At this age, those who can reach the sixth level of strength are geniuses who are famous in the province, and those who can reach the seventh level are already geniuses.

Even if we can get to know each other, apart from exchanging cultivation experiences with a group of old guys, it is difficult to find common topics.

“If there is such a plan, it will definitely be inseparable from the Kingdom’s participation, and it is impossible to hide it from His Majesty.

Ask someone to activate the magic circle and send a message directly to ask! "

Hudson's heart was not as calm as his face.

It would be fine if it was a misjudgment, but if there really was such a plan and the king deliberately hid it from him, the marshal, then the relationship between the two parties would have to be re-examined.

"Luring hostile aliens to the bait" may not sound like a big deal, but in fact it represents a new round of continental war.

Judging from the obvious comparison of strength, it is not unusually difficult for the human race to unify the continent.

If a war is launched rashly, many passively participating countries will be tricked into death.

Even for Alpha Kingdom, the financial bankruptcy package must be arranged in advance.

In the middle of the war, it would be tragic to suddenly run out of money and food.

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