
Chapter 663 God of War


Commander Alessandro urged vigorously.

The war is about to break out. As the closest unit to the main camp, the 43rd Army Corps must shoulder its own responsibilities.

From the moment they received the order, the 43rd Army Corps abandoned their excess baggage and traveled lightly.

At this moment, there were only the last forty miles away from the exit. They had to rush over there overnight to snatch the enemy and reach the camp before they arrived, and then conduct preliminary rest and preparation.

The distinction between day and night in the inner earth world is not obvious. For the giant centipedes, walking at night is as simple as eating and drinking.

The dark cave did not hinder the forward speed of the centipede army. In addition to their eyes, they also evolved the ability to discern direction by smell.

With this talent, the centipede soldiers accurately avoided all obstacles along the way and marched quickly in the winding cave.

It was not only the 43rd Army Corps that was on the road at night, but all the troops who received reinforcement orders were trying their best to grab time.

Knowing that long-term forced marches were very draining of physical energy, the commanders did not care.

No matter how great the difficulty is, we must reach the front line first, and we must wait until we get there to rest and recuperate.

Don't expect to be able to go into battle immediately. As long as the army arrives and the Centipede officers and soldiers stationed at the camp know that reinforcements are coming, half of the strategic purpose will be achieved.

The Centipede army was in a hurry, and the aristocratic coalition forces in the southeastern provinces were not idle either. As soon as day broke, the horn of the expedition was sounded.

The troops were very fast on the battlefield, and when he realized that the enemy's troops were insufficient, Hudson would not let go of this opportunity.

Being able to end the battle with the minimum cost, he would definitely not make it more difficult for himself.

In order to verify the authenticity of the news, he personally ran above the enemy to conduct reconnaissance early in the morning.

The coach becomes a scout, and everyone will laugh out loud if he spreads the word. However, in order to increase the chance of winning, Hudson never cared about some false reputation.

If your enemies like to scold you, let them scold you. Anyway, we are fighting a racial war now, and it will not affect his reputation among the human race.

Looking down at the enemy camp below, Hudson knew his trip was in vain.

I don't know if it was because of the previous losses, but the giant foot centipedes were much more cautious than he expected.

Not only were they particular about where they set up camp, but more importantly, they also placed part of the camp inside the entrance to the center of the earth.

Hudson was able to estimate the number of enemy troops in the ground camps, but there was no way to verify how many enemy troops were in the hidden camps.

Going deep into the enemy camp to take a closer look is a high-risk job that a commander should not do.

“Come on, Hudson.

There are a lot of masters in the camp below. Once we get entangled by them, Maxim and I will probably get a beating. Your small body can't bear it! "

Bear Stearns' warning shocked Hudson, and the scene of the enemy firing thousands of arrows and magic-breaking guns flying all over the place instantly appeared in his mind.

A dragon bear with rough skin and thick flesh wouldn't be able to survive a few blows, but his mortal body wouldn't survive.

The defense of the Holy Realm has indeed been greatly improved. With the addition of energy shield, blocking ordinary bows and arrows is not a problem at all.

But once it encounters the magic-breaking gun, it won't work.

Hudson is not that brave to carry it with his flesh and blood body.

This is the sequelae of the lack of a cultivation system. After more than ten years in the Aslant continent, Hudson has not found a strong person who cultivates the physical body.

Most of the physical training methods collected have serious flaws and limited development potential.

Normally, when there is an energy shield available, I don't think there is any problem.

When encountering this kind of group battle and killing minions, the enemy has a magic-breaking gun in hand, and his own defense is insufficient, which becomes his shortcoming.

This is still just the enemy's method on the surface. It is still unknown whether there are secretly killing moves targeting the sanctuary.

"Let's go together and leave some souvenirs for the enemy!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Hudson noticed something was wrong. Suddenly, a large number of masters rose into the air from the enemy camp below.


Realizing this, one person, one dragon and one bear left directly from the clouds without any hesitation.

With their strength, they were able to be discovered by the enemy, so it was not surprising that the reconnaissance group sent in front was destroyed.

Just after chasing out of the camp, Venerable Golan suddenly stopped and shouted:

"Stop the pursuit!

The enemy's speed is too fast and we can't keep them at all. "

"Can't keep" is a euphemism. The real situation is that he feels a life and death crisis. His intuition told him that it would be irresponsible for his own life to pursue him at this moment.

It's not that they can't win in a group fight, it's mainly because each centipede has different strengths and different moving speeds.

If the team continues to pursue them all the way, the team will definitely be divided into multiple echelons, which will instead give the enemy the opportunity to defeat them one by one.

As the most powerful being in the clan, Lord Golan rushed to the front of the team. He is also the most dangerous once the enemy launches a counterattack.

All the centipedes stopped, and the shadows of a man, a dragon, and a bear were no longer in their sight.

"Venerable Golan, is this our biggest enemy right now?"

Lord Saiyam asked with concern.

He heard a lot of Hudson's stories. Almost every prisoner interrogated revealed a large amount of information related to Hudson.

The modern history of the Alpha Kingdom, the modern history of the Northern Continent, and even the modern history of the human race cannot avoid a key figure.

“The dragon, the earth bear, and the holy sword of light, these are the three hallmarks of Hudson.

If you had reacted faster and seen the Earth Bear traveling with you, you would not have such doubts! "

After listening to Venerable Golan's words, Venerable Saiyam secretly complained in his heart. If he had run any faster, it was still unknown whether he would still be alive.

Judging from the intelligence collected, Hudson, Bear Stearns, and Maxim are all second-level existences in the Sanctuary, and they are also the stronger ones among them.

At the same time, facing three powerful men whose realm was higher than his own, Saiyam didn't think he could sustain it for long.

The rest of the centipedes were similar, blocking directly in front of Hudson. Most of them were already dead at this moment.

Even Lord Golan, who was also at the second level of the Sanctuary, did not dare to leave the team and pursue too far.

If comrades are unable to reinforce in time and fight one against three, it will be a death for the enemy.

The centipedes were not surprised. As the overlord of the continent, it is completely normal for the human race to have several peak experts.

If he couldn't defeat even one of the strongest men in the mainland, it would be too heavy.

We understand, but deep down, everyone still can't help but complain.

Normally, it doesn't matter if they listen to stories, but now they need to deal with such a powerful enemy, which is very difficult for Centipede.

What's worse is that compared to personal strength, Hudson's greatest strength is his military command ability.

A strong personal force is nothing more than gathering a few strong men to besiege.

The military command ability is strong, and it cannot be dealt with by adding a few more generals.

"The enemy has left, Your Majesty is still waiting for our reply!"

Seeing that the two venerables were deep in thought, the venerable Mena on the side spoke up to remind them.

As the top leaders of the race, they can worry, but this worry cannot be seen by their subordinates.

The interlude was over, and Hudson was not idle on the way back. The Centipede Team, which was ambushing him halfway, became the unfortunate target for him to vent his grievances.

No matter how good they were in hiding, it was useless. Faced with the sneak attack by three shameless Saint Domain experts, many Centipede soldiers did not know what happened until they died.

Without the presence of troublemakers, the army moved forward smoothly, and the leading troops arrived outside the enemy camp at noon.

The dragon-bear battle flag fluttering in the wind became the most eye-catching cub on the battlefield, attracting countless attention.

It was the first time for Hudson to plant his flag among the front troops.

If you want to play decapitation tactics, this is the best opportunity. As long as they break through the thousands of troops in front, they can get to the commander's flag and kill them and seize the flag.

The opportunity was before us, but there was no movement in Centipede Camp. A large number of generals gathered in front of King Centipede, and they all pretended not to see it.

"Your Majesty, the enemy troops have arrived in a hurry and have consumed a lot of energy and are resting and recuperating.

Taking advantage of the enemy's lack of preparation, if we lead our troops to attack at this moment, we will definitely gain a lot of gains! "

A young Centipede general suggested enthusiastically.

It is too difficult to kill Hudson, but it can still be done by launching a surprise attack while the enemy's foothold is not stable.

"Modan, my good brother, open your eyes and see clearly!

The enemy's vanguard is all cavalry, and they are all extraordinary troops.

A journey of less than forty miles, how much energy do you think can consume them? "

Wherever there are people, there are disputes, and the Giant Foot Centipede family also has power disputes. Although King Centipede is only middle-aged, the struggle for royal power has already begun.

Different from the human race's sequential inheritance system, the giant centipede clan pursues the strong one and plays a gu-raising selection system.

Seeing that his younger brother is so active, as the eldest, Justin will naturally not let go of such a good opportunity to suppress him.

“No matter how much energy is consumed, it is still consumed.

If you have an advantage, you must use it. The battlefield is all about gathering small advantages and eventually achieving a big victory! "

Modan immediately retorted.

In this situation, he was not allowed to admit defeat. Since he made the suggestion, he could only go to the dark side.

Even if there are loopholes in the suggestion, it is still better than fixing it overnight.

Everyone pretended not to see the game between the two brothers.

It's still early before the decisive moment in the battle for royal power. It's just a small exercise now and not worth mentioning at all.

Anyway, both princes only have the right to make suggestions and have no final decision-making power. A few words of exchange will not affect the overall situation.

"Okay, you two, please calm down now. I have my own plans for how to fight the next war!"

King Centipede impatiently stopped the dispute.

It is impossible to attack!

An extraordinary army can travel hundreds of miles a day, all of which are basic operations. It's only a few dozen miles away, and it doesn't affect people's participation in the battle at all.

There are ready-made defenses that are not used. If you open the camp and fight your way out, if the enemy pushes you back, there will be no way to end it.

Nominally, he has seven legions in his hands, and it is easy to eat thousands of enemy troops in front of him.

In fact, only three of the seven legions are available, two of which arrived in the morning and are currently resting in the camp; the other two logistics legions are purely for the sake of momentum.

The two armies were confronting each other across the camp, and time was slowly passing.

"Marshal, isn't it true that soldiers are very fast? Why didn't you order an attack?"

Governor Pierce asked doubtfully.

The initial deployment was to use the main force's offensive capabilities to forcibly break through the enemy's camp, and then wait for subsequent reinforcements to arrive to expand the results and establish the victory of this battle.

"I just went to the enemy camp and wandered around, and found that it is not a good thing to capture the enemy camp at this moment.

These giant-footed centipedes in front of us come from the inner earth world, and behind them is the entrance to the inner earth world. Once they encounter a major defeat, they can retreat directly to the inner earth world.

In the future, we will develop the inner earth world. Instead of leaving the enemies in the inner earth world, it is better to let them come out on their own initiative.

Aren't they waiting for reinforcements, then let them help them and let them gather the army as much as they want.

Your Excellency, the Governor, the magic crystal cannons on the Guangxueyue defense line may not be enough.

Could you please order all the magic crystal cannons in the province to be gathered together? There will be a big show when the enemy's troops are assembled.

In the next war, we have to compete with the enemy in terms of physical strength. Any fancy tactics will be redundant! "

Hudson said with a smile.

Magic crystal cannons have been around for many years, but their main functions are to defend and siege cities. They do not reflect the lethality that the "God of War" should have at all.

Due to technical limitations, the size of the magic crystal cannon is not suitable for use in field battles, but this time it is an exception.

The enemy chose to set up camp in a narrow section of the corridor, with high mountains as barriers on both sides, which greatly limited the number of troops that the aristocratic coalition of the southeastern provinces could devote to the attack.

While enjoying the advantages of the terrain, you must also bear the disadvantages brought by the terrain. Once encountering intensive artillery fire, it is very difficult to escape.

The more forces the enemy gathered in a limited space, the happier Hudson was.

"Marshal, what a wonderful move!"

Governor Pierce reacted and praised immediately.

Deep inside, his shock was not over.

After walking around for a while, he worked out the most suitable offensive tactics based on the actual situation on the battlefield. This keen sense of war can never be matched.

Time passed by, and King Centipede was almost confused as he watched the number of enemy troops gathered continue to increase, but no attack was launched.

In the morning, they marched in a hurry, pretending to seize the time to attack, and in the afternoon they actually set up camp and prepared to stay. What kind of trick was this?

I can’t understand it, I can’t understand it at all!

The unknown is the scariest thing. Believing that the enemy had a conspiracy, King Centipede decisively ordered all reinforcements to speed up.

At the same time, the nobles of the southeastern provinces in the rear were also busy. While collecting strategic materials, they removed the magic crystal cannons from their castles and sent them to the front line.

In order to rush for time, the knights all appeared in the queue pushing the cart.

In war years, the dignity of a noble is to win the war.


At this rate, the war will be over long ago before we can send the magic crystal cannon over! "

Baron Sikollari urged hard.

Among the southeastern provinces, the Dalton family has the deepest foundation and the largest number of magic crystal cannons.

The last time the Blood Moon Defense Line was built, they contributed the largest number of magic crystal cannons. But those were called from the warehouse and this time they were taken down from the castle.

As a retainer of the Dalton family, Baron Sikollari has missed several opportunities to make military exploits, and the qualitative gap between him and his former friends has widened.

After finally accepting the task of transporting the magic crystal cannon, he didn't want to miss the opportunity to make contributions again because he was too slow to catch up with the battle.

Similar scenes are still happening everywhere.

As soon as the magic crystal cannon was dismantled, it was immediately loaded into a truck and sent away without any pause.

If he hadn't received the governor's order and the person delivering the letter was his own family, everyone would have suspected that there was another cult trying to cause trouble.

Although I don’t know why so many magic crystal cannons are needed, the order must still be carried out.

At midnight, seeing that the aristocratic coalition in the southeastern province had not launched an attack, King Centipede, who had received reinforcements, could no longer hold back.

"Send the order, let the 37th and 38th legions take advantage of the cover of night to teach the enemy a lesson first!"

Following King Centipede's order, countless Centipede soldiers left the camp under the cover of night and slowly moved towards the enemy camp.

"Bert, the enemy is coming fiercely, and we will definitely be prepared for our sneak attack. It is difficult for conventional sneak attacks to be effective.

Both sides gathered here, murderous intent shot straight into the sky, and the surrounding birds and beasts had already retreated.

Why don't you and I lead the main force in front to attract the enemy's attention, and then separate a regiment each to sneak in from the peaks on both sides and catch the enemy by surprise? "

Commander Maas suggested.


The commander of Belt Corps responded decisively.

As colleagues and competitors, this kind of cooperation is not the first time.

The decision was made, and the two immediately took action. Two groups of centipede soldiers entered the mountain forest directly.

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