
Chapter 667 Against the Current

The centipede army swept all the way, and the small and medium-sized nobles along the way were all unlucky. The place where the army passed was full of white bones.

Even the powerful nobles suffered heavy losses when they were caught off guard. They could only huddle in the castle and tremble.

The nobles along the way did not organize resistance, but most of them ended in failure. Only a few nobles achieved good results.

The deteriorating situation helped the Hessian government make up its mind.

The flames of war are burning at home, and those with vested interests are cowed.

The ones who are most panicked are not the nobles who have fallen into the war zone, but those who are close to the war zone but have not burned their own heads.

Under the lobbying of these nobles, the Hessian government quickly agreed to all of Hudson's conditions.

After the alliance was completed in Gutland Province, the coalition forces were officially formed. Hudson served as the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, and the Marquis Simeone and Earl Pierce served as deputy commander-in-chief of the coalition forces.

It was clear who had the dominant power. Even though the Kingdom of Hesse sent more troops, it still had little say in the coalition.

"Marquis Simonyi, your army organization is too chaotic, and the serf soldiers have seriously hindered the combat effectiveness of the elite troops.

Today's war is no longer an era where victory can be won with more people.

Soldiers value elites, not many!

The enemy is constantly raging, and large areas of your country are falling every moment. We have no time to waste.

I'll give you two days to reduce the fifty-strong army to less than 150,000, or even less than 100,000.

It’s better to lack than to overdo it! "

Hudson said without changing his expression.

As the pioneer of the human sea tactic and the founder of the National Reserve, he said, "Soldiers are more valuable than more."

The practice and statement are contradictory. If this spreads out, it will cause a sensation in the entire continent in an instant.

Especially for countries like Hesse, whose military reforms are in line with the Alpha Kingdom, the impact will be even greater.

"Marshal, isn't this bad?"

Marquis Simonyi said hesitantly.

It was obvious that he was confused and had no idea what Hudson wanted to do.

"Nothing bad!

The province of Gutland also needs someone to stay behind, and the soldiers who were not selected just stayed to guard the home.

If you are afraid that everyone will lose face, then divide into two armies, front and rear.

The selected elites followed us, and the rest were incorporated into the rear army, responsible for ensuring the smooth flow of food routes and taking over the lost territory we recovered. "

Hudson calmly gave the solution.

It was a last resort to reduce the Hessians' strength by more than 70% right from the start.

If these troops could fight, Hudson did not want to do so. After all, as a commander, no one doesn't want to command more troops.

Unexpectedly, Hudson is more afraid of pig teammates than having more soldiers.

He is not familiar with the Hessian nobles, and it is still unknown how much effect he can play based on his reputation alone.

It is obviously impossible to expect that people's morale will explode as soon as they stand in front of the formation like in the Kingdom of Alpha and the Principality of Moxi.

In order to reduce the probability of being dragged down by pig teammates, Hudson would rather bring fewer troops.

Anyway, this is a battle in the Hessian Kingdom, and the home field advantage is on their side. If there is really a shortage of people, the private armies of nobles along the way can also be temporarily recruited.

With his record of winning every battle, it is too easy to attract people.

If nothing else goes wrong, there are already a group of nobles from the Hessian Kingdom coming from all over the country, wanting to come over to learn his commanding abilities and gain some military merit.

It would be a chore for other generals to issue the same call-up order, but if it were issued by Hudson, it would be a military achievement.

This was decided by the arrogance of the mainland overlord!

Even if they suffer losses on the battlefield, the nobles of the Hessian Kingdom will not admit that they are inferior to the Earth-centered races.

It's not your own problem that caused the failure, then it's the commander's problem. If you replace it with the number one general in the mainland, you will definitely win!

"The marshal has thought carefully, so he will be divided into two armies, the front and the rear!"

Marquis Simonyi immediately agreed.

He didn't want to reduce his troops, mainly because he lacked confidence. The previous failure made him lack confidence in the kingdom's army.

Although he has no confidence in the combat effectiveness of his own army, he is full of confidence in the combat effectiveness of the noble coalition forces in the southeastern provinces.

In fact, this was not the first time that he had dealt with the coalition of nobles from the Southeast Province.

During the cult rebellion a few years ago, Governor Pierce led his troops into the Hessian Kingdom to help suppress the evil god.

There was no particularly eye-catching victory, but compared with the Hessian army that participated in the war, it still stood out.

Especially the final battle with the cult was deeply remembered by the Hessian nobles who participated in the battle.

This time in the battle with the giant centipede, the performance of the coalition of nobles from the southeastern provinces was even more dazzling.

It’s not clear exactly how they fought, but the scene of hundreds of thousands of centipede troops fleeing crazily was noticed by Marquis Simonyi, a local snake.

The most important thing is that after the battle was over, the losses of the aristocratic coalition forces in the southeastern province were minimal.

The troop establishment at the time of the expedition is still complete, and not a single unit above the battalion level has been destroyed.

In a battle involving hundreds of thousands of troops, the battle losses could be kept so low. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Marquis Simonyi wouldn't have believed it was true.

At the very least, when they fought against the Giant Centipede, more than five of their organized legions were defeated.

Countless battalion-level units have disappeared.

The giant centipede lost the vital earth center channel, and did not even dare to think of revenge, so it ran away with its troops, which proved the power of the coalition of nobles in the southeastern provinces.

A series of data gathered together infinitely increased the strength of the aristocratic coalition in the southeastern provinces, giving rise to Marquis Simonyi:

The impression of "Military strength of the coalition of nobles of the Southeast Province \u003e Giant Foot Centipede Army"!

Knowing he had been misunderstood, Hudson didn't bother to explain. As long as it can boost military morale, it doesn't matter whether it's true or false.

Morale is a very mysterious thing, and maybe it will come true whenever you think about it.

At least when he went out with a ragtag group of people, Hudson never thought that the awesomeness he boasted would actually come true in the end.

The situation is the same now. The Hessians have confidence in the coalition of nobles in the southeastern provinces, and the officers and soldiers of the coalition have confidence in him as their commander.

It is estimated that the whole army is walking on thin ice, and he is the only one left as the coach.

Perhaps everyone was too confident. After the order was issued, the reorganization operation went very smoothly.

After understanding the difference between the front and rear armies, a group of Hessian nobles rushed to join the front army.

If the combat effectiveness of the army under your command is not good enough, then throw the serf soldiers into the rear army and bring your own elite private troops to join the front army.

Looking at the war petition reports one after another, Marquis Simonyi, who was originally worried about the morale of the army, discovered for the first time that the nobles of his kingdom were also so warlike.

Province of Bofill.

"Dear Lord Lucille, on behalf of the Demon Crocodile Clan, I welcome you!

The Demon Crocodile Clan will always remember the nobles' long-term help to us. It is really our honor for you to visit us in person!


A series of flattering words came out of the mouth of the rough and arrogant Demon Crocodile King without any sense of violation.

The reason why the Demon Crocodile King was able to lower his stature like this was not only because the strength of the Holy Domain was obviously not enough, but also because of the Stonemen behind Venerable Lucille.

Compared to the hard-working giant centipede, which suffered a bloody head injury as soon as it appeared, the Demon Crocodile Tribe is undoubtedly lucky.

Not long after the war with the Hessian Kingdom, he got into contact with the Stonemen. The transferred dwarf equipment flowed into the hands of the Demon Crocodile Tribe through trade between the two tribes.

In the current situation, the weapons and equipment owned by the human race are not only available to the Demon Crocodile Race, but are even of better quality.

In addition to weapons and equipment, various strategic materials also flowed over.

Thanks to the support of the Alien Alliance, the Demon Crocodile Tribe has successfully occupied most of the provinces of Bofill and Parma, and is considered a relatively well-mixed existence among the races in the center of the earth.

Victory was not lost in the Demon Crocodile King's eyes. He was very aware of the disparity in strength between his family and the human race.

After the initial victory, they did not blindly expand their territory, but chose to proceed steadily.

While consolidating the fruits of victory, they also worked hard to lobby the Stonemen diplomatically, hoping that they would join the war.

Not only the Demon Crocodile Clan, but all the inner earth races that can maintain rationality now want to drag the alien alliance into the water.

After all, compared to the behemoth of the human race, relying solely on a group of earth-centered races, the hope of victory is really slim.

What's more, the inner earth races are not monolithic. There are inner earth races that invade the human race, and at the same time, there are also inner earth races that provoke the alien alliance.

This is determined by the location of the geocentric channel!

Whoever the owner is above is the one they will compete with for living space.

The Demon Crocodile Tribe has hooked up with the Alien Alliance, and there are also Earth Core Races and Human Races that have gotten together, and the current situation on the continent is one of chaos.

Because of the interference of the elves, the number of geocentric passages that appeared in the human race was much greater, and there were also more invading geocentric races.

Each ethnic group has its own position. It is purely a dream to expect everyone to unite.

But one thing is that these inner earth races are unified. They all hope that the alien alliance can go to war with the human race.

Only when the two major camps go to war can the races in the slit be able to take root in the surface world.

For the sake of the future of the race, the Demon Crocodile King, who is flexible and flexible, decisively chooses to lower his profile.

"Your Majesty, that's too much praise!

Our two races are friends, so naturally we have to help each other.

The evil human race that occupies the continent and enslaves all races is our common enemy.

Only when all the righteous people across the continent unite can we overthrow the evil rule of the human race and restore peace to all races on the continent!


Lord Lucile replied with a smile.

The political stance is very clear, but the content is a bunch of seemingly correct nonsense, which completely dismisses the need to participate in the war.

As a strong man in the Sanctuary, this kind of diplomatic work had nothing to do with him.

He took the initiative to take on this task mainly because the Demon Crocodile Clan had what he wanted.

If he didn't have someone to ask for, he wouldn't have the time to be hypocritically polite here.

"Your Majesty is here in person, but the nobles are preparing to send troops to join us in overthrowing the evil rule of the human race?"

The Demon Crocodile King asked expectantly.

Unable to drag the entire alien alliance into the water, it is also a good choice to drag the Stonemen onto the battlefield first.

As long as war is started, the aftermath will be uncontrollable.

As long as there is a good start, it is only a matter of time before one clan pulls another clan behind, eventually dragging the entire alien alliance into the water.

"Your Majesty, it is not the time for us to join the war yet. We will join the war when the time is right.

This time, the main reason for coming here is that the noble is about to encounter a big trouble.

If you are not careful, it will be the disaster of annihilation! "

Lucille's answer startled the Demon Crocodile King. Opening your mouth will lead to the disaster of annihilation of the clan, how can you play with it.

"Your Majesty, may I ask, but is the Hessian Kingdom planning a counterattack?"

The Demon Crocodile King couldn't help but guess.

Right now, their biggest enemy is the Hessian Kingdom, which happens to have the strength to deal with them.

It's just that the Hessian Kingdom is relatively miserable. The number of enemies it faces is slightly too large, and the military power that can be deployed on their side is limited.

“Your Majesty, it’s just a Hessian Kingdom, but it doesn’t have this kind of strength.

A few days ago, the Human Race Alliance passed a proposal, and the human race countries will join forces to eliminate all the inner earth races in the territory, which naturally includes the nobles.

This time it was the allies of the Hessian Kingdom who took action.

After the Alpha Kingdom received a request for help from the Hessians last month, the coalition of nobles from the Southeast Province sent troops to the Hundred Mile Corridor.

After more than half a month of fighting, they defeated the giant centipede and successfully occupied the Baili Corridor.

The defeated Centipede King is fleeing towards you with the remaining army, and at the same time he has brought you a powerful enemy!

Hudson Koslow, you may not have much experience with this name, but in the Aslant continent, he is a headache for the entire anti-human alliance.

The orc empire that was once at its peak began to decline in the hands of this man.

Even the elves suffered a lot at his hands.

If it weren't for this man's sudden appearance, perhaps the human race's hegemony would have been shaken during the last continental war! "

Venerable Lucille said with a solemn expression.

The title of the number one general in the Hudson Continent was originally promoted by the orcs for the sake of face, but with the addition of a series of brilliant achievements, the title was directly confirmed.

"Your Majesty, no matter how powerful Hudson is, he only has a private army of nobles from one province in his hands.

At worst, if we encounter them, we should be more cautious, and it shouldn't be a big problem, right? "

The Demon Crocodile King asked uncertainly.

In the past few months since he came to the surface world, the name he heard most often was Hudson, and it was impossible not to be touched by it.

The Demon Crocodile King still couldn't believe that just one province's private army of nobles could bring them catastrophe.

In the battle with the Hessian Kingdom, they suppressed the noble private armies of several provinces, including several standing legions.

“Hudson did not have many troops in his hands, but with just a hundred thousand nobles’ private army, he captured the Giant Foot Centipede’s camp and forced them to flee in all directions.

Judging from the intelligence we have collected, King Centipede currently has an army of more than 600,000.

With several times the superior force, you don’t even have the confidence to retake the Earth’s Center Passage. Do you still think this enemy is easy to deal with?

Based on Hudson's reputation among the humans, there is a high probability that he will take over the command of the Hessian Kingdom's army.

At that time, you will face not only the 100,000 private troops of the nobles of the Southeast Province, but also hundreds of thousands or even more Hessian troops. "

Lord Lucile said with a sneer.

He was bragging about Hudson's prowess so much that he couldn't hold on until he was full.

Only by exalting the strength of the enemy a little higher will the Demon Crocodile Clan know the seriousness of the problem, and it will also highlight the importance of the Stonemen Clan as an ally.

Only by letting the Demon Crocodile Clan ask for help from the Stone Man Clan can the purpose of his trip be accomplished.


I understand the strength of the Giant Foot Centipede. The entire clan only has eight or nine hundred thousand soldiers at most. It is impossible to gather up to one million anyway.

The inner earth world still needs troops to stay, and the troops they can use are only 700,000 to 800,000 at most.

If King Centipede still has more than 600,000 troops in his hands, their main force should still be there, and there is no need to abandon the Earth Center Passage and run away!

It must be that the Alphas and Hessians jointly attacked and severely damaged the giant centipede, so they chose to escape! "

The Demon Crocodile King said emotionally.

These analyzes were the most acceptable results for him. If the giant centipede's main force was not damaged but was forced to flee for its life, the enemy would be too terrifying.

“Your Majesty, don’t get excited.

The Centipede Army is only a few hundred miles away from you. If you send people out to conduct reconnaissance, you can roughly figure out their strength.

There is no need for me to lie to you about this kind of thing.

I’m telling you now, just to prepare you in advance so as not to be caught off guard! "

Lucille explained calmly.

From the expression on the Demon Crocodile King's face, he knew that most of the purpose of this trip had been accomplished.

The next step is to wait for the Demon Crocodile Clan to run into trouble and seek help from them. When the time comes to release his purpose, the Demon Crocodile King will naturally know what to do.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for informing me of the information. This matter involves too much and I must verify it immediately.

I'll excuse you for a moment, and I'll apologize to His Holiness at the banquet later! "

The Demon Crocodile King said calmly.

In the field of intelligence, newcomers like them are definitely not as good as the established clans like the Stonemen.

They have been hostile to the Hessian Kingdom for many years, and I am afraid that I may not be able to figure out how many insiders there are between them.

Perhaps some important core secrets cannot be obtained, but public information such as the strength of the Centipede Army is still easy to find out.

There is no need to even deliberately, those nobles who like to talk about the situation will release the news themselves.

"Your Majesty, just do as you wish!"

Lord Lucile said with a smile.

After leaving the reception hall, the Demon Crocodile King immediately made arrangements to verify the strength of the centipede army.

Deep down in his heart, he had already greeted the entire Centipede King clan. It was just a matter of provoking a powerful enemy without overestimating his own capabilities, and he actually brought disaster to his side.

"Marshal of the human race", "the most famous general in the mainland", "the most powerful man in the mainland"... Just pick any of these titles and you will know that they are not easy to mess with.

Now all these labels are concentrated on one person, he is a formidable enemy!

Being angry won't solve any problem. From the moment they chose to be enemies with the human race, the two sides were destined to be on opposite sides.

The Five-Nation Alliance claims to share weal and woe. They want to establish themselves in the Kingdom of Hesse, but the Kingdom of Alpha will definitely not agree.

But for this kind of thing, it is always better to deal with it as late as possible.

Maybe as time goes by, those stubborn elves will figure it out and allow the anti-human alliance to accept them, and then their situation will be completely different from now.

The Demon Crocodile King is worrying, while the Centipede King is leading the army to march forward.

In order to restore the morale of the army as soon as possible, the Centipede Army has been attacking from all sides recently, picking on weak enemies.

All the manors that were targeted by them were destroyed; not even a tenth of the castles that were targeted by them survived.

The arrogant fighting style not only boosted the morale of the army, but also accumulated a large amount of wealth.

The sequelae are also very serious. The more loot you grab, the slower the army moves.

Coupled with the stops and robberies along the way, it greatly slowed down the marching speed of the army.

Having made a windfall, everyone was very happy. Even the pain of losing the earth's core channel was diluted by the joy of victory.

"Your Majesty, we need to speed up!

The troops in charge of the rear came to report that they found traces of suspected spies from the Alpha Kingdom. It was most likely that Hudson led someone to chase them. "

Howell reported worriedly.

The previous failure broke Giant Foot Centipede's military morale. The current restoration only creates a psychological advantage for the Hessians.

If they were to face the aristocratic coalition of the southeastern provinces again, it was still unknown how good their military morale would be.

Although he had no personal experience, he knew how terrifying the overwhelming artillery fire was from the descriptions of his military colleagues.

Theoretically speaking, the magic crystal cannon is very inconvenient to move. As long as it does not fall into a narrow area, the tragedy of the Hundred Mile Corridor will not happen again.

But everyone was scared, and no one knew whether Hudson would continue to play new tricks.

"Send people to expand the scope of investigation. Once the location of Hudson's flag is found, report it immediately!

Order all troops to immediately move closer to the Chinese army. No centipede is allowed to go out and plunder without my order! "

King Centipede ordered with lingering fear.

Robbery can be done at any time. If the enemy catches up, it will be big trouble.

He was fine with real swords and guns from the front, but he was most afraid of a burst of artillery fire as soon as the enemy came up. Now that he heard the sound of the magic crystal cannon, he would feel sick all over.

Looking at the vast land, except for the remaining cities, there is no one inhabited for hundreds of miles.

What was once filled with smoke has now turned into a dead silence, with only the bones on the ground accusing the centipede army of atrocities.

Race war is so cruel!

In order to reduce the war potential of the human race, the centipede army slaughtered everyone wherever it passed.

Only a few lucky ones reacted quickly enough, or escaped into the deep mountains and forests, or entered the city and fortress, and they were lucky enough to save their lives.

"Marshal, you want to avenge us!

The whole county..."

Seeing the crowds of crying nobles, Hudson's rock-hard heart couldn't help but tremble.

This is not the first time a similar scene has happened.

It happens almost everywhere you go.

The remaining Hessian nobles hated the giant centipede to their core.

When he saw the coalition forces passing by, he was hoping to avenge them.

"Don't worry, these damn centipedes have no right to live in the world!"

Hudson immediately assured everyone.

From this moment on, the hatred between the human race and the giant-footed centipede escalated to an unending level.

If we meet on the battlefield in the future, we won’t be able to surrender even if we want to.

The power of hatred determines that the Hessians will kill the giant centipede. As the human race Marshal Hudson's butt naturally has to sit on the human race's side.

As for the misery of the giant-footed centipedes, it has nothing to do with him.

In fact, most of the genocides on the mainland are caused by the escalation of hatred.

In a situation like this, whoever dares to accept the giant centipede and surrender is the enemy of all the Hessians present.

The nobles share the same hatred, and the Hessian soldiers below are also full of anger.

They have never seen such a tragic scene!

On the contrary, the officers and soldiers of the Alpha Kingdom behaved relatively calmly. Similar scenes have been staged countless times on the Kingdom's land in the past few hundred years.

The entire Alpha Kingdom has become warlike, which was simply forcibly induced by the continuous slaughter of the orcs.

"If you are not strong enough, you will die!"

This is a concept that has been instilled in countless Alpha nobles by their ancestors since they can remember.

"Marshal, when you have a decisive battle with the enemy, please bring us with you!"

A young nobleman said excitedly.

For these young nobles, huddled in the city and allowed their enemies to massacre them was the greatest shame in their lives.

I was forbearing in the past to preserve my strength. Now I have a chance to take revenge. If I don't participate, I won't feel at ease for the rest of my life.

"If you want to be able to charge into battle, go to Marquis Simonyi and sign up. If you are lagging behind, don't cause trouble!"

Hudson said expressionlessly.

These people in front of me have become an army of sorrow.

With a little training, they become an elite force.

Hudson is very experienced in this regard and has experienced it once in the Principality of Moxi.

This ragtag group of people with nothing but hatred, after fighting several battles with him, have now become the mainstay of the Principality of Moxi.

Those dandy boys who were once despised by everyone, after experiencing the hardships of war, also completed their rebirth.

For a decadent kingdom, this scene is indeed miserable, but paying these prices to awaken the sleeping ruling class is a good thing for the country.

Whether the Hessian Kingdom can be reborn from the ashes, Hudson is not yet sure, but these people can at least save it.

"Viscount Richie Norton and Baron Guy Noble, please come forward and see me!"

Heroes emerge from troubled times, and the huge Hessian Kingdom naturally has its own heroes.

Facing the crazy centipede army, some people choose to save their strength and avoid the edge temporarily, while others choose to go upstream and fight with the enemy.

Most of those who went upstream died miserably at the hands of the enemy, but there were also a few outstanding ones who stood out.

The two people named by Hudson now are the countercurrents who came out of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood.

Perhaps their resistance could not stop the enemy's front, but this spirit is worthy of everyone's admiration.

Everyone who gathered around them retreated, leaving space for Hudson and the two young men.

"You two are very good. Next, you will serve as army staff officers in the Chinese army camp. How much you can learn depends on your understanding!"

After Hudson's words fell, countless envious eyes were cast on the two lucky ones.

The ugly scars on their faces became more pleasing to everyone at this moment.

Ordinary disfigurement in the Aslant continent is not irreversible.

The two of them did not choose to receive treatment immediately in order to save the city's limited medical resources for the seriously injured.

Everyone who can serve as a staff officer with him has a great background. Such a position, placed outside, is enough for the great nobles of various countries to grab their heads.

From now on, these two young people from poor families suddenly become potential stocks in everyone's eyes.

The opportunities they fought for with their lives are not only envied but admired by everyone.

Jealousy may have existed, but no one showed it foolishly in front of Hudson.

"Thank you Marshal!"

The two replied in fear.

The surprise came too suddenly. Taking the family's private army to take risks and fight against the enemy was purely out of passion.

By the time the coalition forces arrived, the private armies in their hands had long been destroyed, and they had become negative teaching materials for many nobles to educate their descendants.

In troubled times, not having strength is the biggest original sin.

In the eyes of the people, they are heroes, but in the eyes of many tribesmen, they are sinners who ruined the family's strength.

Everything is different now. The pies falling from the sky are enough to make up for the losses caused to the family by their impulsiveness.

The Hessian Kingdom lacks famous generals. As long as they learn some real skills in the army, it is inevitable that they will get a good position in the Kingdom's army later.

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