
Chapter 670 Worship Group

"Bofill Province fell, the governor, Count Bobaka, died in the battle, and the life or death of the two strong men stationed in the Sanctuary is unknown!"

The message was just sent to the defenders to hold on, but the bad news was received the next day, and everyone in the headquarters suddenly became at a loss.

There is no need to worry about the issue of rescue. If the province of Bofill fell so quickly, the defenders of the province of Parma would probably not be able to hold on for a few days.

The generals were thinking about the situation of the battle, and the focus of the three coaches had shifted to the life and death of the two powerful men from the sanctuary.

The Hessian Kingdom has only declined in recent years. Three hundred years ago, it was still a powerful country ranked among the human race, with a lot of top powerhouses.

In the case of a multi-front war, the fact that two old antiques from the second level of the Sanctuary can be invited to take charge of the Bofill Province is enough to explain the problem.

But there are many strong people, and they cannot withstand such consumption.

The top warrior of a single race, Hudson is not timid. If faced with a dozen or so strong men from the Holy Realm from the two major races joining forces, he would have no choice but to run away.

This is still based on the fact that the inner earth world is lacking in resources and most of the enemies are first-level saints.

"The current situation is very bad. We cannot count on the strength of the defenders. The enemy's total strength is four to five times ours, and the number of strong men is several times ours.

For the coming battle, everyone must brace themselves and not give the enemy any opportunity to take advantage of it.

Marquis Simonyi immediately sent the news back and asked His Majesty Alexander V to send reinforcements as soon as possible.

The army won't arrive for a while, and the strong men from the sanctuary must be in place immediately.

There are more than a dozen saints from the two major races. If these people are not contained, the subsequent battle will be very troublesome! "

Hudson said solemnly.

The scarcity of sanctuaries in the Aslant continent is mainly due to the sequelae left by the elemental tides.

After a gap of three hundred years, there was a funny scene where the second level of the Holy Realm had more people than the first level of the Holy Realm.

After all, the lifespan of a strong person in the Holy Realm is long enough. The second level of the Holy Realm can theoretically live to be 600 years old.

There seems to be a lot of strong people returning from overseas now. If we spread it out over a period of six hundred years, they will suddenly become scarce.

The situation in the inner earth world is different. They have also entered the trough of the elemental tide, but the dark elements and earth elements in their environment are obviously much richer than those in the surface world.

In the past three hundred years, the elemental concentration of the Aslant continent could not accommodate the strong men of the Holy Realm, but the inner earth world could.

After hundreds of years of accumulation, the two tribes have their current family background.

On average, it would take decades for a race to give birth to a strong person in the holy realm. This ratio is not only not high, but pitifully low.

In comparison, the human race is more unique in this regard. Although the probability of breakthrough is lower than that of most alien races, the population base is not large enough.

In many human countries, the population base of a country is equivalent to that of a foreign race, or even more.

The number of strong men now is scarce because the recovery time of element concentration is too short. After hundreds of years of accumulation, the situation will definitely be very different.

"Don't worry, Marshal, I'll send someone to the Royal Capital immediately to hurry you up!"

Marquis Simonyi responded immediately.

The situation took a turn for the worse, making the coalition's situation suddenly become dangerous.

If it weren't for Hudson, the continent's number one general, the morale of the army would have been in chaos long ago.

Frankly speaking, asking Alexander V for help at this moment is not a good choice.

If there is still strength left, the Hessian Kingdom will not ask for help from its allies.

At present, if we want to mobilize troops for support, we can only use the standing army stationed at the border.

There is no doubt that this is a high-risk operation. If you are not careful, you will attract those evil wolves from the alien alliance.

If you don't want to take risks, you can only seek help from the outside world again.

Ask for help from the Alpha Kingdom, ask for help from the Human Alliance!

The final result is likely to be: Alpha Kingdom increases its troops, and the Human Alliance sends Saint Domain experts to support them.

Despite the excitement of the current war, none of the old antiques in the Human Alliance moved.

Judging purely from the situation in the Central and Northern Continents, the alien alliance should have been involved in the war long ago.

There was no movement for a long time. In fact, they were still shocked by the power of the southern continent of the human race.

The boss of the elves is unwilling to take the lead, and the other members of the alien alliance lack the confidence to go to war with the humans.

Especially the foreign races sandwiched between the southern continent and the central continent did not dare to act rashly.

Unless they are sure to destroy the countries in the central and northern continents before the human army of the southern continent is dispatched, they will be the next ones to be exterminated.

Even if the Alpha Kingdom will take action in the end, the procedure must still be followed. When selling favors, you should sell them after others ask for help.

Maybe the favors between countries will be worthless in the future, but before the human race unifies the continent, these favors are still valuable.

If you turn against others and ruin your reputation, you can't expect anyone to help you the next time something happens.

After the brief meeting ended, the news was blocked directly among the top leaders of the coalition forces, and the army continued to advance as planned.

The more the situation worsens, the more powerful you must show.

If they are strong, the enemy will not be able to figure out their true strength and will not dare to act rashly.

Three hundred thousand against one million enemies, a solid disadvantage in terms of military strength, and high-end combat power is also at a disadvantage.

But if it were replaced by 300,000 elites and faced with millions of troops from the two tribes, it would be a different situation.

Bofill Province, the headquarters of the two-community coalition forces.

"Brother Demon Crocodile, we have completely taken over Bofill Province, and the enemy troops are still not panicking. They are definitely the elite of the Alpha Kingdom!

If it had been the Hessian army, they would have been so frightened that they would have turned around and run away.

The enemy is coming fiercely, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with! "

King Centipede said with a fearful expression.

The previous defeat may have been a coincidence, but he had witnessed the scene of the confrontation between the two armies with his own eyes.

When the number of troops is small, the elite troops in the Giant Foot Centipede can still be on par with the enemy.

Once the scale of the battlefield expands, fighting with equal forces will be one-sided.

Especially those knights, they are regarded as a serious problem by King Centipede.

In previous battles, half of their soldiers died tragically at the hands of these extraordinary troops.

Deep down in his heart, King Centipede wanted to create a similar extraordinary cavalry more than once, but unfortunately he could only think about it in the end.

The first problem the cavalry has to solve is - mounts!

The human race can easily gather the war horses that the knights need. Where can the giant centipede find so many mounts suitable for its own race?

As for the more powerful Warcraft Legion, King Centipede couldn't even think about it.

He had just been beaten up by a group of Warcraft in the Blackstone Mountains, and he did not have the courage to challenge the "big family" of Warcraft again.

"Don't worry, I have studied Hudson's record and he is the best at using intrigues.

In every military victory he achieved, he first seized the enemy's weaknesses and then took advantage of the opportunity to make plans.

We proceed according to the plan. If we don’t let him lead us by the nose, we won’t have any weaknesses for him to catch.

After we have dealt with the enemy in the province of Parma, we will then concentrate our superior forces for a decisive battle with him.

Brother Centipede, you have fought against Hudson many times, and you know the enemy’s tactics best.

Now, please trouble me to send troops to contain them and delay their march! "

The Demon Crocodile King said without any doubt.

Those who greeted each other enthusiastically were waiting for this moment.

Now that we know that Hudson is powerful, the hard work of intercepting the coalition forces will naturally be left to the "miserable little brother".

"Brother, you must go faster!

Hudson's use of troops is too vicious, and I'm afraid there will be problems over time. "

King Centipede's expression changed greatly.

As the weaker party in the cooperation, he had no confidence to refuse, so he could only choose to bow his head.

Even the title has changed from "old brother" to "big brother", as if he has given in and accepted the identity of his younger brother by default.

"Don't worry, your eldest brother knows the importance and won't cause trouble on this issue!"

The Demon Crocodile King assured proudly.

Whether it's true or false, as long as King Centipede is willing to lead his troops to stop the coalition forces led by Hudson, everything will be fine.

The war in the Province of Parma has dragged on until now, and the main problem is that the defenders of the Province of Bofill had fought hard before, and finally gave them a hard blow.

They paid a heavy price to invade the city, and after fighting in the streets, they were ready to receive the fruits of victory. However, the enemy detonated a self-destructive magic circle hidden underground.

The entire city was razed to the ground, and not a single one of the hundreds of thousands of allied troops from the two tribes who entered the city were left.

After suffering a loss, I realized that the great nobles of the human race were not easy to deal with. When pressed, people can really risk their lives.

In the subsequent siege battle in the Province of Parma, the army of devil crocodiles suddenly learned the lesson.

Even if the city fortress is breached, the underground must be screened before allowing the army to enter the city.

After becoming cautious, the Demon Crocodile army was never attacked by surprise again, but the price was that the siege speed was greatly reduced.

Seeing the coalition forces led by Hudson approaching, there were still two cities in the Province of Parma that had not been captured.

To fight against a famous general like Hudson, the Demon Crocodile King would not dare to leave hidden dangers for himself.

Even if only the last tens of thousands of Hessian defenders in the city are left, the nails must be pulled out first.

In the palace, since receiving the bad news from the front line, all the Hesse senior officials have become restless.

The Demon Crocodile Clan, which had been fighting with them for many days, actually hid their strength in front of them. If the coalition forces hadn't been approaching, they would have been able to hold on.

The war has already started, but they still have to hide their strength. It is obvious that they have other agendas.

It's hard enough not knowing your enemy's motives. The most troublesome thing is that when they look at every earth center race, they feel that the other party is hiding their strength.

Although reason tells them it's impossible, people who can't stand it just like to make up their minds.

The more he thought about it, the tighter his brows became.

Pessimism is prevalent, and everyone can't help but think of the worst in everything they look at.

"When will the reinforcements from the Human Alliance arrive?"

Alexander V asked expectantly.

They don't have much confidence in their own strength, but they still have full confidence in the strength of the Human Alliance.

The human race does not have a direct army, but the human race alliance has the strongest combat force of the human race - the sacrificial regiment!

The number of worship groups is not high, but the quality cannot be maintained. The entry threshold starts at the eighth level, and all the way up is the sanctuary.

During the low period of the elemental tide, there were no strong men from the sanctuary taking charge, and the presence of the sacrificial group was not high.

With the return of many strong players from overseas, the situation suddenly changed.

The current human sacrifice group already has the strength to destroy some small and medium-sized races.

Most of the powerful people in the human race's holy realm are members of the worship group.

This is further divided into: nominal worship and permanent worship.

Nominal worship is almost unrestricted except during the mainland war, and it does not enjoy the support of the Human Alliance.

If you want to benefit from the alliance, you need to make corresponding contributions.

Resident worshipers are different. They can enjoy a series of benefits provided by the alliance, but they must also perform tasks assigned by the alliance.

The nominal worshippers are basically affiliated with major forces, while the permanent worshipers are mostly casual cultivators and from small and medium-sized forces.

In other words, the forces behind them have declined and cannot support their daily cultivation needs.

Restoring the foundation needs to be different from person to person.

Some strong people are deeply attached to their family and country and are willing to devote all their efforts; some strong people have seen through the world of mortals and have no feelings for their descendants who have been separated by more than ten generations.

The former is still running for his family and country, while the latter has entered the Human Alliance and devoted himself to hard training.

The Hessian Kingdom is seeking support at this moment because it wants the alliance to send out the strong men in the enshrinement group.

“The Presidium discussed and decided to dispatch the Seventh Enshrinement Brigade to support the central continent, two of which will be sent to the Kingdom.

The enshrinement regiment is the top secret of the alliance. Our envoys stationed in the alliance do not have enough authority, and the strength of the reinforcements is temporarily unknown. "

Marquis Krasner replied with a depressed look.

Reinforcements had been sent out, and he still couldn't understand that they were still being kept secret.

However, these are the rules of the alliance, and even the Frank Empire, the strongest nation in the human race, must abide by them honestly.

"I have a general idea of ​​the strength of the Seventh Enshrinement Brigade. With two detachments supporting the provinces of Bofill and Parma, there shouldn't be much of a problem.

It's all because we underestimated the enemy. We should have asked for help from the Alliance a long time ago. In order to save the expenditure on offerings, we actually killed two seniors from the Sanctuary! "

Alexander V couldn't help but sigh.

As a large country, the ministers of the Kingdom of Hesse do not have enough authority, but the king still has the right to know.

Although he didn't know the entire family background of the Enshrinement Corps, he still knew something about the 7th Brigade, which was active on a daily basis.

Previously, they would rather ask for help from the Alpha Kingdom than reach out to the Human Alliance. The main reason is that once the worship group is dispatched, there will be a price to pay.

According to the rules set by the alliance, in the next one hundred years, the funds the kingdom needs to pay to the alliance will double.

Since this rule was established, only the Alpha Kingdom has made an exception.

The main reason is that the Alpha Kingdom is in a special situation and shoulders the important task of resisting the orcs.

Every few decades, the Human Alliance will provide support, and the cost is simply incalculable.

As a poor kingdom, the Alpha Kingdom often defaults on its share of the alliance's daily operating expenses.

Generally speaking, as long as the orc invasion war breaks out, the alliance will not only take the initiative to forgive the debt, but also provide another subsidy.

It can be said that in the past three hundred years, the Alpha Kingdom has been the largest gold-eating beast in the Human Alliance.

No matter how much money you spend, you must hold on!

Only when the Alpha Kingdom blocks the orcs can the human race's foundation in the northern and central continents be preserved, and the continent's hegemony be truly worthy of its title.

This situation lasted until Hudson came to power and the Alpha Kingdom was able to calmly deal with the threat of the Orc Empire, and the Alliance ended this nightmare.

One exception is enough. The Hessian Kingdom does not have such important strategic significance and does not enjoy such benefits.

“Your Majesty, no one wants this kind of thing to happen, and you are also thinking about the kingdom.

The alliance's operating expenses account for 3% of the kingdom's fiscal revenue. If doubled, it becomes 6%.

Such a high commission ratio will be a very heavy burden on the kingdom's finances! "

Prime Minister Duke Milton spoke to persuade.

The operating cost sharing of the Human Alliance has nothing to do with its international status and depends entirely on the fiscal revenue of each country.

The rules of the game are: Those who have money pay more, and those who have no money pay less.

Most of the time, the voice and payment amount in the alliance are basically equal, and countries with money usually have stronger military strength.

The Alpha Kingdom has once again become an exception. Even though it is the third most powerful country in the human race, its financial revenue has always been at the bottom among the major kingdoms.

There has never been any controversy in this regard. After all, the current poverty of the Alpha Kingdom is caused by the protection of the human race's hegemony.

The three-point fiscal revenue sharing is already a burden for all countries, and increasing it to six points will create even greater pressure.

It's not possible to appeal, because the Human Alliance needs to spend a lot of money to maintain human hegemony.

When the sacrificial group comes out to perform tasks, the alliance also needs to be paid. This additional expense can only fall on the host country.

If there is a war with an alien alliance, and the two sides are competing for continental hegemony, the Hessian government can also apply for relief.

The current situation is obviously different. There are only a few geocentric races, but the Human Alliance does not regard them as a threat at all.

The worst-case scenario is that they take away a piece of land from the territory of the human race and establish their own country.

Such a lofty thing as continental hegemony is not something that a small tribe like them is qualified to play.

Small troubles that do not involve hegemonic disputes are the problems of each country. The alliance is not everyone's nanny.

In essence, this is also to establish a sense of crisis for the ruling classes of various countries to prevent them from becoming arrogant and complacent.

The effect is very obvious. Under this method of raising gu, no matter how bad the situation is, the overall strength of the human race continues to grow.

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