
Chapter 673 Feint Attack

The celebration banquet was very lively, but it was only for the soldiers who participated in the war, and middle and high-level officers did not participate.

The war has just begun, and the victory during the day is only part of the entire battle.

Generals still need to keep their spirits up and prepare for the next challenges.

The pursuit of the soldiers at the bottom is very simple. As long as they can have enough food and wine, they will be the happiest time.

The celebration was only a superficial reason, but in fact it was to allow the soldiers to quickly replenish their consumption.

Whether it is the Hessian Kingdom or the Alpha Kingdom, most of the lower-level soldiers lack nutrition.

The situation of the cavalry is better, but it can only fill their bellies, and there is still a lack of oil and water.

The war during the day was a complete victory, but the soldiers were also exhausted. Many of them could not lift their arms now.

Meat supplements consumption, and wine promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis. In order to speed up the recovery of the soldiers, magic potions were added to the drinks.

In the era of cold weapons, these are basic operations.

As night fell, the celebrations in the cavalry camp continued, and the infantrymen were already drooling with envy and jealousy.

The original fear of the enemy was no longer so strong under the dual stimulation of victory and greed.

As night fell, countless Centipede soldiers were ready to go. The huge movement quickly attracted the attention of the coalition forces.

Allied Forces Command.

"Marshal, there is a huge movement in the enemy camp, and it is suspected that they are going to fight us at night!"

The news brought by the guards did not surprise anyone.

Night battles are almost the standard for the races in the center of the earth. In almost every war, they choose to launch them at night.

Everyone would be surprised if one day the Earth-centered races changed their routine and launched attacks during the day.

"Pass the order, all battalions will be on tight guard."

Hudson said calmly.

In order to prevent the enemy from attacking at night, the coalition forces also made preparations.

Once the flames of war are ignited, the magic lamp will illuminate the entire battlefield, turning night into day.

Although it cannot completely reverse the disadvantages of night operations, it will not be completely overwhelmed by the enemy.

"Marshal, the enemy army just suffered a defeat and immediately launched a counterattack. Something seems wrong.

According to the analysis of previous battle cases, most of the top management of Giant Foot Centipede are relatively stable and will not be so impulsive.

A large number of broken troops were withdrawn from outside the city during the day. Even if the enemy wanted to launch an attack, they had to settle these broken troops first! "

Governor Pierce said doubtfully.

As a general who has commanded an army of more than 100,000 people, he knew very well that an army of more than 200,000 people pouring into the city would not be able to settle down in a short time.

There was no preparation at all in advance, and just coordinating the locations of various troops could not be completed in a few hours.

Not to mention, these evacuated troops also brought their sense of defeat into the city.

Under normal circumstances, Giant Foot Centipede's senior management would have no time to calm the morale of the troops at this moment, and would have no time to launch a counterattack.

The coalition forces should launch an attack more than the Giant Centipede.

It's a pity that there are too many parallel imports in the coalition, and it's okay to show off as a bluff. Once a siege war is launched, it is easy for these parallel imports to help.

"Your Majesty the Count is right, the enemy really shouldn't launch an attack now.

Making such a big noise, if it is not for offense, then it is to run away.

Judging from the intelligence collected, there is no harmony between the Giant Foot Centipede and the Demon Crocodile Clan, and there are many wars in the inner earth world.

When two hostile races come together, even if they have a common strategic purpose, it is impossible for them to truly unite closely.

Now the Demon Crocodile Tribe is attacking the Province of Parma, and the Giant Centipede is responsible for stopping us. There is a high probability that they are unwilling to do so.

After suffering such a big loss during the day, it is estimated that the top management of Giant Foot Centipede has been shaken and does not even have any hope of victory.

If they believe deep down in their hearts that our 300,000 troops are elites, then it is not surprising that they would choose to run away.

Of course, there is a very small probability that the enemy is using evacuation as bait to take our bait.

Take advantage of your ability to fight at night and defeat the coalition forces in one fell swoop! "

Hudson said with a smile.

The big victory during the day was purely accidental. Originally, they just wanted to play a trick to tire out the enemy and take advantage of it.

Unexpectedly, the enemy had no defense against the cavalry and had no idea how to deal with it.

The outside world believed that he had used his troops like a god to achieve such a confusing victory, and it was impossible for Hudson to explain it.

The unexpected blow had a huge impact on the giant centipede.

The morale of the military, which had finally been restored, was once again low, and the shadow of the previous failure emerged again.

Once it is determined that the coalition forces are all elite, the senior management of Giant Foot Centipede will inevitably choose to run away, because this is their best choice.

"Marshal, the enemy is not so fragile, right?

Although they suffered a lot during the day, the loss of troops was not large.

The cost of magic crossbows is very high, and the entire army cannot even get together 10,000 pairs. Once a full-scale war breaks out, these weapons cannot directly determine the outcome! "

Marquis Simonyi asked in disbelief.

When he mentioned the magic crossbow, he secretly regretted it.

If he had known that this thing was so powerful when used intensively, he would have equipped it in the family's private army.

Looking at the private armies of the Koslow family and the Dalton family, who doesn’t have thousands of magic crossbows?

The cost is indeed a bit higher, but if he grits his teeth and lives a little more frugally, he can still equip it.

If he had had this kind of wealth before the war, the battle to defend the city would never have been so tough. He might even have been able to severely damage the enemy and establish his reputation as the Marquis of Simonyi.

"Ha ha……

Your Excellency, the Marquis, you know the situation in the coalition forces, but the enemy does not.

Just wait and see, if the enemy wants to retreat, they will definitely launch a feint attack as a cover. "

Hudson said, shaking his head.

The information is different, and the decisions made are naturally different. Thinking into the enemy's situation is an essential skill for a good general.

But Hudson would not say these words.

Being able to understand it is a talent, and you need outsiders to remind you that it is best not to lead troops.

The most taboo thing on the battlefield is to have a little knowledge and not be able to play strategies and tactics, so just play steadily.

Forcibly copying things mechanically will only harm others and yourself.

"Marshal, if the enemy forces want to evacuate, is there anything we can do?"

A young general said eagerly.

The evacuation of hundreds of thousands of troops is a big project. Especially when there is a strong enemy behind you, a slight mistake can turn into a huge rout.

In an instant, the eyes of all the generals in the headquarters shone brightly, waiting for Hudson to make a decision.

"Now is not the time, the enemy may want to evacuate, and there is also a small chance that it is a trap.

Night is the domain of the races in the center of the earth. Our combat effectiveness can only be used for three or four points. Even if we succeed in a sneak attack, we may not be able to achieve the desired results.

Let's observe first and wait until the enemy evacuates out of the city to see if there is an opportunity. "

Hudson decisively objected.

A sneak attack at night seems good, but it also depends on who the opponent is.

The Giant Foot Centipede has lived in a dark place since he was a child. Fighting these guys at night is purely to use his own shortcomings to attack the enemy's strong points.

I don’t know how much success they can achieve. Anyway, the coalition forces will definitely suffer heavy losses.

Veterans are not elites. Even if they look similar, there are fundamental differences between the two.

If he really fights out and is pushed back, his reputation will be ruined.

What's more, even if you succeed in doing something, there won't be much benefit.

The constant bluffing along the way not only boosted the morale of the troops, but also intimidated the enemy.

Now that the plan is successful and the enemies have fled, why bother to stop them?

Reinforcements from the Human Alliance will arrive soon. Although the two enshrinement regiments are not large in number, they are all strong.

Such power, placed in the hands of ordinary generals, can only contain the enemy's high-end power.

If left in the hands of Hudson, he would definitely not be so rigid.

Anyway, on the racial battlefield, there are no rules.

Now that the Giant Foot Centipede has let them pass, the Demon Crocodile Tribe will definitely be dissatisfied.

Of course, the Giant Centipede was also very dissatisfied at the moment.

After all, during the battle of the Demon Crocodile Tribe in the Province of Parma, the scratch marks were too obvious.

On the surface, he was being cautious, but this reason was unlikely to be accepted by the giant centipede.

It seemed like it had only been a few days, but in fact a rift had already developed between the two groups who had temporarily cooperated, and the next step was to magnify the rift.

On top of the city wall.

"Is there no movement from the enemy?"

King Centipede asked, looking at the coalition camp ahead.

Tonight's evacuation is crucial to the Giant Centipede clan, and no deviation is allowed.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured!

What we are always watching is that the enemy camp is brightly lit and noisy at the moment, and it seems that they are holding a celebration banquet.

There are drunkards everywhere. Even if the enemy notices our movements, their cavalry can't lift their guns at the moment! "

Marshal Howell immediately assured.

Can't fail anymore!

The halo of being a famous general has faded. If he continues to lose, his military career will be over, and his life may be at stake.

He has already experienced the value of "mainland's number one general".

Even though deep down he wanted to tear Hudson into pieces, on the real battlefield, he still didn't want to meet this powerful enemy.


Don't forget that the enemy's Warcraft Legion has not yet been dispatched, and not all cavalry may be participating in the battle.

Tell the troops in charge of the rear that they must be careful and don't give the enemy an opportunity! "

King Centipede ordered with a gloomy face.

It was obvious that the anger he had felt during the day had not subsided. He also had doubts about Marshal Howell's military command ability.

“Your Majesty, please rest assured!

This time I will personally lead the team to the rear, if another accident happens..."

Marshal Howell's military order made King Centipede's expression soften slightly, but the expressions of all the Centipedes present became ugly.

Anyone can see that Marshal Howell's military order was forced out.

Even those who usually didn't deal with Marshal Howell were looking at him with sympathy at the moment.

A war could break out at any time, and the estrangement between the king and the marshal would not be a good thing for the next situation.

Unfortunately, they haven't been able to persuade him about this kind of thing.


Bursts of shouts of killing broke through the tranquility of the night, as if thousands of troops had launched a charge.

The magic lights in the coalition camp were already on, and the three hundred meters surrounding the camp were illuminated like daylight.

The magic crystal cannon readjusted its angle, the magic crossbows and archers stood ready, and the infantry set up their formations, ready to join the battle at any time.

Seeing the enemy troops in full formation and charging, the Centipede soldiers felt anxious.

The faces were even more indignant. The main force was about to evacuate, and the unfortunate task of staying behind to cover fell on them.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

The familiar sound of arrow rain sounded, and a centipede soldier who reacted quickly fell to the ground.

After seeing this scene, the companions around him chose to follow. Unfortunately, he was still a step too slow after all, and his body had been penetrated by arrows.

Screams kept ringing in his ears, and the Centipede soldier lying on the ground did not dare to move at all.

Fortunately, tonight was a feint attack. The charging Centipede soldiers were very scattered. They seemed to be huge, but in fact, there were not many troops participating in the battle.

Otherwise, just stepping on it could kill his centipede.

Luck doesn't always accompany him, and soon one of his companions was hit by an arrow and fell to the ground, hitting him directly.

A scream came out of his mouth without causing any waves. Wounded soldiers were wailing all around, so it didn't matter if he was one more.

But soon Keguluo discovered something was wrong. The centipede that was pressing on him turned over and actually had a smile on its face.

Wherever he was hit by an arrow, he was clearly pretending to be dead.

Looking around, Keguluo was surprised to find that there were many centipedes who had made the same choice as him.

It can be seen that these guys are veterans and have more experience in pretending to die than he does.

Compared to him falling to the ground directly, his body was covered in paint, but his vitals were not injured.

"What are you looking at, kid? You dare to pretend to be dead without even a trace of blood on your body. You don't want your life!"

Good luck to you kid, you met the kind-hearted me.

After a while, he splashed on the corpse a few times, covered it with blood, and got some minor injuries before going back. "

The words of his companion brought Kuruo to a new world. Pretending to be emotionally dead is also a technical job.

His instinct told him that his companions were hostile to him. If it weren't for the lack of confidence that he wouldn't be discovered, he would be a dead centipede.

When he opened his mouth to remind him, he was probably worried that he would have an accident and he would be implicated in it.

"Don't worry, I have experience!"

Ke Guluo said calmly.

But compared to his companion who was covered in blood and himself who was covered in dirt, this explanation was obviously unconvincing.

Looking around, Keguluo was surprised to find that there were quite a few corpses making movement.

They are not the only ones pretending to be dead!

But no matter how many people pretend to be dead, there are not as many people who are really dead. In the moment of hesitation, his companion's blood spurted all over him.

It seems that he can become a bloody man without deliberately pretending.

Looking back at the scars on his companion's face, Kuruo gritted his teeth and already had an idea in his mind.


The roaring sound of magic crystal cannons sounded, and the shells flew randomly in the dark night. What they hit depended on luck.

The feint attack plan was very successful. The army began to leave the city one after another, but the enemy was still holding on to the camp.

Marshal Howell, who was taking command, had no joy on his face.

Tonight's mission seemed to be completed successfully, but judging from the enemy's performance, he was already sure that they had fallen into a trap this time!

No matter how much cover was used, the movement of the army leaving the city could not be completely covered up.

You can tell by looking at the enemy's cannon muzzles that they are always aimed at the vicinity of the city intentionally or unintentionally.

One or two coincidences, one coincidence after another, would be too much.

After seeing the truth, there is nothing he can do now. The evacuation operation has begun and cannot be stopped at will.

What's more, this is just speculation. Even if it is said, few senior members of the clan will believe it.

If you guess wrong, the consequences will be serious, and no one can afford to gamble.

Reason told him that something would definitely happen tonight. The feint attack mission went too smoothly, to the point of being abnormally smooth.

If the enemy hadn't deliberately let them pass, they would have discovered the perfunctory nature of their attack.

In fact, Marshal Howell also wanted to make the show more realistic, but the tribes below were not fools either.

Taking on this unfortunate and tragic mission is already considered as being loyal to the race. No matter how hard we try, he, the marshal, can't give the order himself.

"Six Wings is passing on the order, and all units must be on alert. The enemy may have a conspiracy.

Privately hint to them that we only need to wait until dawn to evacuate this place! "

Marshal Howell ordered with a solemn expression.

It is true that the troops can be withdrawn at dawn, but they must be able to hold on until dawn.

As the rear troops, the tasks they undertake are not just feint attacks.

Once the enemy pursues, they will also have to shoulder the important task of blocking the enemy and buying time for the main force to leave.

If the morale of the army is high and the soldiers are willing to fight to the death and perform this kind of mission, there is a possibility of escaping unscathed.

He didn't need to look at the current situation in the camp to know that there must be a lot of complaints down there.

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