
Chapter 678 Postwar Influence

Humility does not affect the results. The results are in front of you, and no one cares how you win.

It's not a secret that the inner earth races don't have cavalry.

Everyone knows the shortcomings, but only Hudson has grasped them. This is a manifestation of ability.

The sky gradually darkened, and there were only sporadic resistance forces left on the battlefield. The defeated coalition forces further away had no time to pay attention to them.

Just run if you want. The enemy who broke your spine is no longer a concern.

After rushing all the way and fighting hard for another day, the coalition forces were also hungry.

The right way is to annihilate the remaining enemies as soon as possible and rest and reorganize the troops.

"Give me the order to check whether there are any fish that have slipped through the net on the battlefield, then collect our corpses and leave the rest to the aftermath team!"

Hudson ordered decisively.

It's a bit unethical to last a second after the battle, but on the racial battlefield, this is the most normal thing.

The "Aftermath Brigade" is a temporary organization created by Hudson. It is mainly composed of necromancers and is responsible for dealing with enemy corpses.

Leave professional matters to professionals. Since the establishment of this team, the aftermath has no longer been a problem.

Not only is it environmentally friendly and pollution-free, it also eliminates the spread of plague from the source.

The war ended, and the grassroots officers and soldiers returned to the camp to rest, but the top leaders of the coalition became busy.

Statistics of battle results, counting of casualties, and accounting of military exploits are a complex project.

Seeing that everyone was very busy, Hudson immediately announced that the celebration banquet would be postponed. However, the officers and soldiers at the grassroots level still eat enough meat and drink in limited quantities.

Seeing the soldiers gorge themselves on meat and turn a blind eye to the tragedies on the battlefield, Hudson, who was inspecting the camp, showed a satisfied smile.

Being able to face the cruel battlefield is the performance that elites should have.

According to the current situation, as long as the coalition forces are brought to the battlefield and win a few more battles, those who survive will transform into elites.

Thinking about it secretly, Hudson felt panicked at the loss.

I have worked so hard to help the Hessians bring out an elite army, and a free trade agreement alone is not enough.

"Your Majesty the Governor, have the bills been sorted out?"

After hearing Hudson's question, Earl Pierce answered with understanding:

“The detailed list is still being compiled, but I have a copy of the outbound data.

The battle has progressed so far, and the coalition of nobles from the Southeast Province has received 680,000 magic crystals and 2.74 million arrows of various types...

Soldiers are expected to have some left over.

However, the fighting during the day was very fierce, and even if there were any remaining, the number was negligible. "

This was said to Marquis Simonyi. The coalition of nobles from the Southeast Province was here to help. All expenses on the battlefield were borne by the Hessian government.

Everyone knows the normal consumption of food and supplies. Even if the supply quota for the Alpha Kingdom army is slightly higher, it will not increase much.

On the contrary, there is no clear standard for the quantity of consumables such as magic crystals and arrows, and the data can be manipulated.

After hearing the specific figures, Marquis Simonyi's expression changed.

According to this calculation, it is estimated that after the war is over, the military expenditures paid by the Hessian Kingdom will reach tens of millions.

The rest of the supplies are just that, the key is the magic crystal and arrows, especially the consumption of the magic crystal is even more confusing.

When the arrow is shot, part of it can be recovered. When the magic crystal is used up, it is just a pile of powder.

Deep down in his heart, he had already greeted the ancestors of the Logistics Department.

If they had been more efficient and had delivered the strategic supplies earlier and not used those carried by the coalition forces of the Southeast Province, this bill would not have appeared.

"Why are arrows and magic crystals consumed so much?"

Marquis Simonyi reminded vaguely.

Falsifying battlefield consumption is okay, but there must be a limit. He couldn't account for such an unusually huge number when he returned.

"Your Majesty the Marquis, that's all on the delivery list.

As you can see, our arrow rain has not stopped along the way. It is not an exaggeration to consume more than two million arrows.

Magic crossbows and magic crystal cannons are both big consumers of crystals. The number of magic crystal cannons in the army exceeds 100, and the number of magic crossbows is nearly 10,000. On average, this consumption is not large! "

Earl Pierce explained calmly.

There were indeed so many arrows shot, but a large part of them were recycled.

He is only responsible for counting the number of goods shipped out of the warehouse. The recycled and reused parts are trophies and cannot be used to deduct consumption.

As for the consumption of magic crystal, it is even simpler. In addition to the daily consumption in the army, the consumption in the previous two wars was also calculated.

The reported material consumption also amortized the entire cost of the Southeast Province Noble Alliance Army from its formation to the present.

The data is indeed a bit bigger, but compared to the record achieved by the coalition, everything is worth it.

From the outbreak of the war to the present, the direct economic losses caused by the Giant Foot Centipede to the Hessian Kingdom have been in the hundreds of millions.

After hesitating for a moment, Marquis Simonyi put his words back.

Now is not the time to discuss war consumption. The consumption of strategic materials is huge, so just treat it as the cost of hiring mercenaries.

The continent of Aslant has been in constant war all year round, creating favorable conditions for the vigorous development of the mercenary industry.

However, most of these organizations are active in the southern continent where commerce is developed. The number and quality of mercenaries in the central and northern continents are much different.

After the war broke out, the Hessian Kingdom also hired many mercenary groups, including mercenaries in the coalition forces.

However, in the war, these civilian armed forces played a supporting role, and the main force was the private army of the nobles.

In the continent of Aslant, where power is highly monopolized, mercenary groups of some size are all dependent on the great nobles.

Especially business aristocrats prefer to maintain mercenary groups.

After all, private armies cannot enter other people's fiefdoms at will, and the safety of caravans requires armed protection.

The coalition of nobles in the southeastern provinces also sent troops for their own benefit. To a certain extent, they were regarded as mercenaries, and there was nothing wrong with them.

After thinking about it, Marquis Simonyi no longer had to worry.

The royal government reimburses the bill, and even if it is divided among the provinces, he only has to bear a small part.

Considering the current situation of his own province, even if the royal government asks him to pay, it can only be a symbolic gesture.

There is no need to offend anyone for such a small amount of money. Next, they need to continue to make efforts from the coalition of nobles from the Southeast Province to help them deal with the powerful enemy of the Demon Crocodile Clan.

Hessian Palace.

After being woken up from his sleep in the middle of the night, Alexander V, who was holding back his anger, was about to curse, when he was soothed by the word "good news".

Thinking about it makes me feel aggrieved, thinking about how glorious it was when it overpowered the Alpha Kingdom and swallowed up the Count of Kolubia.

I thought it was the beginning of him leading the kingdom to glory, but I didn't expect that it would be the starting point for the kingdom to turn from prosperity to decline.

Especially in recent times, there has been a lot of bad news. The battlefields on all fronts are either asking for help or on the way to ask for help.

In this context, Alexander V cherished every good news, which was the motivation for him to persevere.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!"

After saying hello three times in a row, Alexander V immediately ordered his attendants to summon the courtiers to come over for a meeting.

It was really not easy. In the past few days, he had been worried about the situation in the provinces of Bofill and Parma. He only hoped that the front line could hold on until reinforcements arrived.

As a result, in the blink of an eye, the situation changed.

The allied forces of the two countries defeated the strong in the Bofill Province, defeated an army of 600,000 Giant Centipedes, and beheaded more than 150,000 enemy soldiers, including five powerful men from the Holy Domain.

Since the invasion of the inner earth race, the human race has also achieved many victories. Perhaps there is no second example that can compare with this record.

The Hessian Kingdom's previous losses to the two holy realms were avenged in this wave.

Deep down in his heart, Alexander V's understanding of famous generals once again improved to a higher level.

In the past, there were rumors that Hudson was great, but that was just hearsay, but this time I witnessed it in person.

He, the king, knows best what the quality of the coalition forces is.

Except for the private armies of nobles in the southeastern provinces who can fight, the rest are just a bunch of rabble.

Even within the Kingdom of Hesse, the private armies of provincial nobles in the hinterland are at the bottom of the heap.

Even if it is screened once, at most it will catch up with the average level. The soldiers have completed reserve basic training, and their combat effectiveness is still at a worrying level.

The combat effectiveness was at a disadvantage, as was the military strength. In the end, the coalition forces won a complete victory. This credit must be recorded on the head of the commander.

"Your Majesty, is this good news true?"

Count Niklas asked in disbelief.

As Minister of Military Affairs, he should have received the news first.

It's just that I have been too busy these days and made myself sick. I had to hand over the work to my assistant and take leave to recuperate.

“The record has not been verified.

However, Marquis Simeone did not dare to lie about this kind of thing, and Marshal Hudson had no habit of falsely reporting his achievements.

It was at least certain that the coalition forces defeated the enemy and killed five Sanctuaries.

Along with the good news, there was also the content of the battle between the powerful men in the Holy Realm recorded on the image stone. Unfortunately, the picture was a bit blurry! "

Alexander V replied with a smile.

False reporting of military records is nothing new in the Hessian Kingdom.

Especially when the situation on the front line is corrupt, if it is not modified, the battle report will be impossible to read.

But when it comes to Hudson, everything is superfluous.

Except for the time when I was just starting out, I needed to polish my record, but my subsequent records were so incredible every time that I didn't need to polish them at all.

“As long as we can definitely defeat the enemy and kill five of the enemy’s holy realms, that’s enough!

After this battle, the situation in the provinces of Bofill and Parma will inevitably reverse, and the next step will be a major counterattack.

Your Majesty, the top priority now is to give Marshal Hudson more authority, allowing him to unified command all the armies of the kingdom, and strive to end the war in the shortest possible time! "

Prime Minister Duke Milton's proposal shocked everyone.

It was just a matter of giving up the command of the coalition forces. Now, even the command of other armies was handed over to Hudson, a foreign minister, which was too shocking.

“Prime Minister, this must not be done!

The military is an important weapon of the country and must not be left in the hands of outsiders.

Not even if they are allies!

What's more, the situation in the Royal Army is complicated. Even if Marshal Hudson is given unified command, it will be difficult for him to smooth it out in a short time.

If the generals below are resistant, it will make the situation worse! "

Count Niklas objected hastily.

With all military power in the hands of one person, the Ministry of Military Affairs has become nothing more than a decoration.

If you look at the Military Affairs Department of the Kingdom of Alpha, you will know that it was originally a high-power core department, but now it has become a coordination department.

All major military transfers and personnel appointments required Hudson's nod to pass, and the power of the Ministry of Military Affairs was greatly reduced.

If Hudson was one of our own, then for the sake of his ability to lead the kingdom to victory, it would be fine for him to suffer a little injustice.

But Hudson is an outsider. Even if he wears the banner of the human race marshal, he still cannot change this reality.

Word spread that the Hessian military was incompetent and did not even have a decent commander, so it could only rely on its allies.

If he compromises on this issue, he, the military minister, will be nailed to the pillar of shame for a hundred years.

"Your Excellency, I think you are overly worried about these issues.

Marshal Hudson has rich experience in cross-border command. He has commanded the entire army of the Kingdom of Moxi before, and has achieved very remarkable results.

Looking at the performance of the coalition forces, we can see that Marshal Hudson's performance is as stable as ever, and there is no acclimatization.

As for the resistance you are worried about among the military generals, I suggest you go for a walk and listen to everyone's real voices.

I think more than 90% of the officers and soldiers in the kingdom will not reject a commander who can lead them to victory! "

Duke Milton retorted without mercy.

The Hessian Kingdom has a separation of military and political affairs. The prime minister is only the head of the civil service. Whether the military loses face or not has little to do with him.

In contrast, ending the civil war and resuming production as soon as possible is what he needs to consider.

“Count Niklas, the Prime Minister is right.

The decisions we make now must be based on winning the war as soon as possible.

The kingdom's military spending has been increasing in recent years, and this year's military spending accounts for more than 90% of all fiscal expenditures. It is estimated that the fiscal deficit will exceed 50 million gold coins.

If the war continues, we will become the second Principality of Moxi, and the situation will even be worse.

Following the lessons learned from the Mossi people, our international financing was not smooth, and the war funds were basically all raised domestically.

Every day the war lasts, the kingdom has to bear millions of losses, and the indirect economic losses are even more incalculable! "

Finance Minister Count Backstrom's statistics directly affected everyone's decision-making.

Officials who originally supported the Minister of Military Affairs changed their stance after realizing the seriousness of the consequences.

It is better for the military to be embarrassed than for the kingdom to go bankrupt!

Let Hudson serve as the supreme commander of the kingdom's army and a fig leaf.

The worst they can do is be thick-skinned and announce to the outside world that the marshal of the human race is the marshal of the Hessian Kingdom. They are following the will of the Human Alliance.

Using this as an excuse, at least no one would dare to laugh at them openly. Otherwise, it would be a political mistake to slap the label of opposing the Human Alliance.

The kingdom is financially bankrupt. Not only does it lose face, it also has to tighten its belt to live a hard life.

The Principality of Moxi is in the most ideal state of bankruptcy. It cannot survive until after the war. It is very likely that they will go bankrupt during the war.

Even if you want to ask your allies for help!

Asking the Alphas to help fight the war and hoping to borrow money from them is a dream.

After looking at each other, Count Niklas, who was helpless, immediately chose to shut up.

It's not that he doesn't want to fight for it, it's actually that the situation in the kingdom as stated by the Finance Minister is on the verge of collapse.

If you are not careful, the kingdom is in danger of overthrowing. Cases of dynasty collapse due to finances are not unprecedented in history.

No one dares to take this risk.

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