
Chapter 680 The Glory of the Nobles

Reinforcements arrived, and the coalition forces performed more skillfully when chasing down the remaining enemies.

A group of strong men restrained their auras and hid in the army, waiting for the enemy's strong men to take the bait.

It's a pity that yesterday's battle has frightened the senior management of Giant Foot Centipede. Now everyone is focused on escaping, and there is no organized counterattack at all.

"Marshal, our pursuit route is wrong. The enemy seems not to be going to Parma Province to join the Demon Crocodile Tribe.

If we continue to struggle with the enemy here, the defenders of Parma Province may not be able to hold on for long! "

Marquis Simonyi said worriedly.

Knowing that taking the opportunity to beat up the drowned dog and annihilate the remaining power of the giant foot centipede is the best choice.

But war is not only military, but also takes into account political factors.

After all, he was a colleague. Allowing the province of Parma to fall without saving him would be a major blow to his reputation in the country.

"The giant foot centipede army is demoralized and has no ability to fight with us. If they don't join the Demon Crocodile Tribe at this moment, their goal will be very clear.

The first place where the Demon Crocodile Tribe appeared was in the Bofill Province, so the entrance to the Earth's Core Passage should also be here.

When it comes to the safety of their retreat, the Demon Crocodile Clan cannot give up easily.

As long as we keep an eye on these giant centipedes, they will lead us to find the passage to the center of the earth, and then the enemy will be panicked! "

Hudson said with an unhappy look on his face.

As a guest army, the life and death of the garrison of Parma Province had little to do with him.

There is no friendship between the two parties, so there is no need to change the established strategy for these unrelated people.

He also understood the dilemma faced by Marquis Simonyi, but understanding did not mean that he was willing to help take the blame.

If it weren't for the overall situation, he really wanted to issue an order to divide the troops and let Marquis Simonyi lead his own troops to support the province of Parma.

After noticing Hudson's attitude, Marquis Simonyi immediately fell silent.

Political issues are important, but military issues are equally important. Asking him to veto Hudson's decision is really embarrassing people.

There seems to be only a thin line between the deputy coach and the coach, but the actual power is vastly different.

If he really offends someone, maybe his family's private army will have an accident at the right time during a certain battle.

Broken troops are running all over the world, and the battle to capture the remaining enemies has begun in full swing.

Facing the cavalry coming from behind, the hearts of the Centipede soldiers collapsed.


The roar of a big-faced centipede soldier inspired the fighting spirit of his fellow centipede soldiers.

Unfortunately, my current situation does not match my anger.

After finally summoning up the courage to fight the enemy, he found that he had no armor on his body and the weapons in his hands were thrown away.


A scream came out, and the centipede soldier rushing forward was directly penetrated by a spear, and fell in a pool of blood unwillingly.

The splashing blood drops directly extinguished the fighting spirit of the centipedes.

Now it's not a question of whether they fight hard or not, but that they don't fight at all.

From the moment they chose to abandon their armor and weapons to escape, they lost the capital to fight for their lives.

There is no point in regretting. If they had not abandoned those bulky armors and weapons, they would have fallen on the battlefield long ago and would not be able to escape to their current position.

One centipede soldier fell, and then the second and third centipede soldiers continued to fall. They fled faster than their companions, and they only survived for a moment.

As long as the human cavalry catches up, there is almost no possibility of survival.

Killing, non-stop killing!

Whether you fight back or kowtow to beg for mercy, the final outcome is the same.

The order received by the coalition officers and soldiers was to kill all invaders!

This is the dignity of the continental overlord. As the marshal of the human race, Hudson must resolutely safeguard it.

The pursuit and escape battle continues, and now is the time to test your physical strength.

The weak centipede soldiers fell into a pool of blood one after another; the strong centipede soldiers were still fleeing ahead.

Parma Province, the headquarters of the Demon Crocodile Clan.

"The two venerables were killed in battle, and the giant centipede is leading the enemy straight to the entrance to the center of the earth?"

"This is impossible!"

The Demon Crocodile King said excitedly.

Obviously I just wanted to verify the news, but I got two bad news at the same time.

Deep down in his heart, he already hated King Centipede.

If possible, he wouldn't mind tearing the giant centipede into pieces.

If it weren't for these unreliable pig teammates, they would still be entrenched in the two provinces, sitting and watching the mainland.

The annoying giant-footed centipede not only brought them powerful enemies, but also cost them two powerful men from the sanctuary.

Now this cheating teammate actually went one step further and led the enemy directly to the center of the earth. It was clear that he didn't want to leave any escape route for them.

“Your Majesty, the news was obtained from the captured Centipede General.

To ensure accuracy, we interrogated multiple Centipede generals at the same time, and they all got similar answers.

According to their account, the two tribes gathered nine saint realm experts and two hundred eighth-level experts to besiege Hudson that day, but they were ambushed by the enemy.

Five of the nine powerful men from the Holy Realm were killed directly in the battle, and a group of eighth-level powerhouses who participated in the battle also suffered heavy losses.

Judging from the war situation, Giant Foot Centipede has now suffered heavy losses and has no ability to continue to compete on the mainland.

At this time, they chose to rush to the entrance to the center of the earth, probably because they wanted to use the way to return to the center of the earth and no longer participate in the disputes on the mainland! "

Marshal Kanter's answer caused the expressions of all the demon crocodiles to change drastically.

The Giant Centipede was frightened by the enemy and did not dare to continue to be enemies of the human race, which suddenly put them in an embarrassing situation.

As rivals in the inner earth world, the overall strength of the two races is similar.

The Giant Foot Centipede was completely defeated. If they faced the army led by Hudson, the outcome would probably not be much better.

What's more, this is the home field of the human race after all, and we don't know how many reinforcements there will be in the future. The longer the war drags on, the worse the situation becomes for them.

In fact, Marshal Kanter did not believe much in the results of the interrogation.

The enemy only ambushed two strong men from the holy realm and killed five strong men from the holy realm. This was too exaggerated.

In order to increase the authenticity, the number of strong enemies was simply hidden.

Anyway, they didn't witness it with their own eyes. They just got the information from interrogating General Centipede. It's normal for the information to be incomplete.

"Are they reinforcements sent by the Five Nations Alliance or the Human Alliance?"

The Demon Crocodile King asked with concern.

They have not been in vain these days, and they have also obtained a lot of useful information from the captured human nobles.

The Five Nations Alliance, the Human Race Alliance... these political groups are well known to everyone, and they have some understanding.

The situation on the battlefield has deteriorated, and the Hessian Kingdom cannot survive and will definitely seek help from the alliance above.

For the Demon Crocodile Clan, both the Five Nations Alliance and the Human Alliance are behemoths.

Even the Hessian Kingdom, which they were rubbing against, could defeat them with its comprehensive national strength.

If the Hessians had not fought on multiple fronts, it is estimated that they would have been severely beaten by society as soon as they launched the invasion.

“It’s not certain yet!

However, no matter where the enemy's reinforcements came from, it was now certain that there was no shortage of strong men among the army led by Hudson.

In the field of top experts, we will most likely be at a disadvantage.

If possible, the four remaining Saint Domain experts from Giant Foot Centipede must be fought over. "

Marshal Kanter said helplessly.

If they had known that the situation would deteriorate so quickly, they should not have been in the province of Parma.

If we had not wasted time and united the two tribes to fight the enemy, the current situation would be completely different.

The annoyed mood did not last long, and Marshal Kanter recovered quickly.

As a commander who has experienced hundreds of battles, he still has the ability to withstand pressure.

"These damn centipedes!

They oppose us in the inner earth world, and still cause chaos for us in the surface world. This is a rhythm that wants to defeat us.

Your Majesty, we must not let them go easily this time!

I propose to reorganize all the remaining forces of the Giant Foot Centipede, use them as cannon fodder on the battlefield, and then directly send troops to destroy the Centipede Kingdom..."

Prime Minister Susilo said through gritted teeth.

Originally, the hatred between the two tribes was a mess, but now the old hatred has not been settled and new hatred has been added, who can bear it.

The words seemed angry, but they were the thoughts of many demon crocodiles present.

"We will settle the accounts of the Giant Foot Centipede with them in the future. The most critical thing right now is the Earth Center Channel!

No matter what, the earth's core passage cannot fall into the hands of the human race, otherwise we will become a lost dog.

The troops left behind are limited and it is difficult to block the enemy's front. The centipedes are unreliable. The war here must be ended as soon as possible to return reinforcements.

Marshal Kanter, I want to hear your thoughts. "

Marshal Kanter was speechless after hearing the political art-filled questions from the Demon Crocodile King.

The hint was so obvious, even if he had different ideas, he couldn't say it out loud!

"Your Majesty, the battle in Parma Province has come to an end. It is expected that the battle will end tonight, and the army will return to support tomorrow.

It's just that the Giant Foot Centipede was defeated this time. In addition to their own lack of strength, the enemy's cavalry also played an important role.

We lack experience in fighting large groups of cavalry. If we rashly confront the enemy's cavalry, we will easily suffer heavy losses.

If possible, it would be best to communicate with the Stonemen and help us in this regard. "

It is better to be embarrassed than to lose your life. Marshal Kanter is not a die-hard. After realizing the power of the cavalry, he will naturally not carry it to his death.

As for whether the Stonemen would help, he wasn't worried at all. The enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend, at least you can use one or two.

The current Demon Crocodile Clan is one of the pawns used by the Stone Man Clan to cause chaos to the human race.

They will not become abandoned before they are drained of their use value.

"I'll coordinate with the Stonemen.

The battle in Parma Province must be ended tonight, and the army will set off tomorrow to return to the Earth Center Passage.

At the same time, an order was given to the troops guarding the earth's core passage, prohibiting them from letting giant foot centipedes pass.

If any centipede dares to force its way through the level, it will be killed without mercy! "

After getting the exact answer, the Demon Crocodile King decisively ordered.

City of Parma.

As the last isolated city in the province of Parma, they have endured too much pressure. The outer city has long since fallen, and the inner city is now crumbling.

Especially since yesterday, the enemy troops have launched a fierce attack on the city like crazy.

The defensive equipment had long since been used up, and the magic crystal cannon had become a dumb cannon, replaced by a makeshift trebuchet.

Fortunately, most of the buildings in Parma are made of stones, and the stones removed from the walls are natural city defense weapons.

The houses in the city were also demolished. In order to defend the city, Duke Ernst even personally ordered the demolition of his Governor's Palace.

If the fight continues like this, it will probably become a white field.

The morale of the army has not collapsed. That is because everyone has witnessed the tragedy of the fall of the outer city and understands that if they want to survive, they can only fight to the end with the enemy.

"My Lord Governor, we just received news that the coalition forces defeated the centipede army in Bofill Province and killed more than 100,000 enemy soldiers, including five powerful men from the Holy Domain.

The enemy suddenly launched a fierce attack. He must have known that our reinforcements were coming!

Calculated from the distance, we only need to persist for five more days before the situation will be reversed. "

Viscount Karman's voice became lower and lower as he spoke.

After suffering for so long, I finally saw a glimmer of light.

Unexpectedly, this dawn is a bit far away. Five days seems to be a short time, but to the defenders, it is an extremely long time.

Based on the current situation in the city, it would be extremely difficult to persist for two days or one day, not to mention five days.

"Inform the entire army of this good news and tell everyone that reinforcements will arrive soon, but don't say the specific time, and the specific results must be revised.

Let’s just say that the coalition forces destroyed the main force of the Giant Centipede in the Bofill Province and killed 400,000 enemy heads, including the Centipede King and all their powerful men from the Sanctuary! "

Governor Duke Ernst said with a bitter look on his face.

If possible, he didn't want to do this. But now we are acting on expediency and can only exaggerate our achievements to inspire people.

Anyway, Hudson has many abnormal records, and some people will believe him if he exaggerates. If it were an unknown general, he wouldn't be able to exaggerate his achievements.

As long as you survive this disaster, it doesn't matter if you are a gangster in the future.

The good news they received was delayed, and the coalition forces would definitely continue to pursue the enemy. The Giant Foot Centipede was basically doomed.

To tally the results of a major battle, one has to add up the scattered results, and it won't be much different from what he boasted.

"My Lord Governor, the enemy is determined to take over the city, but we probably won't be able to hold on until reinforcements arrive.

You have a distinguished status, there is no need..."

Before Viscount Carman could finish his words, Duke Ernst suddenly changed his face and said:

"Shut up!

These words are not what you should say.

There is only Ernst who died in battle, and there is no Ernst who abandoned his subjects and fled alone!

Okay, go down and deliver the order! "

The words he spoke were heroic, but the trembling of his body still betrayed his inner uneasiness.

No one wants to die if they can live, and Duke Ernst is no exception.

But compared to surviving, he had more important things to protect.

The Hessian Kingdom is not as strict as the Alpha Kingdom when it comes to the responsibility to defend the territory, but it is not much lighter either.

Fighting to the last moment and breaking out seems to be an account of the past, but it is inevitable to be criticized politically.

In normal times, these noises are nothing. At this critical moment, something bad might happen.

The fall of Parma marked the end of the family's rule in the province of Parma.

In the future, when the kingdom's army comes back to regain the lost territory, political factors will account for 90% of whether they can restore the fiefdom.

At this critical moment, any stain is fatal.

Compared with being forced to flee for one's life, an obviously heroic death on the battlefield will gain more political points.

The kingdom may reduce or even deprive the fief of a noble who broke out, but it will never touch the fief of a noble who spilled blood on the battlefield.

In a sense, the city of Parma cannot be defended. The more heroic his death, the greater the political rewards for the family behind him.

The family members had moved to the royal capital early, and the elite members of the clan were also transferred out one after another by him finding excuses.

Taking out a handkerchief and wiping the knight's gun, Duke Ernst glanced at the last remaining ancestral home with nostalgia and gave instructions to the old man behind him.

"Uncle Daoud, I am tired and need to stop and rest. I leave the family affairs to you.

After the city was broken, you broke out with your family's private army and left, assisting Mdeja in inheriting the family's legacy and continuing the glory passed down by your ancestors! "

Having made the decision, Duke Ernst felt much more relaxed.

Recalling his childhood mischief, it was his happiest time.

After inheriting the family business, it seems that there is endless glory, but the pure happiness can no longer be found.

“Ernst, you can choose to cheat your death!

Arrange a random corpse among the chaos. The enemy doesn't know you, and the kingdom has no way of verifying the authenticity.

As long as you don't show up again later, for the sake of political propaganda, the kingdom will also admit that you died in the city. "

Daoud spoke to persuade.

The nephew in front of me cannot be regarded as outstanding, but his overall performance is remarkable.

He has been in charge of the family for more than ten years, and there has never been a major problem, and the family business has made small progress in his hands.

Unfortunately, he was not lucky enough to catch up with the tragic invasion of the inner earth race, and his home became the main battlefield at the beginning.

"Uncle Daoud, this kind of thing is not that easy to fool, we lack relevant preparations.

Faking death through temporary arrangements will definitely leave loopholes. If you are not careful, you will be laying trouble for the family.

Even if the upper echelons of the kingdom accept it due to political needs, they will make things difficult for the family in other places in the future.

With our strength, we simply cannot withstand the torment! "

The prerequisite for Li Daitao's defeat was that he must be fully prepared. Before that, he had never thought that the city of Parma would fall.

It was already too late to realize that the situation was not good. Countless pairs of eyes from the outside world were staring at him, so there was no way he could cheat his death.

The cold wind was howling, and Duke Ernst picked up his knight's gun and went to the top of the city. He had a feeling that there would be no peace tonight.

"Launch a general attack!"

Following Marshal Kanter's order, countless magic crystal cannons made loud rumbling noises, and the magic crocodile soldiers launched a sprint towards the city.

The city defense magic circle was broken a day ago, and there were many gaps in the city wall. Now the defenders could only stop the enemy with their flesh and blood.

"Trebuchet, release!"

The guarding officer ordered coldly.

After many days of fighting, they had already become numb to life and death. The good news just announced can only inspire everyone's last desire for survival.

A subversive scene occurred.

The more civilized human defenders are using trebuchets, while the demon crocodile army in the tribal era has more advanced magic crystal cannons.

The scene was slightly comical, but neither warring party felt it.

Standing on the city wall, Duke Ernst did not retreat this time. He picked up the knight's spear and shot away a demon crocodile.

The generals who defended the city did not come out to stop them. By now, the battle was going on, and the defenders had already run out of gas and were hanging on with only their last breath.

Although they knew that reinforcements were coming soon, everyone knew that if they couldn't hold on tonight, everything would be in vain.

The battle continued, and the blood gradually stained Ernst's body red. At this moment, no one could recognize him as the governor.

The walls soon lost their effectiveness and the defenders were forced to retreat. A large number of houses were demolished, and street fighting could not begin.

The shouts of killing were mixed with screams, and the two armies launched a final fight in the narrow inner city.

One soldier fell, and a new one immediately took over.

As the battle continued, the space for the defenders was compressed smaller and smaller, and fewer and fewer soldiers were able to fight.

Mixed among the remaining soldiers, Ernst was inconspicuous, just like an ordinary soldier.

At this moment, there is no distinction between nobles and civilians. Everyone is fighting the final battle for the hegemony of the human race.

The first ray of dawn shines into the city...

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