
Chapter 692 Changes in Situation

The internal political struggles in the Kingdom of Hesse did not affect the war on the front line.

Under the constant stimulation of victory, the officers and soldiers of the coalition fighting against the wind showed a combat effectiveness that was no less than that of the elite.

In just one week, they completed the encirclement and suppression of the remnants of the Demon Crocodile Army, and killed a total of 350,000 enemy heads.

"Send the order and stop chasing the remaining enemies.

After two days of rest, the whole army rushed to the new battlefield! "

It's not that Hudson didn't want to expand his victory, but after a week of escape, the surviving devil crocodiles were already very scattered.

If you continue to hunt, the price-performance ratio is really not very high.

Instead of wasting it here all the time, it is better to rush to the next battlefield as soon as possible and kill other invading races in the center of the earth.

As long as the scattered remnants of the Demon Crocodile are not gathered together, they will not become a big phenomenon and can be left to the local nobles to deal with.

"Marshal, what is our next target?"

Marquis Simonyi asked expectantly.

As the representative of the Hessian Kingdom in the military, he was more eager than others to end the war.

Considering the overall situation, the financial crisis of the Hessian Kingdom's government is no secret among the top leaders.

If the war continues, financial collapse will only be a matter of time, and shareholders like them will have to find ways to save themselves.

It's okay if we can reach an agreement internally, but then we can only tear it down and start over and build a new system.

As a person with vested interests, he is naturally unwilling to overturn the table and gamble on the uncertain future.

"Of course whoever is closest will hit first!"

Hudson replied matter-of-factly.

Different from the previous rotten situation in the two provinces, the Hessian army was still fighting with the enemy on several other battlefields.

Now every time an enemy army is defeated, a mobile force can be released, and these forces can be invested in other battlefields.

Strategically speaking, there is no suspense on the Hessian battlefield at this moment.

Unless new forces participate, it is only a matter of time before the invading inner earth race will be defeated.

As a human marshal, Hudson's focus has long been no longer on the Hessian battlefield.

The human race's counterattack has begun. Except for a few battlefields that continue to deteriorate, the balance of victory has tipped to the human race.

For ordinary nobles, victory in the war is the end, but in Hudson's view, it is the beginning of the further differentiation of the major forces of the human race.

The gap in strength between strong and weak countries is growing at an unimaginable speed.

More than two hundred years ago, although the strength gap between the ten major kingdoms of the human race existed, the strong countries were only slightly stronger than the weak ones.

Even the strongest kingdom's overall national strength is less than the sum of the last two kingdoms.

At this moment, this balanced development model has been completely broken.

The Warhammer Kingdom, which was once at the bottom, disappeared directly into the long river of history.

In addition to the three major powers, the other six kingdoms had to carry out reforms to save themselves due to various problems.

However, this invasion of the inner earth races has severely weakened the six kingdoms, causing the power gap between the big countries to become even more disparate.

As for the small countries further down, there is no comparison at all. Even if there are those who are determined to make progress, the fundamentals are there.

It's not that Hudson looks down on people, it's that the development prospects of many small countries cannot keep up with his Xueyue Territory.

In the mainland game, these small countries can only serve as foils. If you think too much, you will die ugly.

Judging from the development history of the Aslant continent, it is not difficult for these small countries to maintain their inheritance as long as they stay safe.

In the eyes of several big countries, competitors are first of all foreign races, and secondly the big countries within the human race.

A small country living in a narrow gap cannot yet catch everyone's attention.

At least until the human race destroys the alien race, large-scale internal annexation will not happen.

Deep down in his heart, Hudson desperately hoped that all countries could successfully reform and maintain parity among the great powers.

However, this is an idealization. In reality, reforms in various countries are still full of difficulties.

With such heavy losses in the war, no one knows when they will be able to recover.

As the gap in strength continues to widen, the careerists will definitely take action, and by then the Human Alliance may not be able to control the situation.

The successive destruction of the Giant Centipede and the Demon Crocodile clan brought huge shock to the races in the center of the earth.

Some weak races, after experiencing fierce inner struggles, even voluntarily chose to abandon their territory in the surface world and return to the inner earth world.

There are also some races in the center of the earth that are becoming more and more crazy, trying to force the human race to compromise with them through victory on the battlefield.

If you can't defeat the human race, then you will find a way to draw them into trouble.

With the experience of the Demon Crocodile Clan, the earth-centered races also understood the sinister intentions of the alien alliance.

Knowing that they have become pawns, the inner earth races are unwilling to be used and continue to provoke conflicts between the human race and the alien alliance.

Conflicts can be created even if there are no conflicts. The two camps, which are already full of contradictions, can cause conflicts at the slightest spark.

Dwarf Kingdom, Castle of Ashes.

Seeing the diplomatic note sent by the Human Alliance, the dwarf king, who was not afraid of anything, also had a headache at this moment.

As the main force supporting the inner earth race, they have sponsored weapons and equipment for the inner earth race in the past few months.

Of course, most of these weapons and equipment fell into the hands of the allies, and most of those that really reached the center of the earth were junk products eliminated by various races.

All of them were expected. If they were all produced by dwarves, then he would not even be qualified to receive a diplomatic note.

It is not necessarily necessary to send troops immediately, but it is estimated that the dwarves are on the human race's blacklist, which is a high probability event.

Compared with other alien races, dwarves are skilled workers, so there is no need to worry about the disaster of genocide.

The greater possibility is that after the defeat, it was carved up by various human countries and imprisoned to forge weapons day and night.

For any proud race, this dark life of slave labor would be worse than being exterminated directly.

Choosing to support the inner earth race is actually a self-rescue operation for the dwarf kingdom.

Without the harshly worded diplomatic note, their operation was largely a success.

The cannon fodder of the inner earth race lived up to expectations by weakening the human race for them and buying more time for peace.

"The human race is suspicious of us. What do you think we should do now?"

The dwarf king asked with a headache.

No matter how kept it secret, the weapons and equipment that appeared in the hands of the inner earth race still exposed the alien alliance.

Originally, everyone shared the hatred together, so there is a high probability that this account will be accumulated until the next continental war breaks out, and they will be settled together.

However, the trade between the dwarves and other races has been too frequent recently. After the equipment changes, the various races traded their eliminated equipment to the races in the center of the earth.

"Your Majesty, the diplomatic note sent by the human race proves that they only doubt us now and do not believe that we are responsible.

Based on the relationship between the two major camps, it is reasonable for each tribe to spontaneously create obstacles for the human race.

What's more, not only the Alliance is doing this kind of thing, but some human countries are also secretly supporting the inner earth races that invade the Alliance. It's just that we are more lucky and did not encounter the invaders.

There is no evidence. If the human race really attacks us, it will inevitably trigger a new round of continental war.

At present, many human countries have been severely damaged, and they do not have the ability to launch a full-scale war in a short time.

In this context, we just need to hold our ground and behave naturally enough.

Since the humans are suspicious of us, they must also be suspicious of the elves. They are the bosses in the alliance! "

Foreign Minister Moi was the first to express his position.

The actions to support the inner earth races were planned and completed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If something went wrong in the plan, he would be the first person responsible.

In order to ensure nothing went wrong, he found the scapegoat long before taking action.

It's not easy to be the boss, so it's inevitable to take the blame for the younger brother.

Even if the elves could produce evidence and clarify their relationship, the humans would not believe it.

Moreover, as the boss of the anti-human alliance, they have long been full of hatred.

Adding one more thing is not a big deal.

"It's not a good idea to point the finger at the elves, but everyone in the alliance knows that we are the cause of the incident?"

The dwarf king asked slightly hesitantly.

It was obvious that he was tempted. The hesitation at this moment is mainly due to worry about the reaction of the elves.

It is normal for the boss to trick his younger brother, and for the younger brother to trick the boss, this is a high-risk job.

The elves seem harmless to humans and animals, and the fact that they can secure their position as the boss of the anti-human alliance is enough to prove that they are not as simple as they seem.

The Dwarf King is very clear about the fate of the orcs who once fought against the elves in the alliance.

Without the acquiescence of the elves, the Alpha Kingdom would not dare to attack the Explosive Hammer Orc Empire if it might be threatened in the future.

“Your Majesty, the elves have their own agenda and have never really regarded us as allies.

Judging from the intelligence collected, the Elf Mother Tree may have recovered, and their fertility shortcomings may no longer exist.

In this context, all they need is to delay time and accumulate strength. As for our life and death, it doesn't matter at all.

Especially since those elves have been vigorously developing their navy in recent years, maybe they have found a way out overseas! "

MILF persuaded hard.

If the struggle for hegemony in mainland China fails, fleeing overseas is also a good choice.

It's just that compared to the mature continent of Aslant, the overseas islands are relatively barren and have very little fertile land.

The most important thing is that although there are many overseas islands, most of them are micro-islands. It is not that easy to find an island that can accommodate the sustainable development of a race.

Unless absolutely necessary, no race would abandon its foundation on the mainland and go overseas to a wild land to start over.

"The probability of the elves leaving the mainland is very low. If they really wanted to leave, they wouldn't wait until now.

Back then, when the elves had just lost their position as overlord and a new continental overlord had not yet emerged, it was the best opportunity to evacuate.

When the new and old overlords of the humans and orcs alternate, there is a new opportunity to evacuate.

In the subsequent continental wars, they also had the opportunity to evacuate.

Until now, neither camp will let them leave.

If the elves dare to run away from everyone, then we can compromise with the humans and drag them to death together! "

Prime Minister Aaron immediately objected.

Not to mention whether suitable land can be found overseas, simply evacuating millions of tribesmen is a very fatal matter.

Among the currently known outer continents, the one closest to the Aslant continent is the barbaric continent where powerful men of all races previously lived.

However, entering this continent requires passing through a land of storms, and ships simply cannot withstand the torment.

Even if the elves have many masters, they can only send a small number of people there at most, and it is impossible for the entire clan to migrate.

The differences of opinion between the Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs made the wavering Dwarf King more and more troubled.

"No matter what the elves think, let them help take the blame this time!

Remember, when directing hatred, the movements should be smaller to hide us.

They are secretly releasing some rumors and arranging for all races in the alliance to muddy the water first! "

The dwarf king said fiercely.

Compared to the elves who are thousands of miles away, the threat from the human alliance is very close.

If there is no way to take the human race's attention away from them, they will be dead when the next continental war breaks out.

The human race is determined to manipulate a race. It is at the forefront of the confrontation between the two major alliances. The dwarves are a tragedy.

Even though they live in a mountainous area and have a large number of underground passages to rely on in the country, they cannot make up for their poor strategic location.

Canglan City, in the royal palace.

A grand celebration banquet kicked off under the auspices of Caesar IV.

Unlike in the past, Hudson was absent from the celebration banquet this time. Without this legendary commander, the palace army still defeated the invaders.

For the king Caesar IV, it was undoubtedly a great political victory, which meant that the kingdom's army could win the battle even if it left the Hudson.

The fly in the ointment is that the enemy troops defeated are slightly insufficient.

As the third most powerful country in the human race, it should be able to destroy several races in the inner earth world.

Only if you lose the battle can it become hot news.

However, some flaws did not affect Caesar IV's good mood. This was a good opportunity to break Hudson's monopoly on the army.

No monarch can tolerate the power of the military being held in the hands of princes for a long time. This has a great impact on the royal power.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of Hudson's departure, the best way to promote meritorious officials and cultivate your own confidants in the military is to take advantage of the situation.

Under the influence of this thought, the aloof Caesar IV lowered his figure and kept wandering around the banquet, selecting targets with cultivation value through dialogue.

Loyalty must come first, but ability is also a must.

In addition to these two necessary factors, the person being promoted must also have enough military exploits to silence everyone.

Everything is operated within the program. If something goes wrong in the future, the responsibility will not fall on you.

This is the lesson Caesar IV learned after many failures.

Book promotion!

The old author's new book "Is it possible to cultivate immortality like this" whispers about the world

Traveling through the world of immortality, a full-time cultivation panel became Cao Ren's key to opening the door to immortality.

【talisman master】+【sword cultivator】=【talisman sword immortal】

Seeing the rune flying sword trailing flames and thunder and annihilating the cave of ten thousand ghosts with one strike, the world of immortality exploded: can immortals still cultivate like this?

Cao Ren: Yes, immortals can still cultivate like this!

Poetry, Sword Immortal, Alchemy Immortal, Talisman Grandmaster...

Thousands of years later, there are many rumors circulating in the world of immortality about how many vests Master Cao has.

And the name of Cao Thief resounded throughout Tianqi Continent.

[Falling, nonsensical, light-hearted, funny fairy tale. 】

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