
Chapter 696 Panic

Emerald Palace.

After all the princes left, the atmosphere in the hall became particularly solemn.

Facing the angry looks of the ministers, Caesar IV looked very ugly.

When encountering difficulties, if the boss fails to protect the younger brother immediately, it will be a political loss.

What's more, the reformists were only formed under his impetus. Without the leadership of his king, it would have been impossible to develop and grow.

However, politics is cruel. After realizing that the tide was over, the original political alliance fell apart.

Caesar IV, who was the king, simply chose to give up and had no intention of trying to help them.

Facing the grievances of his younger brothers, Caesar IV was also very helpless.

In the situation just now, if he continued to support the reformists, he might even be able to join in.

The powerful factions who supported the reform defected one after another, and even Marshal Hudson, who had always been strong, chose to compromise.

It is a taboo for a monarch to fight alone.

"The situation has deteriorated. You should stay useful until the time comes!"

Caesar IV said slowly.

The reformists collapsed, the conservatives became more powerful than ever, and a reshuffle in the court became a foregone conclusion.

His intuition told him that today's scene was planned by the conservatives for a long time.

Those at the front are standing still, just waiting for the reformists to jump into the trap themselves. But they didn't know anything in advance and helped the enemy set the stage.

If he had received the news in advance, Caesar IV would never convene a joint meeting of provincial governors without certainty.

In the previous political struggles, conservatives have been squeezed out of the court.

As long as these local governors are not brought together, the contradictions will not directly intensify, let alone the scene of forcing the palace to be staged.

According to the rules of the political game, even if the reformists decline, they can still stay in the court for a few years.

“Your Majesty, given the current situation, I’m afraid we won’t be able to retreat if we want to.

The conservatives' arrogance is rising and they are bound to settle old scores.

In the process of promoting reform, we have encountered many problems, which are used by the enemy.

Once the lid is lifted, not only will we be able to escape unscathed, but you will also be affected! "

The words of Prime Minister Marquis Delgado made Caesar IV frown.

It seemed like she was thinking about him, but in fact it was a veiled threat.

It is difficult to be completely clean when playing politics. There are problems with the ministers in the court. The king Caesar IV also has a dark history.

The two parties have worked together for so many years and have long been tied together.

The younger brothers overturned, and the boss, Caesar IV, was also to blame.

Damaging the monarch's prestige is a small thing, but he is most afraid that the conservatives will take the opportunity to make a big deal out of him and ignore him in the court.

"Don't worry, I will fight for you.

The subsequent political struggle will be limited to the court and will not affect your family! "

Caesar IV replied with a gloomy expression.

He didn't want to fight this guarantee, but the loser also needed to be appeased, lest he would die together if he got desperate.

What's more, these people are all working for him. If the end is too miserable, it will also cause the grief of other subordinates.

"Your Majesty, please determine the replacement as soon as possible. The conservatives will not leave us much time.

Perhaps tomorrow the motion to impeach the government will appear in the House of Lords.

We are destined to leave, and we also want to leave in a dignified way! "

Marquis Delgado's words made the atmosphere at the scene even more sad.

In past political struggles, everyone was very particular about leaving a front line in everything they do so that they can meet each other easily in the future.

Even if the struggle fails, they usually resign and leave. The worst is to be dismissed by the king.

Falling to the ruling of the Noble Council has only happened once in the history of the Alpha Kingdom, and it was due to the collapse of the government due to the failure of the war.

Once they get into trouble in the parliament, their dark history will be revealed. Resignation is the basic operation. In serious cases, they may even lose their titles.

There is no doubt that the reformists have created enough hatred this time. Those who have suffered losses due to the reform want to tear them into pieces.

In order to warn latecomers, conservatives will most likely deal with them harshly this time.

Marshal's Mansion.

After the meeting, Hudson's home was still full of guests.

The failure of the reformists had a certain impact on his reputation, but it was not fatal.

In the previous reform process, the agricultural reform led by Hudson was a great success.

Conservatives can deny other policies of the reformists, but the results of agricultural reform cannot be erased.

It is impossible for everyone to go back to the past after reaping the dividends of increased grain production.

With this political achievement, it is impossible for the conservatives to counterattack and put the fire on his head.

Of course, this is only a superficial reason.

Too many incidents of burning bridges across rivers have happened in history, and no matter how great a political achievement is, it cannot compare to being on the wrong team.

What can really make conservatives give up is that Hudson has a special status and strong strength. No one wants to cause trouble with him.

After taking a look at the embarrassed people, Hudson felt mixed emotions.

If these guys hadn't defected before the battle, the situation would never have deteriorated rapidly. Even if the reform fails, it will not fail so completely.

He could understand the choice of the emerging nobles.

Essentially, these guys support the reformists in order to allow the kingdom to quickly accumulate strength and lay the foundation for the destruction of the Orc Empire.

Now that we have better choices, there is no need to cut our skin to support the reform.

But he switched sides without saying a word, and he still felt uncomfortable. Why should he say hello first and ask for his opinion?


Before Earl Albert could finish speaking, Hudson interrupted: "There is no need to mention the past.

From now on, there will be no reformists in the kingdom. This is a decision made jointly by everyone, and we must be responsible for it! "

Loss is inevitable.

Even though Hudson was not optimistic that the reformists would succeed from the beginning, he was still a little sad when the reform actually failed.

The world dominated by aristocrats is essentially the family of the world.

When making decisions based on your own interests, you will inevitably be short-sighted.

If you miss this best opportunity, it will be twice as difficult to carry out reforms in the future.

Whether reforms are implemented in the short term will have little impact on the kingdom. But once the time period is extended, the consequences will be serious.

There is no point in lamenting. Vested interest groups will not cut their own flesh unless it is urgent.

In fact, even if the reformists win a big victory, no one can guarantee that the reform will be successful.

No matter how good a policy is, it needs someone to implement it.

The officials responsible for the implementation happened to be from the aristocratic group, and the inextricable internal connections were basically endless.

How many points can be fulfilled in the end depends entirely on the integrity of the bureaucrats.

"Marshal, the reformists..."

Halfway through his words, Earl Albert hurriedly swallowed it back.

They had already betrayed the reformists at the palace meeting, and it would be too contrived to raise them again at this moment.

Hudson's position is very obvious, he just doesn't want to get involved.

Stopping the meeting in advance to buy time for the reformists to act is a sign of friendship among colleagues.

Without Hudson, the other emerging aristocratic governors would have limited influence on the decision-making of the royal government.

If this happens, it will suffer for the children of various families who have been inserted into the reform sect.

There are no eggs left in the nest.

If you are on the wrong team, you will not pay the price.

Even if they defected at the last moment, the political lives of these young men involved in the storm were still lost.

The political defeat of the reformists in the Kingdom of Alpha spread quickly, and the first to be affected was the Five-Nation Alliance.

As a bellwether, the Kingdom of Alpha suddenly stopped reforming, which was also a big blow to the reformist forces in various countries.

But the current situation is such that the arrow has to be fired.

With so much preparation ahead, it is impossible to give up just because of external influences.

After all, situations vary from country to country.

The Kingdom of Alpha has no threat from foreign enemies, which does not mean that the other four countries also have no threats from foreign enemies.

Facing the formidable enemy of the alien alliance, everyone had to find ways to increase their own strength, and the motivation to support them in launching reforms still existed.

Especially the three countries in the Central Continent. Their population and economy are not worse than the Alpha Kingdom. In theory, they can catch up as long as the reform is successful.

There was a small uproar in public opinion. Apart from a slight impact on morale, everyone continued to push for reforms.

The whole continent is undergoing reform in full swing, and the orcs who are isolated in a corner are now forced to a crossroads.

Compared with before, one more race participated in decision-making.

Relying on constant public relations and strong strength, the dark elves successfully blended into the orc empire.

As for the Hell Dogs that also invaded the prairie, their fate was much sadder.

After being severely beaten, they also wanted to join the big family of the Orc Empire. Unfortunately, the previous war made both sides stained with each other's blood.

Except for a small number of Hell Dogs that were turned into mounts, the rest were all turned into magic materials for the shamans.

When she attended the high-level meeting of the Orc Empire for the first time, the Dark Elf Queen received a warm welcome from everyone.

Those scorching eyes made me want to come right there...


After reminding the orcs with a cough, the Bear King said angrily:

"Everyone is here, let's start today's meeting!"

What an embarrassment to the orcs!

Isn't it just a female elf? She behaves so enthusiastically, as if she has never seen her before.

Contempt turned to contempt, the Bear King couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

In terms of aesthetics, the appearance and temperament of elves are very lethal to most races.

Compared with pure elves, the biggest characteristic of dark elves is charm, and it is charm mixed with natural flavor.

Even the orcs can't stand up to the dark elves who have inherited the dual talents of elves and succubi.

"I will first report the changes in the international situation. You all should pay attention.

The war between the two camps against the invasion of the inner earth race has basically come to an end.

Except for the elves, everyone is now setting off a wave of political reform internally.

Everyone knows this, and even some races within the empire have followed suit and joined the wave of reform.

Everything is to enhance strength, and there is no problem with any decision made based on this principle.

All ethnic groups can make decisions on their own internal affairs.

I called everyone here today mainly because I recently received a piece of news concerning the life and death of the empire.

A fierce political struggle broke out in our neighbor the Kingdom of Alpha. The reformers lost the struggle and now they have suspended internal reforms.

If this is all, then it is also good news for the empire.

But according to the spies we planted in the past, we also sent back a message: The Alpha people chose to stop reforming mainly to invade the empire!

Nowadays, the nobles of the Alpha Kingdom only do three things: farming, making armor, and training soldiers.

The worst thing is that thanks to agricultural reforms, the enemy's grain production has increased significantly.

According to official statistics from the Kingdom of Alpha, their average increase in grain yield per mu is 50 pounds, which is nearly one-third higher than the yield three years ago. "

As soon as the Yingman King finished speaking, all the orcs looked ugly.

In the feudal era, the strategic significance of grain production was extraordinary. Increased grain production means an increase in overall national strength.

Especially if these grains fall into the hands of the Alpha Kingdom, it means that where there is grain, there are soldiers.

Just use your brain a little and you will know: after you have accumulated enough food and grass, built enough soldiers and armor, and trained enough elites, the enemy will definitely provoke a war.

“The grain yield per acre has increased by one-third. Is this an exaggeration?

According to the information received previously, the total food production of the Alpha people has increased by ten percent!

Considering their increased territorial area, it is normal for their grain production capacity to increase somewhat.

It would be too scary to add so much now! "

The Elephant Man King couldn't help but question.

If the food production capacity is greatly increased, it means that all soldiers of the Alpha Kingdom, including the noble private army and reserve forces, can fill their stomachs.

There is no doubt that even the stingiest noble lord will not starve his troops if conditions permit.

This is a lesson learned by countless ancestors with blood.

According to the Alpha people's style, when food is guaranteed, the number of elite soldiers will definitely increase slowly.

It is impossible to defeat the enemy in the first place. If the enemy's strength continues to increase, it will be even more impossible to defeat it.

"King Elephant Man, I also hope these news are false, but we have sent people to verify it again and again.

Since the empire's defeat, we have stepped up our intelligence collection on the enemy. This kind of semi-open information is unmistakable! "

The Yingren Emperor's answer shattered the last hope of all the orcs.

The enemy is sharpening their swords, and they are still arguing over the division of internal pastures. If this continues, it will definitely be miserable.

"Eagle King, is the Alpha Kingdom really so scary?"

The Dark Elf Queen frowned and asked.

I had just joined the big family of the Orc Empire, and I hadn't even had a few days to live in peace, but the enemy was about to attack me again.

They had suffered a loss once in the cursed land before, and they really didn't want to do it a second time.

If these empire leaders have no confidence, then there is basically no hope for the future of the Orc Empire.

"Queen, although the Alpha Kingdom's army is powerful, it is not much better than our elites. The key is that they have the number one general in the mainland.

One Hudson is more threatening than an army of millions!

Before the rise of Hudson, the Empire had been suppressing the Alpha Kingdom for three hundred years.

But since Hudson led his troops on the expedition, the empire began to decline. As long as you meet him, you will lose every battle.

It is lucky to be able to save a life, and there is no way to show the results.

Because of this man, millions of soldiers in the empire have died!


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