
Chapter 703: Being remembered

"Marshal, it's okay for everyone to work together to prepare strategic materials, but how to implement it specifically?"

After making eye contact with the conservative bosses, Duke Richard, the Minister of Military Affairs, asked with concern.

When it comes to strategic materials, this job will most likely fall to the Ministry of Military Affairs. Hudson was only in charge of the army and was never involved in raising specific logistical supplies.

If there is something missing in the army, just reach out and ask for it. The Military Affairs Department has become an enhanced version of the Logistics Department.

Complaints are complaints, work still needs to be done.

Even though its power has been reduced, the Ministry of Military Affairs is still one of the most important departments in the kingdom.

It is nothing new for military ministers to have more say than prime ministers during wartime.

High position and high authority correspond to great responsibility, and any trouble involving the military would be fatal.

“Duke Richard, this problem is easy to handle.

During the war, the kingdom prepared strategic materials as usual.

By directly assigning tasks to the following provinces and counties, the task of raising supplies can be completed on the front line, without the need to transport them from the rear.

Provinces and counties that could not raise enough supplies found ways to transport supplies from their hometowns.

In short, after the outbreak of the war, the materials collected by the provinces and counties were only a lot but not a little! "

Hudson replied calmly.

The banner is to prepare strategic materials, so it must be carried out to the end.

How to do it specifically is the matter of the noble lords themselves. Anyway, he only wants the results.

If someone resists and doesn't participate, that doesn't matter. As long as supplies can be delivered to the front line in time during the war, everything will be fine.

Everyone present has been on the battlefield and knows very well how difficult it is to transport supplies remotely during wartime.

A cart of grain and fodder is delivered to the frontline officers and soldiers from the rear, and often only one or two tenths is left.

If you are unlucky and catch up with a natural disaster and are delayed on the way, you may end up eating all the food on the way.

With the continuous expansion of the kingdom's territory, the traditional land transportation mode is passively withdrawing from the stage of history.

Shipping costs are smaller, but that only applies to coastal provinces. Some inland provinces are thousands of kilometers away from the coastline, and they have to be transshipped again before arriving at frontline ports.

Every time a war breaks out with the orcs, logistics is the heaviest burden for everyone.

Obviously he wanted to use everyone's strength to develop the territory, but when it came to Hudson's mouth, it became a matter of helping everyone solve logistical problems.

It’s uncertain how much pressure will be alleviated, but the new plan does save money, especially for the Royal Government.

After all the wars, the royal government was in debt. A large part of the reason was the insufficient supply of logistical supplies, which had to be purchased from outside sources.

In addition to the kingdom's own logistics troops, caravans from all over the world are also an important logistical supplement to the kingdom's army.

If a few provinces on the front line can provide most of the strategic supplies, then the Kingdom of Light will be able to collect all the war needs, and the financial pressure will be greatly reduced.

"The marshal's suggestion is good. If we clarify the tasks directly, we won't worry about someone shirk the responsibility and fail to fulfill their obligations.

Once this strategy is completed, the strategic materials that the kingdom can mobilize in war will inevitably increase significantly.

After defeating the orcs, we also have enough time to expand the results, unlike the previous two times where we could only end hastily. "

Finance Minister Marquis Zuel was the first to echo.

It is still unclear how much other strategic materials can be raised, but the food problem can certainly be solved.

Judging from the intelligence feedback from various places, all the frontline provinces have the foundation to develop agriculture, and most of them are uninhabited areas.

Once the big problem of eating is solved, the kingdom's war endurance will be greatly improved.

Even if the war doesn't go well, the kingdom can bring down the Orc Empire with its well-equipped soldiers and adequate food supplies.

The price paid was nothing more than the nobles from all over the country dispatching a group of serfs to the front lines to work in the fields.

The most important thing is that there is no need for the Ministry of Finance to pay!

The serfs and craftsmen in the hands of the nobles were free labor, and the basic resources, land and mines, were also provided by local lords.

What seems like a large-scale industrial transfer actually only requires some food.

It happened that the kingdom's food had caught up with the bumper harvest again, and the noble lords were fully able to bear this consumption.

The conservative giants expressed support, and the emerging aristocratic group was even less likely to oppose it.

The emerging nobles are the beneficiaries of this wave of war preparation plans.

They have no intuitive experience with the manufacturing industry that Hudson values ​​most, but farming is familiar to everyone!

The profits from the farming went to the kingdom, but this was only temporary.

After the orc empire was destroyed, these fertile fields opened up became the property of the lords like them.

Some people are helping to open up wasteland for free. As a vested interest group, if they come out to oppose it again, it will be too ignorant.

"Marshal, this plan can be implemented as our national policy, but we still need to make it clear first about the ownership of the industry.

In order to destroy the orc empire, everyone can make sacrifices, but the nobles who have paid more need substantial compensation.

Just converting it into military merit is still a bit illusory, and more substantial rewards are needed. "

Prime Minister Becket took advantage of the situation and put forward conditions.

You need to have an overall view, but your efforts must also be rewarded.

"Prime Minister, I suggest that you communicate in private about these detailed issues.

The noble lords have autonomy and are completely free to cooperate with whom they want. You can choose to support the collateral factions, or you can choose to join forces with powerful forces.

The nobles in the frontline provinces can also make appropriate compensation to their partners based on the actual situation.

Just because we are not rich now does not mean we will always be poor in the future.

After the victory of the war, the territory of the kingdom expanded again, and everyone's fiefdoms would also increase accordingly.

When developing new fiefdoms in the future, a large amount of manpower, material resources, and financial resources will also be invested.

When the nearby noble lords provide material support, I think the development progress will be greatly improved and the development cost will be reduced! "

Without changing his expression, Hudson drew a pie for the governors of the central and southern provinces of the kingdom.

If you defeat the Orc Empire, you will have everything you need, so hurry up and invest your money!

Fortunately, this cake was painted now. If it had been a few years ago, everyone would have rolled their eyes.

When the Near East was being developed, all major families invested cautiously.

If it hadn't been for Hudson's lead in the charge, which appeased people's hearts to a certain extent, the Near East would still be a barren land to this day.

With successful experience, everyone's ideas have changed.

There is no mandatory limit on cooperation partners. It seems to respect the choice of the nobles, but in fact it is mixed with Hudson's selfishness.

Working together on your own means each working on his or her own merit.

Whether to eat meat or follow the soup depends entirely on everyone's own efforts.

Xueyue Ling, who had been prepared for a long time, clearly had the advantage.

The big nobles will support their own branches, but they also need to consider the cost investment.

Many inland provinces with slow development progress can only make do with agriculture. If they want to develop industry, their infrastructure is too weak.

Considering the cost, Xueyue collar is the best choice.

Of course, taking into account the principle of equal sharing of interests, after taking the cake of industry, agricultural Hudson will give up.

For things like clearing up wasteland and planting land, it would be enough to let the residents take their time. He had plenty of time and was not in a hurry.

The same cannot be said for other industries. Without sufficient talent reserves, it is simply impossible to develop the entire industry chain.

The simplest example is that Hudson has the production technology for magic crossbows and magic crystal cannons, but cannot independently produce magic crossbows and magic crystal cannons.

From the special steel used to the final engraving of the magic circle, the technical thresholds in between are one after another.

This is true for magic equipment, and the same is true for other industries with slightly higher technical content.

Even if it can be produced reluctantly, the cost is very impressive.

It’s hard to believe, but the low-tech oil extraction process is also one of the problems that restricts the development of the territory.

It's not that it can't be squeezed out, it's just that the oil yield is slightly lower than "100 million."

In this era where the average person at the bottom is illiterate, equipment and technical materials alone are not enough, and hand-by-hand teaching from masters is also needed.

Now is the best opportunity to solve the problem. For any industry related to the military, Hudson can reach out to the established nobles.

In addition to the entertainment industry, other industries can basically be involved.

Heavy industry is definitely included, and magic technology is fully covered. Even textiles and agricultural and sideline product processing can be included.

Even if there is no direct relationship, Hudson can still find an indirect relationship.

The palace meeting ended, and the whole kingdom was in a state of excitement.

The Royal Government, which had been silent for so long, finally took action, and once it took action, it was a big deal that affected everyone.

What conservatives mean by conservatives is all nonsense to deceive people.

There was no recruitment at all in advance, and a "national policy" level strategy was immediately formulated after the palace meeting.

According to official news, this means that the kingdom will soon stage a great migration of millions of people.

In this magical world, the simple movement of millions of people is nothing. The key is that the people migrating this time are all young and strong.

In the era of national reserve force, the Alpha Kingdom has many young people and many soldiers.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this great population migration from south to east is entirely aimed at the Orc Empire.

The kingdom not only transferred production to the east, but also transferred its military power there.

Once the migration is completed and war breaks out in the future, the royal government will be able to mobilize millions of troops as soon as possible.

A decision made by the big shots is a matter of life and death for ordinary people.

Since ancient times, "guarding the border" has been equivalent to exile, and the situation this time is similar.

Traveling to open up wasteland thousands of miles away is a test of life and death for ordinary people.

However, these sentiments were only circulated in aristocratic circles, and serfs at the bottom of society still knew nothing about them.

Public opinion is just boiling, but there is not much opposition.

The topic of destroying the Orc Empire has been circulating in the kingdom for several years.

It's just that everyone has discussed and discussed, but no effective strategy has been found.

After the last great victory, the kingdom's military strength was not greatly damaged. When it should have beaten the lost dog, it ended up being dragged down by logistics and had to give up.

After experiencing it once, all people of insight realized that in order to destroy the Orc Empire, military victory alone was not enough, and logistical problems must also be solved.

Now that the plan has been given, we can directly move production there and the battlefield will be at our doorstep.

This kind of thing would never have been possible in the past!

Before the kingdom could complete its population migration, the orc army came to kill them.

The situation is completely different now. If the orcs dare to come, just fight back. I'm afraid the orcs won't dare to come.

Compared with going deep into the prairie to find the main force of the orcs for a decisive battle, the cost of a local defensive battle is much lower.

The effective force that can kill some enemies will reduce the pressure on the kingdom a bit during the decisive battle in the future.

Compared with the optimism of the outside world, Hudson, the initiator, is not so optimistic.

The military problem can be solved. The key is that the Alpha Kingdom and the Orc Empire are both major powers on the Aslant continent and occupy important positions in the two major alliances.

The war between the two countries will inevitably escalate into a game between the two major alliances.

The outcome of the war will directly affect the future direction of the situation on the mainland.

In this context, if you want to destroy the orc empire, you must bring along the alien alliance.

Without bringing together a group of human nations, no matter how fully prepared the kingdom is, it will not be able to annex the orc empire.

Of course, it was impossible for Hudson to say these words to the outside world.

Everyone thinks they can destroy the Orc Empire in one fell swoop, so let them think so.

With the confidence to win, everyone is willing to spend money.

An efficient kingdom is reflected in all aspects. The internal task distribution of each province has just begun, and issues about cooperation have been put on the agenda.

Just a few days after returning to the territory, the Lord's Mansion in Hudson became bustling with people queuing up to meet him every day.

At first, I thought these guys were discerning and took a fancy to Xueyue Territory's complete infrastructure. After contacting them, I realized that they were just thinking too much.

They didn't understand the actual situation at all, and they chose to cooperate with Xueyue Ling purely because of his reputation.

The great nobles have a strong family background, and while supporting their own children, they still have some spare capacity.

The small and medium-sized aristocrats were purely for the sake of hugging others. Past experience told them that they would not suffer any loss if they followed Marshal Hudson.

Fortunately, Hudson was strong-willed enough to refuse everyone's proposal to send serfs to open up wasteland together, and only accepted the manufacturing industry.

Otherwise, everyone would be absorbed by the Xueyue Leader, and other small and medium-sized nobles without backing would not even be able to drink soup.

Just get the most important property. If you try to swallow it all, you will only make yourself the target of public criticism.

In the aristocratic world, no matter how good the relationship is, once core interests are involved, they will fall out.

"Hudson, what did you do again? Why are so many people targeting Franz?"

Hearing Melissa's complaint, Hudson was momentarily confused.

Targeting his eldest son, he is obviously tired of living. Why are there so many people in the kingdom who are looking for death?

The doubt didn't last long. Melissa's "poof" laugh instantly made him understand.

There is an essential difference between "targeting" and "targeting."

If she really had bad intentions, as a mother, Melissa would definitely not be able to laugh.

Either he came with bad intentions, or he came because of Franz's marriage.

Marriage between nobles is always done sooner rather than later.

People like Franz, who was born with a golden key in his mouth, have been cared about by caring people from the moment he was born.

As Hudson's status continued to rise, the class of aristocrats eyeing Franz's marriage also continued to rise.

It is now the year 100001 of the Holy Calendar, and Franz is ten years old.

It is indeed too early for noble children to discuss marriage at this age. However, given his status, he would definitely not be able to catch up if he started late.

Before getting the exact information, it was inconvenient for everyone to contact Hudson directly, so Melissa became the focus of public relations.

After all, the mother also has a strong say in her son's marriage.

"You can see for yourself. Anyway, I can't agree immediately. When Franz is older, listen to his own opinion first and then decide."

Hudson said nonchalantly.

The son is in demand, and his father is also very respectable. Although these people are all here for him as the father, it does not affect the final result.

Marriage between great nobles requires weighing the pros and cons, and family interests take precedence over personal feelings.

Being willing to listen to your son's opinions is already a very open-minded sign. More noble children get engaged in a daze.

“Not only Franz, but also the younger ones below were also targeted by them.

Some classmates I had never been in contact with jumped out to start a relationship with me! "

Melissa said somewhat proudly.

When she was in the magic academy, although she was not transparent, her status was not that high.

There were so many aristocratic children, and the Hollister family at that time could only be considered average. It was destined that she would never be crowned by the stars.

Magicians are all good-looking, and there is no qualitative difference between them during girlhood. The most sought-after ones are always magic geniuses and the noble ladies with the most distinguished status.

No one expected that her fate would be so wonderful. After more than ten years, she would suddenly change from a supporting role to a protagonist.

Even if she doesn't do much in the ladies' circle, she will still become the center of attention as soon as she appears.

Everyone's motive is very clear, that is, they are targeting her sons. The eldest son cannot reach it, but the marriage of the second son can be done.

The aristocratic world has the most important bloodline inheritance. From the outside world, if Hudson is so powerful, his descendants must have good genes.

Whether it is cultivation talent or the ability to lead troops in war, inheriting any one of them can become the backbone of the kingdom.

What's more, there are so many fiefdoms under Hudson's name, and they will continue to increase in the future.

Such a huge industry is so eye-catching that it will definitely be broken up in the next generation.

Even if the eldest son inherits most of the property, the second son will be able to catch up with the average noble family.

With Hudson's lifespan, it is destined that the Koslow family will be one of the most important families in the kingdom for hundreds of years to come.

For such a high-quality marriage partner, you must grab it in advance!

"You should be perfunctory first, and if it doesn't work, push it on me. I think everyone is willing to wait.

If the future you decided in advance becomes disabled, you don’t want to be resented by your children! "

Hudson joked.

Melissa has always been stable, and she cannot make decisions about her child's marriage without leaving his father.

The outside world wants to get married in order to get closer to him.

If you can't get his approval, the value of the marriage will be lost by half.

Planning purely for the happiness of your children is nonsense. With a child so young, who knows what he will be like in the future.

Hudson himself did not find anything unique in his sons. His talent in cultivation was just average, and his ability to deal with things was still being developed.

The biggest difference is that I will be reincarnated and be born directly at the end point that others are striving for.

If you don't become talented, you will be a rice-boring insect for the rest of your life, someone will support you.

You don't have to worry about losing your family. Your sons and grandsons can continue to lose. As long as they die earlier than Hudson, you don't have to worry.

Thinking of this, the way Hudson looked at the boys suddenly felt wrong.

If this situation really happened, wouldn't he have to work for these little guys for the rest of his life?

"Father, we haven't been in trouble recently!"

Unable to bear Hudson's strange gaze, the youngest Caesar spoke first.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he regretted it. The misfortune is not caused, but that does not mean there will be no problem.

The nervous expression clearly told Hudson that they had done something wrong again.

“Franz, you are the boss, you speak first.

Are you planning to plot to run away from home again? "

After hearing Hudson's teasing, Franz's head was full of black lines.

Running away from home was his biggest dark history.

He was young and ignorant, and thought that by removing all the servants, he would be able to escape the "cage" that bound him.

As a result, because the mansion occupies a large area, I accidentally lost my way and fell down from exhaustion before I even left the lord's mansion.

Originally this was nothing, but the second naughty kid still left a letter.

Children of aristocrats are generally precocious, and Franz, who has been studying for several years, already has a preliminary idea of ​​his own family.

His parents didn't care that he ran away from home, so that was a sign of confidence.

Even if he ran out of the lord's mansion, he was still surrounded by a city. After running out of the city, he was still in his own fiefdom.

After leaving the fiefdom, there is still the larger "cage" of the kingdom. As long as it is in the area controlled by the human race, Mr. Hudson's name is easy to use.

"Nonsense, I have never run away from home!"

Franz retorted vigorously.

It's okay for the parents to know about the dark history, but never let the younger brothers know about it, otherwise it will lead to endless troubles.

After reading history books, he realized how important his eldest son's identity was.

Fortunately, my brothers are young and have no idea about power. Otherwise, if you meet a brother who has a history of running away from home, you will definitely have to encourage him hard.

"We just accidentally lost our homework, it's definitely not because we didn't do it..."

Before she finished speaking, Melissa's face changed. Seeing the storm of mixed doubles coming, little Franz hurriedly shut up.

"You two are really good brothers, you can even throw away your homework books together!

Since you don’t want to do homework, then there’s no need to do it. I have quite a lot of time recently, so you can follow me so that you can practice a lot. "

As soon as they finished speaking, Hudson and Melissa swung their whips in unison and started a mixed doubles match against the four brothers.

The cries rang in his ears, which gradually soothed Hudson's hurt heart.

Deep down, he had decided to strengthen his sons' education. Reason told him that if he continued to indulge like this, he would be ruined in the future.

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