
Chapter 705 The Age of Militancy

Time flies, and it’s been three years.

The Alpha Kingdom's strategy of relocating people to settle in the border areas has triggered a chain reaction in politics that has exceeded everyone's expectations.

The easing of relations between the two major powers of the human race has greatly promoted the unity within the alliance, and there have been no disputes in recent years.

Seeing that the internal conflicts of the human race have eased, the alien camps have also been affected, and exchanges and ties between the various races have been continuously strengthened.

Anyone with a little bit of political savvy knows that this is the calm before the storm.

Referring to past practices, the more harmonious the internal relationship between the two camps, the higher the probability of a continental war breaking out.

Feeling the pressure, all parties are making constant moves, and the waves of reform are getting higher and higher.

The Alpha Kingdom, governed by conservatives, has been particularly single-minded and has been implementing a strategy of relocating people to settle in the border areas for three years.

Nearly 3.5 million young men were recruited one after another to open up wasteland and guard the frontiers.

As the frontline commander, Hudson's power also increased significantly at this stage.

It's just that he is a very low-key coach. Except for important military meetings, he rarely hangs out at other times.

The management rights of the serfs in the border areas were directly handed over by Hudson to the noble lords everywhere.

Whose serf was responsible for causing trouble? Hudson only held the serf owner and the local lord responsible.

When responsibilities are placed on individuals, the world will naturally be at peace. I don’t know if the lid was covered underneath, but nothing happened to Hudson.

Farming when they are busy and practicing when they are free is the life of these reserve soldiers.

The effect is very obvious. With the joint efforts of everyone, the young people who migrated here have become self-sufficient in food.

Compared with when they first arrived, these young and strong bodies are obviously much stronger. It can be confirmed that everyone has lived a good life in the past three years.

In order to appease people's hearts, the food standards of the serfs in the border areas were raised to a higher level than before.

During reserve training, all soldiers can also receive 0.2 pounds of dried fish every other day as a meat supplement.

If you're lucky, you might get a bowl of broth.

In the feudal era, this was almost the limit that logistics could bear.

If the kingdom's coastline was not long enough and there were many natural fishing grounds, this treatment would definitely be a luxury.

It can be seen that the nobles of the kingdom are serious about the issue of annihilating the orcs.

"Those serfs who came here first will have their three-year border guard duty about to expire. Please notify the governors of each province to arrange for replacements!"

After taking a look at the newly opened farmland, Hudson gave the order directly.

The gathering of a large number of young people has promoted the development of border areas and also brought many problems.

The biggest trouble is the serious imbalance in the ratio of men to women.

If it were not for the adoption of militarized management and almost no interaction with local residents, we would not know how much trouble would have been caused.

There are limits to relying on military law to deter people.

The best option would be to bring the family along, but this is not possible.

Three and a half million families, that’s tens of millions of people. Such a large-scale migration is stressful for all parties.

What's more, the rear also needs labor, and we can't drain our base just for the sake of the front.

If this is really done, the established nobles will probably suspect that this is a conspiracy of the emerging noble group, and want to give them a blow.

In this context, a three-year rotation plan becomes the best solution.

Although the back and forth was a bit troublesome, it not only appeased the morale of the troops, but also strengthened the military strength in the rear.

Everyone is willing to cooperate fully. A large part of the reason is that they are in reserve and can accept training from Hudson.

The soldiers trained by Master Ha are more effective in combat, which is recognized by the whole kingdom. Even if others copy it, they still can't reproduce it perfectly.

While formulating a strategy to destroy the Orc Empire, the kingdom's top officials also considered external intervention.

After considering various factors, everyone always felt that it was better to rely on outsiders than to rely on oneself, and finally unanimously decided to increase the kingdom's military strength.

The increase in agricultural output per acre, coupled with the dual advantages of a vast land and a large population that can be cultivated, gave everyone the confidence to increase their military strength.

The plan was drawn up, and the responsibility for its implementation once again fell on Hudson.

According to this plan, all young men and women across the country were required to go to the front lines and receive complete infantry training.

Theoretically, after this strategy is completed, the war potential of the Alpha Kingdom will be exploited to the extreme.

It is unrealistic to fight against the entire alien alliance, but the enemy is not monolithic, and it is impossible to intervene with full force in the early stages of the war.

After the enemy makes up his mind, he has to cross the territories of several younger brothers before he can intervene.

The only foreign race that could immediately intervene in the short term was the Alliance of Ancient Relics, which was crippled by Hudson. The royal family could stop them with half of its strength.

Hudson has assessed that within at least half a year of the outbreak of the war, the only enemies the kingdom needs to face are the orcs.

Even if the intervening army comes and kills them, it will not be a problem for these well-trained field soldiers to defend the city for a period of time.

In the worst case scenario, the kingdom has one year to deal with the orcs.

It may not be possible to destroy the orc empire, but there is still a slight chance of crippling the orcs.

If you can't get it done once, the worst thing you can do is try a few more times. As long as the kingdom's territory continues to advance, sooner or later it will be able to annex the Orc Empire.

What's more, the Human Alliance is not just a show-off. Even if they do nothing, the aliens in the Central Continent don't dare to let their main force go out.

If it were really empty inside, it would be strange for the countries in the Southern Continent to be able to sit still.

The current human race is at an era when racism is at its highest. On the issue of aliens, everyone's position is unprecedentedly consistent.

All races that may pose a threat to the human race must be wiped off the continent. Some extremists even advocate the annihilation of all alien races.

"Marshal, once the rotation is started, all the soldiers I have trained now will..."

Before Earl Albert could finish speaking, Hudson interrupted:

“If the old doesn’t go, the new won’t come!

A group of field soldiers left, and new ones were added. What increased was the military strength of the entire kingdom.

If it continues to develop at this rate, it will not be long before the kingdom's military power surpasses that of the Frankish Empire! "

Everyone can understand the principle, but that doesn’t mean they are willing to accept it.

The soldiers who have worked hard for three years are now all used to make wedding dresses for others, and they will definitely feel uncomfortable.

In addition, there are also conflicts between the old and new nobles.

There is a huge gap in strength between the two major groups. The only advantage of the emerging nobles is that they have more opportunities to fight with Hudson on the front line, and the soldiers have stronger combat effectiveness.

From the standpoint of their own interest groups, they must take the opportunity to provoke a war and not let these soldiers go back.

It is a pity that Hudson is a pseudo-emerging aristocrat. Apart from his relatively short time as a great aristocrat and his somewhat shallow family background, his own strength is no worse than that of the established aristocrats.

Not to mention the political treatment he enjoys, as the unshakable boss of the military, he is the core of the kingdom's power.

The troubles faced by emerging nobles did not exist in Hudson, and no one from the established nobles ever caused trouble for him.

In this context, Hudson will naturally not be deeply involved in the dispute between the two major factions.

Compared to this kind of back-breaking internal fighting, he prefers to make the cake of the great kingdom and obtain excess returns.

His intuition told him that the real catastrophe of ten thousand years had not yet begun. The previous invasion of the earth's inner race can only be regarded as an appetizer at best.

From the outbreak of the war to the end, less than twenty strong men from the Holy Realm were killed by the human race. Adding in the strong men from the major foreign races who were killed in battle, the number was even less than thirty.

It is true that many troops from all races died in battle, but after the forces were divided among them, they seemed inconspicuous.

Just in a war of this level, how could the Dragon Clan in the ancient times, the Elf Empire at its peak, and the orc empire that once flourished all of a sudden decline?

As for the older continental overlords, that is beyond Hudson's knowledge. The few known ones are not simple anyway.

When you feel danger, the best way to deal with it is to increase your strength.

It is better to face a disaster with the strength of a country than to face it alone.

In the previous expedition, he deliberately allowed his allies to secretly learn his military training methods, which was actually a way to combat uncertain risks in the future.

After understanding Hudson's position, everyone's little idea suddenly died.

At this time, the Orc Empire has no intention of starting a war. If it wants to provoke a war in advance, the only way is for the kingdom to take action first.

Without the support of coach Hudson, leading the army to launch a war without authorization would be a loss of head.

Rules can protect the personal safety of nobles, but the prerequisite is that the nobles themselves comply with the rules.

If you seek death wantonly, you will definitely die.

In the past three years, not only the Alpha Kingdom has changed, but also the countries on the mainland have not stopped.

In the wave of reform, all countries are rushing along the path they believe is right.

The biggest feature is that more and more countries are embarking on the path of militarism.

With the big brother Alpha Kingdom taking the lead, the four younger brothers didn't hesitate at all and chose to follow up.

On the one hand, we are carrying out internal affairs reforms and on the other hand, we are promoting the militarization of the whole people.

The effect is very obvious. The military strength of the four countries has increased significantly, but the domestic economy has not improved much.

It’s not that the governments of the four countries don’t work hard, it’s mainly that the path they chose has doomed everything.

The Alpha Kingdom is not good at economics. Since it has chosen Alpha, it must be mentally prepared for economic stagnation.

When it comes to the choice between military and economic, the Five-Nation Alliance jointly chose to give priority to military.

In contrast, the reforms in various countries in the Southern Continent are diverse.

Some countries choose to learn from the Frank Empire, some choose to learn from the Iliban Kingdom, and some choose to learn from the Alpha Kingdom.

More countries learn from the three schools together, and end up learning the same three different schools, which makes the domestic situation a mess.

As the leaders of the human race, the Frank Empire and the Iliban Kingdom continued to maintain their lead over other countries, and the gap even widened.

Thanks to the development of new territories, the economic development of both countries has performed well in the past three years.

Compared with three years ago, the fiscal revenue of the two countries has increased by nearly 40%, which is very impressive among mainland countries.

At the same time, the Alpha Kingdom's financial revenue was still in the recovery period and had just returned to its previous peak.

The governments have money in their pockets, and the military forces of both countries are booming.

Affected by the easing of international relations, the Alpha Kingdom liberalized the export of war horses to the Southern Continent, and the two countries naturally became big buyers.

In particular, the Franks loved cavalry more. The ambitious Charles III directly announced that five cavalry regiments and ten knights would be formed within five years.

For a large empire, 60,000 troops are nothing, but the problem is that they are cavalry.

The increase in military spending is by no means a small amount. Even the wealthy Frankish Empire still needs physical pain.

If it were not for the Five-Nation Alliance, Charles III's massive military expansion would actually be regarded as militarism.

Once the plan is completed, the number of standing armies of the Frank Empire will exceed that of the Alpha Kingdom, becoming the largest in the human race and the largest in the continent.

The Iliban Kingdom is slightly smaller and also plans to expand five cavalry legions, but the number of knights has been cut in half.

With the two bosses taking the lead, the countries in the Southern Continent inevitably followed suit.

As if to catch up with the trend, governments around the world have announced their own cavalry expansion plans.

But when it came time to implement it, the situation changed.

The two bosses have invested real money, while many small countries below are just following the trend.

If you want to expand your cavalry, you must first have war horses. This first hurdle alone stopped many people.

Now it is not a matter of money, but the production of high-quality war horses is limited, and the Alpha Kingdom's war horses need to give priority to supplying allies.

If they compete under the same conditions, small countries will definitely not be able to overtake big countries.

Countries can't help but use bad horses to make up the numbers, so the plan announced earlier is just a plan.

Small countries can enjoy themselves, but big countries cannot.

Perhaps in order to prove that they have not declined, the other three kingdoms in the southern continent also gritted their teeth and participated in the military expansion plan.

The standard is very simple, just refer to the number of cavalry in the vicinity of the overlord, and then follow up with a knife in the middle.

Affected by the wave of military expansion, even the Holy See, which had kept a low profile for a long time, announced the reconstruction of the ten major knights.

The scale is definitely not comparable to the original one, but the frame is still set up.

Perhaps not wanting to irritate other countries, the Holy See did not use the banner of attacking heretics this time to expand its military, but instead used the political slogan of protecting the human race.

Secretly, the Holy See also sent people to buy horses from Hudson, but the trip was naturally in vain.

There is no point in increasing the price. A few more gold coins for a war horse means nothing to Mr. Hudson.

When it comes to military trade, political interests are always higher than economic interests, and you must not do anything to capitalize on the enemy.

Hudson was unwilling to do this kind of business, while other nobles in the kingdom simply did not dare.

The Kingdom of Alpha has its own Holy See, and it would be a life-threatening business to cooperate with the old Holy See, which was labeled a heretic by the Kingdom.

When it comes to religious orthodoxy disputes, once someone reports someone, they will be hanged if not burned at the stake.

With buyers everywhere, no one is willing to take risks.

It's not even possible to find a middleman. All countries attach great importance to the war horse trade, and nobles purchase goods in a unified manner and ship them together.

They didn't even give them a chance even if they thought about it, which made the senior officials of the Holy See very hurt.

If you can't buy it, you have to raise it yourself. But if we want to achieve scale, we don’t know what year it will take.

The mainland countries are expanding their armies and preparing for war, and the Falcon Kingdom, which is isolated overseas, is not idle either. It's just that in an era when everyone was frantically expanding the army, they chose to develop the navy.

Thanks to the development of maritime trade, the Falcon Kingdom has experienced very rapid economic growth in recent years, directly leading the continent in terms of speed alone.

After the government got rich, the navy, a gold-eating beast, expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If the warships on the slipway are counted, the total tonnage of the warships exceeds that of Frank and Iliba, and it is only a matter of time before it becomes the first among the human race.

In addition to the human race countries that are expanding their military and preparing for war, the alien races are not idle either.

Neighbors are expanding their armies, and the major foreign races can only passively respond.

Except for the elves who were in a corner, the impact was not big and the feeling was not very obvious. The other alien races all felt the threat.

Among them, the one who felt the deepest feelings was naturally the Orc Empire. Watching Hudson training his troops on the border, the top brass of the Orc Empire were often restless.

If you want to choose to follow up, it is a pity that the productivity of the nomads determines it. It is impossible for them to accumulate a large number of retired troops.

Even if it is a semi-full-time army, once the number is too large, it will be the same kind of pressure for all races.

The life of serfs is hard, and the life of orcs on the grassland is even harder.

If it weren't for segregation, I'm afraid that as soon as the Hudson waved at the border, there would be many small tribes crying for inclusion.

As for hatred, that is secondary.

The world of orcs is full of constant killings, and what everyone admires most is the strong. Whoever is the most powerful will be the talker of the Orc Empire.

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