
Chapter 714 Disaster strikes

The chaotic situation continued, and the major forces were busy searching for the truth in panic. For a while, the situation on the mainland suddenly eased.

Seeing this scene, the burden in Hudson's heart was also relieved.

Fortunately, a big event diverted everyone's attention, otherwise the kingdom's main battle force would have almost lost control.

Looking at the entire history of the human race, the Alpha Kingdom is a freak.

In the joint-stock kingdom under the feudal system, it seems that the government controls the state power, but in fact this government serves the military.

During the operation of the royal government, it is either raising strategic supplies for the army or raising military expenditures for the army.

All other political systems, economic policies, laws and regulations serve these two tasks.

This is true when the reformists are in power, and it is still the same when the conservatives are in power. The core has never changed.

In Hudson's view, the Alpha Kingdom after completing the military system reform is just a racing chariot without brakes.

There were no accidents, it was all down to the helmsman’s constant adjustment of direction to avoid obstacles along the way.

But there is an end to the road ahead. If you keep racing like crazy, accidents will happen sooner or later.

As a vested interest, Hudson naturally did not want the kingdom to overturn. For a long time, he, the leader of the main war faction, has been doing the job of suppressing the radicals in the army.

The specific operation is very simple, which is to strengthen the training of the army. The louder the call for battle in the army, the harder Hudson practiced.

Everyone is so tired that they naturally have no time to do anything else. Anyway, these are matters within the scope of his authority, and the outside world will only think that he manages the military strictly.

There was no trouble in the army, but the call for war among the people was not something that Hudson could suppress.

Once the wave of public opinion becomes a general trend, it is only a matter of time before it affects the kingdom's decision-making.

At this moment, the attention of public opinion has been diverted, and the kingdom, this racing chariot, can also stop and take a breath.

In a country with constant wars, the peaceful time of quiet farming is the most fascinating.

In his spare time, Hudson turned into a tourist, often taking his whole family to visit local areas to observe the people's sentiments.

Teaching by words and deeds is always the best teacher. The greatest threat to rulers is always being out of touch with reality.

It's a pity that Hudson's painstaking efforts are completely incomprehensible to the little guys. They only know that once they are out, they don't need to learn those tedious lessons.

Franz, who is slightly older, has begun to get involved in territorial government affairs, and his performance is slightly better, but he still can't hold back his child's heart.

Seeing her sons jumping around, curious about everything they saw, and often chatting with passers-by, showing off their social arrogance to the fullest, without any trace of the poise that a noble child should have, Melissa's face became terrifyingly gloomy.

"They are all children, let them play first!"

Hudson spoke to persuade.

If you stand in a different position, you will see the problem from a different angle.

When he was first ennobled, he was very careful about aristocratic etiquette, fearing that there would be any omissions that would affect his reputation in the aristocratic circle.

Later, as his status increased, Hudson also let himself go more and more freely, leaning back on all aristocratic etiquette. Now it has developed to the point where you can do whatever makes you feel comfortable.

It was obviously out of line, but everyone pretended not to see anything. Even if it does not conform to aristocratic etiquette, outsiders will automatically interpret it as the demeanor of a strong man.

Including Melissa, she only supervises a few children to learn etiquette. I have never found fault with Hudson's outrageous behavior.

"You know how to protect them. Franz is not young anymore, he is still our eldest son. He has always been so unstable. If word gets out, people will laugh at him!"

Melissa said, glaring at Hudson.

At the age of thirteen or fourteen, he was still a child in Hudson's eyes. But in the precocious aristocratic world, this is already the age when one needs to be responsible for one's words and deeds.

"In the eyes of the outside world, the Koslow family is a nouveau riche, and some outrageous behaviors are normal.

We have developed so well, and there are so many jealous people. Either I criticize something here, or I find fault with something there. No matter how perfect you are, people will find faults.

No need to pay attention to the rumors from the outside world, those guys can't make a difference. Let’s take a look first, our children will not be worse than others! "

Hudson said calmly.

His words were firm, but deep down he had no confidence at all. Since ancient times, I have been too powerful, and most of my sons have been raised to waste.

It’s not that education is not strict enough, it’s mainly that we are labeled at birth, and the labeling will become more serious when we grow up.

No matter what achievements these little guys will achieve in the future, the first thing that outsiders think of is "he is the son of the human race marshal."

With this halo, success is expected, failure is a sign of incompetence.

If your own mentality is not good enough and you get into trouble, you can easily be led astray. Therefore, in the education of his sons, Hudson has been training their mentality.

Judging from the current situation, the mentality of several sons has indeed been tempered, and it is okay that it is a little too much.

In other aspects, it is relatively mediocre, and I have not discovered the genius side yet. It's okay in normal times, but in recent years, there have been many talented people on the mainland, covering all fields.

In a sense, Hudson is also a representative of it. It's just that he moved too fast, and everyone no longer regarded him as a young hero.

The more talent there is, the greater the pressure on Melissa. In the continent of Aslant, a place that believes in blood inheritance, everyone has always believed that if the genes of the parents are good, the descendants will be even better.

And it has been confirmed from the data that the probability of giving birth to a genius child among the big nobles is indeed higher than that of the small and medium nobles.

In the eyes of the outside world, Hudson's talent is the best among human beings. Under normal circumstances, future generations should inherit some of it. Not to mention becoming a top genius, at least he should be an average genius.

If it's not the father's problem, it's the mother's problem. This made Melissa feel very unsure, after all, her talent was indeed average.

Envy was also rife in aristocratic circles, and gossip was a necessity. After falling into her ears, Melissa became more and more strict in the education of her sons.

Naturally, these things could not be hidden from Hudson, and he even explained them, but unfortunately it had no effect. If the word "retarded qualifications" could be applied to him, then everyone would be spared.

"Hudson, are you sure they can catch up in the future?"

Melissa asked expectantly.

"Don't worry. In addition to qualifications, cultivation also depends on resources. Whether you can break through the holy realm is not guaranteed, but the eighth level can still be built with resources.

In other aspects, I personally took care of it, so it will definitely be fine. Ordinary people would be frightened when they first arrived in a strange environment, but they were able to quickly integrate into it. This is also one of the essential qualities of a good general! "

Melissa took Hudson's lie seriously. Using resources to create strong people, she herself is the beneficiary.

Magic potions that are hard to find in the outside world can be drank as drinks here. Even after giving birth to several children, her strength has still grown rapidly in recent years.

At least among the original group of classmates, her cultivation speed belonged to the first echelon. This is the power of resources.

The price paid cannot be calculated. It is a very scary number anyway. Except for the family members of the number one magic pharmacist in the mainland, no one else can afford it.

The subsequent deception will be even more convincing. Hudson himself has the right to define what qualities a good general should possess. As long as he speaks out, there will be nobles who will follow the direction and train the next generation.

As a responsible marshal, Hudson never said these things outside, just for fear of leading people astray.

The reason why famous generals are famous is mainly because of scarcity. If they can be cultivated in a unified way, then they will not be scarce.

Along the way, Hudson discovered many problems in the territory, the biggest of which was that it was too deserted.

The vast land and sparse population are one aspect, but the most critical aspect is the lack of commercial atmosphere. Apart from Crescent Harbor, no decent city could be found.

Even after building city walls and establishing markets, there were only a few open shops and only a handful of customers.

No one found it strange, not even the entire Alpha Kingdom. The limited shops mainly serve the nobles and are not a volume business.

Corresponding to this is: a strong martial style.

Even the games played by children have war overtones. There were young men training everywhere, and orc corpses were often brought up during conversations among the people.

There may not be a church in the village, but there must be a martial arts training ground, including a ring. Even serfs like to come up and spar.

Although these battles are all about chickens pecking each other, the desire for war among the people is still visible to the naked eye.

Their identities are different and their personal pursuits are different, but their desire for a better life is the same.

Unknowingly, war has become the only opportunity for the people at the bottom to change their destiny.

There is no doubt that such a political system is very dangerous. The Alpha Kingdom is like this, and the Snow Moon Territory is like this too.

I didn’t realize it before, but the main reason is that the people at the bottom have no say and cannot make their voices heard in politics.

Reason told Hudson that measures must be taken to bring the deviated territory back on track.

In troubled times, martial arts is a good thing, but it must be restrained.

What caused all this was the blockage of the ascending channel.

Things would definitely change if there were more options. Not everyone is suitable to become a soldier. Everyone develops in this way because this is the only way.

"Danger" will not be felt when you are hungry.

To solve the problem, more upward channels must be opened. For a nobleman, opening up a path for serfs to ascend was undoubtedly a betrayal of the class.

Previous military reforms were able to pass because we needed soldiers to work hard, and the probability of crossing the class threshold was very low.

Most soldiers can only be rewarded with wealth for their military exploits, and their identities are still civilians. Those lucky people who can transcend social classes have made great achievements.

Even though Hudson's position was now firmly established, social impact still had to be considered when formulating policies.

Once the core interests of the aristocratic group are touched, even if a policy is formulated, it will not be implemented. The reformists who failed before are the best negative teaching materials.

Playing an edge ball within the rules of the game, solving the problem while not attracting the attention of the outside world, Hudson felt instantly overwhelmed.

There is no doubt that this is not something that can be solved with a slap on the head. If you are not careful, it will cause an uproar and affect the development of the territory.

late at night.

"Father, there are shooting stars in the sky!"

Hearing the children's voices, Hudson and Melissa stepped out of the camping tent. After looking at the sky, his expression immediately changed.

Wherever there is a meteor streaking across the night sky, it is clearly the fallen Kingdom of God!

If all these giants fell on the continent of Aslant, it would be a complete natural disaster that would destroy the world.

There is no point in struggling. Even if it is as strong as the Holy Domain, it has no resistance in the face of this level of natural disaster.

"Maxim, Bear Stearns, has this scene appeared in your inherited memories?"

Hudson asked fearfully.

Feeling the crisis of life and death, he realized that the strength he was proud of before was so worthless in the face of natural disasters.


The world is such a big place, I guess we won’t be so unlucky and just get hit! "

Bear Stearns said uncertainly.

Maxim on the side also nodded. The dragon, fearless of heaven and earth, was also frightened at this moment, and his body involuntarily moved closer to Hudson.

When you bet on luck, you should stay with people who are lucky. It just so happened that Hudson was the luckiest person in their eyes.

As for everyone else present, everyone was enjoying the meteor shower. They had no idea that disaster was approaching them.

It wasn't just Hudson who noticed something strange. After seeing this scene, the powerful saints from all over the continent became hesitant.

In the past, when encountering disasters, you could also pray to gods for protection. Now that the gods have fallen, the Kingdom of God has also fallen, and there is no place for the soul to rest.

For the first time, a group of powerful men from the Holy Realm envied ordinary people. The ignorant are fearless, and ordinary people who don't know that the disaster is approaching are still admiring this gorgeous meteor shower.

Suddenly loud noises were heard, and the entire continent trembled. Hudson clearly felt the changes in the earth, as if the continent was about to be turned over.

"Don't panic, the earthquake will pass soon!"

While trying to comfort people, Hudson also showed a trace of relief on his face. Not being hit directly was the greatest luck.

Judging from the shaking of the earth, the fallen Kingdom of God should have fallen into the sea. If it hits the mainland directly, there is absolutely no way there will be only such a little movement.

Almost at the same time, the rolling seawater revealed its fangs. The huge waves rolled up swallowed up countless ships and islands.

This is just the beginning, the huge waves continue to sweep away in all directions. The officers and soldiers guarding the city didn't know what was happening. The originally prosperous Crescent Harbor was swallowed up by the sea in the blink of an eye, and the streets and alleys were filled with sea water.

Similar scenes are constantly happening across the mainland. Cities along the coast suffered bad luck one after another and were all swallowed up by the sea.

Even coastal residents who had experienced the baptism of tsunamis were stunned by the scene before them.

Natural disasters continue to spread, and there is no longer an inch of pure land in the entire Aslant continent.

In an instant, countless people in power believed in the statement of a hundred thousand years of catastrophe. Including the dwarf king who spread the rumors, everyone gave himself two slaps at this moment.

It's really too crow's mouth. If there was just a little bit of bad luck just now, I am afraid that the entire Aslant continent would disappear from this world.

All races on the mainland had a brush with death, but all races in the ocean became the biggest victims this time. Countless sea empire dynasties didn't know what was happening, so they were crushed to pieces in a daze.

Even if it was not hit by the Kingdom of God, the undersea volcanic eruption caused by the impact and the seawater shock wave would kill countless sea creatures.

Along with the misfortune is the inner earth world. The Kingdom of God that fell from the sky directly smashed through the earth's crust, and countless creatures in the center of the earth were either directly turned into flesh, or were killed by the shock wave, or were buried alive by subsequent landslides...

However, this is just the beginning. Then there were several loud noises, making the ground tremble even more violently, and a crack dozens of meters wide suddenly appeared in front of Hudson and his party.

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