
Chapter 723 The breath of war

Time flies by, and the situation on the mainland becomes increasingly chaotic. The invasion of monsters in the Kingdom of God was already troublesome, but now the two camps started stabbing each other again.

I don’t know if it was a coincidence, but when the Alpha Kingdom decided to use damaging moves to deceive people, other major forces also chose similar methods.

The invaders who could have been eliminated were directly sent here and there by the major forces, making the situation on the mainland increasingly out of control.

The time has come to test your dominance.

The major forces were busy putting out the fire. After the civil war broke out in the Orc Empire, the Alliance of Ancient Relics also experienced nationwide chaos.

Compared with these two unlucky ones, other large forces composed of a single race performed better in this wave of mutual traps.

The more rigorous the organizational system, the more timely it can respond to crises, and the smaller the impact it will suffer.

Elf forest.

Because of the strict prohibition from the top, the elves did not explore the Kingdom of God in groups, except for a few who refused to listen.

After sensing that something was wrong, the elves responded promptly, and the chaos was quickly quelled.

Of course, the main thing is that there are enough strong people. The intruders who got through had no time to form a gang and cause trouble, so they were discovered first.

Nothing happened to my family, but my brothers were in constant trouble. First, the situation in the Orc Empire got out of control, and then the Ancient Relics Alliance showed signs of collapse.

Under the continuous great changes, the anti-human alliance has become endangered in the confrontation between the two camps.

Without the help of these two companies, once the continental war breaks out, the elves will have to face the alliance between the Alpha Kingdom and the Principality of Moxi alone.

From a pure point of view of strength, the three major elven kingdoms are naturally not timid.

But the problem is that as long as this kind of war of attrition starts, the elves will be strategic losers.

The fertility of the race has indeed been restored, but it will take a lot of time for the younger generation to grow up.

Due to the limitation of the population base, even if we try our best to encourage births, narrowing the gap with the human race is bound to not happen overnight.

The external troubles are great, and the internal troubles are not small either.

After the proposal to reorganize the Elf Empire was rejected, the elves also became unpopular, and two major factions were vaguely formed.

Even if the three elf queens jointly suppressed it, internal disputes still could not be eliminated.

After receiving requests for help from allies, the atmosphere in the Elf Ancestral Court suddenly became tense, and the court became polarized.

There are good reasons on both sides.

The focus of the dispute is not only whether to help, but also how to help.

Fortunately, the Alliance of Ancient Relics is just around the corner. We are neighbors, and the elven army can drive over at any time.

The Orc Empire, which is thousands of miles away, is different. If it wants to send its army there, it must first ask the Alpha Kingdom if it agrees.

There is no doubt that this option does not work.

Without dispatching a large army, only sending a small number of master reinforcements can help the orcs turn things around. Anyway, their casualties will definitely be huge.

The intruders will not betray the elves' reputation. If they have the opportunity to kill, they will definitely not show mercy.

The two sides bickered and bickered until the chaos spread to themselves.

Whether they are evil spirits from the Kingdom of Destiny or monsters from other kingdoms, they all have one thing in common - they are bold.

After gaining the advantage, monsters crossed the border and attacked the elven tribe.

After the news spread, the top elf clan officials suddenly became angry, and the two factions that had been at odds with each other suddenly unified their stance.

Thunder measures must be used to kill these provocative guys, otherwise there will never be peace.

"The matter of sending troops to the Alliance of Ancient Relics has been decided. What do you think in the Orc Empire?"

The forest elf queen asked expressionlessly.

They are all their own allies, and if they are treated too differently, it will have a bad impact if word spreads.

Before leaving the mainland, the elves still need to maintain their status as the boss of the anti-human alliance to ensure their right to speak on the mainland.

"Your Majesty, the Orc Empire is in a special situation. It would be difficult for our family to support it alone.

It would be better to call on all ethnic groups to jointly send experts to reinforce them. As the leader of the alliance, we can create a few more sanctuaries. "

After an elf elder finished speaking, he instantly gained the support of all the elves.

This trip to support the Orc Empire must be full of dangers.

The Orc Empire quickly fell into civil strife. If the Alpha Kingdom didn't stab it in the back, no one would believe it.

In this context, in addition to facing the threat of invaders, we also have to be careful of the human race's secret tricks.

The loose orc empire is a big sieve with loopholes everywhere.

Given the local operations of the Alpha Kingdom, it would be very difficult for the reinforcements to completely conceal their whereabouts.

I can't guarantee anything else. The dark elves are definitely unreliable.

In this context, risk diversification is particularly necessary.

Sending more powerful men from the holy realm may seem like a huge effort, but in fact it is also an attempt to avoid sudden accidents.

Even if an accident occurs, a strong man in the sanctuary has a stronger ability to save his life.

"If everyone supports it, then let's coordinate!"

The forest elf queen said slightly unhappy.

It was obvious that the action plan that was finally adopted was not what she wanted.

The main reason why danger is dangerous is the intensity of investment.

According to her idea, by directly stationing troops on the border, all ideas of the Alpha Kingdom can be dispelled.

Playing like this now will not deter the enemy at all.

As long as the Orc Empire is severely damaged, it will only be a matter of time before a new round of war breaks out.

Unfortunately, this idea was opposed by most elders, especially those who opposed the reorganization of the empire.

It seems that by doing this, he is deliberately provoking a war, and then waiting for an opportunity to borrow a knife to kill someone.

The explanation is meaningless. Referring to the history of all ethnic groups in the mainland, reunification will not be without bloodshed.

The proposal to reorganize the Elf Empire failed. If you want to promote this plan again, the only way is to launch a war.

The elves' desire for power is slightly weaker, and coupled with the dangerous existence of the human race, no one dares to play to such extremes.

But when playing politics, you must prepare for the worst.

Placing your hopes on the moral bottom line of others is the greatest irresponsibility for yourself.

The tumultuous situation on the mainland began amidst smoke.

When the anti-human alliance took action, the focus of the human countries had shifted to the Falcon Kingdom.

With the help of the Leading Party, the 400,000-strong army successfully completed the landing, and the Falcon People's War of Restoration began in full swing.

Everyone's attention is overseas, only the Alpha Kingdom is independent and has always set its sights on the mainland.

There are very few things that the Human Alliance is determined to do that it can't accomplish, at least it can't be stopped by just a bunch of vampires.

After being sealed for so many years, most of the vampires have become nutrients for the Kingdom of God under the passage of time. Those who survived are the stronger ones.

This means that the number of vampires cannot be large, and if they want to resist the coalition's attack, they must rely on the help of local people.

With a vampire's style, he knows the rules if he doesn't make people angry.

To win people's hearts, that doesn't exist.

Perhaps there is no such word in the vampire dictionary.

If you really want to regain someone, you can just develop into a race. This method of forcibly getting on the bus is not available to other races.

The only disadvantage is that this method has many limitations and can only be used on a small scale.

If the race could be developed unscrupulously, the Falcon Kingdom would probably be filled with vampires at this moment.

Knowing that the Human Alliance could win, it was just a matter of the price paid, the kingdom's top brass no longer cared.

Emerald Palace.

When the news came that the alien alliance had sent experts to reinforce the Orc Empire, the top brass of the Alpha Kingdom became angry on the spot.

After doing so much preparation work in the early stage, just waiting for the orcs to kill each other, both sides would be harmed. The alien alliance's help at this time was completely contrary to the kingdom's strategy.

"Marshal, how far has the civil war in the Orc Empire progressed?"

Caesar IV asked expectantly.

The invasion of foreign enemies can still be resisted, and there is hope of victory; but as long as a civil war begins, no matter who wins or loses, the loser is destined to be.

A big country like the Orc Empire is just an external enemy, and it is difficult to wipe them out.

The strategy formulated by the kingdom also combines political means and military means.

In past wars, neither side had the habit of leaving anyone alive, but this can be changed now.

In order to win at the minimum cost, the iron-blooded faction in the kingdom also made concessions and allowed the enemy to surrender conditionally.

Whether there will be a settlement of accounts in the future is a matter for the future. Anyway, everyone can accept prisoners now.

But this is a last resort. If there is a chance to kill all the orcs, no one will show mercy.

The power of hatred is enough to influence high-level decisions.

If the orcs are consumed enough in the civil war, these political methods can be put aside immediately.

"Your Majesty, the civil war in the Orc Empire was very fierce, and all the buried hatred between the tribes was brought out this time.

All parties blamed each other, and the entire orc empire was in chaos.

In addition to dealing with lurking intruders, they also faced hostile tribes taking advantage of the situation.

Many wars have nothing to do with the invaders, and they are still being fought very lively now.

The top brass of the Orc Empire came out to call for a stop, explaining that there were intruders sneaking in to cause chaos. Unfortunately, the Orcs below did not believe it at all.

Preliminary estimates indicate that as the civil war continues, millions of orcs have been killed and millions more have been displaced. "

Hudson replied calmly.

In instigating a civil war among the orcs, the kingdom achieved unprecedented success this time.

Affected by the ruling system, there are suspicions and conflicts between tribes of the same race, let alone foreigners.

No matter how much the top brass of the orc empire yells, the orcs below just don't buy it. Under the guidance of the invaders, everyone directly regarded these actions as the enemy's conspiracy.

The more the higher-ups try to stop the fight, the more lively the fighting below becomes.

After a confused fight, the troops responsible for breaking up the fight were also passively involved in the war.

As long as there are conflicting races, the probability of conflict breaking out when encountering them in the wild is almost 100%.

If you are not careful, it will be a big war.

Without the active cooperation of tribes from various places, it would be a pure dream to track down the invaders.

Many times after a confused fight, I realize that I have mistaken the target, and I can only hold on to the deal.

So much so that the situation has developed to this point, and the top brass of the Orc Empire often don't know who to help.


If this kind of chaos can last for a year or two, the orcs will break up the situation themselves.

The alien alliance is taking action now, and it is clear that they are targeting the kingdom. We must not let them be arrogant! "

Caesar IV vented his anger.

Without the constraints of the unified belief of the Beast God, the internal centripetal force of the Beastman Empire became weaker and weaker.

Without the threat of the kingdom as a foreign enemy, the disintegrated orc empire would have ceased to exist long ago.

The plan to destroy the Orc Empire was launched smoothly, and the harvest was just around the corner. However, at the critical moment, the alien alliance jumped out to cause trouble.

As a big country, Alpha Kingdom also has a temper.

If the alien alliance dares to cause trouble, Caesar IV dares to fight back.

"Your Majesty, the enemy will not pass through the kingdom. If they dare to participate in this operation, they will definitely choose to take a detour through the ice and snow world.

It is almost impossible for the kingdom to intercept them.

Once these guys get into the Orc Empire, it's going to be much harder for us to take action.

Maybe the enemy will deliberately reveal flaws to lure our people into taking the bait.

Unless we move with the army and attack the enemy together with the group of invaders! "

As soon as Military Minister Duke Richard finished speaking, the hall became noisy.

"Collaborating with evil spirits" is also taboo.

Generally speaking, forces that dare to do this will not have any good results.

Positive cases do not exist because winners do not record their own dark history.

"Duke Richard, you can move with the army, but you must not join forces with the invaders!

Once this matter spreads, the kingdom's reputation on the mainland will be completely ruined.

Both sides are our enemies, and there is absolutely no possibility of unity.

Just don't care what they do and just follow our plan! "

While raising objections, Prime Minister Becket also turned his attention to Hudson.

It seemed that he was strongly opposed, but in fact he was implicitly agreeing to join forces.

It's just that this kind of thing can only be done quietly and must never be admitted.

Such a high-end gameplay requires very good operation if you want to succeed.

To pass, it would have to have the support of Hudson, the concrete executor.

After glancing at the two of them, Hudson knew that they were playing a double act. Meeting colleagues with such mature political skills, he really wanted to thank them both.

I really think too highly of him.

It is almost impossible to join forces without leaving a trace and leave behind the reinforcements sent by the alien alliance.

They are either in the eighth level or in the holy realm. You can't just kill someone if you want to. Being unable to defeat does not mean that you cannot escape.

Coupled with the strong men within the Orc Empire, the enemy will definitely surpass the kingdom in terms of high-end power.

“Prime Minister, this is impossible.

The enemy is not a fool and will not follow our settings.

The top orcs themselves can't tell those guys are intruders now, and it's even less possible for us to tell them apart.

If we choose to send troops now, the two groups of orcs who are engaged in civil war will become our enemies.

Let’s wait a moment!

Let these two groups of enemies fight for a while longer before we take action. "

Hudson shook his head and refused.

It’s best to do less of things that challenge your limits. You can succeed countless times, but you only need to fail once.

"Marshal, if Princess Madeleine helps, will the probability of success increase?"

After hearing this proposal, Hudson looked at Prime Minister Beckett in a different way.

Sure enough, there will be such a day. As a law of cause and effect weapon famous in the mainland, how could Princess Madeleine not be targeted!

It has not been activated, mainly because everyone is afraid that it will affect themselves.

In the context of the fall of the gods, it is difficult not to think of a "misfortune goddess" emerging.

It is estimated that within the Alpha royal family, they also noticed that something was wrong with the princess.

Anyway, it was others who were unlucky. The royal family was not harmed, so they just pretended to be confused.

If the relationship is really made clear and both parties fall out, the royal family will not dare to bear the consequences.

"If the prime minister can convince Her Royal Highness the princess, the probability of success will indeed increase, but the chance of winning will still not exceed 30%.

My opinion is to delay sending troops, sit back and watch the enemy fight for a while, and then look for an opportunity to march eastward into the prairie.

Of course, if Princess Madeleine is willing to take risks, she can send a detachment to the Orc Empire to cause trouble. "

Hudson suggested tentatively.

The Goddess of Disaster is a very terrifying existence among the gods. No one can tell how many abilities Princess Madeleine has inherited.

Like countless outside observers, Hudson also wanted to wait for an opportunity to find out about Princess Madeleine.

The reinforcements from the alien alliance are a good touchstone.

If the source of disaster can affect these powerful people, then it is right to stay away from them.

"Marshal, don't worry, I will go and talk to my sister!"

Seeing Caesar IV taking care of everything, Hudson couldn't help but want to laugh.

I really don’t know how much of their brother-sister relationship can be left under the influence of the memory of the Goddess of Disaster.

Even if Princess Madeleine could agree to this, she probably wanted to take the opportunity to make achievements and clear herself in the kingdom.

Once he plays an important role in the destruction of the Orc Empire, another special being will be added to the kingdom's decision-making level.

This is of great strategic significance for the subsequent usurpation of power.

Of course, if the love between brother and sister is deep, Princess Madeleine may also choose to survive Caesar IV.

Vaguely, Hudson felt that this was the truth.

In a traditional country like the Alpha Kingdom, it is impossible for all parties to allow a queen to appear if the royal family has no heirs.

With Princess Madeleine's methods, it would not be difficult to eliminate the royal family's heirs, but she definitely couldn't do it.

Accidents happen often, and everyone will think of her.

At that point, even a true god may not be able to block the kingdom's wrath.

If you want to reduce everyone's resistance, you must not only make contributions to the country, but also make the replacement of royal power as legal as possible.

For example: after the brother dies, the aunt assists the nephew in handling government affairs.

Anyway, she doesn't practice the laws of the emperor, so there is no need for her to ascend the throne.

Being behind the scenes and holding the power, you can also use the power of the kingdom.

Perhaps this operation was the result of Princess Madeleine herself first expressing her intention to contribute to the country, which led to what happened today.

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