
Chapter 728 The war breaks out

Reluctantly, the presidium meeting reluctantly passed the resolution. Deep in their hearts, all the representatives paid their respects to the eighteen generations of the Alpha Kingdom’s ancestors.

Forcibly dragging everyone into the water, this method is really despicable. But no one can refuse. It is better to take the initiative to initiate a war than to be passively involved.

By passing the proposal at this time, everyone can also control the time to launch the war and prepare in advance.

If the Alpha Kingdom is left to its own devices, a continental war may break out one day when it wakes up.

The human chariots started to move, and all the races on the mainland immediately panicked. The dwarf kingdom, which bore the brunt, immediately started preparations for war.

Seeing that something was not right about the situation, the Trolls, Three-Eyeds, and Stonemen did not hesitate for long and followed suit to prepare for war.

The chain reaction was transmitted to the Elf Forest, and the elves, who had not yet reached the conclusion of the dispute, could only reluctantly prepare for war.

It's one thing to prepare to run away, but before running out, they still have to consider the threat from the human race.

Once the allies collapse, the elves will not be able to survive alone. Even if their background is deep enough, they still can't stand it when facing the mainland overlord alone.

This is the fault of the ancestors. When they ruled the continent, they did not kill all the ethnic groups and left hidden dangers to their descendants.

There is no point in complaining, life has to be faced.

Also involved in the turmoil, the Alliance of Ancient Relics and the Orc Empire were the two two most troubled families in troubled times.

Others are preparing for war, and they have already been killed in rivers of blood. Thousands of tribesmen fell every day, and this self-bleeding therapy was too painful.


"Hudson appeared on the front line with his troops. Are you sure you're not mistaken?"

It wasn't that the Bear King couldn't hold his breath, it was just that the news was too important.

The war has not yet broken out, but the Great Demon King Keha has led his troops to the front line, so he cannot come here for an outing.

The internal hidden dangers have not been resolved, and if we encounter another invasion from foreign enemies, the Orc Empire will really not be able to withstand it!

“Emperor Xiong, how could this kind of news not be verified!

The iconic dragon-bear battle flag is the only one in the entire continent.

Hudson's status in the Alpha Kingdom is very high. If he is not on the front line in person, no one would dare to joke about his glory.

There are also 300,000 troops accompanying him. Including the troops originally stationed, the enemy's strength on the border has exceeded 500,000. "

The Yingren Emperor replied in a deep voice.

An army of half a million is not enough to impress everyone, but an army of half a million in the hands of Hudson is completely different.

Encountering such a powerful enemy without several times the strength advantage, everyone felt completely unsure.

In fact, even if enough troops are mobilized, the Orc Empire still has many problems to face.

After years of fighting, the orc tribes have long been exhausted. Especially some small races were squeezed to the brink of collapse.

After the invasion of the Kingdom of God, the civil war quickly spread across the country. A large part of the reason was that everyone was severely lacking in supplies.

Under the pretext of exterminating invaders, people waiting for opportunities to launch wars and plunder survival resources occur almost every day on the prairie.

The higher-ups know all this, but those in power also have selfish motives.

Someone is destined to be sacrificed. If you don't want your own people to starve, you can only sacrifice the weaker races below.

Anyway, this has been the way it has been played for the past few thousand years.

Weak races play the role of cannon fodder, livestock, and food at the same time in the orc empire.

There is a limit to sacrifice, and leeks still need time to grow!

If a full-scale war breaks out at this moment, logistics will be an insurmountable obstacle.

Just relying on internal solutions, including killing all the weak races to make military rations, may not be able to sustain the situation.

After all, the Alpha Kingdom now is different from the past. In recent years, people's war potential has been increasing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

With the development of new territories, a number of provinces on the front line can provide the consumption of large armies.

The transportation distance has been greatly shortened, and the corresponding consumption of food materials has also been greatly reduced.

This means that if war breaks out again, the Alpha Kingdom will be able to sustain it for longer than previous wars.

"Eagle King, you still missed a troop.

The enemy also has a large-scale field army in the border provinces.

These troops are all trained under the leadership of Hudson, and their combat effectiveness will not be much worse.

As long as the enemy is willing, he can raise an army of millions at any time.

From a military point of view, the Alpha Kingdom has essentially completed the mobilization of its troops, and is only one opportunity away from the outbreak of war. "

King Behemoth's finishing blow made the expressions of the top orcs become more solemn.

The enemy completed the deployment of troops under their noses, and everyone knew nothing about it.

What's worse is that this army, while farming and supporting itself, also completed strategic material reserves.

Humans have an innate talent for farming, something that orcs can never learn. They watched helplessly as the enemy enlarged their advantage, but they could do nothing.

“The situation has reached this stage and is beyond our ability to handle.

In addition to the Alpha Kingdom, other countries of the human race are also sharpening their knives, and even the invasion of foreign enemies cannot extinguish their ambitions.

Judging from the feedback from various parts of the continent, the human race is preparing for a new round of continental war, and the subsequent situation requires the joint efforts of all races in the alliance to deal with it.

Feed back the news directly to the elves, now they need to make a decision.

Our sacrifice is only meaningful if they send troops to take the Alpha Kingdom's retreat! "

The Lion King said with a sad and angry look.

Once the flames of war are ignited, the Orc Empire will surely become the biggest victim.

Other human nations may be involved in the continental war, but the Alpha Kingdom will never show mercy to them.

Originally strategically at a disadvantage, they had high hopes that reinforcements had just arrived, but suffered heavy losses before they had time to show their power.

At this moment, the internal troubles have not been eliminated, and they are invaded by the Kingdom of Alpha. The miserable scenes after the outbreak of the war have already emerged in the minds of all the orcs.

No matter how miserable it is, they can only passively respond. As the invaded party, the Orc Empire had no choice at all.

The sights of all the orc executives were focused on the enemy Hudson, and no one noticed that a disguised human team crossed the border.

With the help of magical disguise and the fake identity of an orc adventurer, the team successfully reached their destination except for encountering two waves of orc bandits along the way.

If the secret infiltration is successful, half of the sneak attack plan is completed. The next step is to wait for the unlucky guy to take the bait.

Regarding this, all the saints are not worried at all. They have personally experienced the lethality of the "Disaster Goddess".

As long as you are targeted by Princess Madeleine, you will definitely be plagued by bad luck. Even if they weren't ambushed, accidents would happen elsewhere.

"Marshal Hudson's influence in the Orc Empire is probably stronger than in the Kingdom!"

Phoenix couldn't help but sigh.

Along the way, the one the orcs talked about the most was Demon King Hada.

Obviously nothing happened, but among the orcs, it seemed as if Demon King Hada was about to come with his army and kill them.

The new generation of saints in the kingdom did not react much to this, but the impact on the older generation of saints was quite big.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe it, that someone could scare the orcs like this.

There is no doubt that it is completely unnecessary to worry that Hudson will lead his troops to kill him immediately.

Starting from the decision made by the Presidium of the Human Race Alliance, the war has escalated from a local war to a continental war.

The increase in the standard of war also means that the kingdom must wait for its allies to act together.

If a war breaks out and the allies fail to keep up in time, leading to catastrophic consequences, only the country will bear full responsibility.

The Alpha Kingdom is not afraid of the orcs, but it cannot ignore the reaction of the alien alliance.

Without allies to help contain other alien races, the kingdom would not foolishly fight alone.

“Lord Phoenix, this is the inevitable result.

The orcs suffered too much at the hands of Marshal Hudson. If they don't learn their lesson, they will disappear from the continent.

Even though this is the heartland of the orcs, it has not escaped the force of Marshal Hudson.

The orc tribes that once lived here have all turned into nutrients for the grassland. The ones we encountered on the road were those who moved here later! "

Robert explained with a smile.

When the orc tribe met the Hudson, they were directly reduced to leeks, being cut off one after another.

Leeks are also thoughtful. They have been cut many times and they also know how to learn lessons.

Common orc wisdom - move.

Although they were already far away from the front line, everyone still tried their best to move the tribe to a safer place.

The flames of war have not yet been ignited, but a spontaneous migration wave has begun.

"There's a battle ahead!"

Princess Madeleine's words directly terminated this conversation.

It is the nature of human beings to eat melons, even the strong ones in the holy realm are no exception.

The orcs are in the middle of a civil war, and there are countless battles between tribes.

It's just that this battle is slightly different. There are not only orcs fighting on the ground, but also orcs fighting in the sky.

For the action team, encountering such a good thing as soon as they arrived was like being possessed by the goddess of luck.

The last time we won a big victory, we relied on ambush and picking up holes. This time, we didn't have the opportunity to deploy the magic circle in advance to ambush, but there was still a chance to pick up holes.

Without any hesitation, everyone decisively chose to hide.

Fortunately, both warring parties had their eyes on their opponents and did not notice that the fisherman was already in position, otherwise both sides would have to stop immediately.

It seems that the team is here for the strong men of the alien alliance, but as long as there is an opportunity to attack, they will not let go of the invaders from the Kingdom of God.

Li Daitao's gameplay is too taboo and has challenged the bottom line of all races.

It seems that invaders from all the major kingdoms of God are operating in one area. In fact, from the moment they set foot on the Aslant continent, they have been the public enemies of the continent.

It did not trigger a joint siege by all races. On the one hand, it was the contradiction between the two camps, and on the other hand, the strength they showed did not make all races feel panic.

The most important thing is that the shortcomings are obvious. As long as the creatures do not enter the Kingdom of God and there are no hosts available, these invaders will not be able to get out.

The major forces have tacitly sealed off the Kingdom of God and will no longer allow tribesmen to enter it.

The war before us is the war between blockade and anti-blockade.

Leave this area, climb a few more mountains, and cross the strait to enter the Kingdom of God.

After watching the bloody battle between the two sides, everyone turned their attention to Princess Madeleine, their eyes full of encouragement and awe.

It seems to be saying: Go ahead and do it, it’s best not to take action from us.

Seeing this scene, Princess Madeleine felt a little regretful. If I had known this, I should have brought Hudson along.

The Goddess of Disaster is not omnipotent. Even in her heyday, she could not do anything to kill two groups of powerful men from the Sanctuary.

Even if you can adjust the opponent's luck in the short term and amplify the opponent's bad luck, there are limits. As long as you are strong enough, nothing is a problem.

If you add the God of Destiny and another wave of fate killings, I guess it can be done.

As for what Hudson said about giving up authority, Princess Madeleine didn't believe a word of it. After enjoying the dividends of world power, who would be willing to give up!

The gods did not hesitate to perish themselves to carry out this plan, and this was not just a temporary matter. What everyone wants is to gain the upper hand in the game with the world, return to the throne of the gods and fully control the power.

If the Goddess of Disaster's Kingdom was not very far away from the Aslant continent, she would have secretly manipulated the creatures of the Kingdom to invade the continent instead of siding with the Alpha Kingdom.

“Everyone take action together!

There aren't many enemies, so it's best to take them down together. The kingdom not only wants to severely damage the alien alliance, but also needs to understand this unknown kingdom of God. "

After envying Hudson again, Princess Madeleine said slowly.

After a brief moment of eye contact, everyone immediately launched a sneak attack on the six orcs who were fighting in the air. In the blink of an eye, four powerful men from the holy realm lay dead.

The two orcs who were lucky enough to escape the disaster did not hesitate at all, and directly used secret techniques to rush outside at the fastest speed.

After seeing this scene, the group of eighth-level warriors who had been fighting in the melee hurriedly fled, leaving only two groups of fighting soldiers standing in confusion.

"Catch them alive!"

Seeing that everyone was extremely ruthless, Robert hurriedly reminded them.

Sanctuary intruders are difficult to catch, but the seventh- and eighth-level intruders below are left to their own devices.

If all the enemies gathered together and fought together with the army below, there would be nothing they could do for a while.

Unfortunately, the enemies themselves belong to two camps, and there is no possibility of easing. The blood feud has not been resolved, so joining forces is just empty talk.

Running around increases the probability of escape, but it also increases the risk of being captured.

When the strong men from the Sanctuary put down their bodies and launched a sneak attack on them, the outcome was already doomed.

By the Xueyue Lake.

Hudson, who didn't know that the sneak attack team had succeeded again, looked down at the three armies in the sky. In the distant sky, there were vaguely orc spies who exchanged their lives for news.

Ignoring the group of dead soldiers, Hudson drew the Holy Sword of Light and pointed it at the prairie, and coldly ordered: "Attack!"

Do a full show, even if it is just a feint attack, you must show off the style of the kingdom's army.

The orc army has not yet completed its assembly, and now is the best time to take advantage. At night, all the big fish will be gone.

Naturally, Hudson would not default on the time agreed by the Human Alliance for the outbreak of the war. Anyway, as long as the two countries do not formally declare war, it does not count as starting a war in advance.

The current war is just an ordinary armed conflict.

Similar cases have occurred countless times in the history of the kingdom. In many cases, hundreds of thousands of troops clashed, and the two alliances defined them as border armed conflicts.

The current situation is even better. This time, Hudson only targeted a few large orc tribes and dispatched a mere 100,000 troops.

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