
Chapter 739 Attacking the Camp

The Alpha Kingdom sent reinforcements to reinforce its allies, which not only boosted the military morale of the Five-Nation Alliance, but also affected the Southern Continent.

Everyone is watching!

Even though the third most powerful nation in the human race was suppressing the orcs and beating them up, it still had room to divide its forces to support its allies.

The eldest and second eldest brother in the front teamed up with a group of younger brothers and were unable to win a dwarf kingdom. This poor performance must not be justified.

The nobles from various countries in the Southern Continent who participated in the war couldn't help but feel ashamed. The pressure was directly placed on the Iliban Kingdom and the Frankish Empire.

Iberian Palace.

Affected by the battle situation on the front line, Bordeaux VIII has not dared to hold banquets recently, lest someone discuss the continental war in his ears.

Whether it is the Frank Empire or the Iliban Kingdom, if they work alone, they have now torn apart the defense line of the Dwarf Kingdom, but it will not work if everyone joins together.

All parties involved in the coalition did not want to suffer a loss. Every military meeting had to be argued for a long time, and they could only watch the fighter planes passing by.

Everyone is pulling the strings together, but the pressure is concentrated on a few big countries. The general view from the outside world is: they are paddling!

"Packing" in a continental war is not a good reputation. The younger generation of nobles couldn't bear to see this the most, and they all angrily accused the top government officials of being corrupt, incompetent, and inactive.

Outside the palace gate, a large number of young nobles had gathered to petition. Some radical aristocratic children even shouted the political slogan of "killing traitors".

He was scolded domestically and even more severely internationally.

There are rumors from the outside world that they colluded with other races, betrayed the interests of the human race, and deliberately failed to act during the war.

A country on the rise will definitely not lack passionate young people.

Looking outside the palace gate, you can tell that the passionate young people of the Iliban Kingdom are obviously beginning to doubt the kingdom's senior officials.

The explanation made no sense. The Southern Continent Allied Forces could not break through the defense line of the Dwarf Kingdom. They would never believe it.

Everyone's demands were very clear. The Kingdom's army quickly came up with a record worthy of their status to eliminate the suspicion of colluding with foreign races.

As the pressure continued to spread, Bordeaux VIII could no longer hold on.

It is indeed in the interests of the Iliban Kingdom to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, but the political impact cannot be ignored.

It doesn't matter who spread the rumor. The key is that now many people are suspicious.

Letting the foreign races and the Five-Nation Alliance suffer both losses cannot be said on the table. On the surface, everyone is a firm human fighter.

If no substantive action is taken, the suspicion of colluding with foreign races will become unclear later.

Once he was charged with colluding with foreign races, the king would be miserable.

"The coalition forces have been slow to move and have not been able to break through the dwarves' defense for such a long time. What's going on?"

Bordeaux VIII asked knowingly.

Political struggles pay the most attention to details. Even if it is a fact that everyone knows, who says it is very important.

Bordeaux VIII, who didn't want to get involved, chose to pretend to be confused while understanding.

"Your Majesty, the coalition forces lack a strong headquarters, and the armies of each country are fighting independently.

When encountering an issue, a decision must be made after the generals from multiple countries discuss it together.

Not only is the efficiency low, it also often delays fighter aircraft, resulting in delays in advancing the front line.

In order to change this situation, our generals have communicated with generals from various countries many times, but unfortunately in the end they achieved little success. "

The Minister of Military Affairs, Marquis Franceco, took the opportunity to throw away the responsibility.

In this kind of multinational joint military operation, it is right to blame allies when encountering problems.

Even if an investigation is conducted, the final result will not be much different. The core reasons must be "inadequate cooperation" and "holding each other back."


"A bunch of idiots!

If we continue to delay like this, our human race's great cause of unifying the continent will be ruined by these idiots!

Earl Midoford, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately proposed to the Human Alliance, asking the Alliance to supervise all parties to increase their offensive efforts.

I have no control over the armies of other countries, but the Kingdom must not associate with these idiots. The Ministry of Military Affairs must come up with a plan! "

After hearing the indignant words of Bordeaux VIII, the ministers followed up and expressed their opinions one after another, as if the unfavorable war situation was all the fault of the allies.

If nothing else happens, the conversation that took place in the hall will soon be transmitted through various channels.

The petition team outside the palace gate will disperse after receiving the news.

"Your Majesty, launching an attack from the Dwarf Kingdom requires dealing with various countries. It is difficult for us to control our autonomy.

After this period of rush construction, our naval fleet has recovered by half, and all types of ships have also recovered to one-third of their peak value.

The Ministry of Military Affairs suggested giving up the land battlefield, letting the naval fleet escort the army, and taking the sea route to reinforce the countries in the Central Continent! "

Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene was almost brewing, Marquis Franceco decisively came up with a new plan.

There is no doubt that this proactive attack from the sea is definitely more active than fighting against the dwarf kingdom's defense line.

No matter what kind of results can be achieved, as long as the Kingdom of Iberia sends its troops to the battlefield in the Central Continent, the rumors from the outside world will be self-defeating.


“The great Iliban Kingdom has been the foundation pillar of the human race since the founding of the country.

The glory won by our ancestors must not be lost in our hands!

The human race is in a critical moment, and now it is time for us to step forward, the great Ilibia..."

Under the high-key affirmation of King Bordeaux VIII, a palace meeting that was forced to open due to pressure from public opinion achieved a complete success.

The operations of the Iliban Kingdom soon caused an uproar in the southern continent.

The classic blame-shifting method throws away not only responsibility but also the pressure of public opinion.

Since the responsibility for the adverse consequences of the war does not lie with them, it naturally lies with other countries.

For a time, a wave of passionate public opinion spread rapidly in the southern continent, and the elders of the Human Alliance also jumped out to put pressure.

After being stabbed in the back, the angry top officials of various countries cursed Bordeaux VIII for being unjust.

After a brief hesitation, several major countries followed suit.

Whether it is announcing the addition of troops to the front or the opening of a new front from the sea, no one is idle.

The best opportunity has been missed, but everyone is still reluctant to give up the opportunity to gain political prestige.

The five major kingdoms all tried to gain their reputation, and the blame for the unfavorable war situation fell directly on a group of small countries.

What follows is a blame game between countries. Anyway, the responsibility belongs to others, and we are fighting for the human race wholeheartedly.

The lively political struggle scenes shocked the melon-eating masses.

The most high-end political struggle actually unfolds in the most unpretentious way.

However, this turmoil still has positive significance.

Affected by public opinion, the offensive launched by the Southern Continent Allied Forces on the front line suddenly became fierce.

Perhaps in order to save face, while attacking the Dwarf Kingdom, the Iliban Kingdom and the Frankish Empire also sent troops from the sea to the Central Continent.

The originally clear situation in the Central Continent has once again become confusing.

With the intervention of two more human powers, the three countries in the Central Continent, which had been shocked by the news of the full-scale attack of the elven army, suddenly regained their morale.

Just because they can't defeat the elves doesn't mean that the entire human race can't defeat the elves.

Several major powers in the alliance have taken action one after another, and reinforcements are on the way, and everyone's confidence has suddenly increased.

The most direct consequence is that the war in the Central Continent has become more and more intense.

The sudden change of situation disrupted the strategic plan of the elves.

When the soft persimmon is no longer a soft persimmon, the strategy of sweeping the Central Continent suddenly becomes illusory.

The intervention of various countries in the Southern Continent made this one-sided war become more complicated and confusing.

For a time, the pressure from all parties in the anti-human alliance increased greatly.

The turning battle that will determine the future of the mainland has begun.

Regardless of hiding their strength, all parties used all their means to defeat the enemy before reinforcements from the southern continent arrived.

On the prairie.

After a long search, Princess Madeleine and her party finally locked the target.

"Judging from the investigation situation, the tribe ahead is most likely where the Yingren Imperial Court is, and there are about two thousand people in the camp.

Soldiers accounted for more than half, that is, more than a thousand people, and there were at least two strong men from the holy realm among them.

The core goal of this battle is to kill the powerful saints in the enemy camp.

Without them, it would not be a problem to annihilate the Ying Ren Imperial Court! "

Princess Madeleine said enthusiastically.

The Yingren Imperial Court will be exposed mainly because they are unlucky.

Ordinary orc tribes are not so easy to disguise.

Just controlling the size of the tribe can't hide it from those who are interested.

The extremely high proportion of soldiers and the number of strong men stationed in the camp are all flaws visible to the naked eye.

There is no way around this. While the Yingren tribe is disguising themselves, they must also consider the safety of the higher-ups.

If you don't have enough weapons and are eaten by a small group of enemy troops, the top members of the race will have no place to cry.

In a scattered state of the tribe, once the top leaders are wiped out, there will be no way to elect a new leader in a short period of time.

It's not possible to designate them in advance. Without enough prestige, it's impossible to order the entire clan.

Since the dispersion of the tribes, the original foundation of rule has collapsed, and now it relies entirely on the prestige of a group of high-level officials to maintain racial unity.

Originally, this was nothing. He was lurking on his own territory, and there were several Eagle tribes nearby as his eyes and ears.

If you encounter danger, just run away.

Anyway, the Yingren can fly, and ordinary human armies can only stare blankly when encountering them.

It's a pity that everyone has bad luck sometimes, and they can be bumped into by the strong men from the sanctuary of the Alpha Kingdom on the vast prairie.

"Your Highness, just a few of us may not be able to keep all the enemies behind.

In addition to the two Holy Eagles, there are many big fish in the camp. It is better to contact the army and act together! "

Robert suggested cautiously.

Along the way, they have indeed had smooth sailing.

After all the orc tribes were reduced to pieces, they were all busy looking for a place to avoid trouble and gave up the pursuit of them.

Success does not mean that every time you make a move, you will be able to achieve your goal. There will also be mistakes during the period.

If it weren't for Princess Madeleine's mysterious "Law of Disaster", the enemies would always have accidents in the battle, and maybe someone among them would have fallen asleep.

"Okay, then send a message to Marshal Hudson!"

Princess Madeleine said slightly unwillingly.

The achievement of annihilating an orc royal family cannot be compared to those petty fights before.

Once successful, it will be recorded in the history of the kingdom and will be admired by future generations forever.

Princess Madeleine didn't care about this false reputation. What she valued was the political influence.

None of the powerful men from the Sanctuary who participated in this operation were power-hungry, so there was no harm in sharing this honor.

But the kingdom's army is different. There are too many noble officers who want to make contributions.

If there are too many people involved, no matter how big the credit is, the credit will be divided thinly.

Especially if Hudson is involved, the outside world will directly think that the action is led by Hudson.

It’s useless to try to explain, people are always willing to believe in their own inherent knowledge.

If you explain too much on this, it will leave a bad impression on the outside world that you are greedy for merit.

Princess Madeleine participated in this operation in order to clear her reputation and brush up her reputation in front of the nobles of the kingdom.

There is only the last step left to achieve the goal, so you must not mess things up at the critical moment.

As the spell was uttered, a magic communication talisman was ignited in the sky and instantly turned into ashes.

Chinese army camp.

Ever since he received the news that various countries in the Southern Continent had divided their forces to reinforce the Central Continent, Hudson's anxious heart had relaxed.

His teammates were all working hard, and in his opinion, there was no longer much suspense about the outcome of the continental war.

In terms of overall strength, the countries in the Southern Continent far surpass the Five Nations Alliance.

The alien alliance tried to take over the Five Nations Alliance, but now they have lost a few teeth.

With the participation of various countries in the Southern Continent, the originally anxious battlefield, which had always been divided between each other, began to tilt towards the human race.

The specific time it takes to achieve a complete victory depends on the subsequent performance of the Southern Continent Allied Forces.

There is no need to worry about the situation on the mainland, the war on the grassland is simpler.

After the kingdom's army successively recruited millions of orcs, the war pattern gradually changed.

In order to show their loyalty, the large-scale servant army launched endless killings on the grassland, leaving mountains of corpses and seas of blood wherever they passed.

The Orc Empire's initial strategy of joint resistance among the various tribes fell apart under the butcher's knife of their own people.

No matter how hard you try to coordinate the relationship, it's useless. The Orc Empire is a nomadic empire, and the tribes are destined to keep migrating.

Changing neighbors every once in a while is normal on the grassland.

The servant army itself was an orc, and they couldn't tell whether they were friends or foes until they turned against each other and took action.

Many orc tribes were wiped out inexplicably.

With more orc tribes being tricked, the low level of trust was suddenly completely severed.

Even if you encounter a tribe of the same tribe, everyone must be more cautious.

The matter of one's own people cheating one's own people has never been a new thing within the Orc Empire.

"Marshal, we just received a message from Princess Madeleine. They discovered the location of the Eagle Man's Royal Court on the grassland.

In order to wipe out all the enemies in one fell swoop, I hope you will send reinforcements there for reinforcements! "

Count Gulen said with a slightly excited look.

The war against the orcs has been fought so far, and all they have dealt with are small fish and shrimps, but now they finally meet the big fish.

It was only a matter of time before the Yingren Imperial Court was destroyed and the other orc clans were destroyed.

Without the command of the Yingren Royal Court, the Yingren scattered all over the place were scattered, which was equivalent to the direct collapse of the most important air power of the Orc Empire.

“The strategy of destroying the Yingren Imperial Court is of great significance and must not be missed.

Your Excellency, Earl, please personally invite some distinguished men in the army to go over with the Griffin Dragoons for reinforcements. "

Hudson ordered calmly.

The strong men in the holy realm have a special status. If they were replaced by ordinary military commanders, they would definitely have to go and invite them in person.

But here in Hudson, things changed.

The coach is also a strong Saint, or even a stronger Saint, so the original rules naturally do not apply.

Sending the chief of staff over would be enough, but doing it in person would make the situation embarrassing.

The main reason for engaging in such a large battle was that the Yingren Imperial Court was in a special situation, and the enemies could all fly.

The number of strong men in the kingdom's sanctuary is limited, and the enemies can't intercept them as they take off and run away together.

If the Yingren Emperor escapes, they can quickly form a new command layer.

This opportunity to destroy the enemy's air power command system was missed. I don't know when the next one will be.

Yingren Imperial Court.

The hidden Princess Madeleine and her party were secretly observing the camp while waiting for reinforcements.

The enemy's protection was tighter than they expected.

Not only have many observation posts been set up, but there are also many sentries inside the camp, and there are also hawks patrolling the sky from time to time.

Once an enemy force approaches, an early warning can be sent to the camp dozens of miles away.


Suddenly a special eagle siren sounded, and the originally quiet camp suddenly became noisy.

Countless soldiers holding weapons and wearing leather armor walked out of the camp and quickly began to gather in the camp.

Seeing this scene, Princess Madeleine and her party were not surprised at all.

Where the enemy's imperial court is located, it is also appropriate to have elite troops garrisoned there.

If the defense force here is not good, then the Yingren clan will be useless and not worthy of becoming the orc royal family.

"Reinforcements have arrived, let's take action directly!"

Fulvio, who had long been unable to hold himself any longer, suggested excitedly.

Although hundreds of years have passed, he still can't forget the scene of his father and brother dying tragically at the hands of the Yingren.

After becoming a strong man in the Sanctuary, he also secretly sneaked into the Orc Empire to seek revenge, but unfortunately he failed in the end.

After the elemental tide began, he fled overseas for three hundred years.

The enemies of the past have long since become dust.

The debts owed by the ancestors will be repaid by the descendants.

If you can't find your enemy, you can take the Yingren Emperor's head back and sacrifice it to your father and brother.

"Okay, let's do it together!"

After Princess Madeleine finished speaking, the group of people took action and rushed directly into the Eagle Man's camp.

Countless rays of magic swept over them, and the newly assembled team of Eagle Soldiers fell into chaos.

In panic, many Yingmen soldiers chose to take off, but what greeted them was a hail of arrows.

I saw the Griffin Dragoons outflanking them from all directions, each holding magic crossbows and firing directly at them.

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