
Chapter 750 Armistice Treaty

When the negotiations reached a deadlock, a dragon roar came from the sky, and then twelve golden dragons fell behind the alien camp.

Seeing this scene, the atmosphere at the scene instantly became solemn.

"Maxim, didn't you say that the Dragon Clan will not interfere with mainland affairs?"

Hudson asked concerned.

Just by looking at their size, you can tell that these giant dragons are not easy to mess with. The golden dragon headed by them is bigger than Maxim, a big guy.

"Yes, the Dragon Clan will not get involved in mainland disputes, but there is no guarantee that the dragons will not participate in mainland affairs.

These guys in front of me are just some of the giant dragons of the Golden Dragon Clan, and they cannot represent the entire Dragon Clan! "

Maxim's calm answer left Hudson speechless.

Can it represent the entire dragon clan, the ending will be the same.

The human race only has a slight advantage over the alien alliance. The twelve powerful golden dragons in front of them are enough to reverse the strength comparison between the two sides.

"Shilu Betty, we are not too late!"

The leader of the golden dragon asked slightly embarrassed.

According to the agreement between the two parties, they should have arrived yesterday.

"Hurtado, if you come a little later, I'm afraid you won't even be able to collect the corpse in time!"

The forest elf queen said angrily.

The plan was well planned, but as a result, this unreliable hidden ambush did not arrive on the battlefield at the critical moment.

What was originally a must-win battle turned into a lose-lose battle.

One wrong step, every wrong step.

The strong men in the alien alliance are exhausted physically and mentally. Many of them rely on their willpower to support themselves, but the enemy is full of energy.

Continuing to fight has no meaning except increasing losses.

With such a huge disparity, it is impossible not to feel resentful.

"Ha ha……"

"Xilubetti, I haven't seen you for hundreds of years, but your mouth is still so sharp.

Forget it, your Dragon King Order cannot be used in vain.

Even though you are here, we have to work, so let me help you negotiate! "

After finishing speaking, Golden Dragon Emperor Hurtado directly shrank his body and walked to the negotiation team.

“You guys from the human race, listen up.

Uncle Long is happy today and doesn't want to go on a killing spree. Go back where you came from.

Shilu Betty, what do you want? "

Hurtado's funny performance, but no one in the audience could laugh.

It seems careless, but in fact it is full of calculations.

Hudson didn't believe that the dragon would remember the time wrongly. There was only one reason for being late: they did it on purpose!

Hundreds of people are fighting in the sanctuary, and if the dragon participates, there is still a risk of falling.

Choosing to appear at a key node in the negotiation was obviously deliberate.

There were several dragon knights on the battlefield, and it might be one or several dragons among them, conveying information to them.

The war was so brutal that even three of the dragon knights died, but none of the dragons died.

Rather than a coincidence, Hudson prefers to believe that this is "human nature."

Combined with his previous battles, the most deadly killing moves launched by several immortal elves were all directed at him and Bear Stearns, which further proved this point.

Maybe the deaths of the three dragon knights were also a conspiracy.

The dragon enters the human world just to experience life, while the knight becoming a saint is purely a trap.

It's okay if the relationship is good, but if the relationship is not good, or the relationship gradually fades away, it is normal for the dragon to want to terminate the contract.

However, if you want to untie the contract, you need the consent of both parties.

Normal people would not agree that the power that was finally gained was about to be lost suddenly.

Failure to communicate can only create accidents.

"Our request is very simple. The human race gives up part of its territory and signs a strongly binding thousand-year armistice treaty."

The forest elf hardcore girl replied.

Suddenly I had something to rely on, and my appetite grew.

"Hilubetti, are you sure the Thousand-Year Suspension Treaty can take effect?

I am afraid that few of the group of human cubs in front of me will be able to survive a thousand years!

I think setting the time period to six hundred years is enough. Anyway, your Elf Mother Tree has recovered.

With six hundred more years of accumulation, it is enough to compete with the human race! "

Hurtado's answer strengthened Hudson's judgment.

The dragon clan is deliberately maintaining the balance of the continent!

No wonder the Aslant continent has been in chaos for so many years, and no one has unified the continent.

It's not that the overlord race didn't think of it, but that someone is holding back and causing trouble.

The Dragon Clan and the Warcraft Clan, these two inconspicuous forces, can determine the outcome of the continental war at critical moments.

Looking at the current operations, we can see that while supporting the elves, we are also causing trouble for them.

Pointing out that the Elf Mother Tree has been restored is clearly a deliberate attempt to dig a hole to alert human nations to the rise of the Elf race.

“Eight hundred years!

There are many people here who have the chance to break through to the third level of the Holy Realm. As long as they don't commit suicide, they will definitely still be alive in eight hundred years. "

The forest elf queen struggled hard.

Eight hundred years of peace are nothing to the Dragon Clan, but they are enough to change the structure of the major forces.

It is still unknown whether the human alliance, which seems to be relatively united now, can be maintained by then.

The human nations fighting each other may still be strong, but the various races in the anti-human alliance can also recover.

Even if the elves do not leave the mainland, they will still be able to rely on the power of the alliance to compete with the humans.

With luck, he might be able to overturn the hegemony of the human race and return to his position as the overlord of the continent.

"Okay, let's do it!

Little fellows of the human race, listen up: there will be a truce for eight hundred years, and then one million square kilometers of land will be ceded from your control area, and the matter will be over. "

Hurtado shouted carelessly.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became depressing, and all the powerful human beings stared at each other angrily.

If glances could kill a dragon, all that would be left in front of you would be dragon flesh.

"Your Majesty the Dragon Emperor, your control is too lenient.

Such humiliating conditions required no negotiation.

If you want to fight, then fight, we humans will stay with you until the end! "

Hudson replied directly.

As a human marshal, he must remain tough on such occasions.

If we can reach an agreement, we can talk. If we can't, we can fight.

There are still so many strong human beings alive at the scene. It is not a problem at all to hold these golden dragons on their backs in a hurry.

As for how it will end after the fight, that will happen after the war.

Anyway, as long as it's not him who dies, Hudson won't give up!

The scene reached a deadlock again, and the warcraft that had been arguing endlessly were attracted by the excitement here and stopped arguing.

"Ha ha……

It's not good to fight and kill too much, but it's easy to discuss things.

Everyone, please be more patient, take out the controversial clauses, and discuss them one by one! "

The nine-headed lion monster, the most murderous monster, actually became a peacemaker. When this news spread, it could shock the entire continent.

There is no doubt that Golden Dragon Emperor Hurtado is not stupid either.

We know that the human race has a solid foundation, and the strong ones in the holy realm do not have an advantage, but there are a lot of seven or eight strong ones below.

If the negotiation fails and the two sides fight again, the human race will still have the advantage if they fight together as the backbone.

Unless the dragon clan and the Warcraft clan come to an end personally, the defeat of the anti-human alliance is only a matter of time.

Now that they are able to negotiate, it is because the strong men of the human race have not lived enough and do not want to trade their lives for the future of the race for the time being.

If you are pushed too hard, you can't tell.

In the past, the human race forced the alien alliance into a desperate situation, and many strong men chose to trade their lives for their lives.

Hurtado came with a purpose, and it was impossible to risk the lives of dragon descendants for the benefit of the elves.

Seeing the steps, he simply gave up the negotiation stage and allowed the human representatives and the elf representatives to bicker with each other.

Time passed by, and after a long period of dilly-dallying, the two sides finally reached an agreement in the evening.

According to the provisions of the treaty:

1. In principle, both sides use the existing control area as the boundary line between the two camps.

2. The Alpha Kingdom needs to return part of its territory to the Orcs and the Ancient Relics Alliance, while the Anti-Human Alliance needs to return part of its territory to the three countries of the Central Continent.

3. From the date of signing of the treaty, the two camps are not allowed to start a war again for eight hundred years.

On the surface, everything is taken care of, but in fact those being taken care of are all victims.

The returned territories are all "parts". There is no specific agreement in the treaty on how much this "part" is.

If it were not for the sake of good looks, this article would not appear in the armistice treaty.

When it comes to specific implementation, it all depends on the integrity of the vested interests.

Hudson has thought of how to deal with it. The land returned to the orcs will be given directly to the servant army.

Anyway, they are all orcs, and there is no rule about which tribe of orcs it must be given to.

I guess the same goes for the Anti-Human Alliance. They will only symbolically give up some bad land that is difficult to control and deal with the treaty.

Witnessed by the twelve golden dragons and a group of magical beasts, the strong men of the two races signed the truce contract.

Looking at the bumpy land with nostalgia, the two major alliances disbanded on the spot.

Collecting corpses does not exist. In this level of fighting, even if you are lucky enough to leave a whole corpse, it will be destroyed by the aftermath of the battle.

It was lively when we arrived, but everyone was in a low mood when we left.

This armistice treaty obviously did not meet prior expectations.

I don't know if it was a coincidence that the older generation of strong men died in a particularly high proportion, but some weaker newcomers survived.

"Marshal, the mainland war is over. Can the troops sent abroad be recalled in advance?"

The Dark Elf Queen asked with concern.

Participating in this war, the dark elves, who were targeted by the elves, suffered a proper loss of blood.

I didn't see a single profit, so I lost five powerful men from the holy realm.

From then on, she, the queen, was left alone to support her appearance.

"Don't worry, the expeditionary force will return soon. Just go back and wait for news."

Hudson replied without changing his expression.

The sudden end of a war specially arranged to eliminate hidden dangers does not mean that the matter is over.

If you can escape the first grade of junior high school, you can't escape the fifteenth grade. The kingdom will definitely take follow-up measures.

Compared with these minor problems, Hudson's eyes have been focused on the aftermath.

In the continental war, which hurt both sides, the biggest problem was that the cake was not divided enough.

All countries suffered heavy losses, and the Alpha Kingdom drank and ate meat alone, obviously seeking hatred.

However, it is impossible for the kingdom to give away the benefits it has obtained.

The armistice treaty has been signed, and the Kingdom of Alpha will not need other countries to share the pressure for hundreds of years, so the empty promises ahead will naturally not count.

The orc prairie was captured by the Kingdom's army alone. If they wanted to get a piece of the pie, they would have to offer equal benefits in exchange.

After a brief thought, Hudson quickly put all this behind him.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will take over the work of wrangling with various countries. What the final result will be is Caesar IV's headache.

Frankly speaking, Caesar IV is unlucky again.

In the previous battle, Alpha I almost died, and the timely ceasefire saved his life.

The sequelae is that this stimulated founding lord has become more and more concerned about seizing power.

Along the way, he kept communicating with a group of saints, and a little incense was not enough to make everyone follow him to rebel.

But in the process of seizing power, it was not a big problem for everyone to keep silent.

What surprised Hudson was that Princess Madeleine, who had always been active, was rare to be quiet this time.

Alpha I tried to win people's hearts everywhere, but she didn't jump out to disrupt it.

I don't know if the two reached an agreement in private, or if they were going to play a mantis catching cicadas and the oriole behind.

Since he was not involved, Hudson simply pretended not to know.

According to the rules of the continent, as long as it does not involve treason, the nobles have the right to refuse to participate in the royal internal fighting.


Canglan City, Jade Palace.

The celebration banquet has been prepared for a long time, but unfortunately the protagonists are absent.

After entering the kingdom, a group of Saint Domain strongmen left the team one after another.

When they arrived at the palace, only Hudson and a few royal strongmen were left.

After a brief description of the situation on the battlefield, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became solemn.

"The dragons and the monsters intervened in the continental disputes together. It seems that our human race still has a long way to go to unify the continent!

Fortunately, we insisted on destroying the Orc Empire first, otherwise this continental war would be fought in vain again!"

After listening to Caesar IV's sigh, everyone showed a thankful expression.

If the kingdom had taken the overall situation into consideration and led its troops to fight a decisive battle with the elf army after defeating the orc army, it would have fainted in the hall at this time.

"Your Majesty, the situation has developed to this point, and I'm afraid that there will be disputes within the human race again.

Especially the three countries in the Central Continent, whose resentment towards the Kingdom has accumulated to the extreme.

Even the Principality of Moshi may also have changes.

With the signing of the armistice treaty, the Five-Nation Alliance has most likely come to an end.

Not to mention the countries in the Southern Continent, they are probably jealous of the Kingdom at this time.

For a long time in the future, our diplomatic situation will not be very good.

In order to avoid the worst situation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs believes that the Kingdom should take the initiative.

Take advantage of the fact that the Hessen Kingdom has no master, and support a member of the Hessen royal family to take the throne to strengthen our influence in the Central Continent!"

The words of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Earl Helven, were like a spoonful of water mixed into a frying pan.

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