
Chapter 765 Contradictions

After the dust settled, Hudson took his family back to Xueyue Territory as soon as possible. The imperial capital has become a place of right and wrong, and the sooner you leave, the better.

The royal family seems to have made a profit in this political deal, but in fact, they were cheated by him.

After a while, when they are playing games with the conservative camp in the court, the royal family will find out what kind of people his Ha family is.

Except for the spies planted by the royal family, who were removed by Hudson in advance, the people planted by the other major factions were entrusted with important tasks by Hudson.

If you want to be in a high position, you must show something. It is too difficult to rely entirely on your own ability, and you must rely on the power of the team behind the scenes.

The rapid development and growth of the Ha family is half due to Hudson's reputation, and the other half is that the major factions have increased their investment in spies.

All major factions think that these spies can play a key role at critical moments in the future.

Unexpectedly, Hudson chose to retreat at the peak of his career.

It is naturally a better choice to solve the major troubles without turning against each other.

The hidden personnel did not play a role, and they could not return to their original camp immediately.

Hudson just retired, not dead.

He left the court, but he still had the strength to clean up the mess.

The royal family took over all his power in the court, along with these hidden dangers.

It would be fine if the royal family had made preparations in advance, otherwise the consequences would be quite terrible if they backfired in the future.

Hudson could not help in this regard.

These guys are the backbone of the Hudson faction. If their identities are exposed, their faction will become an empty shell.

Hudson's real direct power is not in the court at all.

The group of confidants he cultivated are all struggling to farm and develop their fiefdoms, so where do they have time to develop in the court.

The new nobles cannot compete with the old nobles. In addition to their own lack of strength, the absence of elites in the court is also an important factor.

When everyone's territory development is on the right track, these people will shift their strategic focus to the court.

Compared with the empty fat in the court, the support of local governors is hardcore.

Unfortunately, these guys are willing to support the Hudson faction because their fame and wealth were earned by following Hudson on the battlefield.

They were labeled with Hudson from the beginning, and it was their duty to follow suit without involving their own interests.

It was not easy for the royal family to deal with these guys.

Although they knew, Hudson would never interfere.

The royal family had a lot of troubles, and they didn't care about adding one more.

Compared with external troubles, internal hidden dangers are the most difficult to solve.

Up to now, there are many factions within the royal family. The monarch is young and unable to take power, and there are too many people with ideas.

The reason why Caesar V was able to sit on the throne was not because of the support of the royal family, but because a group of powerful people in the empire wanted a weak monarch.

Everyone supported the banner of orthodoxy, and Caesar IV hoped that his son would inherit the throne, which established Caesar V's right of succession.

In order to ensure that his son succeeded smoothly, Caesar IV did not hesitate to force Hudson to the position of assistant minister.

Facts have proved that his calculations were successful.

Hudson did make great efforts in assisting Caesar V to ascend the throne.

He did not do anything on the surface, but secretly Hudson visited a group of powerful people in the royal family and even talked to the strong men in the holy domain in the royal family.

The process was not so smooth, but the overall result was good.

Even if some people had different opinions, after Hudson's ideological work, they still expressed their support for orthodoxy.

Hudson's performance in loyalty to the emperor was absolutely perfect.

No one would do such a thing of offending people to death except him.

Of course, if other people really did this, there is a high probability that their graves would be overgrown with grass now.

The fact that the royal family could readily accept the conditions and send him away from the royal capital was also related to his previous impulsive behavior.

After all, an impulsive marshal who clamored to kill anyone who opposed it really made them feel insecure.

Temporarily suppressing the contradiction does not mean that the contradiction has disappeared.

Caesar V succeeded to the throne smoothly, and there was no hope of replacing him, but the conflicts of interest between the major factions still existed.

Looking at this transaction, we can see that in name, the people of the Hudson faction followed the royal family, but in fact they were divided into several factions.

Unless Caesar V came to power as an adult, it would be difficult to unite the major factions.

Grand Duke's Palace.

"Franz, the establishment of the principality is left to you to prepare.

As an adult, you need to learn to face difficulties alone and find ways to solve them!"

Hudson patted his eldest son on the shoulder and said.

There is nothing to hide. Since the royal family authorized him to establish the principality, it should enter a semi-independent state as agreed to appease the hearts of the major factions in the court.

Once the principality is established, there will be a layer between Hudson and the empire.

As the monarch of a vassal state, he must not go there to take charge of the government and can no longer threaten everyone's interests.

Compared with the empire, the specifications of the principality are much lower, but it is still a country after all.

Preliminary preparations are definitely indispensable.

It was indeed a bit hasty to let Franz take charge, but he couldn't raise his son in vain.

It was highly likely that he couldn't be counted on to take care of him in his old age, so he could only help with the work.

As the future heir to the principality, the work he was doing now was for himself.

“Father, is this going too fast?

Preparing to build a nation was too stressful for me, with absolutely no prior experience.

If you mess up the matter and spread the word, it will damage your reputation! "

Franz said anxiously.

As a son of Hudson, he was destined to bear pressure from birth.

Relatively speaking, Franz's mentality is pretty good and he doesn't want to compare with Hudson.

But when doing things, I still have a lot of worries, lest I mess up and attract criticism.

“Since I’m the one responsible for you, it proves that this matter is not as important as you think.

Don't worry and do it boldly. Even if you mess up, we will bear the consequences! "

Hudson said nonchalantly.

Franz didn't know how to do it, but the people below did.

It's just a small flaw. If it involves a big issue, the people below will definitely be cautious.

If he made a fool of himself at the founding ceremony and was held accountable, the most serious consequence for Franz would be a beating. People like them would lose their jobs and futures.

The Xueyue Principality is under preparation, and the political structure of the imperial capital is slowly changing.

After absorbing the power of the Ha clan, the royal camp gained momentum.

Unfortunately, the conservative camp, which occupies the core position in the court, simply does not buy their account.

In the past, Hudson was able to control the situation in the court because people were willing to cooperate.

Now that the hidden danger has been eliminated, the conservative camp is naturally unwilling to tolerate it any longer.

Compared to Hudson, who is full of uncertainty, the conservative camp has a much deeper understanding of the royal family.

Naturally, the conservative camp will not be polite when faced with competitors who have figured out their trump card.

Seeing that the royal camp was unwilling to be left alone and intended to expand its influence in the court, they immediately took thunderous measures.

First, officials in the royal camp were transferred from core positions, then they were assigned a bunch of difficult tasks, and then they were assessed and given small shoes to wear.

Things are far from over. Once the political struggle begins, there will be no mercy.

Now, officials from the conservative camp are rehashing old scores, investigating evidence of violations of laws and regulations by officials from the royal camp, and trying to expel them from the court in one fell swoop.

The royal camp, unwilling to accept defeat, also took tit-for-tat counterattacks.

Unexpectedly, the conservative camp occupies the position of six ministers. According to the rules, many actions of the royal family must be reported to them for approval first.

A direct veto would not be so outrageous, but delaying the process within the scope of the rules and blocking the process are their specialty.

Less than three months after Hudson left the court, the growing royal camp was completely at a disadvantage in a new round of political struggle.

The shocking changes shocked countless people.

The outside world doesn't know how many games took place behind the scenes. Everyone only saw the royal camp's clumsy performance in the political struggle.

"The situation is not right. The enemy seems to know our plan in advance and hits our vital points accurately every time."

Madeleine couldn't help but complain.

Deep down, she had made up her mind. As long as you find the mole in the team, you will definitely let him know that there is a price to pay for being a traitor.

She had already investigated in private, but unfortunately the younger brothers were all passed over and not the confidants she had trained. Everyone looked like a suspect.

"Compared with possible leaks, stabilizing people's hearts is the most important thing.

How long has passed since then, everyone's behavior seems to have completely changed.

When they were under Marshal Hudson, all of them were officials of the country. As long as the government order is issued, it can be completed without compromise.

When the conservative camp wanted to cause trouble, they didn't know where to start, and they almost divided the court into two.

I said before that the people below are unstable, so don’t rashly start a war internally.

Now that some people's wishes have been fulfilled, your cronies have indeed been installed, but the people below are heartbroken.

There are now more than one or two officials who are flirting with other factions in private, and they are probably all looking for a way out! "

Count Andres took the lead in firing.

As an old minister left over from the era of Caesar IV, his position in the royal camp is very awkward because he is not a member of the royal family.

It seems that he has entered the decision-making level, but his right to speak is very limited. Several objections were raised, but they were all rejected by several royal bosses.

He could only endure it before, but now that something happened, there was no need to be polite.

The veteran faction represented by him has long been dissatisfied with his embarrassing position in the camp. It is even more abhorrent for members of the royal family to monopolize the highest decision-making levels.

“Count Andres, calm down first!

No one wants to see the situation worsen. The previous internal adjustments were mainly to better integrate the factional forces.

I just didn’t expect everyone to be so sensitive. Just a small adjustment can trigger such a serious rebound.

However, this is also an inevitable pain. If you want to integrate your strength, you must take this step.

Most of the people who are jumping out to make a fuss now are direct descendants of Marshal Hudson. Being suddenly abandoned, I had complaints in my heart.

It makes perfect sense to secretly collude with other factions out of revenge.

Knowing that someone is a traitor, we can consider taking advantage of the situation and deliberately release some half-truths and half-false information.

The game in the court is about long-term competition, and temporary gains and losses are nothing.

I guess those angry guys should regret it now. Although we lost face, they lost their position.

If they want to return to positions of power, they have no better choice but to rely on us.

Even if they want to join other camps, they can't give up their position! "

The Grand Duke of Newfoundland reassured and warned.

After all, he was a prime minister, and he had already noticed something was wrong.

The outside world thinks that Hudson is good at employing people, but judging from the current actual situation, the abilities of the members of the Kazakh clan are only average among bureaucrats.

There are no particularly outstanding talents.

On the surface, their actions made the people below panic and unmotivated to deal with official business.

But as a superior, he is very aware that the grievances of the people below are definitely not only caused by this, but also secretly instigated by others.

The intelligence collected alone revealed abnormalities among many officials.

It's just that fighting in court is not a child's play, and things that lack sufficient evidence cannot be brought to the table directly.

Without the strength of the royal family alone, it is difficult to gain the right to speak in the court, and it must win over more people to support it.

The veterans left behind by Caesar IV must be appeased first. If these people defect, the outside world will have even less confidence in them.

Once inherent cognition is generated, there will be fewer and fewer talents willing to join the royal family.

If you want to change the passive situation, I am afraid that it will have to last until Caesar V takes charge.

After hearing the hidden meaning of the Grand Duke of Newfoundland, Count Andres simply kept silent.

People like them changing jobs and leaving can indeed bring political disaster to the royal family, but they can also ruin their own careers.

As a confidant promoted by Caesar IV, the strong mark on his body cannot be wiped clean. If he joins other camps, it will be difficult to be completely trusted, and he will be stigmatized as a traitor.

“Let’s not discuss those annoying things for now.

Marshal Hudson is preparing to officially establish the Xueyue Principality on February 2 next year, and has sent an invitation letter, hoping that His Majesty can go there to bear witness.

It's just that Your Majesty is young and traveling long distances would be too risky.

This kind of thing requires us to act on your behalf. Grand Duke Madeleine, could you please go there on your behalf? "

Grand Duke Efiero on the side suddenly changed the subject.

Hudson's establishment of the Xueyue Principality was also a hot topic in the Alpha Empire. Folk interpretations of this matter are also varied.

As one of the protagonists of the topic, the royal family was scolded a lot in this matter.

I don't know what went wrong, but the causes and consequences of the establishment of the Xueyue Principality were directly revealed.

The outside world generally believes that Hudson's insistence on supporting orthodoxy offended the ambitious "Changjun faction" in the royal family and is now being squeezed out.

After all, it is much more comfortable to be in charge of the military and political power of an empire than to be the monarch of a newborn principality.

Not an inch of land was added, and no additional privileges were obtained. The difference between Xueyue Principality and Xueyue Territory was only one status.

Whether or not a duchy was established, it would have little impact on the Hudson. Anyway, he was already a grand duke, and even the coronation was not necessary to establish a principality.

The legal basis for his rule over the Xueyue Territory stems from the canonization of Emperor Caesar IV. It does not require a coronation to declare sovereignty, and the Xueyue Principality does not have complete national sovereignty.

In the future, when a new king succeeds to the throne, he must be canonized by the emperor to have legal effects.

"Grand Duke Efiero, isn't this appropriate?

How could His Majesty be absent from such an important event as the establishment of the principality?

If the news gets out, how will the world view us?

His Majesty is young, but he is still the emperor of the empire and needs to fulfill his obligations.

As for safety issues, let Marshal Hudson send a giant dragon to pick him up, and then invite several nobles from the royal family to accompany him. "

Grand Duke Madeleine replied unceremoniously.

As the auxiliary minister of the empire, he was always treated as a junior in internal meetings of the royal family.

Arranging tasks without any prior communication had already touched her bottom line.

"Madeleine, now is not the time to be impulsive. If you don't want to go, you can let someone else go. How can you make fun of His Majesty!"

Archduke Efiero scolded him unhappily.

It can be seen that he really regards Madeleine as a junior. The reprimand was also from the heart, but the effect was somewhat counterproductive.

When Caesar IV was on the throne, he also cared for his descendants in this way.

After enduring for a few years, Caesar IV, who had hardened his wings, drove them back home.

I have definitely regretted it, but character problems are really not something you can change if you want to.

What's more, in his opinion, the tragedy that followed Caesar IV was caused by his insistence on going his own way.

If these old guys are still assisting in the court, there will never be any loss of power.

Being able to firmly control the court, Alpha I would not have inappropriate thoughts, and the untimely death of Caesar IV could be avoided.


After giving a cold shout, Grand Duke Madeleine slammed the door and walked out.

She was in no mood to argue with these royal antiques. If she had that spare time, she might as well do something else.

If she hadn't been worried about being gangstered, she would have caused an accident and sent all these irritating guys away.

As if she thought of something, a smile suddenly appeared on her lips.

She has not lived in vain these days.

Hudson was in a hurry to leave the court, she had already noticed something was wrong.

After a series of investigations, some problems were discovered.

There are too many hidden problems in the Alpha Empire, and they have reached the point where they urgently need to be solved.

But the rulers of the empire are all old, and they only want to maintain stability.

In their view, the problems in the empire are all small things. There is no force in the entire continent that has no internal problems.

No matter how serious the current problems are, they are not as serious as when the orc army is pressing on the border.

She was able to survive such a dangerous situation back then, so the small problems she is facing now are even more unworthy of mention.

Her intuition tells her that these problems are her opportunities. No matter how much the rulers of the empire cover up, the contradictions will eventually explode.

She can't even solve the old guys in the royal family, let alone those in the court.

If she can't confront them head-on, then she will be quiet first, slowly accumulate strength under the protection of the royal family, and wait for the opportunity.

After the contradictions are triggered, the court will inevitably be reshuffled.

The military and political leaders who hold power in the court need to pay for the situation getting out of control, and their positions will be vacated.

The biggest problem now is that the power she has is limited, and it is difficult for her to take advantage of this wave of power dividends.

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