
Let’s talk about the plot

After scolding for so long, everyone is tired. Let's sit down and take a break, and then we can discuss the plot together.

Haiyue will review the shortcomings first. The outline sets the protagonist to live in a kingdom that will be destroyed if he doesn't work hard, and the main contradiction is the orcs.

In a country that is not corrupt internally, the development height of the protagonist is inherently limited. From the establishment of the principality, the ceiling of development has been touched.

A protagonist with a bottom line cannot go to rebel for personal status.

Living in a continent where all the princes are joint-stock countries, it is not new for the princes to become big, and everyone is more accepting, and the royal family is unlikely to force the protagonist to rebel.

Of course, Haiyue can still write about the development of the principality, forcibly add a wave of alien invasions to the collapse of the empire, or extend the timeline to wait for the empire to decay, but it is too deliberate.

For cross-world invasions, the power system must not be low magic, and ordinary armies will find it difficult to play a role at that time, and it becomes a personal force that dominates the war.

This is also the work of the gods in the previous.

Unlike falling into clichés, or saying that the literary youth disease has recurred, Haiyue buried another line in the book-the world is mature!

The world's defense force has been upgraded, filling the hole of alien invasion.

The gods have also lost their value and have been abandoned by the world consciousness.

The hole of the 10,000-year catastrophe has also been filled in an obscure way. Without the invasion of the alien world and the harvest of the gods, the only catastrophe left is the continental war.

The hole of the main plot has been filled, and it feels too watery to continue writing, so Haiyue chose to speed up the ending.

Sorry, it's really too hasty.

I tried it and found that picking it up is also expanding the outline of the thousand words at the end, which is really not new.

There are too many holes in the side plots, you can mention them, it's all Haiyue's fault.

Adjust your mentality first, and fill in the holes with extra chapters later.

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