
Chapter 8 Don’t talk nonsense

He took the initiative to fight for the right to lead the troops, but Hudson was forced to do nothing. War is imminent. There was no way he could hide away.

If you run away at this juncture, there is a high probability that you will be intercepted halfway and then forcibly recruited into the army as cannon fodder.

Although they didn't get along for long, he still knew a bit about Baron Redman. His political ability is barely passable, but his military literacy is a mess.

Based on his analysis of past battles, Hudson came to the conclusion: a "knight" with good luck.

The most important thing that allows me to survive until now is that, apart from my own strength, the enemies I encounter are all players of the same level. We all make an appointment, set up our stance, and lead the charge with my younger brother.

Strategy, tactics, that doesn’t exist. It is estimated that these concepts are not in his dictionary.

It's nothing to look down upon, everyone does it these days. They are all real hard fights, and very few are imaginary.

Obviously, this is very unfriendly to Hudson. If you follow me to the battlefield, I guess you will have to rush forward and fight with real swords and guns.

As a rookie knight, Hudson is not ready to fight with others. In his opinion, the so-called glory of nobility is empty, and only life is his own.

Even if there is really going to be a fight, let the younger brothers go first. Everyone is just a mob, as long as they are a little better than the rebels, that's enough.

The important task of countering the rebellion should be left to teammates. If the wind blows, just keep up. If you lose, just run faster than your teammates.

It is enough to establish a sense of presence among the aristocratic group and look familiar. If you can earn some military merit by the way, it will be a bloody gain.

Crisis and opportunity coexist. If you want to get ahead in one step, the risks involved are too great. The self-aware Hudson feels that he is a weak chicken and cannot grasp it.

It turns out that Hudson still thought of things too simply. If Baron Redman was so easily deceived, he would have been played to death long ago.

It's not that there aren't fools among the aristocratic children, but unless they come from a particularly good background and have a backstage to support them, most of them won't survive more than three episodes.

If you look innocent and upright on the battlefield, that's because of the overall social atmosphere. The general environment is like this, how can individuals not be affected?

The final result was that Baron Redman greatly appreciated his performance. As for his offer to lead troops on the expedition, he neither refused nor agreed.

Back in the room, Hudson was desperate. Words can lie, but the body is often honest. Baron Redman sounded nice, but the look on his brows clearly showed deep distrust.

It's right to think about it. A little kid over sixteen years old suddenly proposes to lead troops to fight alone. No parent can rest assured!

What's more, he still brought five hundred young men to the battlefield. The Koslow family was not rich and could not afford such expensive tuition.

The most important thing is that this time the enemy is a rebel who kills nobles like dogs. They don't know the rules of the game between nobles at all, let alone expect the other party to abide by them.

Late at night, Baron Redman was lying in bed unable to fall asleep. Obviously, the conversation just now had a great impact on him.

Having spent half his life in aristocratic circles, he knew very well how much darkness hid behind this glamorous group. For the sake of profit, there is nothing they can't do.

But if Hudson's inference is correct, how should he deal with himself now?

In the final analysis, the Koslow family is still too weak. If the population is prosperous and scattered in various places, it can only intimidate the small and medium-sized nobles of the same level, but it is not enough to meet the big nobles.

“Do you really want to paddle?”

This seems contrary to the spirit of chivalry.

You must know that he has never done this in all previous wars. Who within a hundred miles does not know the bravery of Baron Redman?

I don’t want to damage my reputation, and I don’t want to be cannon fodder. Baron Redman was in a dilemma and couldn't sleep that night.

. . .

The next day, the news of the recruitment had spread in the castle. Both servants and guards in the castle joined in the discussion.

This does not include Raisuer. Since his request for life essence failed, he has been in bad condition, which made the Baroness also worried.

"Laisul, look away. Your father is also in a difficult situation. This incident has a great impact. You must make a gesture, otherwise..."

Before the Baroness could finish what she said, Lesoul interrupted angrily: "That's enough, isn't it just to give an explanation to those bastards?

Could it be that the previous punishment was not enough and you have to kill me?

We are all members of the Koslow family, why should I be lowered?

Just because you were born late?

Not only are inheritance rights forced to the back, but also resources have to be pushed back. This is really unfair!


The Baroness had heard the almost roaring complaint countless times. But the rules were like this, and she couldn't change them at all.

Even though she knew that Baron Redman treated his sons equally, and even her own children received more care because of the pillow breeze, she still refused to give in.

No matter how hard you try, you can't change the order of succession. This destined that the family fortune of the Baron House had nothing to do with her son.

She had already accepted the reality, but seeing Raisul's tragic situation once again aroused her inner reluctance.

Perhaps out of anger, or perhaps out of hatred for iron, the Baroness stepped forward and gave Lesueur a big mouthful, angrily saying:

"Shut up, Lesoul!

I've told you so many times that you can't speak nonsense. If your father knew what you just said, you would be kicked out now.

You are not even a knight now. If you are kicked out of the family, you will no longer be a noble noble.

Do you want to associate with the untouchables outside and spend your whole life crawling and wallowing at the bottom without any hope..."

She is unwilling to give up, but the Baroness knows the hard-won status of nobility. No matter how much she dotes on her son, she still knows that there are some things she shouldn't say nonsense.


Even if it is..., how much better can my current situation be?

He would rather give the life essence to outsiders than give me this son. Can you still hope to get another one for me next time?

Even if he had the intention, he probably wouldn't have the ability. That bitch Hudson was forced to delay for a year, let alone us.

You must know that according to convention, after fulfilling the obligations of the empire, the Baron Mansion can only exchange for a piece of life liquid every ten years. "

As soon as he finished speaking, when he saw the Baroness's face changed drastically, Lesuer suddenly realized that he had done another stupid thing.

He is not the only child of his mother. Besides himself, he also has two younger brothers?

Seeing that Hudson was about to go out to fend for himself, it was the turn of the three brothers to compete for resources next. Can the Baroness still support him unconditionally when the palms and backs of her hands are full of flesh?

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