
Chapter 771: Pioneer of Reform

There were constant curses in the Human Alliance Council, and the court of the Alpha Empire also became lively.

Marshal Hudson, who had not attended court for decades, overturned everyone's table with this move.

The door to cultivation is open to civilians, and the great nobles can still rely on their resource advantages to continue to maintain their own advantages.

The small nobles below are miserable. They are indeed more well-off than civilians in terms of economy, but they can't afford the expensive cultivation resources!

The most important thing is that the core resources are monopolized by the upper class, and they can only get some scraps.

It is too difficult to want future generations to continue to maintain their advantages to protect their own status.

"Marshal, this plan has too much impact.

The Empire has opened up the path for civilians to rise. In the past few decades, hundreds of civilian nobles have been born.

Some of them were even born as the lowest slaves.

The Empire has been criticized internationally for doing this.

Now that the threshold for cultivation is relaxed, not only will there be fierce opposition from the international community, but there will also be opposition from within us.

If all those with cultivation talents can become knights and magicians, the resources required will be astronomical.

The Empire will definitely not be able to supply so many, and at that time, in order to compete for resources, a series of social problems will inevitably arise."

The Minister of State was the first to speak out in opposition.

If it wasn't Hudson who made the suggestion, it is estimated that there would be shouts of killing in the court at this moment.

Whoever should promote things that shake the foundation of the nobility will be the public enemy of the nobility group.

"Reform" is easy to say, but in practice, few countries have successfully reformed.

Hudson has a special identity. Even if the reform he initiated fails, he can return to the Principality of Xueyue to enjoy his life.

The Ministry of State Affairs, which is responsible for the specific implementation, will not end so easily.

If he is not careful, he, the Minister of State Affairs, will be the scapegoat for the reform.

Unlike previous reforms, this time, everyone's life will really be changed.

Even if the reform is successful, the backlash from below can destroy a government.

"Mr. Marquis, these troubles are all future things. What the empire needs to do now is to survive first!

I personally went to investigate the entrance to the abyss, and the situation is much worse than you think.

From the quality of the demon soldiers, it can be judged that the abyss plane connected this time is definitely not the bottom layer.

The power of the Moshi Kingdom alone cannot stop the enemy's front. It is nothing more than a matter of how long it can last.

Everyone should know what the reinforcements of the countries in the southern continent are like. Those people are not reliable at all.

The geographical location determines that the empire will be the main force against the invasion of the abyss world this time, and we must do our best to deal with it.

The Ministry of State Affairs only needs to pass the message on to let the nobles know the seriousness of the matter.

Whether to execute it or not can be given to the noble lords below. The empire does not interfere in the internal affairs of the territory!"

Hudson said calmly.

He knew better than anyone how difficult it was to forcefully implement the reform.

Human greed determined that it was difficult for people to clearly realize the seriousness of the matter without putting a knife on their necks.

Hudson threw out the reform plan under pressure mainly because he was ready to fully implement it in his own territory.

Once the power was decentralized, the serf system would collapse.

The noble lords did not have an overwhelming military advantage. If they dared to exploit the serfs as before, they might lose their heads at any time.

The continent of Aslant was corrupt, and the world needed innovation!

The outside world might attribute the successive disasters to the catastrophe of ten thousand years, but Hudson, who had practiced the law of fate, knew that all disasters were destined by fate.

The human race was able to defeat other races and become the overlord of the continent. In addition to their own efforts, there was also the favor of fate.

There is no love or hate without reason. There must be a reason why the human race was favored by fate.

After careful study, Hudson felt that the most likely reason was that the human race liked innovation.

Even the most corrupt countries can hear the voice of reform, which is much better than the alien races.

Many races on the continent have not changed for tens of thousands of years, and the progress of civilization level is very slow.

In contrast, the human race, who likes to toss around, is much better in this regard.

Even if the ruling group is unwilling to reform, there will be a change in the era of dynasty change.

No matter how big the change is, it is changing after all.

If the world wants to grow, it cannot stand still.

Whether good or bad, it must move forward.

Hudson became bolder after seeing the essence and having enough strength to protect himself.

Taboos that others dare not touch are a bit troublesome in his eyes.

It doesn't matter if people hold grudges. After a hundred years, the guys who hold grudges against him will turn into dust, and he can still watch the clouds rise and fall.

"Marshal, is the situation really so dangerous that it cannot be reversed?"

Caesar V asked with concern.

If Hudson wants to force reforms, he still has to weigh the pros and cons.

On the contrary, this attitude of letting things develop made him not have time to think so much, and his mind was full of worries.

"The danger does not only come from the invasion of the abyss, but the black hand behind the scenes is the biggest hidden danger.

The plan of the gods is definitely not just an invasion of the abyss, there will be more troubles in the future.

The things these guys are planning are too big, and it is impossible to succeed without making a big thing.

Perhaps the continent of Aslant may sink because of this.

Don't think I'm exaggerating. With your knowledge, you should know that many ancient myths and legends are actually true.

The human race is an outsider. Our ancestors migrated here at the risk of life and death, and it was definitely not because they loved traveling.

Perhaps that period of history without any information passed down is the tragic song of the sinking of another continent! "

Naked panic, spoken from Hudson's mouth, everyone's expression was involuntarily flustered.

"The plan of the gods" sounds very scary.

Those who can stand in the court are all great nobles in the empire, and their knowledge is absolutely first-class.

There are a lot of records about the gods in each family.

The gods fell, but they did not die completely. It has never been a secret in the upper circle.

Many guys who are suspected to be reincarnated by gods have grown up one after another, and their strength is at least starting from the holy domain.

Some big families have also planned the blood of gods in order to improve their genes.

The consequences are not yet visible, and it depends on their own calculations.

It is not impossible to be occupied by a cuckoo if you are not careful.

After all, not all The reincarnations of gods have powerful forces behind them.

There is only one lucky person like Grand Duke Madeleine in the whole continent.

Most of the reincarnations of gods have very ordinary origins, and they need to plan themselves if they want to gain the right to speak on the continent.

As far as Hudson knows, less than one-tenth of the guys suspected of being the reincarnations of gods can grow up smoothly.

Most of them were killed before they recovered their strength because their identities were exposed in advance.

It is not known whether they have successfully usurped the inheritance.

After all, they are old antiques who have lived for countless years. Maybe these are also part of their plans.

Faking death and escaping, turning from light to darkness, are all basic operations.

"I believe in Marshal Hudson's judgment!

The fallen gods are unwilling to sink and want to return to the throne of gods and play games with the world with all living beings as pawns.

The abyss channel that has appeared now is only part of the plan of the Elf Goddess, and other gods have not shown up.

The darkest moment has not really come yet.

At this critical moment, the royal family should take the lead and initiate reforms in the territory first! "

Grand Duke Madeleine's words dispelled everyone's last fantasy.

This reincarnation of the god has admitted it, and it is meaningless to discuss it further.

From Hudson's tone, everyone can hear that regardless of whether everyone follows up or not, the Principality of Snow Moon will definitely implement it.

In the same empire where the kings of the rolls gather, if the neighbors carry out reforms and they do not follow up in time, they will fall behind in the subsequent competition.

Others can still hesitate and wait and see, but the royal family can't delay at all.

In recent decades, the Koslo family has achieved leapfrog development and has become the first family of the empire, with comprehensive strength second only to the royal family.

Especially in the military field, the Koslo family has developed faster, which has put great pressure on the royal family.

The standing army of the ten legions, except for the three naval legions In addition to ordinary people, the other seven are extraordinary legions.

With the existence of the Soldier Academy, the Koslo family has a complete grassroots force training system.

The most talented wave in the territory was all taken in by Hudson and quietly trained.

The talent gap has long been history.

The most elite Warcraft Legion is full of great knights and silver knights everywhere.

Not only the Koslo family is developing, but the strength of other big families in the empire is also growing rapidly.

The wave of people who came down from the battlefield that year has now grown into the backbone of the empire.

Without the consumption of war, the number of strong people in the empire has achieved a big eruption in the past thirty years.

It’s just that they don’t have as many clansmen as the Koslo family, and they are worried when training younger brothers and dare not invest Too many resources.

So that those families that were originally stronger than the Koslo family gradually fell behind in this round of competition.

Fortunately, the Koslo family established a principality and opened another copy to play, otherwise everyone would not be able to sleep.

Other families can accept falling behind calmly, but the royal family cannot.

It is not new on the continent of Aslant that the princes are stronger than the monarch, but any emperor who is capable must take measures.

Fortunately, the name of the Alpha royal family is useful, and it can recruit a large number of younger brothers from outside to maintain its advantage.

Now Hudson has to let go. With the population base of more than 20 million and the land of more than 3 million square kilometers of the Xueyue Principality, the number of extraordinary soldiers trained can easily increase tenfold.

If you want to maintain your advantage, you can only follow along.

It takes time for civilian strongmen to grow. The sequelae of increased difficulty in ruling will be a future trouble and will not be impacted in the short term.

Compared with the epoch-making reform that is about to begin, sending troops to reinforce the Kingdom of Moshi has become a trivial matter.

Everyone's attention is not high, and the plan to send troops was finalized in a few words.

After attending the court meeting, Hudson left directly, leaving the ministers worried on the spot.

After lighting the fire and returning to the territory, the Xueyue Principality immediately started the reform.

Under the banner of resisting the invasion of the abyss, the private goods of compulsory education were also smuggled in.

The original soldier academy was directly renamed the Magic and Martial Arts Academy.

Considering that there are too many students, in order to facilitate management, the Magic and Martial Arts Academy was divided into primary, intermediate and advanced Magic and Martial Arts Academy.

The advanced magic and martial arts academy has a high admissions threshold and is specially established to cultivate strong people. There is only one in the entire Xueyue Principality.

The junior and intermediate magic and martial arts academies below are further subdivided into magic academies and knight academies.

Professional courses in various systems including military command are provided internally for students to learn.

As for other unpopular professions, because there are too few practitioners, they are branches within the academy.

According to the reform plan, all children with cultivation talents in the territory were sent to study.

The education model also breaks the tradition of Aslant continent.

It is not a simple annual limit, but a credit system created by Hudson.

Personal cultivation and military courses are the main assessment indicators, and geniuses can choose to specialize in one.

All expenses are borne by the principality government and it adopts fully closed management.

The assessment standards are very cruel. If you complete the study, you will drop out of school directly.

There is only one chance to change your destiny.

In order to ensure the quality of teaching, competition among colleges is also needed.

If the teaching quality is good, both teachers and students will have access to more cultivation resources.

After enjoying the welfare benefits, you naturally have to pay a price. During the war, teachers and students were all recruited.

Of course, this has nothing to do with children who have just entered school. You will not be recruited until you become a knight or a magician.

A series of systems were announced, and anyone with a little bit of brains would know that these reform measures were prepared in advance.

If the system reform is carried out temporarily because of the needs of the situation, it will definitely not be so perfect.

There was also considerable opposition within the principality, but Hudson personally stepped forward to suppress it and silenced everyone.

In addition to educational reforms, the principality has also opened up the exchange of life liquid. Anyone who has made contributions to the principality can be redeemed with merit points.

At the same time as the reforms were launched, the number of armies also began to expand. The original ten main legions suddenly expanded to thirty.

National reserve training has once again been pushed to a climax.

Hudson did not expect ordinary legions to make much contribution in the war against the demonic invasion, but he must have the ability to deal with small groups of enemy troops.

"Father, you need to slow down.

So many decrees have been issued at once, and all departments are operating at high intensity. It is not suitable for big changes for the time being! "

Franz spoke to persuade.

He has been very busy these days.

Hudson is only responsible for formulating the big strategy, improving the details and implementing it. He is busy.

It was he, the king, who faced domestic opponents.

Fortunately, Hudson's name was very useful, and he silenced all parties by showing it, which did not cause him much trouble.

Even so, Franz was still afraid.

Hudson had so many deviant plans that any one of them would cause a stir across the continent.

Franz very doubted that if the reforms were carried out according to his father's plan, the Xueyue royal family would be included in the blacklist of nobles across the continent.

Even if they are not jointly pursued by everyone, they will be kicked out of the aristocratic circle, and they will no longer be allowed to play with them.

Judging from the content of the reform, Hudson was the gravedigger of the aristocratic system. He only had to publicly announce that he would abolish serfdom and end the privileges of the aristocracy.

“That’s all for now, I’ll add more later as needed.

Opportunities for reform are rare, and an invasion from another world is the perfect excuse.

After reforming according to these plans, the comprehensive strength of Xueyue Principality will complete a leap in the next few decades.

Haven't you seen it before?

Since we implemented the land contract system based on family units, domestic food production has exploded.

If I didn't have a lot of food in my hands, I wouldn't dare to carry out reforms blindly.

Practitioners are all big eaters, and those half-grown children can probably eat as much as two or three adults.

Even though I have pushed the reform proposals to the entire continent, there is no one that can really carry out reforms as deeply as ours.

It would be good to be able to let go of the restrictions on cultivation. They cannot afford to spend a lot of money to popularize cultivation among the people! "

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