
Chapter 773 The Gods’ Plan

The Xueyue Principality was busy training magic spearmen, and the situation on the mainland became more and more chaotic.

The sea could not stop the invaders. With the cooperation of the previous infiltrators, the monsters entered the mainland through the teleportation magic circle.

The navies of various countries, who were on high alert, all worked in vain. The so-called sea defense line became a joke.

The enemy has a teleportation magic circle, which is bad news for all races on the mainland.

The countries that have been invaded by the enemy are wailing, and the countries that have not encountered invaders for the time being are also worried.

They are afraid that the enemy will come to kill them when they wake up.

The only good news is that these invaders are not from the same side, and they will fight each other if they meet each other.

Of course, it is still a bit arbitrary to draw this conclusion now.

The fights that have been discovered so far are only the battles between the invaders and the demon army.

The demons are chaotic evil creatures, and their own people often fight each other.

The ability to form a large army depends entirely on the restraint of the demon king above.

In order to stabilize the rear, major forces have organized manpower to strictly investigate various cult organizations in the country.

Once something is wrong, troops will be sent to suppress it immediately, and the enemy will never be given a chance to take advantage.

Even with strict defense, there are still frequent reports of invaders.

The Aslant continent is too big. In addition to the settlements of various ethnic groups, there are also a lot of uninhabited land.

The enemy sent experts to sneak in and secretly set up teleportation magic arrays in uninhabited areas, becoming the biggest threat to all ethnic groups.

The Alpha Empire, which has the largest territory, naturally became the biggest victim.

In the territory of the Snow Moon Principality alone, five waves of invaders have appeared in the past month.

Fortunately, the teleportation magic array has unlimited teleportation capabilities.

As long as it is discovered in time and the enemy is not given time to develop, a large army can be sent to destroy it.


"Have you analyzed the teleportation magic array?"

Hudson asked with concern.

Every profession has its own specialty, and magic arrays are not his strong point.

If you want to reverse the arrangement method of the magic array through the remains of the teleportation magic array, you can only rely on the efforts of the magician group.

"Marshal, the arrangement of these teleportation magic arrays is completely different from the arrangement of magic arrays on the continent.

Perhaps because of the different power systems, we simply don't understand how the enemy completes the magic array.

We did not get the answers we wanted after interrogating the prisoners.

Unless we catch the enemy who arranged the array, it will be difficult for us to replicate these magic arrays in a short time!"

Stein answered with an embarrassed look.

As a master of arrays, he thought that there was no array on the continent that could stump him.

Out of curiosity about the teleportation magic array, after Hudson issued the task, Stein agreed immediately.

Never expected that the enemy's teleportation magic array was incompatible with the magic array on the continent, and there was no common ground at all.

Fortunately, he was not the only one who encountered difficulties. At present, all major forces on the continent are studying teleportation magic arrays, and no one has succeeded so far.

This legendary array has a huge impact on the war.

From the interrogation of the prisoners, it can be seen that ordinary teleportation magic arrays can teleport fifty or sixty people at a time, and large magic arrays can teleport hundreds of people.

Calculated based on one hour of teleportation, thousands of troops can be deployed thousands of miles away within a day.

The actual situation is even more serious. The magic circle can teleport people, and naturally it can also teleport materials.

If more magic circles are set up, more troops can be deployed.

As long as it is not extinguished in the first time, it will snowball.

"Master Stein, thank you for your hard work these days.

There is no rush for the teleportation magic circle, and we will study it first. Maybe it will be deciphered one day.

In addition to us, major forces are also investing heavily in this. I will contact them."

Hudson comforted.

As a good leader, it is also a compulsory course to appease the emotions of subordinates.

From the mental state, it can be seen that these array masters have been busy recently.

The power system is different, and the results are not as expected, which is completely understandable.

In fact, teleportation magic circles have appeared in the history of the Aslant continent, but they were lost later.

As far as Hudson knows, the elves have teleportation magic circles. During the continental war, they also provided support to various tribes.

From the perspective of efficacy, the teleportation magic circle of the elves is obviously much worse. Not only does it consume a lot of energy, but its teleportation capacity is also pitifully low.

It is likely that it was developed based on incomplete information after the teleportation magic circle was lost.

The main reason is that the elves are too lazy. If they had invested a lot of resources in this instead of tinkering with the "Splitting Continent Plan", they would have come up with it long ago.

With this kind of war weapon, even if the human alliance has an overall advantage in strength, it will be beaten to doubt its life on the battlefield.

If the various races on the continent do not have it, then the only ones who may collect this thing are the dragons and the gods.

There is definitely no hope for the dragons, and Hudson is not familiar with them at all.

The only bond, Maxim, does not seem to be a dragon with a say among the dragons.

Even though its strength has grown rapidly in recent years, it is still nothing among the dragons full of old antiques.

The more he knows, the more Hudson learns to be in awe.

There were many powerful races that rose in ancient times, but in the end, only the dragons could escape the calculations of the gods.

An intelligent race without faith is more hateful to the gods than pagans.

If they don't have enough strength, the gods would have wiped them out long ago.

What they can count on now is the reincarnation of the gods. They choose to reincarnate in the Aslant continent and have to survive the disaster together with all the races.

The situation was set by them before, and there must be a response plan.

They haven't come out to show their performance yet, either because their reincarnations don't remember everything, or they have other calculations.

Hudson is most worried that they have enough back-ups, and they can abandon the Aslant continent in order to play a game with the world consciousness.

"Franz, write a letter to Grand Duke Madeleine and Venerable Gunna in my name, asking them to come forward and solve the teleportation array as soon as possible!"

There are many reincarnations of the gods, but he is familiar with these two.

Now that he encounters this kind of trouble, he can only encourage the two to act as the first bird.

Especially Grand Duke Madeleine, who has already achieved a prominent position on the continent, will not easily give up everything he has now.

"Okay, father!"

Franz agreed immediately.

I am not afraid that the two will not take action, but I am afraid that they do not have it in their hands.

Hiding and holding back is nothing more than wanting to maximize benefits. These things can be discussed.

Even if they are in the same empire, they are brothers who have to settle accounts clearly.

The Principality of Xueyue will not take their teleportation magic circle for free, just like the empire needs to pay for the purchase of materials from the princes.

The Ministry of Finance often writes IOUs and often defaults on payments, but the accounts are still very clear.

There is always a suitable compensation in kind, power transactions, or debts of favor.

Good fortune never comes alone, and misfortune never comes alone!

Bad news always comes one after another. The Alpha Empire barely put out the troubles in the country, but the enemy forces outside the country are constantly gathering.

In the eastern part of the empire, the invaders from the Kingdom of God who hid in the ravines kept bringing their companions over, and now hundreds of thousands of demons have gathered.

The lord of the eastern grassland was panicked, but fortunately Hudson stood up at the critical moment and formed a grassland noble coalition.

In the western part of the empire, the demon army suppressed the Moshi Kingdom.

In order to keep the enemy out of the country, the imperial government had to send troops to support.

In the south of the empire, the three countries in the Central Continent have lost most of their territory, and countless refugees are pouring in every day.

The military pressure on the southern provinces is very high. They have to fight the demon army on the front line of the Corubia Kingdom, and the Baili Corridor will soon go to war with the ghosts.

In the north of the empire, the ancient remnant alliance has been destroyed, and the territory is occupied by the frost giants.

These creatures that are not afraid of the severe cold are spreading their activities throughout the ice and snow world.

If nothing unexpected happens, once they take root in the ice and snow world, the human race will not be able to drive them away.

Emerald Palace.

A series of bad news came over, and Caesar V's hair was gray.

The Alpha Empire is powerful, but the enemies it faces now are also cruel and terrible.

There are enemies everywhere. Once the war starts, it will be surrounded by enemies.

"Aunt Madeleine, what should we do now?"

Caesar V asked anxiously.

He respected and feared his aunt who was assisting him in the administration, but Madeleine was still one of the people he trusted the most.

The Queen Mother was old and had no energy to get involved in politics, so he could only discuss major issues with Madeleine.

Blood ties were unbreakable after all, and even if the two had different political views, their core interests were the same.

There were a group of princes outside who were holding back, cutting off Madeleine's hope of ascending to the throne and laying the foundation for the two to jointly govern.

"Caesar, you are confused. This is a taboo for a monarch!

The sky won't fall. The invasion of the other plane is indeed terrible, but the other plane is not a monolithic entity.

From the current situation, the enemies invading the Aslant continent are only a large force in their respective planes.

If the enemy really uses the power of the entire world to kill, not to mention that the Aslant continent can't withstand it, I'm afraid the whole world will fall.

If you find it troublesome, then find a way to persuade Marshal Hudson to let him come out to command the three armies of the empire.

Leave all the war matters to him and do a good job of auxiliary work.

That's what your father did back then. The Alpha Kingdom, which was originally in the wind and rain, became a great empire dominating the northern continent."

After listening to Grand Duke Madeleine's words, Caesar V suddenly became entangled.

Appointing Hudson as the commander-in-chief is definitely the best choice in military terms, but it is completely opposite in politics.

This powerful commander, even his father, an emperor of all ages, can only follow behind to do logistics.

You have to know that Hudson didn't have the prestige he has now, and he still had to be cautious when doing things.

At this time, if this almost mythical figure is promoted to be the commander-in-chief, his right to speak as an emperor will probably be dispensable.

The current situation seems critical, but the war has not burned to the doorstep.

It is too embarrassing for him, the emperor, to take the initiative to give up his power and serve as a mascot in the palace.

Even if he is willing, the imperial party following him will not agree.

"Aunt Madeleine, are you sure there is only this option?"

Caesar V asked.

Hudson came to power again, and his power was not only squeezed by him as the emperor, but also by Grand Duke Madeleine, who was the regent.

Once in the military camp, there is no so-called check and balance.

No matter who is sent, they can't restrain Hudson's power.

After the war, no one can tell how far the situation will develop.

Maybe they won't usurp the throne, but the Koslo family will definitely become bigger and pose a substantial threat to the imperial power.

"Of course not!

If you don't want to, then just split the power and authorize Marshal Hudson to be responsible for the evil demons in the east.

For the enemies of the other parties, choose good generals to be responsible.

The empire has developed for so many years, and many talented generals have been born.

They have followed Marshal Hudson in the north and south for many years and learned a lot. It is not a problem to command a war.

It's just that the classic example of winning with fewer people and turning the tide against the wind will rarely happen in the future. More often, it will require a competition of hard power.

When it comes to the future of the empire, Caesar, you have to think about it!"

Grand Duke Madeleine said calmly.

It seems to be a multiple-choice question, but in fact the answer was destined from the beginning.

When there is a choice, no monarch is willing to lose power, which means there are too many uncertainties.

He has not forgotten how his father died. His ancestors could take action against their descendants because of power, let alone an outsider.

"Aunt Madeleine, this is the best choice. The royal family cannot afford to see power fall into the hands of others again.

It is worth taking some risks!

If the situation is really out of control, it is not too late to compromise.

But in this case, how to appease Marshal Hudson is another problem!"

Caesar V said in embarrassment.

He did not want to make the relationship with the person who could save the situation at a critical moment awkward.

"Don't worry, I will take care of Marshal Hudson.

He has his eyes on the teleportation magic circle in my hand. Anyway, after the war breaks out, we will also build a teleportation magic circle across the country, so I might as well give it to him first."

Grand Duke Madeleine said indifferently.

To be honest, she was stunned the first time she received the letter.

As the reincarnation of the God of Destiny, she actually did not know how to set up a teleportation magic circle. If it was spread out, it would make people laugh.

Time has passed to the present, and except for the unlucky guy who fell, the reincarnations of the gods have awakened the memories of their previous lives.

The God of Destiny, who was the first to make the plan, should have more information in his hands than her under normal circumstances.

The current situation is the opposite. Hudson seems to know nothing about the specific plans of the gods, as if he is just a simple person favored by fate.

Unable to figure out the situation, Grand Duke Madeleine is very troubled about the issue of Hudson, fearing that he will ruin the plan.

Encouraging Caesar V to decentralize power is because he is worried that Hudson is too good at fighting and can deal with the invaders in a few moves.

Once the Alpha Empire wins, it will definitely take the opportunity to enter the Central Continent, and the situation of the entire continent will be reversed.

The gods are not only planning the Aslant Continent, but this continent has the greatest weight.

Without this key link, their bargaining chips with the world consciousness will be greatly reduced.

According to the plan, the situation should be out of control. After the world consciousness chooses to compromise, the reincarnated bodies of the gods will go upstream to resist the invasion of foreign enemies, and then ascend to the throne again.

In short, the savior this time must be the reincarnated bodies of the gods.

If someone else steals their achievements, even if the world releases the throne of God again, they will have nothing to do with it.

They will even be punished by the world consciousness for their previous bad deeds, and will be doomed forever.

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