
Chapter 13: Leaving

When he opened his eyes again, Hudson's whole temperament had changed, as if he was otherworldly.

Fortunately, this change passed in a flash, and after deliberately restraining his breath, he instantly returned to ordinary.

"Hudson, have you made a breakthrough?"

Maxim asked in surprise.

The legendary realm of the fourth level of the Holy Realm has blocked countless heroes throughout the ages.

Even for the Dragon Clan, which stands at the top of the food chain, the fourth level of the Sanctuary still belongs to legend.

The stories handed down are all from tens of thousands of years ago.

Maybe there are still antique dragons of this realm alive in the dragon clan, but Maxim has never seen them.

According to the inherited memory, every time a giant dragon breaks through the realm, the movement is earth-shattering.

Hudson's breakthrough was so smooth that he wouldn't have noticed it if he hadn't been right in front of him.


Hudson said with a slight nod.

It seems that breaking through the situation is a trivial matter that is not worth mentioning, and there is not even any unnecessary emotion.

Seeing this scene, Maxim's defense was completely broken. He opened his mouth and then closed it again.

It seemed that he wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn't.

Bear Stearns on the side was also stunned at this time, rubbing his eyes in disbelief.

"Hudson, please tell me what the fourth level of the Sanctuary is?"

The people watching also opened their curious eyes, looking forward to Hudson's answer.


"Understand more laws!"

"The law of destiny is vast and boundless. The understanding of the third level of the Holy Realm is not perfect, and the fourth level of the Holy Realm is only a further step in understanding.

The fourth level of the Holy Domain is still not the end of the understanding of the law, there is still a long way to go.

I was so arrogant before that I actually tried to control the laws at the fourth level of the Sanctuary. Now it seems like a joke! "

Hudson laughed to himself.

The more powerful you are, the more you know how to be in awe.

As long as they live within the world, no matter how powerful individual creatures are, they cannot fight against the world.

In essence, the two sides should not be opposed, but should complement each other.

You can't raise a dragon while diving.

Only when the world is strong can living beings be strong.

Individual creatures are powerful.

While alive, he can help the world resist invasion by foreign enemies.

After death, one's cultivation returns to the world and becomes the nourishment for the growth of the world.

After smoothing out my thoughts, I looked at the fallen gods again.

It's just a bunch of old guys who got tired of living and had nothing to do, so they came out to die.

If the gods had not hindered the development of the world, Ragnarok would not have happened.

Trying to threaten the world and regain the throne of God is even more of a farce.

"Hudson, don't get frustrated here.

Isn't it the fourth level of the Holy Realm? Just wait, Ben Xiong will catch up in a few days! "

After understanding the essence of the fourth level of the Sanctuary, Bear Stearns' arrogance suddenly rose.

As a talented bear who has stood at the top of the continent since he was a baby, his growth path has been as smooth as that of Hudson, and his arrogance has already been fully developed.

Seeing this scene, Hudson smiled slightly.

Having confidence is a good thing, but when you can cross the threshold, you don’t know.

Essentially, Bear Stearns' current level of cultivation is not only due to cheating, but also due to his bloodline talent.

After all the bloodline bonuses have been consumed, you can only rely on yourself from now on.

In this regard, Maxim and Bear Stearns were in a similar position.

It's just that Maxim has lived longer and has seen many elders in the clan who have been unable to improve their cultivation for thousands of years, and he knows more about the gold content of the fourth level of the Holy Realm.

We are all immortals. If the bullshit we boast does not come true, we will be laughed at for the rest of our lives.

The episode ends and everything returns to calm.

The news of Hudson's breakthrough to the fourth level of the Sanctuary was tightly sealed and would naturally not cause any ripples on the mainland.

All major forces are busy licking their wounds and have no time to make trouble for the time being. The international situation has become unprecedentedly harmonious.

In the peaceful years, time always passes quickly.

Three hundred years have passed in a flash, and the once powerful Five-Nation Alliance has long since become history.

The four countries, whose foundations were damaged, were unable to maintain their rule over the country after the war. In order to continue their wealth, those in power chose to join the Alpha Empire family.

For the sake of governance, the Alpha Empire changed its name naturally and became the Alpha Empire Federation.

After three hundred years of accumulation, the continent is already full of powerful people. But compared to a hundred years ago, it's always less interesting.

Perhaps due to the lack of tempering by blood and fire, although the number of new generation powerhouses has increased, their quality is far behind.

The impact of time has not affected Hudson. Compared with his long life, three hundred years is just a small episode in his life.

But as his strength increased, he became more and more lonely. Others are raising children to provide for old age, but with him it's the other way around.

After sending away several sons in person, Hudson was no longer active in public. If it weren't for his reputation as the strongest man in the continent, the outside world would probably forget about him as the human marshal.

Living in seclusion on the shores of Xueyue Lake, this place has become a forbidden area for the Koslow family, and only the powerful members of the clan can set foot in the sanctuary.

There is no way, the number of future generations is simply too great to handle.

Relying on the gift of fertility, after four hundred years of reproduction, the Koslow family directly became the first family in the mainland.

The clan members are spread all over the continent, and the dragon-bear flag can be seen flying everywhere, and their influence reaches every corner of the continent.

The traditional family management method has long been outdated, and the clan is simply unable to manage so many clan members.

The major branches have been split again and again. In addition to having a common surname, they have actually split into several large and small families.

The replacement of the old and the new happens almost every day.

This is also the fate of the big family. After developing to a certain extent, it will split until it disappears in the long river of history.

If it weren't for his ancestor who was still alive, it is estimated that the branches of the Koslo family scattered all over the country would have been torn apart.

Hudson has long stopped asking about the development of the family. There are millions of direct descendants under his name alone.

Revising the family tree every year is a big project.

The generation within the family is even more of a mess.

It's time to test the reincarnation skills. Some are still in the womb and have become the ancestors of others; some are still great-grandchildren at the age of 100 or 180.

Facts have proved that under a perfect talent training system, quantitative changes will eventually lead to qualitative changes.

As long as the base is large enough, there will always be strong people born.

In the past three hundred years, the Koslo family has produced many Saint Domain masters, and the continent has also produced many masters.

With the recovery of heaven and earth, the Saint Domain masters who were once legendary are now born every once in a while on the continent.

Of course, compared to the vast continent, there are still too few Saint Domain masters.

On average, there may not be one in a province. In addition, the distribution of masters is seriously uneven. For ordinary people, the Saint Domain is still a legend, and most people have no chance to meet it in their lifetime.

"Ancestor, the Sword Saint of the North is here to visit!"

Looking at the eighteenth-generation grandson in front of him, Hudson said unhappily: "Someone comes to challenge, can't you just deal with it yourself!"

Long-term peace gradually makes people forget the horror of war.

I don't know when the atmosphere of the continent has become bad. A group of young people always like to challenge everywhere, but they don't know how to deal with it.

At least one-third of the conflicts and disputes on the continent now are caused by challenges, and countless predecessors have become stepping stones for the younger generation to become famous.

The Sword Saint of the North is one of the best.

Born as a minor noble, he sacrificed his entire family at the beginning and hid everywhere from the pursuit of his enemies. It was not until he was accepted by a Saint Domain strongman that he began his glorious life.

He broke through the eighth level at the age of 25, touched the threshold of the Saint Domain at the age of 30, became a Saint Domain strongman at the age of 35, and broke through the third level of the Saint Domain at the age of 100 to become the strongest.

His cultivation speed is so fast that it can almost catch up with cheating.

The title of "Northern Sword Saint" is earned by him by challenging everywhere.

"Ancestor, we have negotiated with him, but..."

Just looking at this hesitant look, Hudson knew that he had lost the fight.

The world of the strong is about strength. Negotiations and consultations are usually based on fists. Whoever has the harder fist has the final say.

With the title of the strongest man on the continent, Hudson naturally attracted countless eyes, and there was an endless stream of people who wanted to challenge him.

For some trivial matters, it was not his turn as an ancestor to take action, and his descendants would send away a group of ignorant guys.


"I usually ask you to practice hard, but you are all so arrogant. Now you know that there are always people better than you.

Bring him here, I just want to see the quality of the younger generation."

Hudson said indifferently.

He entered the fourth level of the Holy Domain three hundred years ago. After so many years, his cultivation level will naturally not remain unchanged.

However, no one has ever reached the later cultivation level before, so there is naturally no clear standard for dividing the level.

The fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth levels of the Holy Domain...or maybe a new name, all can only be defined by himself.

Now he is the only one left, and it is meaningless to divide more levels, so he is too lazy to bother.


"Junior, meet the Marshal!"

The middle-aged man said respectfully, without any arrogance before.

"You are a member of the royal family. Why are you running here instead of cleaning up the mess?"

Hudson said unhappily.

When his cultivation level reaches this level, there are almost no secrets in the world, and the blood inheritance can be identified at a glance.

The royal child in front of him had no fighting spirit at all. It was obvious that he wanted to come to see him under the banner of challenge.

"Marshal, the domestic situation is complicated. Only you can regain the country..."

Before the Northern Sword Saint finished speaking, Hudson waved his hand and interrupted:

"Don't test here. I am not interested in your plan.

The royal family can secretly cultivate a master like you. I think they are well prepared.

Tell the little emperor, do it if you want, and bear all the consequences yourself!"

The disputes between the princes and the imperial power will never stop.

The Alpha Empire annexed the four countries by political means. It was indeed glorious on the surface, but the actual benefits were very limited.

The emperor could not hinder everyone's road to success.

Although there was no uprising, the relationship between the local princes and the central government became unprecedentedly tense. The princes took various measures and played non-violent non-cooperation.

After decades of cold and violent confrontation, a turning point appeared, and the empire ushered in a tyrant-John IV.

Such an arrogant and extravagant guy, in order to satisfy his own selfish desires, actually ordered the princes to disband their armies for the first time.

To show his sincerity, he disregarded the advice of his ministers and disbanded the imperial army first.

As the most powerful country in the world, even if it did not maintain a standing army, no one dared to mess with the huge reserve force.

Ideals are full of hope, but reality is very embarrassing.

Before the central government disbanded the army, the princes expressed their support. As soon as John IV finished his work, everyone changed their faces.

John IV, who was angry and embarrassed, immediately ordered the army to conquer the princes of the four directions, but was beaten up by the princes' coalition.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the royal family hurriedly launched a coup and supported the new king to take the throne. Then Hudson was asked to mediate the war.

The war was quelled, but the bad political consequences caused could not be eliminated.

The princes set up independent kingdoms one after another, and never listened to the central government's account. The government finances soon fell into a situation where income was not enough to cover expenses.

The current situation is: the royal family dragged the newly joined nobles of the four countries to compete for power with the local nobles.

"Marshal, if you keep fighting like this, the empire will fall apart, you..."


"These little calculations, go home and fool the children!"

As he spoke, Hudson's momentum overwhelmed the Northern Sword Saint to the ground.

He had feelings for the Alpha Empire, but that didn't mean he could tolerate other people's calculations.

All his old friends were dead, and now those in power had nothing to do with him. It was just a dream to want to use him as a thug.

In a sense, both parties involved in the dispute were his descendants.

After hundreds of years of marriage, more than half of the nobles in the empire had more or less blood of the Koslo family.

If another few hundred years passed, it was estimated that the blood would spread all over the continent.

It was all a fight among the descendants of the family, and the scene was terrifying to think about.

"Maybe it's time to leave!"

After this thought came to mind, Hudson could no longer hold back.

In the past few hundred years, his footprints had already covered every corner of this world, and it was time to go out and see the scenery outside the world.

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