
Chapter 92 Chaotic Dadir

Pushing open the warehouse door is like entering a new world. All kinds of farm tools were neatly arranged, filling the entire room.

"Please feel free to choose, the ones here are only a small part of them. If you are not satisfied, there are other styles of farm tools later."

Hudson said pretending not to care.

In fact, there are not so many types of farm tools that seem to be diverse. There are so many different styles, mainly from the hands of different craftsmen.

In order to provide customers with diversified services, Hudson did not engage in standardized production. After all, they are all made by hand, and unifying them is a hassle.

Due to the need for differentiated pricing, the same product is produced by different craftsmen, and there is also a slight gap in price.

Of course, there is not a big gap in price. This is not because of the lack of Hudson's marketing methods. The main reason is that these products are ordinary agricultural tools and do not have the ability to command a high premium.

An embarrassing scene occurred. Looking at the various farm tools in front of him, Baron Kettle had no idea how to start.

If you let him choose weapons, he will definitely be able to speak clearly and provide professional comments on all weapons. However, choosing farm tools is obviously an exam question that is beyond the syllabus and has never been within the scope of his knowledge reserve.

Baron Kettle, who originally thought that there were only a few types of farm tools and could just buy them without putting much effort into them, was now confused.

Go back and bring the old farmer over to make a selection?

No, wouldn’t that make the great Baron Kettle, worse than a lowly serf?

Looking at the prices marked on each piece of farm equipment, Baron Keterai breathed a sigh of relief. Although I don’t know how much the price has been driven up, it is indeed not high in terms of unit price.

Take a plow as an example. The cheapest one only costs 3.5 silver coins, and the most expensive one only costs 8 silver coins. The main factor that determines the price of a plow is not the craftsmanship, but its weight.

Of course, all the small farm tools stored here are large ones pulled by eight oxen, which cannot be bought with a few silver coins.

The reason why he did not sell large agricultural tools to Baron Kettle was because he did not have enough livestock in his territory and relied entirely on human power, so large agricultural tools were simply not of use.

Picking up a farm tool casually and weighing it, Baron Kettle frowned and said: "Baron Hudson, the toughness of these farm tools is really poor, and the sharpness is not enough. You can't use high-quality iron. Build it?"

Hearing the most amateurish criticism, Hudson simply rolled his eyes. If you take the best iron and cast farm tools, you may want to go to heaven.

"If you can afford three times the price, I don't mind casting it with high-quality iron. It's just that it's too luxurious. Farm tools are just farm tools after all, and the performance requirements are far less high than weapons.

The performance of these agricultural tools is completely sufficient for daily farming. If the quality is improved, it will not be a farm tool, but a weapon. "

The customer is the Lord of the Dawn. In theory, Hudson will not refuse any reasonable request from the customer, provided that the money must be paid.

As long as he is willing to pay more, Hudson can also let his men forge farm tools that are of the same level as weapons and equipment.

As for trying to use the price difference to buy farm tools and then smelt and cast weapons, that is simply a dream.

It's not Hudson's fault. Once these farm tools are smelted and cast into weapons, the quality will definitely be more impressive.

Unless you add money, the quality gap between agricultural tools and weapons cannot be changed. In this regard, Mr. Hudson is very principled.

Baron Kettle, who didn't know how to choose, simply bought what he had seen. Although the farm tools you buy may not necessarily be the most cost-effective, at least they are guaranteed to be usable and you won’t be cheated too badly.

From beginning to end, Hudson didn't say anything and let him choose completely. The only restriction was that he couldn't bargain.

Of course, this is just a small problem. As a noble nobleman, few like to haggle over everything. Especially for products with low unit prices, I don’t have an accurate pricing template in mind.

In less than half an hour, Baron Kettle completed the selection of products, and his efficiency was extremely high.

The customer was so cheerful, and Hudson was very satisfied. This is much simpler than doing business in the previous life. Not only are the quality requirements for the goods low, but even the after-sales service can be ignored.

Such a high-quality customer makes Hudson feel embarrassed to cheat him too much. After all, this kind of business pays attention to the long-term flow of water, and you cannot dig up the leek roots all at once.

"The total is four hundred and one gold coins, three silver coins and forty copper coins. The remaining fractions have been wiped out, making it four hundred and one gold coins.

There is still ninety-nine gold coins left before the minimum consumption. Why don't you choose some daily necessities, such as: kitchen knives, iron pots, shovels...

Everything that can be used in daily life is available here. Applying these products to the kitchen will greatly improve the living standards of soldiers. "

Hudson sold it hard.

He did not mention the serfs, because he knew that in the minds of the nobles, the survival of the lowly serfs was a gift, and improving their living standards was not considered at all.

Everyone didn't care about the serfs, but they paid special attention to their elite soldiers.

They are all meritorious officials. If conditions permit, they must naturally give the soldiers a better life. Otherwise, who would be willing to sacrifice their lives?

"Then trouble Baron Hudson!"

Baron Kettle said calmly.

Seeing that the two carriages he had brought were fully loaded, and there were a pile of farm tools waiting to be loaded on the ground, which only cost 401 gold coins, Mr. Keterai immediately stopped panicking.

Having bought all the farm tools he needed most, the rest was no longer a problem. Anyway, he made up his mind to only make the minimum consumption.

Seeing that he couldn't get any more wool out of him, Hudson didn't bother to waste any more words and took Baron Kettle directly into the kitchenware warehouse to select.

It is said that it is a choice, but in fact it is just a show. After hurriedly collecting the minimum consumption amount, Baron Keterley said goodbye and left directly.

Looking at that posture, it seems that if you stay in the mountain territory for a moment longer, you will encounter something ominous.

But thinking about what happened to him, Hudson also expressed understanding. Every time I come here, I will bleed a lot, and the Mountain Territory can indeed be regarded as an ominous place for Baron Kettle.

After sending away Baron Kettle, Hudson discovered that there was a problem with his business model. The development customers are all nearby neighbors, and there are no big customers from outside.

Occasionally, a few businessmen come to the door, and they are more interested in selling goods than purchasing. It's not that businessmen can't see business opportunities, it's just that Hudson's products are too special.

Weapons and equipment are the best to sell. Unfortunately, if you don’t have any strength, you can’t do this business at all.

Although daily necessities such as farm tools and pots and pans were not risky, nobles and lords were accustomed to buying iron and casting it themselves.

Compared with finished products, it is obviously more cost-effective to process them yourself. Unless Hudson can significantly reduce the selling price, making it cheaper to purchase the finished product than to cast it themselves.

Obviously, this is impossible. Even if Hudson wants to engage in cheap dumping, it must first complete industrial production.

With the little production capacity in the territory, there is no possibility of dumping. His only advantage is that he controls the largest iron ore in the southeastern province and can influence the iron price on the market.

The current increase in the price of iron products on the market is not only caused by the local nobles driving up prices, but also largely caused by him stopping selling iron to foreign countries.

An embarrassing scene occurred.

Profitable sales of weapons in a short period of time mainly depended on the needs of local nobles to expand their armaments.

But if they want to promote farm tools and other daily necessities, their main customers are the nobles of the North. As outsiders, they do not have enough blacksmiths on hand and can only purchase large quantities from the outside world.

Both parties are customers, and no one can be offended. Isn't this forcing myself to be a wall-child?

No matter what, business has to be done. Only with sufficient financial resources could Hudson develop his own territory.

Although in the eyes of the local nobles in the southeastern province, the small parcels of land in the Salam Mountains are bad land, in the eyes of Hudson, they still have high development value.

The grain output can reach 70% of the outside world. After feeding the serfs, there is still a certain surplus. But compared with the huge investment in land reclamation, the return period is a few hundred million points longer.

If we change our thinking and develop animal husbandry, there are basically no restrictions.

The only problem is that everyone is playing a self-sufficient economic model. There is no fixed sales market at all, and the cattle and sheep raised can only be eaten by themselves.

There may be consumer demand in big cities, but that is the basic base of local aristocrats, and it is not the turn of outsiders to intervene.

The self-sufficient small-scale peasant economy is not suitable for the development of industry and commerce, and the self-sufficient aristocratic economy severely inhibits industry and commerce.

As a last resort, Hudson could only repeatedly change the territorial development plan based on the actual situation, and until now there is no complete development outline.

There are only two main lines of development that can be determined: find ways to make money; find ways to increase population.

Only when money and people are available can the territory be fully developed. Only when the economic foundation is improved can we have the strength to promote the development of military power.

It can be said that Hudson's plan is completely incompatible with the starting path of many nobles in this world.

Almost all the great nobles rose from the battlefield. Relying on the trophies robbed from the east and west expeditions, they have achieved a leap-forward development of their own strength.

The rise of every great noble family is accompanied by the birth of a "son of destiny". You must have enough luck to complete primitive accumulation all the way.

Rubbing his forehead, Hudson, who didn't think he was lucky, decisively gave up following in the footsteps of his predecessors.

Times have changed. The resource monopoly of the great nobles has taken shape. Unless external forces break this pattern, there will be no room for new people to grow.

No matter how hard we fight, the pit has been filled and there is no room at all.

Either one is pulled off the horse and replaced; or one is pushed down and dies without a burial place.

After thinking about it, Hudson put aside the messy thoughts in his mind and directly arranged people to load the truck.

The nobles from the two counties gathered in Dadir City for a feast, and they had to go and enjoy it. If you do this business well, your income will definitely be higher than if you accumulate three years of farming at home.

The carriage slowly drove out of Beda City, and the wrinkles on Earl Pierce's forehead increased. The situation on the mainland became more and more complicated, forcing him to change his plan.

Originally, he wanted to take the opportunity to teach the nobles from the south to the north a lesson, cut their backs, and then slowly squeeze them out.

Unfortunately, the situation on the mainland has suddenly changed, and the kingdom and the Holy See have come into conflict. Now domestic stability must be maintained.

Against this background, overly targeting the northern Xinjiang nobles who went south and destroying unity are obviously not in line with the overall environment of maintaining stability in the kingdom.

"It seems that we can only settle the matter! I just don't know what those old foxes in Northern Xinjiang are thinking. Do they really think that these few pawns can make waves?"

Governor Pierce said to himself.

From beginning to end, he never took the noisy Northern Xinjiang children seriously. For the powerful figures in the kingdom like Earl Pierce, the only people who are qualified to compete with them are equally powerful forces.

Information transmission in the magical world can be said to be fast or slow. What really affects the speed of news transmission is the thoughts of the big shots.

If we can make it in time, the information from the royal capital can be spread to the southeastern provinces on the same day. But if the big shots are not in a hurry and let the messenger run on the road, it is not a problem to delay it for ten days and a half.

Of course, this is just messaging and does not include decision time.

Many times the slow delivery of news does not mean that the news is really slow, but that big figures need slow news to cover up their inefficiency in decision-making.

This time was no exception. Earl Pierce had long received the news that the king's messenger had been intercepted by the Holy See, causing tension between the kingdom and the Holy See.

However, because they had not thought of how to deal with this change, the news was already on the way, and the nobles in the southeastern province did not even receive the slightest hint.

When will he make a decision and when will the news officially arrive in the Southeast Province.

If it takes too long, the gossip may arrive first. After all, other nobles are not vegetarians either.

Although there is no channel for the rapid transmission of information, the noble children who are away from home will also take the initiative to inquire about the news.

Ordinary news is just that. For news with a greater impact like this, everyone will still find a way to pass it back.

It's just that because the information comes from "inquiry", how accurate it is depends on luck.

And those who have the ability to deliver news are mostly nobles with some wealth. Even if the little nobles at the bottom know the news, it is difficult to send it back in time.

"Da da da……"

The sound of carriages moving forward continued, and the city of Dadir, a hundred miles away, had become very lively.

The hierarchy within the aristocracy is also very strict. Although the time has been agreed upon, everyone still consciously arrives early.

Even the Northern Xinjiang nobles who had little dealings with the Governor's Mansion did not put on airs at this time and came over to wait honestly.

Bustling does not mean prosperity. Despite the efforts of the Sith Baron, Dadir City is still a city in ruins.

If you want to repair it, it will be difficult to see results without a year or two of effort.

As the host, Baron Sith's recent days have been - "bitter".

The influx of a large group of nobles is equivalent to a lot of trouble coming to the door.

There was already a shortage of food in the territory, and having to host such a group of uncles made his not-so-rich pocket even worse.

This made the Sith a little suspicious. Governor Pierce set the mediation location in Dadir City deliberately to target him.

In front of Li Zi, face is no longer enough. In order to save money, the Sith Baron even canceled the welcome banquet.

Daily reception is limited to providing temporary shelter, water, firewood and some simple daily necessities, but no specific food.

It's not a matter of being stingy or not, it's that the lord's family really doesn't have enough food left. At the very least, he really doesn't have that much food that matches his aristocratic status.

It's nothing more than a loss of face. Anyway, apart from being uncomfortable at first, it will gradually pass.

What troubled the Sith was that few of the nobles were peaceful. They were either making trouble, or on the way to making trouble.

Fighting and fighting are just the most basic operations. If you are not careful, it will be a street fight.

Unlike before where the camps were clearly divided, he only needed to consider the interests of the northern Xinjiang nobles. Now as the host, he has the innate responsibility to maintain order.

The casualties of ordinary soldiers didn't matter. If a noble bumped into him or died altogether, he would have to bear the responsibility.

In order to maintain order, he not only sent his men out, but even patrolled the streets himself.

Unfortunately, this was of no use. The northern nobles gave him some face as the nominal boss, but the local nobles ignored him at all.

When choosing a matter, only one party is always enough. As long as someone is causing trouble, the other party can only passively participate.

Occasionally, he got really angry and even beat up those who tried to stop the fight. In order to break up the fight, the Sith Baron's men often went out in high spirits and came back with bruises and bruises.

There were even a few unlucky ones who were accidentally killed in the process of breaking up the fight and died immediately.

The result was nothing to say, just endless wrangling. Those who dare to have such fun are nobles. Ordinary soldiers have the concept of killing for life in their minds, and know that they cannot kill in this situation.

There is no other way. When encountering such bad luck, the Sith Baron can only accept it. The perpetrator is only responsible for compensation. If he wants the other party to pay for his life, he can only appeal to the Noble Council.

You don't need to think about it to know that this is the end of the matter. The essence of the noble council is to safeguard the interests of the nobles, and it is self-evident who the outcome will be.

If you are really angry, you can only find an opportunity to beat the opponent afterwards.

Now Baron Sith has only one thought, hoping that Count Pierce can arrive soon, otherwise he really won't be able to withstand it.

In the chaotic scene, not only Sis, the host, was hurt, but Hudson, the "businessman," was also very angry.

Originally, he was just a happy melon-eater, quietly watching the performances of all parties. With the three-meter-larger version of the Earth Bear, he was enough to calm down the hot-headed guys instantly.

After all, when nobles fight, everyone still knows how to restrain themselves and know the severity of their attacks. It's hard to say about Warcraft.

With Earth Bear's current physique, he was not a professional in Warcraft, so he couldn't tell the specific stage of his growth.

If you were slapped to death, it would be an injustice.

People faked Xiong Wei, and it was smooth sailing for Hudson when he walked to the street.

Unexpectedly, accidents always come so suddenly. Before the fun is over, I become the center of attention first.

He set up a stall on the street and unfortunately got involved in a conflict between two gangs.

If it's just that the stall was smashed, it doesn't matter. The key is that some guy with real fire picked up a sledgehammer and opened up the opponent's head.

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