
Chapter 94 The most miserable fish of the year

After suffering through Earl Pierce's "political class", all the nobles, including Hudson, felt like they were surviving a disaster.

The Governor knew too much, but this guy still spoke unabashedly and said it directly in front of everyone without any scruples.

If it weren't for the disparity in status and strength, everyone would probably be tempted to kill and silence them.

It was fine at the beginning, it was nothing more than being criticized by name. As long as you are thick-skinned enough, nothing will be a problem.

But as he sprayed, the style of painting began to change, and gradually evolved into a black history exposure, causing many nobles to die on the spot.

Including the private transactions between Hudson and his neighbors. Although the specific details were not directly dug into, the facts of the transactions were exposed.

Fortunately, Hudson has always been relatively calm. He only made a few low-key transactions and did not have much dark history to dig out.

In the scene where the thunder was rolling, there were enough hot spots to attract people's attention, but this trivial matter was quickly ignored by everyone.

Facts have once again proved that the level of moral standards depends entirely on the support of peers. Compared with a group of violent nobles, doing business with neighbors is nothing at all, even if the goods being traded are a bit special.

The local nobles are working together to blockade the northern Xinjiang nobles, but Hudson has not joined them! Without joining, there would be no betrayal.

As a member of the neutral camp, it is logically acceptable to buy and sell goods to both camps.

It's different for the thunderous nobles, that's the lower limit for all kinds of shows. Cruelty, greed, and excessive expropriation can be ignored.

Trapping teammates is just a routine operation; fomenting dissension and asking allies to help with defiance is only considered ordinary.

Secretly colluding with enemies to betray teammates, or even buying enemies to attack allies. Completely unscrupulous practices have all happened.

Scandals that were not on the table were all exposed, and ruin was inevitable.

It can be said that Earl Pierce's elite attack poked at the weakness of many people. Whether it can be slowed down depends on each person's methods.

However, other problems can be solved, but the loss of reputation is really gone forever.

There are only zero and countless betrayals. Morality is not necessary, but if you violate the rules of the game, you will inevitably be punished by the rules.

As the overlord who has cultivated the southeastern province for hundreds of years, it is not surprising that Earl Pierce can grasp this information. The only thing that puzzled Hudson was why these cards, which could have been used as bargaining chips to blackmail a group of nobles for his own use, had to be played out all at once.

He didn't think that Earl Pierce really hated evil and would not tolerate such bad things happening in his jurisdiction. If you really want to stop it, you can stop it from the beginning.

"It looks like it should be able to calm down for a while. Hudson, your boy's life has been really good recently!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Hudson suddenly became enlightened. "Stay quiet for a while." Earl Pierce wanted the two counties to be stable for a while.

If that's the motive, then it all makes sense. The nobles with some strength in the two counties were basically beaten up.

Each one of them, more or less, has a disgraceful black history exposed. Just dealing with their own bad things will keep everyone busy for a while, so naturally they have no energy to do other things.

But this kind of operation always gives Hudson a sense of familiarity, as if he has seen it before somewhere.

After hesitating for a while, Hudson suddenly remembered. Where it is just familiar, it is clearly copying the homework.

Similar routines are all leftover from the play of His Majesty Caesar III in the royal capital. When he first succeeded to the throne, a group of nobles were also very noisy, and repeated attempts to appease them failed to work.

The furious Caesar III simply overturned the table and put the dark history of the fight between the nobles directly on the table.

The result was of course self-evident. All the nobles were blinded, and they were all too busy wiping their own butts to bother the king.

Although it treats the symptoms rather than the root cause, the method will work. The best way to stabilize the situation in a short period of time is to allow all parties to take care of themselves.

"Uncle Chelsea, if I still have something to do, I'll take the first step."

Without even waiting for Baron Chelsea to persuade him to stay, Hudson turned around and left.

At first, everyone had a good relationship, but at a banquet, the man revealed his intention to marry his daughter to Hudson, and the relationship suddenly changed.

Hudson was already mentally prepared for the marriage of nobles. But even if you want to trade marriage, you must at least marry someone eye-catching!

It's a pity that Chelsea's tall and thick daughter is completely inconsistent with Hudson's aesthetics, so she can only hide for now.

Such troubles became endless after Hudson's territory got on the right track. There are no fewer than ten nobles who have revealed their intention to marry.

Almost all are of the same grade, and all follow the principle of matching. There was no cowardice, and no princess was too hot-headed to favor him as a little baron.

Baron Redman was very satisfied with most of them. If there weren't so many interested families that he couldn't make up his mind, he might have already made up his mind for Hudson.

After receiving the news, Hudson immediately wrote to his father, expressing his strong rejection with sincere words, and then temporarily gave up on this dangerous idea.

Marriage between nobles must be cautious. Once it is decided, even if you know there are pitfalls, you can only jump into it.

It involves two families, and the result is a good marriage between the two surnames. In order to maintain a long-term relationship, under normal circumstances, everyone follows the principle of voluntariness.

That kind of forced marriage cannot be said to be completely absent, but it still rarely happens in aristocratic circles.

As for free love, that is really too luxurious. Except for a few people who grew up with childhood sweethearts, it can barely be considered a free love.

In a normal aristocratic marriage, the first thing to consider is status, followed by personal ability and moral cultivation, and finally personal will.

The scope of mate selection for men and women is very narrow, and they can almost only choose each other within their own family's social circle.

Generally speaking, if you come across something you don’t like, just decide on it as soon as possible! If you delay it, you will only find that the next one is even more difficult to accept.

The story of the prince and Cinderella, the story of the princess and the knight, all have a prerequisite, a good father who is a powerful earl.

This is already the minimum requirement. Only when this minimum requirement is met can there be love, otherwise it will just be a tragedy.

Although the reality is a little cruel, Hudson still understands. In this cruel world, if you want to survive better, you must learn to stick together.

This is true for small nobles, and it is also true for big nobles. Marriage is undoubtedly the most economical way to consolidate an alliance.

Based on the principle of not suffering a loss, the rules of the game for matched players were gradually derived.

"Why are you running so fast? Even if you have to pay a fine, you won't be in such a hurry!"

Hearing the complaints from behind, Hudson became more and more depressed. He is just a sledgehammer and has nothing to do with the incident.

But in the final verdict, he was still charged with selling "murder weapons." The conscience of heaven and earth, he didn't even have time to collect a single copper coin from the sledgehammer that opened the ladle.

The naked retaliation made Hudson stop thinking about defending. Reason told him that without enough strength, trying to overturn the decisions of the big shots would only make the situation worse.

He didn't know how many sledgehammers he had to sell to earn back the huge fine of three hundred gold coins.

He thought he could make a fortune, but in the end, Hudson was helpless to find that all the profits from selling the sledgehammer were paid in fines.

After calming down, Hudson quickly accepted the reality. I didn’t conduct any public relations activities and just chose to avoid disaster by losing money, just like buying advertising space.

At least after the incident, all the nobles in the two counties knew that the "Knight of the Divine Bow" was not only a superb archer, but also an arms dealer.

Also affected was the unlucky Baron Sith. Compared to Hudson's fine of three hundred gold coins, his penalty amount reached an astonishing five hundred gold coins.

Unfortunately, the Sith Baron has no sledgehammer to sell, and there is no need for advertising and promotion. He can only bear all the losses by gritting his teeth.

The two fishes in the pond are in such miserable condition, and the parties involved in the case cannot escape. Paying for one's life is not enough, but the result is similar to paying for one's life. All participants were sent to northern Xinjiang to guard the border.

"All", that's the point. Not only the second knight "Joseph" who started the fight, but also everyone else involved in the brawl was implicated.

The intensity of this punishment is quite astonishing. Accomplices and principal offenders enjoy the same treatment. Count Pierce told everyone with practical actions: I am the boss and I make the decision!

You must know that the person who died this time was a noble child from Northern Xinjiang. If he ran to guard the border at the enemy's house and wanted to escape unscathed, the probability would not be much higher than the probability of picking up dragon scales when he went out.

It's a bit harsh, but this is indeed a result that is acceptable to all parties except the parties involved.

Except for the two unlucky Pond Fish who were affected and are still aggrieved, the nobles in the two counties have received warning education.

The Kai scoop incident is over, but it is just the beginning. Counting one of the recent fights that occurred in the city, Count Pierce dealt with them all seriously.

"Fine", "fine", "further fine"...all the nobles involved received penalty notices of varying amounts. If the fines had not been collected in the House of Lords, Hudson would have suspected that the earl was taking advantage of the opportunity to make money.

In just three days, the Governor's Mansion issued fines one after another, and the total amount directly exceeded 30,000 gold coins.

In a side courtyard of the city lord's palace, the Sith Baron, who had accumulated a lot of anger, finally reached the edge of exploding.

"Pierce, what does this bastard want to do? Do you really think that our Felix family is easy to bully and can be slaughtered by him?

Over and over again..."

Before he could finish his words, the old man behind him hurriedly dissuaded him: "Master, don't say these nonsense, otherwise you will be in big trouble if people hear you!"

I really can’t say nonsense that the Sith Baron went to live in a side courtyard. That’s because the main courtyard of the City Lord’s Mansion has been given to the Governor.

They were not far apart. If the sound was too loud and reached the ears of the cautious governor, there was no telling what would happen next.

But Baron Sith is really suffering. As the most miserable fish in the Southeast Province of the year, he has endured too much.

For every conflict that occurred in Dadil City, he was charged by the Governor-General with being "unfavorable in maintaining order", "allowing chaos to occur", "failure to perform the duties of a lord"... and then fined.

Baron Sith alone contributed one-fifth of the currently determined fine of more than 30,000 gold coins. Although no one said anything in front of him, the hat of "big wronged" had been given to him by the nobles.

Especially the younger brothers of the northern Xinjiang nobles are very dissatisfied with the "steadiness" shown by their boss in recent days.

The younger brothers wanted him to make a fuss, and the local nobles also wanted to see him make a fuss. There is no doubt that since everyone wants him to make a scene, "be more steady" is the best choice for the Sith Baron.

It seems that he has been targeted, but the charges given by the Governor's Mansion are not without purpose. If there really was a head-on conflict with Governor Pierce, the one who would suffer in the end would be the Sith Baron himself.

Looking for a source of identity, it was a pity that these punishments were directed at his grand duke father. If Sith was not the son of Grand Duke Kavadia, he would not be able to enjoy this treatment.

"He dares to do whatever he's afraid of, so how can he not be told? Anyway, no matter what I do, the end result will be the same.

All are top-level punishments, and those who can use the topic to their advantage have been used to the extreme by our Lord Governor. "

Sith said with a sneer.

If all of Count Pierce's targeted actions were not within the scope of the rules, he would have started a riot long ago.

As a second-generation man, how could he not have a temper? Being able to endure it until now is considered a good character.

But complaints are complaints, and the Sith Baron did not go next door to make a fuss after all. The cruel reality made him realize the importance of power more and more.

The current unfair treatment is because the power of disposal is in the hands of the other party. Any small problem can be magnified and dealt with.

"Master, our troubles may have just begun. Now the governor is only dealing with conflicts in the city, and then the nobles will attack and plunder each other.

Compared with small things like fights, the big troubles behind them are. Although we have good reasons for every action we take, there are still imperfections.

If any loophole is discovered, the punishment will be more serious than it is now. If this governor continues to target us, I'm afraid something big will happen. "

It's not that the old man is cowardly, but his rich life experience tells him that once the superior recognizes the truth, it will be a storm.

"It's too late, Uncle Fearon. Even if we are careful enough, what about the others?

It’s not like you don’t know how hard they struggled some time ago. As long as you want to find fault, there will be loopholes everywhere.

One move affects the whole body, and they are severely punished. With my current status, can I really sit back and ignore it? "

Baron Sith said with a depressed expression.

When others are the boss, he is also the boss, but the treatment he enjoys is completely different.

When others are the boss, they all share the largest share of the pie in the alliance; but as the boss, he is the one who takes the biggest blame in the alliance.

There may be great benefits in the future, but in a short period of time, as the nominal boss of the noble children of Northern Xinjiang, it is just a symbol.

Yesterday, I wrote 20,000 words, and today I worked hard to write 9,000 words. No more, your authors can’t afford to hurt you! Get the tickets quickly, I need comfort!

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