Kingdom of Light: Inherit the Galactic Empire at the beginning

Chapter 73 I haven’t even used 30% of my strength.

Faced with Desfasa's words, Carlos was still inexplicably moved. There was nothing he could do, this guy was too loyal.

"It's okay. Isn't there still a 90% chance of this? Don't worry too much. Just execute it and be done."

"I believe you can appear in front of me again."

Carlos smiled slightly, showing his confidence in Desfasa.

"I promise to return to His Majesty Carlos safely!"

After Desfasa finished speaking, he hung up the communication and seemed to be making corresponding preparations.

To be honest, although Desfasa said there was a 90% probability of success, Carlos still had some worries in his heart.

As long as the probability is not 100%, any accident will occur.

Just like the last time I went to dig for ore in the ruins, I could already see it. I was digging and digging, and Nexus was blown out.

Nexus also evolved all the way and blasted Noah out with him.

If Noah hadn't let Carlos go, the entire new Galactic Empire would have died.

So now Carlos still has great doubts about his luck.

But no matter what, the Fanton people must be brought under the control of the new Galaxy Empire. It would be a pity to put such powerful technological power in the universe.

What's more important now is to observe the situation on Zero's side and prepare to take action.

The battle on Zero's side also began to become more intense.


Hyperjetton's figure made multiple teleportations in the sky, erratic.

The figures of Gauss and Dyna also made multiple teleportations in the sky.

However, they are all teleported, and there is a certain gap in skill level.

Even after the two Ultra Warriors used their teleportation skills, they still couldn't keep up with the speed of Hyperjetton.

"This guy is so fast!"

Dana saw that he was always at a distance from Hyperjetton, his eyes full of solemnity.

"Yeah, it seems that we have to find a way to hinder that guy's actions a little bit. Even if it's just a tenth of a second, it's enough."

As Gauss spoke, golden energy bullets began to condense in his palm, and then they all exploded out.

Boom boom boom!

One after another, luminous bullets burst out from Gauss's palm.

Usually attacks have the power of a sure-kill move, not to mention this kind of energy bomb that specifically condenses the power of light. It can be said that the power has been greatly improved.

At this moment, the energy bullets raining all over the sky were like dense Nebast light waves rushing down from the sky, all hitting in the direction of Hyperjetton.

Dana was not idle either. He opened his hands and used his telekinesis to build an invisible wall in front of Hyperjedon in order to restrain his actions.

No matter how many attacks there are, they still have to hit for it to be meaningful.

Hyperjetton was also able to detect the intentions of the two Ultra warriors.

"Looks like I can have a lot of fun."

To be honest, the combat power displayed by Gauss and Dyna was indeed more powerful than the Baxter people imagined.

But it's only a little bit powerful.

The current Hyperjedon has not even used 30% of its power.

Just when these energy light bombs were about to hit Hapajedon, Hapajedon let out a roar, and powerful energy spread instantly through the sound waves, directly detonating these energy bombs in the sky.

"Just rely on the sound..."

When Gauss saw this situation, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Then Hypajeton turned around, easily tore through the telepathy shield created by Dana with his pliers, and then punched him hard.

Boom boom boom!

Terrifying power burst out from Dyna's body, and his body hit the ground like a sandbag, creating a huge human pit on the ground.

Gauss also seized this opportunity and hugged Hypageton tightly from behind.


"Hey, Gauss, you have to catch it right!"

Zero stroked the tip of the sword with his hand, and his whole body rushed out, turning into an afterimage and rushing towards Haupajton.

Ding ding ding!

Zero's sword slashed at Haipageton's body crazily. Even if Haupageton wanted to dodge, he couldn't dodge because there was Gauss restraining him behind him.

Of course, the impact force erupted during the attack will also be fed back to Gauss.

Hyperjetton can easily withstand these attacks, but Gauss can't.

Even though he is in future mode now, the power of Palagi's Shield cannot be overshadowed at all.

Normal attacks will cause extremely horrific damage.

Not to mention that he is still dealing with Hypajedon. Zero has poured more power into the Shield of Palagi, and each sword contains the power to directly slash monsters.

After these attacks, scars did appear on Hyperjedon's body, which also meant that the attacks had an effect.

But this powerful force was still being endured by Gauss, who was holding Hypa Jetton.

Hyperjetton can withstand these attacks, but Gauss cannot.

After Sero struck several swords in succession, Gauss began to be unable to hold on anymore, and his hands couldn't help but loosen some strength.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Hypageton broke free from Gauss's restraints and hit Gauss's abdomen with a pair of pliers. The severe pain made Gauss gasp.


Then came another pliers, and Gauss was knocked out.

Without the restraints, Hyperjedon once again used his teleportation ability, making it completely unable to be attacked by Zero.

"This bastard just runs around!"

"Calm down!"

Zero first shrank into a ball, and began to release a large amount of blue light from all over his body. The energy fluctuations in his body also began to soar. Finally, with a roar, he fully expanded his body, and the energy he had accumulated before completely exploded. Spreading out in all directions.

Boom boom boom!

Under this powerful force, it seemed that the entire sky began to tremble.

There was no way around it. With Zero's speed, he couldn't hit Hypajton at all. He could only use this self-destruction-like skill, covering energy bombing, to attack.

I have to say that this trick is indeed effective.

Under the energy bombardment, Hypajton was indeed hit. Unfortunately, it only scratched a little bit of skin, and the previous injuries on his body began to heal.

Hyperjedon's figure appeared in front of Zero in an instant, and he spoke in a low voice, as if he was speaking from hell.

"Seeing that you are working so hard, let me tell you some good news."

"From the battle until now, I haven't even used 30% of my strength."

Judging from yesterday's data, today we will continue to update five times. This is also thanks to the support of all readers. Keep up the good work! This is the first update

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