"Master Lufa!!" Zeta looked as aggrieved as a child who had been fighting in kindergarten when he saw his parents.


"You, how did you show up?"

Ace was overjoyed and then a little surprised.

He didn't sense any spatial fluctuations!

He turned around and wanted to ask Zero if he felt it.

"Time just stopped..."

Sero said with a look of disbelief.

He has a glorious form.

Very sensitive to changes in time.

He knows what just happened!

(Li Liaohao) "Lufa, he..."

"Stopped time!!!!!"

Sero's head was buzzing, not much better than being hit by a bolt from the blue in broad daylight, and his heart was as shocked as a huge wave!

Damn it! ! ! !

Forget it that Lufa summoned the illusion of his glorious form before!

Now it actually stopped time!

Even in his glorious form he can't do such a thing! ! ! !

Zero was originally extremely proud of being the only Ultraman who could fight with the power of time.

At this moment, the world view collapsed! ! !

"What!?" Ace was also shocked.

This apprentice of mine just disappeared in the blink of an eye, and time actually paused again? ? ?

What kind of Ultra King is this?

This guy is simply the God of Ultra!

What kind of disciple did you take on? !

"Brother Lufa is so handsome..." Griqiao looked at Lufa with admiration.

Brother Rob swallowed hard.

How long had it been since they last saw Lufa!

Has his strength become so terrifying?

"You are Ultraman Lufa..."

Rebertus' whole body burst out with majestic dark energy.

Half of his face, which had been smashed by Lufa just now, had recovered again.

He twisted his neck and sneered:

"Nice punch."

"But it's not enough."

The next second, the expressionless Lufa appeared in front of him.

The speed made everyone present unable to react.

"I also understand. As expected, you are not worthy of letting me use my time to stop you."

"If you recover so quickly, I will beat you until there is no scum left!"

A 100-meter purple giant that only he could see appeared instantly behind Lufa!

The two of them blasted out with both fists at the same time.

"Continuous ordinary punches."


"Saiga Extreme Saga Extreme Saga Extreme Saka Extreme Saka Extreme Saga Extreme!!!!"

G:? ? ? ? ? ?

Damn it! ! ! !

Do you treat this damn Saka limit as a normal fist? ? ?

In an instant, Zero exploded! ! ! .

Chapter 77 Ao Wang couldn’t stand it any longer: Lufa, that’s a cosmic prison, not a hydraulic machine!

! ! ! ! !

Boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

At first, when I saw Lufa using Saga's limit,

Zero's heart was beating crazily!

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Feeling the energy fluctuations coming from Lufa's fist, Zero's pupils expanded rapidly. It can be said that he was shocked to the extreme!

Lufa can even reach the limit of Saka! ?

You know, this is not as simple as the big universe vacuum tactics and Saka plasma.

This is Saka's strongest skill!

This was the trick he and Dynagos used to defeat Hyperjackton!

However, Lufa is now using it so easily.

Actually! ! ! !

He treated it like an ordinary fist and swung it out!

Doesn't he have to kneel down to study when he sees this meowing Sega? ! ! ! !

This is like releasing Saka plasma as a flat a.

Lufa, this is too outrageous! ! !

Is there really no end to the energy in his body? ? ?


Sero suddenly realized a terrifying thing!

"It's not just Lufa, it feels like there are two fists impacting behind him!"

"Invisible fist???"

I blanch!

What kind of skill is this?

If he hadn't been a bystander.

I really can't find this!

And the punch released by the invisible fist is also the limit of Saka!

In an instant, Zero's expression became horrified!

Crush your enemies with Saga Limit without them knowing.

What a horrific attack this is! ?

Lufa shouted "Ola Ola Ola" as if even the space was rippled by his punch!

Boom! ! ! !

Rebotus's body turned into blood and filled the air, and there was no way to recover!

Not only that, the entire monster cemetery exploded, and the burst of energy formed a huge shock wave, spreading around like a miniature storm!


A deafening explosion sounded, and the entire monster cemetery seemed to be shaking. The magma instantly set off huge waves of thousands of meters, dispelling debris around like a tsunami and splashing in the air, like fireworks, beautiful and deadly, thousands of Undead monsters appear.

The golden light shines brightly, and the monster cemetery seems to be torn apart. The cracks spread from the center to the surroundings like a spider web.

In the shocked eyes of Zero and the others.

Boom——! ! ! !

The entire monster graveyard was reduced to rubble!

Let them float in the void!




The brothers Zero and Ace Rob unconsciously stagnated their breathing.

Damn!!! !!!

Lufa smashed Rebertus and the Monster Cemetery together? 523? ? ?

Isn't this too brutal? ! !

[Your fighting style is brutal, and you get a blessing: Energy purity +66! ]

[Your fighting style is brutal, and you get a blessing: Speed ​​+55, Strength +66, Mental Power +99! ]

[You suddenly realized the universe prison! ]

Sensing the spatial fluctuations in the surrounding distance.

Lufa came to his senses.

Not good.

He was lost in the fight!

"Master Ace, here!"

Opened a space channel and took Ace and others to the outside of the universe!

The Monster Cemetery actually exists in an independent space.

The entrance looks like two black irons entangled together.

But now.

The entrance trembled violently, began to tremble wildly, and then exploded with a loud bang. Energy ripples swept out, sweeping around and shaking the entire universe!

Looking at the monster cemetery that has existed for tens of thousands of years.

It was destroyed so easily.

The key is!

It was destroyed by his own Ultraman!

Ace and the others would never have thought that they would see such a thing one day in their lifetime!

Dense white transparent energy flew away.

"The monster spirits inside have all fled to the universe!" Ace said in horror.

There should be no problem...

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