He noticed that Lufa's eyes were on him.

Tartarus quickly tried to pull away a Nalak.

"Hammer of the King!"

Lufa swung the hammer and hit Tartarus directly in the face, causing his entire face to become distorted.

Let him fly a thousand meters.

The Hammer of the King returned to Lufa and was taken back by him.

Then Lufa jumped into the air, and a three-hundred-meter light wheel condensed in his hand!

The king's sparks are wrapped around it.

Slash at Tartarus.

Sizzle! ! !

A violent burst of fire appeared.

Then the nimbus exploded, causing Tartarus to scream in pain and stumble forward a few steps!

"Space Phantom Beast Fist!"

Lufa bound Tartarus' body with his tentacles.

The six-color fantasy beast fist emblem appeared on Lufa's body.

The energy of the phantom beast is concentrated on the fist.

Hit Tartarus hard in the stomach!


Tartarus shouted angrily.

Tear the tentacles on your body into pieces!

"Saiga Plasma!!"

Six blue energy balls appeared around Lufa!

Tartarus just got angry and felt a chill down his back!

As Lufa threw six energy balls like grenades.

Tartarus fought against fate and used his precognitive ability to avoid it.

But at the same time, he also discovered that the speed of these light balls seemed to be slower.

Look at Lufa.

I noticed that there was a hint of teasing smile on the corner of his mouth.

Is he kidding himself? ? ?

Tartarus reacted.

The whole face became a little distorted!

who is he?

He is one of the four ultimate life forms of the Absolut clan!

"You're going too far!!!"

Tartarus pulled a nalak with both hands.

Quickly jumped in!


Two dark giants walked out slowly.

Lufa looked a little surprised.

they are……

Dark Faust!

Dark Mephistopheles!

(Thanks to Feilu Book Fan 1917588 readers for their huge monthly votes, Ye Mao for his huge 100vip points to remind me of updates, wx_56... for my huge 100vip points reward!).

Chapter 96: Put lightning bolt in Noah's mouth, and Noah was shocked!

"Dark Mephistopheles and...Dark Faust?!"

The moment they saw two figures walking out of Narak, the expressions of Scott and others suddenly became horrified!

Of course Dark Zaki and the others have heard of it!

Including the minions he created!

Unexpectedly, Tartarus actually pulled them over!

Then their master...

Thinking of the black and red figure known as the "Dark God of Destruction".

Scott and the others couldn't help feeling frightened.

Nexus stared at Dark Faust and Dark Mephistopheles.

There was finally some fluctuation on the face.

He could clearly feel it.

These two people were completely different from the ones he met when he was on Earth!

The energy fluctuations have more than doubled!

The second generation of Dark Mephistopheles was already enough to suppress him in the blue youth form.

But now Nexus can feel that Dark Mephistopheles has stronger power!

at this time.


A space passage suddenly opened from above.

Cero rushed out of it.

In his wild form, a ball of light gathered in his chest and then shot out suddenly.

"Stray shot!"

Bang boom——! !

A large fire burst out from Dark Faust's body!

Knock him back a few steps.

"I didn't expect that Tartarus would even summon you."

"This guy is really crazy!"

"Aren't you afraid of setting yourself on fire?"

"Well, no matter how many people he brings, I will deal with them!"

Zero said with great confidence.

Suddenly he saw Lufa.

A look of surprise on his face: "Ah, Lufa, why are you here?"

Without waiting for him to say more.


Dark Faust shoots a skill called "Dark Gabby Shattering Light" from both hands.

Under normal conditions, this attack can be equivalent to the cascading storm in Nexus' youth form!

Zero was knocked back a few steps.

A touch of the nose.

"Lufa, don't take action!"

"Next, I can set off a black hole storm by myself!!!"

Sero shouted loudly.

Immediately transform into the ultimate glorious form!

The body seemed to move instantaneously, and suddenly arrived in front of Dark Faust.

Use the Ultimate Sword to chop down, and fierce sparks will immediately hit Dark Faust's body!

Nexus rushed towards Dark Mephistopheles.

Although the former is done by Noah.

He is much stronger than Nexus in TV.

But the latter.

It was also transformed by the Baxters!

Back then, Mecha Zero's D4 ray could be modified to be on par with Nexus's ultimate light arrow storm in the blue youth form.

Dark Mephistopheles has also been greatly improved!

With a dark light feather from him.

Shoots a glowing arrow.

Immediately destroyed Nexus's light bullet attacking him!

"We have to help too!"

Libut said solemnly.


The dark realm unfolds!

Dark Mephisto and Dark Faust raised their hands at the same time.

The dark domain, which is opposite to the Meta domain, immediately enveloped them.

Two layers of dark domains overlapped!

Theoretically, this kind of thing cannot be done.

But the scientific research technology of the Batman was not inferior to that of A Guang, and he really did it!

Of course.

This Batman was also pulled back from the parallel universe by Tartarus.

The Absolut clan caught him and Rebertus in the multiverse and made a lot of noise.

But you have to know.

The effect of the dark domain is not inferior to the Meta domain.

In TV, it can even directly weaken Nexus by half!

In the dual space, the light energy of Libut and others was rapidly absorbed, and the color timer began to flash.

Zero assembled the ultimate armor into a bow and arrow in his hand.

Just about to shoot.

Just at this time.

Lufa spoke: "Everyone, the situation is urgent now, lend me your power!"


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