"Just think of it as letting it warm up before evolving into a complete form!"

The disc spacecraft instantly emitted a jet-black terrifying dark light with a diameter of a hundred meters!

Impact on the charred corpse of Hypajton!

Under the astonished gazes of everyone, its body actually reshaped itself again!

Even the black part is obviously much harder than before!

"Tsk, this is really troublesome!"

"But even if you are resurrected a hundred times, I will still destroy you!"

Zero hummed.

at this time.

Lufa has taken action!

Head straight towards Hyperjetton!

"Hey, be careful! You can't handle this guy!"

Dana shouted hurriedly.

Lufa turned a deaf ear.

The three Gaussians quickly wanted to go up and help.

Zero also used his telekinesis to take back the head dart that he used to attack Hypjadon in the first place.

But halfway through, it suddenly stopped in the air!

"What's going on?? My head guard doesn't obey orders??"

Sero said in surprise.

The next second.

The two head darts actually flew towards Lufa.

Just as Zero was about to speak out, his random expression became horrified, as if he had seen something terrifying!

I saw.

His two head darts began to grow in size in Lufa's hands!

Until it becomes 200 meters long!

"You can actually make weapons bigger??? What kind of ability is this!?"

Dana said in surprise.

"Zero Watermelon Knife!!"

Lufa shouted loudly, swung the big watermelon knife in his hand, cut through the void, and sent out two dazzling knife lights. In an instant, Hyperjedon was hit by the knife lights, and let out a shocking wailing sound!


Lufa took advantage of the victory to pursue, one knife after another, slashing at the blood demon's vitals. Every attack was accurate!

The crimson blood instantly dyed the two head darts red, but Lufa still kept slashing wildly with pleasure!

There was even some blood on his face and body!

Sero held his head.

The mentality explodes!

Shall I wipe it? ! ! ! !

What a weird way to use the head dart! ?

The head dart is driven by telekinesis and used to cut the enemy!

How the hell would anyone think of using a head dart as a watermelon knife? ? ? ?

The eyes of the children, who were originally full of hope, became dull.

This... doesn't seem to be the light they know?


[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical strike, gaining energy purity +233, speed +233, strength +233, defense +233, and mental power +233! 】

Then Lufa took out the king's cloak!

It instantly grew bigger in his hands!

It's as exaggerated as clouds blocking out the sun.

The immediate sense of sight is like the mighty Fahai Tianlong!

Driven by Lufa's mind power, the king's cloak instantly tightened together, like a huge hemp rope, tied around Hypjadon's neck!

Then tighten it hard!


Hyperjedon's shouts became a little vague and laborious.

The entire neck has become an '8' shape!

Damn it! ! ! ! !

Lufa's taking out the king's cloak had already confused Zero and the others, and now they were even messy in the wind!

What he is wearing is the king's cloak of the Ultra King!

Use it as a strangling rope? ? ?

Isn’t it so outrageous? ! !

Especially Dyna.

He originally said he wanted to protect Lufa and so on!

This damn meow needs his protection? ? ? ?

It seems that the object that needs protection has directly turned into Hypa Jedun! Hey! ! !

But then again.

How could Lufa have the cloak of the Ultra King?

The three members of Cero, who didn't know Lufa at this time, suddenly thought of this.

Could it be that……

Lufa is actually a close friend of the Ultra King?

Or is it the new disciple he secretly accepted?


[Your fighting method is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical strike, 607 gains energy purity +233, speed +233, strength +233, defense +233, mental power +233! 】

Listen to the voices in your head.

A trace of disappointment flashed across Lufa's face.

He also hoped that Hyperjetton would reveal something good to him in its larval state.

But it seems that he is still greedy.

It seems.

No, it’s not okay to kill the complete Hyperjedon.

"what happened?"

"Why did he stop suddenly?"

Zero and others looked at Lu Fa who suddenly stood still in surprise.

Has the energy been exhausted?

The Baxter people who were in chaos inside the spaceship suddenly reacted.

"I knew you wouldn't be arrogant for long! This is Earth, and no matter how powerful Ultraman's energy is, it's impossible to use it so extravagantly!"

"Hipajton, kill this beast in the most cruel way!!!"

Baise Immortal gave an order.


Hypajton also raised his huge sickle claw as if to vent his anger.

Swing it directly at Lufa!

A roaring sound broke out.

Zero and others hurried to Lufa.

"Is it possible that it's just because your Hyperjetton is too weak?"

Lufa said calmly.

Then he shouted loudly:

"Hyperjeton, integrated-!!!!".

Chapter 136 Everyone was stunned! Hyper Zetton who can use the mysterious four skills? ?

As Lufa shouted.

His whole body was instantly submerged by a black light column that shot up into the sky!

The evil spirit and the power of despair rushed towards them, making Zero, Gao Si and others feel an unprecedented sense of oppression!

They looked in shock in the direction of Lufa.

The dark energy even formed a materialized energy fluctuation, like waves, one after another, falling to the ground in all directions, shattering the earth, and the ground shook violently, as if it was afraid of Lufa!

As the black light column gradually dissipated.

A more slender Jetton appeared in everyone's sight!

Hyper Zetton!

Jetton who sensed the energy fluctuations that were exactly the same as Hyper Zetton summoned by the Batman.

Zero and the others' faces were suddenly filled with shock!

"This, this is?!"

"Why does it look so familiar to me???"

"Me too..."

"The problem now is not this, the energy fluctuations emitted by this monster are many times stronger than you and me combined, right???"

"What kind of Jetton is this?!"

Compared to them.

The most shocked is of course the Balt Starman!

He knows what Hyperzetton's evolutionary process looks like!

Damn it!!!

Lufa has now turned into this monster, isn't it the state of Hyperzetton's complete form? ? ? ? ?

How is this possible! ?

He is the only one in the universe who can cultivate Hyperzetton!

His Hyperzetton is still a juvenile.

How can Lufa summon the complete form directly? ?

This is fucking unscientific!!!

Anna and the others are also extremely shocked!

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