This has to do with the membership cards that Lufa gave to two frequent customers, Kinomi and Marina.

After all, how can we not give them some discounts if they have been supporting us all the time?

Even if it is a little more expensive, the two women will find Lufa to make reservations.

Until the fourth day, Teppei, who was carrying out a monitoring mission in the guys base, suddenly found that the satellite light wave seemed a little abnormal.

After that, he adjusted the direction of the satellite to shoot the starry sky, and a spaceship he had never seen before was floating quietly in the universe!

"Is this... a spaceship? Aliens have come to our earth?" Teppei was shocked, and then immediately summoned all the guys. After all, aliens appearing on earth is not a trivial matter.

When Shingo Sakamizu heard the alarm sound of the summons, he immediately came to the command room.

Shingo Sakamizu came to the command room and immediately looked at Teppei and asked: "What's wrong? What happened?"

"Something big happened."


Sakamizu Shingo nodded seriously, and then played a strange spaceship picture on the big screen.

If Lufa was here, he would recognize it immediately. This is the ship of the Vanton people. If I remember correctly, the Vanton people will come to Earth to meet the guys.

In short, they are hungry and come here to eat!

As if through unknown technology, they know the dynamics in the guys' command room. A strange voice suddenly came from the screen to the ears of the guys such as Shingo Sakomizu.

Hibino Mirai, the alien, almost immediately understood the meaning of the Vanton people's words.

It's probably, hello, I am a Vanton person. Because of food problems, I went to find c-pin929. When I was transporting it back, I had to come here to seek help because of the 1.8 spacecraft failure.

If you can.

Please come to the coordinates of xxxxx, we will meet there.

Hibino Mirai understood it, but Teppei, a half-baked person, only understood the last sentence through the language translator he developed.

Teppei put it down and said to Shingo Sakamizu and the others: "Captain, the aliens asked us to meet at xxxx coordinates, near Yunwu Mountain!".

Chapter 215 Vanton Star People

"Aliens actually asked us to meet, are you sure?" Shingo Sakamizu couldn't help asking in surprise.

So, is this their first contact with aliens?

Of course, this is just them. Before them, there must have been guys who greeted the aliens.

After all, guys have been established for a long time, and have even been in a war with aliens.

"That's right, the language translator says so." Teppei said with certainty.

"So..." Shingo Sakamizu pondered after hearing this.

Hibino Mirai on the side said: "Captain, I feel there should be no problem. Since the other party did not directly enter our earth, but hovered in space outside the earth to inquire, there is no malice."

Hibino Mirai's words made Shingo Sakamizu nod slightly.

Teppei, Aihara Ryu, George, Kinomi, and Maritani also nodded in agreement.

Indeed, what Hibino Mirai said was right. If there were malicious guys, they would have landed on Earth long ago.

For example, the Dinozoru summoned by a certain Bogaru.

"Okay!" Sakamizu Shingo finally made a decision to let Hibino Mirai, Marina, Kinomi, and Teppei go to Yunwu Mountain together.

Of course.

Although it was confirmed that they had contacted aliens, Sakamizu Shingo also made another preparation.

That is to let Aihara Ryu and George drive the Wing to stand by in the air. Once anything else happens, they can immediately provide support.

Although Hibino Mirai wanted to say that the Vanton people would never attack the earth, he certainly couldn't say it because of his identity.


He could only watch Sakamizu Shingo give instructions.


When Hibino Mirai and the others went to Yunwu Mountain, Lufa had already sensed the Vanton spaceship in outer space! !

"Vanton, that big foodie who cheats his father?" Lufa leaned on the rocking chair, holding a newspaper, and said something that was completely unrelated to the content of the newspaper.

It's just a pity that no one heard it here.

The next moment.

Lufa raised the corner of his mouth slightly, still staring at the newspaper in his hand: "The Vanton people are not interested, but if I remember correctly, it seems that Bogaru and Hunter Knight will appear in this battle, right? And there will be a two-tailed monster at the bottom of the sea, activated by Bogaru, and then attack Mebius!"

"I remember that Mebius was almost eaten by Bogaru!"

"If Hunter Knight hadn't cut off the whip in the end, Mebius might have died directly at that time?"

As Lufa said this, the terrifying Ultraman's telekinesis enveloped the earth, and he could know the situation of the earth at any time.

"Wait a while before taking action."


Yunwu Mountain!

"Zheping, is this right?" Mu Zhimei wiped the sweat from her face and asked Zheping helplessly.

"It's here, it should be here soon." Zheping nodded, and didn't expect it to be so hot inside the mountain.

At this time.

Suddenly, colorful lights shone in the sky.

The next moment, a ray of light was seen descending from the sky. The circular-shaped aperture looked extremely gorgeous, and it was certain that this was a level that human technology could not yet achieve.


Under the gaze of Mu Zhimei, Mariina and Hibino Mirai, the Fanton slowly descended from the sky.

Seeing the Fanton who looked like a big insect, Zheping, Mu Zhimei and Mariina all found it a bit hard to believe.

Chapter 216 Fan Dun: Hey hey~! ! !

The legendary aliens actually look like this?

When the Fantonians saw Zheping and the others, they immediately stepped forward to say hello happily. However, due to the language barrier between the two parties, and Zheping's lack of proficiency in alien language, and the translator was out of action, the communication between the two parties was very funny.

"Wow, Wululu..." Star Fanton gestured, hoping that Zheping would understand that he was hungry.

"Prepare what? Prepare rocks? Why do you need rocks?" Zheping said with a confused look on his face. Aren't aliens all awesome? Why earth stones?


Menbius on the side heard this and couldn't help but complain: "Is it possible that he wants to say that he is hungry and wants us to prepare food for him?"


Teppei loved the beauty of the wood, and Mariina looked at Hibino Mirai in surprise after hearing this.

The Fanton star on the side almost cried when he heard this.


Finally someone understood what he was saying.

The Fanton star walked behind Zheping in two or three steps, and then gave a thumbs up to Hibino Mirai.

Teppei on the side looked at Hibino Mirai in surprise when he saw this scene and asked: "Mirai, are you still proficient in Cosmic Language?"? "

"Well, I was just a little interested in this, and then I studied on my own." Hibino Mirai scratched his head in embarrassment and quickly started to make up excuses.

As an Ultra Warrior, isn't it normal to be able to understand the language of monsters?

Not surprising at all.

"I didn't expect it!!" Zheping was surprised when he heard this.

On the side, Kozomi and Mariina also stared at Hibino Mirai in surprise.


Hibino Mirai and the others took the Fanton back to the guys headquarters.

Deputy Commander Toriyama warmly received the Fanton people, and then expressed his friendly intentions! !

Of course, the Fanton people no longer cared about listening to what he said and started to sweep away the food in front of them.

Because of the food crisis, the people of Planet Vanton have been controlling their diet!

Now seeing all the delicacies in front of them, the Fanton people couldn't hold back any longer, so they started to devour them.


The people on the side, such as Shisui Shingo, widened their eyes slightly when they saw the Vandun people starving to death and reincarnating themselves.

Good guy!

I didn’t expect that aliens would reincarnate as starving ghosts! !

Finally, after the Vandun people had eaten and drank enough, Zheping took the translation equipment and the newly modified cosmic language and began to communicate with the Vandun people.


The guys succeeded just like the original work, and found out that the reason why the Vantons docked on the earth was because the c-pin 929 carried by their spaceship was also on the earth inexplicably.

Then the Fantonians provided the fluctuations of this thing, as well as the size!

If it were some terrestrial objects, it would be difficult to find 929 as large as a football due to the chaotic fluctuations!

But if it is an alien item, it will be very easy to find it.

Zheping directly eliminated all fluctuations in the earth's material and directly locked the coordinates of 929.


Everyone immediately took action to help (Wang Zhao's) Fanton find Hui 929!

And in a factory!

Bogaru had already seen traces of 929, and the huge energy coming from it made him salivate.

As an eater, when you see this delicious food, how can you not eat it!

However, the device of the Vandun people to protect 929 was in effect, and Bogaru did not dare to get close to him for a while.

But when the guys arrived, her eyes suddenly lit up slightly, and then she licked her mouth with her long tongue! ! .

Chapter 217 The plan begins

"Is this c-pin 929?" Kizumi stood next to Zheping, looking at a lump of meat not far away that looked like the fourth-dimensional monster Bruton, and said a little horrified.

"This... this is too much." Jinna couldn't help but look away.

To be honest, this lump looks like Xiang!

"Based on the fluctuation, it should be 929. There should be nothing wrong with the fluctuation."

"The Fanton people said that there is a protective device in 929, so we can't get close easily!"

Zheping said, taking out the control impact and loading device that the Fanton people gave him when he left.

It’s a capsule-like container!

The remote control device is assembled into a silver 670 that looks like a piece of jade.

After Zheping pressed it, he saw a three-dimensional light network gradually dissipating around 929 until it disappeared from everyone's sight.

"There should be no problem." Zheping looked at this and nodded, then relaxed and took the initiative to walk towards 929.

Seeing the beauty of the wood on the side, Marina had no choice but to follow.

And Hibino Mirai smiled.

929 is the favorite food of Planet Vanton. It not only has huge energy, but can also be infinitely regenerated through certain substances. It is a rare hygienic food in the universe.

However, Hibino Mirai has been in contact with humans for so long, and knows that the appearance of 929 is serious to humans, and there is indeed something unspeakable about it! !

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