Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 11 Yala's Knife (Part 2)

Twelve years ago, during the chaos and bloody days of the kingdom, that terrible swordsman used his unprincipled and emotional blade to carve out a piece of land in the black street, the nascent black street brotherhood , and the long-established King Capital Blood Bottle Gang, like two immortal dragons, started a life-and-death struggle for the hegemony of Yongxing City and even the underground world of Star Kingdom.

With the passage of time, especially in recent years, the Brotherhood of the Black Street has gradually grown from a young dragon to a giant dragon with sharp fangs and ferocious claws. During the long-term struggle, the two big gangs also gathered a group of terrifying figures beyond the kingdom's sight, setting off a huge wave of blood piled up in the dark world.

Among them, more than a dozen strong men from the Black Street Brotherhood and more than a dozen masters from the Blood Bottle Gang have become the forefront of the struggle between the two gangs, representing the most promising young people and the most promising underachievers of the two gangs. . Compared with the three mysterious legendary killers of the Brotherhood, the six giants who rarely make shots, the two terrifying magicians of the Blood Bottle Gang, and the strange eight supernatural fighters, the names of these young strong men, even beggars They are also familiar.

The bald Spin is the most mysterious of the twelve masters of the Blood Bottle Gang known as the "Twelve Most Powerful" (only twelve are left). He is responsible for collecting the black accounts of the Blood Bottle Gang, and rarely shows his face in large-scale battles, so no one tells about his martial arts and combat power, but he has stood upright for five years in the bloody gang struggle like a big wave washing sand. Not to fall, but at the same time, many highly capable Brotherhood powerhouses who fought against him have become white bones.

Yara said nothing, just flexed her wrist.

"Dorno is an idiot, and the idea of ​​using a dead body to ambush is also disgusting, but I still have to thank him for his death, otherwise I would not have known that we have an uninvited guest."

With an ugly grin, Spencer took his frighteningly large five-headed mace off his shoulder, and turned it back and forth with both hands, seemingly effortlessly.

Yala suddenly disappeared in place.

The bald Spencer smiled indifferently, then turned around fiercely!

"Ding! Dang!"

A five-sided mace twice as thick as an ordinary person's arm hit two wolf-leg knives head-on, sweeping Yala, who was about to attack from rushing to the rear left, off balance and flew backwards!

Thales' heart tightened suddenly!

Fortunately, Yala mastered the balance in the air, performed a beautiful backflip, and landed on the ground.

The bald Spencer gritted his teeth and swung his weapon, as if he was swinging a baseball bat from Thales' previous life.

It's such a terrifying power—Thales suddenly felt a little strange. If it was just a huge force, then why would Spence be so mysterious?

"It's a terrifying speed, but ah, if you know your existence and rely on your fighting instinct, it won't be that difficult to stop you."

Spencer's ferocious nose trembled with his smile, which was very scary.

Yala didn't speak, just disappeared again, and the next moment, a short figure appeared in front of Spencer's left foot.

Handed out the double knives.

But Spencer just took a step, turned his body sideways, and then used the inertia of his body to smash it down with another hammer!


The mace hit the stone floor, splashing a burst of gravel!

And Yala narrowly rolled out sideways, avoiding the fatal blow.

"There is such a crooked knife, it is really a rare weapon-come on, little girl, no matter you are an assassin or a killer, when you are dealing with a prepared enemy, the sudden attack you are proud of will not work .”

Yala crouched on the ground, seeming to be thinking about countermeasures.

"What will you do? Shouldn't you charge forward."

"After all, if you want to enter Hongfang Street, this is the only way."

Spencer has been bothering Yara with words.

Thales became more and more nervous,

He knew that from the current point of view, Yala was the only way for him to cross Red Square Street and escape from the Brotherhood, but he was more worried about Yala's own safety at the moment.

And Spina's mysterious reputation.

Yala's expression was hidden behind the goggles, but she seemed to have made up her mind, and she stood up slowly, flipping the wolf-leg knives in both hands at the same time, turning them into full-handed knives.

After so many years—Yara smiled bitterly in her heart—is this knife still going to be used?

Thales swallowed nervously. He had seen Yala's agile ghost and terrifying speed, but facing the bald Spin who was known for his strength, would her wolf-leg knife still work?


Yala did not disappear again.

She faced Spencer directly in front of her and charged forward.

Thales almost cried out.

The two knives went forward and one back, the front knife went straight to Spencer's throat, and the back knife deflected in the direction of the mace.

"A frontal assault? Don't come here to seek death!" Spence roared excitedly, swinging the sledgehammer at Yala!

"Huh!" With the sound of the wind, the mace hit Yala's waist who was running fast!

Later, we have to make good use of this girl who has a good side—huh?

Spencer was surprised to see that this time, Yala didn't stop and didn't retreat!

The moment before the hammerhead and her body, her flexible body stretched out at an impossible angle!

Facing the mace in front of her, Yala managed to dodge the incoming mace with a front flip that shocked Thales' jaw!

Even Spencer was taken aback.

This kind of movement - how did she do it?

The offense is not over.

The female bartender lightly pressed the back knife on the mace, and with Spencer's great strength, jumped to the bald man's left shoulder!

Then the front knife slashed down suddenly!

The improved radian of the blade made the wolf leg knife cut to Spencer's left neck faster, stronger and more deadly than ordinary blades.


Spencer backed away with a roar, avoiding the vital point at the critical moment, but a burst of blood still shot out from his left shoulder.

Did this guy give up defense completely and use risky dodge to attack head-on?

She didn't know, as long as she made a mistake, would she be dead?

But Yala is not forgiving, just step down and continue to attack!

She turned sideways again, narrowly missing the tip of Spencer's hammer.

The two-handed wolf-leg knife followed its master, spinning and chopping at Spencer.

Another flash of blood, this time, Yala cut off the bald head's right rib!

Then the next knife comes again!

As she charged forward, she perfectly demonstrated the flexibility and flexibility of her body. Facing Spencer's terrifying attack, she often moved and jumped at the moment when she was about to be hit by the hammer. Several times, Thales watched her nose tip flick Through the rusty nails on the mace.

At the same time, the rhythm and speed of Yala's attack did not decrease at all, and it was even more deadly than the sneak attack.

On the contrary, Spence, under her relentless and thrilling attack, although she roared again and again with an astonishing momentum, even Thales could see that he, whose body was constantly wounded and bleeding, was stretched to the left and right.

Can't go on like this! Spencer thought in panic—how could she not make mistakes with such a narrow dodge?


Spencer roared, tried his best to fend off an attack, and rolled sideways in a panic (imagine a big bear-like man being forced to roll on the ground by a slender girl who is only two-thirds his height), Avoid this round of attack, and then quickly open the gap.

"This, this is the Rapid Killing Knife!"

This sentence, like a stone breaking through the water, blocked Yala's continuous offensive and made the latter stop.

"And the move you used to kill Dorno before was probably the sniper knife!"

Spencer was panting violently, with a terrified expression on his face, and roared in disbelief: "The Rapid Killing Knife, I only saw it in the hands of Lordan Sarriton in 'Blood Chant' a long time ago! You—you are 'Assassin's Flower' Surritons!"

Yala knelt down on one knee without saying a word--it seemed to be a position she liked to exert force--just looked at the big man coldly.

"It's impossible!" Spencer seemed to have been hit by something, "The people of the Saliton family have escaped from the Kingdom of Stars and disappeared abroad after King Kessel V succeeded to the throne! Why did they appear here? , stand on the side of the Brotherhood!"

He said in disbelief: "Wanted and rewards have long been posted all over the Western Continent! With the bloody crime of killing members of the royal family, you dare to come to Eternal Star City! Aren't you afraid of being surrounded by the army and royal guards!"

"Even if the Surriton family is strong and the Black Street Brotherhood is strong, can they still withstand the anger of the 'Iron Fist King' and the entire star?"

But the angry tone of the bald Spencer before suddenly softened the next second:

"If I die here, your identity will definitely be exposed! The Kingdom's Secret Division will receive the information that the regicide family will return to the stars in the morning!"

"Kessel V will not let you go! He will eradicate every descendant and blood of the Surriton family!"

"You can let me go," he said in a low voice, pleading in his tone, "I don't care about the mission of the Blood Bottle Gang, just go there, as long as you let me go, I promise to leave Xingchen tomorrow!"

"I will not reveal your secret! I know your abilities!"

"I don't want to mess with the Surritons!"

But the next moment, Yala rushed in front of him again!


This time, Spence blocked the first knife, but the knife seemed to be alive, and changed direction with a strange rapidity. After hitting his hammer head, it went around without any force!

Yara's head and chest also twisted like soft ribbons, avoiding the mace in front of her eyes.

It's like the human body drifting - Thales thought to himself.

What's going on, Spencer thought in shock, how could the trajectory of the knife be—unstoppable?

The knife on the female bartender's right hand did not stop, and after changing direction, it returned to the original track again, and even more fatally, it rushed forward to Spencer's neck!

Until it cut into his throat.

Blood flowed everywhere.

Spencer watched in amazement as Yala briskly wiped the blood off the blade on Spencer's clothes, then silently retracted her knife.

Bald Spencer, the mace in his hand fell slightly.

"What is this - knife technique -"

Spencer struggled, trying to ask a word before collapsing.

But Spencer never finished the question.

At that moment, Thales seemed to return to four years ago, in the garbage dump behind the Sunset Bar, a nonchalant woman in front of her waved the knife in her hand, and said to the stunned him:

"It's a pity to kill a dog even with a knife—hey, brat, do you want to eat dog meat? Call me sister, and I'll eat dog meat!"

Killing Knife, Thales knew that it was a Killing Knife.

The last guy who enjoyed this knife technique was a large angry wolf dog who had some minor conflicts with Thales ("We just had a heated debate about whether humans should be included in the recipe of angry wolf dogs. At the same time, I am very Thank you sister for supporting my point of view - so, dog meat?" - Thales).

Once again Yara's skill surprised him.

But what shocked Thales even more was what the bald Spencer said about the "Assassin's Flower" Surriton's family.

Killing royals?

Assassin's flower?


"Too much nonsense."

Yala looked at Spencer's body and said coldly.

"The so-called 'twelve strongest' is nothing more than that."

After all, she recruited Thales who was hiding in the dark.

"Let's go, brat."

Thales walked past the bald Spencer's body, looked at his eyes that were dying, and still didn't understand why Spencer, who was just strong, big, and missing a nose, would be the best among the twelve strongest The most mysterious existence.

Is Yara too strong?

He shook his head and walked over to Yala.

Together, the two continued to go to the battlefield of the Blood Bottle Gang and the Brotherhood.

Looking at the female bartender's profile, Thales wisely didn't ask her about the Surriton family.

Anyway, I also have a secret, the traveler thought so.

And it's bigger than your secret.


At the same time, the inner altar of the Sunset Temple.

The gray-haired middle-aged aristocrat seemed to be calm at this time, but in fact he was anxiously waiting for the stone chair under the inner altar.

His gaze never left the small sacrificial lamp that was always burning on the altar.

It seemed that he was afraid that the flame in the lamp would suddenly change.

Beside him sat an elderly priest who was devoting himself to praying, quiet and pious.

This reminded the middle-aged nobleman of Yodel, that terrifying man who was equally quiet, even worse.

Although His Majesty has great confidence in Yodel, he believes that he "will not hesitate when it is time to make a move."

But Yordle, the guy who hides behind the amethyst mask all day long, once worked with him once when he was young-not a pleasant memory.

With his efficiency, he should have found his target long ago.

That guy is a guy with his own creed.

After all, I am serving His Majesty's will, and Yodel Gato, that bottomless man, is serving His Majesty's interests.

The difference between heaven and earth, cloud and mud.

Jodl, does he really know, or understand, when His Majesty wants him to make a move?


Not long after.

Bald Spencer's body suddenly moved.

Then, the wounds around his neck and surroundings gradually healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Until the man struggled to get up.


Spencer cursed, reaching for his mace.

"People from the Surriton family appeared in Eternal Star City. Just for this news, the city hall will give me ten gold coins, but—"

Spencer touched the freshly healed wound on his neck.

Still life is more important.

Fortunately, the woman was in a hurry and didn't look back.

The reason why Spencer is one of the twelve most powerful members of the Blood Bottle Gang is that his fighting instinct and skills need not be repeated, but the more important thing is his unknown self-healing ability, which allows him to often The moment the enemy relaxes, defeat becomes victory.

"As long as the head—or rather, the brain—is not destroyed, you can come back from death," is what the true titan of the Vial Gang, the Blood Mage, told Spencer:

"Congratulations, Immortal Spencer."

And that boy, thought Spence the Immortal, while he was in suspended animation, seeing a thin boy appear on the corner of the street and follow the Surriton woman.

This is also a strange point. The woman who can follow the Surriton family is definitely not an ordinary child.

Some kind of genius? Possess some kind of ability that can turn the battlefield around?

A biological weapon? Massive damage?

Or some kind of non-human long-lived species? That boy looked young, maybe hundreds or thousands of years old?

Spencer picked up the mace and frowned.

After reporting the news to the Magician of Qi, I will—

But his thoughts were interrupted.

Because suddenly a strange person appeared in front of him, wearing a strange mask.

Suddenly appeared in front of Spencer.

"You saw the boy."

The strange masked man said, the hoarse and indistinguishable voice was not an interrogative sentence, but an affirmative sentence.

Who is this?

I didn't find out at all.

Sneaking and disappearing, is it also a member of the Surriton family?

That strange mask seems to be made of a dark purple hard metal material with sharp edges and corners. There are only two round holes drilled out for the eyes, and it is covered with a round asphalt lens. Behind the lens, there seems to be a copper-yellow mechanical device.

Spencer was able to think so much because he had nothing else to do.

This person wearing a dark purple mask holds a dagger with crossed swords in his right hand.

This dagger, under the master's operation, once again cut the wound on Spencer's neck that had just healed.

Before Spencer even had the consciousness of "dodging", his neck was cut alive.


Together with his mace, Spencer fell again.

That's bad luck - thought Spencer, preparing for the next death and rebirth.

But Spencer was surprised to find that the masked person hadn't left in his perception after feigning death.

The masked weirdo frowned imperceptibly behind the mask.

I saw him squatting down slowly, staring at Spencer's wound carefully.

After a while, the masked geek nodded in a sudden realization.

From Spencer's perception, he found desperately that the dagger on the right hand of the masked man danced lightly, holding a beautiful sword flower.



Spencer yelled in terror in his heart!

Then, Spencer "watched" the strange man, and stabbed the dagger into his head lightly and deadly along the temple.

The sword edge is drawn out.

The smooth blade wasn't even stained with a drop of blood.

"As long as the head—or rather, the brain—is not destroyed, you can return from death—"

In a trance, Spence seemed to hear the words of the blood magician again.

From then on, one of the twelve most powerful members of the Blood Bottle Gang, the bald Spin, who was called "Spin the Immortal" in the Blood Bottle Gang, never woke up again.

The weird man in the mask crouched down, brushing a knife mark on the ground with his right hand.

That was the trace of the wolf's leg knife flying into the ground.

He stood up.

Then disappeared.

Like a ghost.

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