Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 10 Behind the Scenes (Part 1)

Thales stared blankly at Rumba's half-unsheathed blade. Lewen Mobile Network

This is not the first time he has been in danger.

According to Thales' understanding of the world, I'm afraid it won't be the last time.

But he really didn't know what he could do when he was in the same carriage with the murderous Grand Duke of Lombard and there were countless soldiers outside the carriage.

Use the so-called mana again?

Thales stretched out his hand and squeezed the little slippery hand.

"You are Nunn's granddaughter, little girl." Rumba turned his blade over and said calmly.

The two froze slightly.

Thales' palms were cold, and he didn't know how to react for a moment.

He found out.

Grand Duke Heisha stared fixedly at the old sword in his hand, his eyes full of strange emotions.

"Nun brought you and her—the two most important bargaining chips—with her when she went out to fight against the disaster. This move really exceeded my expectations." Luba said to himself.

The little slippery head was so frightened that he couldn't even speak.

Thales took a deep breath.

What should he do?


Since it is the last.

He at least has to figure something out.

Thales slowly raised his head and looked directly into Lunba's eyes: "I think your actions probably also exceeded Nunn's expectations."



There was a crisp metal friction.

The little slippery head shook slightly, Thales was also taken aback.

Rumba turned his head, the blade in his hand had returned to the scabbard.

"Don't you understand? Whether it's Nun's death or the current chaos,

"The Grand Duke of Lombard's gaze was very complicated, but Thales failed to read much emotion from it, and only listened to the Grand Duke's words: "You brought all this. "

"Me?" Thales looked up in amazement.

Rumba's expression fluctuated up and down on the bumpy carriage, changing with the light, the light and dark were uncertain.

"If everything goes smoothly and develops according to the plan of me and Arend," the Grand Duke said flatly, "then no matter whether it is a star or a dragon, it will usher in a new life."

"Until you ruin everything."

Rumba's eyes became sharp and cold, pointing directly at Thales.

"In the stars, you turned Arend, who was destined to be the king, into a prisoner. In the Broken Dragon Fortress, you blocked my last retreat. In Exeter, you used Nun's anger to drive the Black Sand Territory to destruction. Edge," Grand Duke Heisha's words became extremely cold, making Thales shudder: "It was you who forced me to choose the most drastic method."

Thales gritted his teeth

"A coward's excuse," the prince tried his best not to look at the old scabbard that was worn bare and shiny, and said without taking a step: "Why don't you ask yourselves why you want to assassinate Prince Moral restlessly and covet the throne?" Woolen cloth?"

"Even after the plan failed, you didn't have no other way out, but you chose the most extreme one."

Thales returned Rumba a look coldly:

"The prince who killed the king."

Rumba stared at him motionlessly, then sneered rarely.

"When I was your age," Rumba's lips turned slightly to one side, his eyes sparkling: "Mother took Harold and me back to Dragon Clouds City. At the gate of the city, I watched a prisoner be executed .”

"At the moment before execution, grandpa's warrant came: he wanted to pardon the prisoner."

Thales frowned, and he glanced outside the carriage from the corner of his eye.


Still no chance.

"As a result," Lombard continued, "the executioner swung his ax and chopped off the prisoner's head before the warrant was read out and before the king's order took effect."

The little slippery head was still terrified, but she listened to Luba's story and unconsciously showed a listening expression.

"The executioner was a tough fighter, and his technique was crisp and neat, without hesitation. I still remember the high-hanging head and the blood spilled, and the scene where he took the king's warrant with bloody hands without hesitation. .”

The Grand Duke paused for a moment, lowered his head, and lowered his eyes to the sword in his hand.

"In the carriage, Harold kept comforting me who was so frightened that I was crying." Luba seemed to be in a daze, and he said silently: "That was the first time I understood what death and killing are."

He raised his head and turned towards Thales.

However, this time, Rumba did not set his sights on Thales.

Instead, throw it behind him.

For that little girl.

Thales' heart tightened, and he couldn't help but squeeze the little slippery hand.

"Later, my mother told us that the executioner was her own brother, our uncle, Prince Nunn Walton."

Rumba said with a deadpan expression, his sharp eyes fixed on the little slippery head:

"Nun Walton VII, your grandfather, my uncle was born a killer, ruthless, tough and stubborn, unable to bear weakness and hesitation, especially after he was crowned."

The little slippery guy just stared blankly at Rumba, not daring to speak out.

"He always likes to deal with his enemies in a simple, rough and vigorous manner." Lunba said lightly.

Taylor's eyes moved.

In the Hall of Heroes, King Nun did not hesitate to kill Pfeiffer, poisoned Alex, and exiled Michael.

But what impressed him the most was when the old king took out the 'Triumph' and put it in the hands of the little slippery head.

"He did this to the Glacier Orcs, he did this to White Mountain, he did this to the Freedom Alliance, and he did the same to the Kingdom of the Stars, until now," Lombard looked out of the window again, with the heaviness that Thales could feel in his tone: "To Black The same goes for the sand collar."

"Facing him, the only solution," Luba put his finger on the scabbard slightly, his words suddenly turned cold: "It is to be faster than him, and before he destroys me, destroy him first."

At the same time, Thales sighed.

"I understand," the prince said suddenly, his words were full of exhaustion and emptiness: "Start from the fortress."

Rumba looked at him and raised his eyebrows slightly: "What?"

"Your conspiracy," Thales leaned on the carriage, feeling a little depressed: "It started when I was assassinated in front of the fort and then entered your barracks, right?"

"At that time, you knew very clearly that if you couldn't take Broken Dragon Fortress, what awaited you would be the terrible revenge of King Nun like a storm."

Thales raised his head, met Rumba's eyes, and said affirmatively: "Since then, you have made up your mind to completely destroy Nun—before he destroys you."

Rumba's eye sockets shrunk slightly.

It seems a bit unexpected.

"Tell me about your plan." Thales raised his eyebrows and exhaled through his nose. "It must be boring to accomplish an unprecedented feat with no one to talk to."

"Tell me, how did you do all this?"

Rumba's gaze remained on him, motionless.

The carriage turned a corner, and the inertia caused the prince and the little slippery man to tilt slightly.

Thales decided to take the initiative and let him lead the conversation.

Just like those past life dreams, countless fieldwork and interviews.

"So you proposed to form an alliance with me in the camp," the prince said lightly, "Actually, you don't have any good intentions? Maybe it's to arrange some things through me?"

Like, more conveniently pushing King Nunn's death onto him - as Rumba is doing now.

Thales recalled the days in the Heisha military camp.

A cold stab in the back of an ally is always more effective than an enemy's face to face.

He thought of Serena Corleone.

The femme fatale who taught him to be wary of his allies.

Finally, Rumba snorted lightly.

"No, I really wanted to reconcile with you at that time, and even thought about sharing my plan with you." The Grand Duke shook his head, his tone turned cold: "It's a pity."

Thales' brain started to spin.

He has identified the beginning of this plot.


"Puffett," Thales' eyes moved, "When you were investigating your magic gun unit and my assassination, you claimed to have found the Sword of Disaster, but this news was known to King Nuen."

"Now it seems that this is the information you deliberately leaked to King Nunn, right? You know that King Nunn will deal with this enemy who is close at hand first," Thales recalled the thrilling duel in the Palace of Heroes: "Pefit , was actually betrayed by you to Dragon Clouds City."

Rumba snorted coldly.

"Caslan," he said calmly amidst the sound of the carriage wheels rubbing against the ground, "my uncle used to be in the Tower of Terminus, he was very interested in the matter of the Sword of Disaster, and he also had a good relationship with Nunn— —so I broke the news to him, and Nunn will know it from him."

At the same time can accomplish some other things.

"Caslan doesn't know your plan to kill the king, does he?"

Thales looked at him quietly, trying to find something from Luba's eyes: "I heard that he has a bad relationship with you."

Rumba glanced at him intriguingly.

Thales had no choice but to withdraw his observing gaze.

I saw Rumba shaking his head slowly: "I knew when you were assassinated that it was Peifit who was setting me up. That selfish and cowardly guy naively thought that what we were playing was just a game where we could get our chips back at any time." , a game of exit and stop loss."

Thales sighed: "He paid the price—betrayed his allies, and finally died at the betrayal of his allies."

"As you said, the investigation of this matter is only to leak this news to Nunn, and of course, to fill in the loopholes in my army-in fact, it was this investigation that gave me an unexpected discovery." Rumba His fingers brushed lightly over his sword.

Thales raised his head: "What discovery?"

Rumba looked at him mysteriously and shook his head.

Thales looked at him quietly, but the other party had no intention of explaining at all.

The prince could only sigh secretly in his heart.

"So, you caught King Nunn's attention with the abandoned child of Peifei." According to the experience of the interview, Thales chose to skip this point and continue the topic, "while you are intensively preparing your conspiracy, such as Using the excuse of my assassination, to send troops north to escort, and even contact an alliance like Shiles, right?"

Rumba looked at his saber with cold eyes.

"This is the last role that coward in Fengzhao City can play," the Grand Duke said slowly, "to draw some attention and delay some time—meetings, banquets, duels, I heard that Nunn played well in the Palace of Heroes." Very enjoyable."

Thales' tone lowered: "At the same time, I also lost my vigilance against you."

"During the half a day given to me by Peifit's death," Rumba nodded, his eyes filled with piercing sharpness: "I must secure the victory."

"Betray your allies, divert your opponents away, seek allies, take the opportunity to send troops, prepare plans, and finally strike the thunder," Thales sighed: "It just happened to be a night of chaos caused by a disaster—you are really a lunatic .”

He raised his head and looked at Luba with incredible emotion in his eyes: "You know, no matter which link here goes wrong, you will be lost forever?"

Rumba paused slightly.

The carriage passed an uneven ground, and the carriage shook violently!

The little slippery boy, who was already nervous, couldn't help but let out a cry.

Rumba suddenly looked up!


Grand Duke Heisha raised his voice, and Lumba's sharp eyes were chilling: "Son, you don't know anything."

"do not know anything."

Thales frowned.

I saw that Luba locked him with unprecedented firm and serious eyes, and his tone was full of suppressed unknown emotions:

"In order to complete that grand plan with Arend, we started preparations many years ago, from the connection of intelligence to the mobilization of territories, from the acquisition of contacts to the recruitment and training of talents."

"In order to take down the fortress, I promulgated a call-up law that is rare in the entire history of Exeter. I exhausted almost every copper coin, every drop of blood, and every human being in the territory. The extreme cold is approaching, and we Without storing supplies, reclaiming wasteland, and transporting food, I bet everything on this plan!"

Thales was slightly taken aback.

Rumba's words continued, and his tone became more and more urgent:

"Because of this plan, whether it is food or funds, the Heisha leader has long been unable to make ends meet. It is impossible to repay the money I borrowed from the Kangmasi businessman. The finances are about to collapse, and life will only become more and more difficult in the coming year. "

"I don't have many credible standing troops, two thousand is the limit, and even fewer are willing to fight against Dragon Clouds—after the giant dragon appeared last night, I secretly executed a group of shakers. You can't directly order them to besiege the king, you can only use vague orders to let them fight the 'enemies of Exeter'."

"As for Dragon Clouds City, the earls on the outskirts of the city alone can recruit an army several times larger than ours. As for Walton's own conscripts... Once they find out, we will be wiped out in the siege of Dragon Clouds City at any time. Not a single wave will splash."

"For the sake of last night, I braved the impending extreme cold and gnawed dry food to bring the well-drilled army all the way here. They looked at me with tired, depressed and puzzled eyes, and they only relied on what remained from the past drills. Instinct to maintain the most basic combat power."

"My people, from Lewand to Cambida, from Tuleha to Bitz, have bet their lives and heads, restraining the army to follow me into this bottomless abyss."

"And we didn't even consider the supplies and warmth for the return journey."

Rumba clenched the scabbard in his hand, with a terrifying and stern expression: "Because I know, we probably won't even have a way home!"

"This is an expedition from which there is no retreat."

Thales stared blankly at Rumba.

The unsmiling Grand Duke Heisha, who was eating venison in the camp, his face dimming and brightening according to the firelight, and pushing out the wine glass to him, but he mocked and refused, began to become three-dimensional in front of his eyes.

"Do you understand, little prince, when you are sitting comfortably in the Fuxing Palace to accept the royal name, when your father helps you clean up enemies like Arend," Grand Duke Heisha said slowly: "I Both the black sand collar and the black sand collar are—doomed."

"What I have done is to snatch the last chance of life in a hopeless situation that has long been beyond redemption."

"I racked my brains to mobilize the situation and atmosphere, mobilized all possible and impossible people and connections, and made countless promises, from the Marquis of Shanliu City to the gang leader, from the business group of Commas to the Kai District The intelligence brokers, from Shadow Shield to Surreyton, even let Shiles urge and intensify the conflicts between you and Peifeit at the biggest and fastest speed, and..."

Rumba stopped talking, he took a deep breath, and adjusted his emotions: "Just to rush again and again, and deliver the final, lightning-like fatal blow before Nunn notices."

His Excellency's eyes flashed brightly: "I am able to sit here after going through all this."

"Take the future of our two countries firmly in our hands."

Thales stared blankly at Rumba.

It was like meeting him for the first time.

The carriage drove through a street, and the soldiers of Heisha led the way for them in a low-key and effective manner.

Thales suddenly noticed that compared to the last time they met, Rumba had much more gray hair and was more haggard, with pale lips and sunken eyes.

Before the decisive battle with Giza, those words of Heijian resurfaced in his mind.

[They seek hope in desperation, win reversal in loss, sublimate adversity into victory, and turn accidents and accidents into their own help...]

Thales took a deep breath.

"I understand," the prince closed his eyes, "the strong one, that's how it is."

Rumba narrowed his eyes: "What?"

Thales opened his eyes, and under the curious eyes of the little slippery head, he said calmly: "In your game, in the confrontation between Dragon Clouds City and Heisha collar, you are undoubtedly the weaker side, taking advantage of all the disadvantages, and are in danger .”

The prince sneered lightly: "Did you know that after Nunn killed Peifeit, he even threatened to send troops to the Heisha leader in the spring to replace him with a Heisha Grand Duke who satisfies him."

Rumba lowered his head and hummed: "As I expected—my dear uncle."

"You know your uncle, your king, your opponent well."

"But he doesn't know you, or his nephew," Thales sighed, "You bet everything, and you haven't even left behind. Fight to the death."

Rumba didn't speak.

Thales chuckled, his voice full of sadness:

"In contrast, Nun Walton is the king of all, sitting in Dragon Clouds City, holding supreme power and huge strength, even if you killed his son, you still treat you as a mere weak prince .”

Thales sighed softly:

"He is confident because of his own strength, and he regards you as someone like Peifitt, a tiny existence that can be destroyed in a flash of laughter."

"In this life-and-death game between Nunn Walton and Charman Rumba, you are the real strong." The second prince raised his head and looked at Rumba calmly: "And King Nun's failure die……"

"It has already been doomed."

At that moment, Thales noticed that Rumba looked at him differently.

very good.

A conversation has been opened.

Thales took a deep breath.

"So, there is still one last question, which I still can't figure out," Thales said slowly and word for word under Lumbard's complicated eyes:

"Besides assassins—why did you come to Dragon Clouds City in person?"


"How are you going to end it?"

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