Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 32 Blades and Wings

In the darkness, Thales followed the fleeing crowd, walking anxiously. www.しωχS520. com

The fighters of the White Blade Guard have been divided into three teams, one team searches forward to detect danger, and the other team stays behind to guard against possible pursuers.

The last team guarded around them.

Nicolai walked at the head of the group and sighed deeply in the darkness.

"When did it happen?" He said hoarsely.

No one answered him.

Until Miranda's voice came from the side.

"If I had to guess," the female swordsman said lightly, "It has been from the beginning."

Nicolai was silent for a second.

"He might just be deceived," the current commander of the White Blade Guard asked in a low mood. "You know, the black sand leader forged the information about the Sword of Disaster, and then passed it on to Kaslan..."

Thales let out a breath, feeling that mental exhaustion began to attack him again.

whatever lies ahead...


Let's end it now.

"Come on." The one who answered the meteorite was the impatient Cohen, who was walking behind the team, his voice a little loud.

"Your hypocritical ex-boss, showed up to deal with us in person," the police officer taunted, "Hiding among the soldiers in Heisha collar—two punches knocked me down."

"Then you should feel honored," Nikolai suddenly raised his head, suppressed his anger, and said coldly in the darkness: "Not everyone is qualified to receive Kaslan's two punches."

Cohen frowned and was about to retort, but Raphael cut him off.

"You can ask 'Shake the Earth' to help," Raphael narrowed his eyes, "Now we know how they tricked the city gates quietly and without bloodshed."

Nicolai lowered his head and did not speak.

No one saw it, and his eyes were full of complicated meanings at this moment.

Thales' heart skipped a beat.

"Wait, if Kaslan knew about this secret passage from the beginning," the prince muttered in the team, "then why do you still have a chance to sneak in?"

Nicolai looked up.

But it was Cohen who answered.

"Maybe I want to wait for the White Blade Guards to arrive," the police officer gritted his teeth and said, "Let's solve it again."

No one else spoke.

The atmosphere became very oppressive.

"Look, they guarded us, they first waited for the Secret Division, and then the White Blade Guard," Cohen said unhappily before he finished speaking, "Siege the spot for reinforcements—is there any more vivid tactical case than this? "

Nikolai punched hard, hitting the wall.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

Even in the dark, everyone looked sideways.

The meteorite raised his head and let out a breath.

Nicolai's eyes became cold again.

"Fuck you, Caslan." The meteorite said coldly.

Raphael snorted softly, meaning unknown.

Right now.

"Uh, maybe, outside of the debate..." Thales' voice broke in abruptly, with a sense of fatigue in his words.

"What should we think about it?"

The second prince said silently: "If there is only one exit for the secret path."

Nicolai lightly clenched his fist.

The meteorite suddenly laughed.

"We have no choice," he said softly, "Isn't it."

Therefore, a group of people could only continue to walk on the secret path in a strange atmosphere.

The dangerous unknown awaits on the road ahead.

Head towards that equally mysterious exit.

Thales sighed slightly, but at this moment, he could only abandon all distracting thoughts and follow the team wholeheartedly.

The figure of another child moved to his side.

A soft voice whispered in his ear: "Thales."

"I can't escape, can I?"

In the dark, I couldn't see the expression of the little slippery head, but Thales could hear that her voice was full of sadness and despair.

Thales sighed.

He already felt very annoyed, but now he was really in no mood to comfort the little girl.

"Don't worry," Thales said absently, "Even if there is an ambush ahead, we will definitely have a way to escape..."

But the little slippery voice suddenly became louder.


She seemed a little agitated.

Thales was slightly taken aback.

"That's not what I said," she gasped in the dark, her voice panicked. "I meant...they, they all found me, found me..."

"I, I can't escape, and I can't go away!"

The little slicker's reaction even made Nicolai and the others who were talking on the other side couldn't help but look sideways.

It was only then that Thales came to his senses, and vaguely understood what the little slippery man was talking about.

she means...

Thales approached the little slippery head,

The second prince tightened his breathing, feeling the little slippery body rising and falling slightly beside him.

"They, they call me...Miss Walton..." The little slippery man spoke in a low voice, trying his best to keep his body steady, but Thales still felt the panic in her heart.

Thales' mood darkened.

"They won't let me go..." The little slippery man had subconsciously started to cry.

That's right.

It was agreed in the butcher shop: This little maid originally planned to slip away quietly after she escaped danger.

but now……

Thales raised his head and glanced in Nicolai's direction.

The White Blades found her, the Scarlet Witch recognized her, Rumba knew her.

What King Nun left her was not only a ring, an identity, but also a curse.

A curse that once you join, you can't quit the game.

The prince felt sad.

Not only that.

Thales immediately thought of the present after King Nun's death.

There was chaos in Longxiao City.

Walton's future ownership is at stake, and Cloud Dragon Spear may no longer be able to rule the city.

Exeter—the kingdom of giant dragons that has been passed down for six hundred years is about to fall into an unknown vortex, with uncertain prospects and uncertain fortunes.

Also, Rumba is leading his army and vassals to plant the charge of assassinating the king on Thales (although, as the Prince of Stars, he is not completely innocent), and continues to carry out his secret crimes that no one knows. conspiracy.

What does that hero want to do?

Where will he take Dragon Clouds City, Exeter, and the two great powers of the Western Continent?

And these...

Thales turned his head and roughly recognized the outline of the little maid in the darkness.

Are these things really something this little girl who has undergone great changes overnight, experienced life and death, and sobbed in the dark can bear it?

Thales sighed softly, he touched the little slippery hand in the dark.

It was a pair of dusty little hands, trembling and cold.

The little slippery hand shrank slightly.

"Are you afraid?" Thales said softly in his softest tone.

The little slippery sobbing paused slightly.

"Well," she nodded in the darkness where no one could see, "I'm sorry, but I'm really..."

"It's right to be afraid." Thales said lightly.

Little Slick's breathing stopped suddenly.

"I'm as scared as you are." Thales' voice sounded in her ear.

The little slippery head was stunned.

"So we have to remember it." The night on Red Square Street appeared in front of the prince's eyes, and he couldn't help clenching his fists slightly: "Remember this kind of fear that you can only be slaughtered by others, and you can't make your own choices."

"I hate this feeling," Thales murmured, "This disgust even exceeds the fear I feel."

Little Slick didn't speak, she listened quietly to Thales' words.

"So, try to hate it, hate this situation where you can't help yourself, hate the situation where you have to be a Walton," Thales gently shook her hand: "You will never treat 'Being a Walton' felt scary."

Little Slick said softly: "Disgusted?"

Thales pressed her hand.


“It is the loathing of it—to be free from that fear, to be free to choose one day—that will make us stronger,” he said unquestionably. “No matter who you become, there is no need to be afraid.”

"When you can face the future without fear..." the prince took a deep breath.

For some reason, at that moment, the figure of Ms. Ji Ni appeared in front of his eyes.

That day, she was wearing high-heeled boots, striding heroically, and walking into the Hall of Stars alone and proudly behind the king.

It was her unique demeanor that turned a blind eye to the countless gazes from her side.

Thales' pupils tightened slightly: "At that time, you must not be influenced by anything, and you must be able to make choices freely."

The little slippery sniffed and fell silent.

Thales fell into his own contemplation and remained silent.

Soon, the first white blade guards who explored the way came back to join them.

When the sound of their footsteps came, Cohen and the others nervously unsheathed their swords.

However, the other party brought some strange news.


"not found?"

Nicolai frowned.

"No," a leading guard shook his head in the dark, answering the boss's question: "Whether it's a secret ambush, a trap, a trap, or an open hand, we haven't found anything—we will arrive soon Exported."

The Meteor frowned lightly.

"Is this normal?" Raphael's voice came from behind.

Nicolai shook his head.

"It shouldn't be like this," the commander of the White Blade Guard pondered: "Kaslan should know about this secret passage."

Cohen's voice also came from behind: "Could it be that he doesn't know what's going on here?"

"It's possible," Miranda said softly, "or he was delayed by something."

"Maybe they are ambushing outside the exit," Huai Ya raised his eyebrows, his voice full of worry: "waiting to catch us all."

Thales exhaled from his nose and interrupted them loudly.

"Okay." The second prince only felt a headache: "It's useless for us to talk more."

"No matter what is waiting ahead," Thales said dejectedly, "We all have only one answer, don't we?"

They can only move forward.

There is no way out.

Just like he did on the battlefield before the fortress.

Can only move forward.

The people in the darkness fell silent again.

With an unspeakable sense of tension, everyone set off on the road again.

For several minutes, only hurried footsteps could be heard in the darkness of the secret passage.

The invisible darkness, the dull and monotonous rhythm and the bottomless panic in my heart made the atmosphere more and more dignified.

For this reason, Thales could only count the steps in his heart to relieve his increasingly depressed mental state.

Finally, when Thales counted to the seven hundred and twenty-eighth step or the eight hundred and twenty-seventh step, a slight reflection of light began to appear on the walls on both sides in front of him.

Everyone's spirits lifted.

But the nerves that had been relaxed and relieved just now became tense.

"That's the exit." Nikolai put his hand on the handle of the knife and whispered to the people behind him:


The group immediately fell silent.

Cohn let out a breath, shook his shoulders, and slowed down.

Miranda and Raphael remained silent, and seemed to have a tacit understanding.

Thales didn't dare to breathe out, for fear of disturbing something unknown.

But as the field of vision became brighter, they moved faster and faster.

As they approached the exit, the light ahead grew brighter.

Until the exit appeared clearly and unmistakably in front of me——at the end of the deep tunnel, there was a hole that emitted a dazzling white light.

Nicolai sighed.

Everyone's nerves also relaxed.

It's not because of safety, but because of being in a dark and oppressive environment for a long time, even the spirit has become abnormal.

So the moment I saw the exit, it felt like something I had been anxiously waiting for had finally come to fruition.


This result is not very good.

A figure stood quietly at the exit.

Thales' heart sank.

"Is it the respondent?" He asked softly.

"Of course not." Nikolai shook his head, he no longer lowered his voice: "He's not stupid enough to stand directly at the entrance of the cave."

The meteorite's expression became very calm, as if he was a little relieved?

Cohen sighed.

The white blade guards quietly dispersed to protect the surroundings of the little slippery head.

Miranda pressed the hilt of her sword, and slightly parted her lips: "Are you ready to fight?"

Raphael narrowed his eyes: "Do you see who that is?"

"I can't see her face clearly," Miranda said with a slight upturn of her mouth, "but that too familiar."

Cohen frowned: "Familiar? You mean, Croath?"

Nicolai ignored the subsequent arguments.

He gestured to the people behind him, and strode forward alone.

Go to that figure.

The figure turned his head slightly, and the light shone on his face.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the appearance of the person coming.

That's not 'Earth Shaker', it's not Kaslan.

"Meet you again," Nikolai sighed softly when he walked ten steps away from the visitor.

"Ms. Kashan."

In front of him, the Scarlet Witch smiled and nodded kindly as always.

Thales looked at the Scarlet Witch who appeared in front of him again in disbelief. He turned his head to look behind him, and then turned back to look at Kashan.

How did she...

"As expected, Kaslan told you about this secret passage." Nikolai said coldly.

The Scarlet Witch smiled faintly.

"I just found out, don't blame him," the old woman observed Nicolai's position, then raised her eyebrows lightly: "It's close enough, Lord Nicolai."

The Meteor stopped.

His hand was still on the Soul Severing Blade.

"Where is he?" Nicolai had to squint his eyes because of the backlight—he couldn't see the situation outside the cave clearly.

Kashan looked at him and sighed: "He won't show up."

Nikolai tightened his grip on the handle of his knife.

"Hmph," Nicolai looked away, his voice full of disdain: "Coward."

Behind him, Thales frowned: "They are standing too far away... they can't hear anything."

He tried to run the Sin of the Hell River, but the power of termination was too exhausted when he was looking for a way in the secret path before. He called several times, but the Sin of the Hell River did not respond.

Miranda showed a strange look: "Why is there only one Scarlet Witch?"

"Maybe it's an old trick," Cohen blocked Thales's side tightly, and looked around suspiciously, "That big guy with a knife is probably nesting in some gutter, and he plans to jump suddenly like last time. come out."

"Be alert," Rafael said calmly, "This time, we have no backup."

"Oh," Wyatt said softly, "When will they start fighting?"

Thales looked at the two people who were talking, feeling heavy in his heart: "We will know."

Nikolai's eyes returned to Kashan.

"What about you, Tuleha?" The Meteor looked at Kashan, estimated the distance between the two, and said coldly, "Where is your ambush?"

The Scarlet Witch sighed slowly.

"Outside," Cassan nodded and bowed slightly: "The crossbowmen you can't imagine are lurking in the most tricky corners—they are all good sniper assassins in the dark room."

"As for the black sand collar... I'm not going to let them participate in this hunt."

Nikolai's pupils narrowed slightly.

He hates this feeling.

On the battlefield, the feeling of being locked in tightly.

His eyes gradually adjusted to the light, and he looked out through the hole—still empty.

Nikolai looked back into the eyes of the Scarlet Witch, his pale face moved slightly: "You are not afraid, I will hold you hostage again?"

Kashan released a friendly smile: "Oh, I'm prepared this time, I'm afraid you won't be so relaxed."

The uneasiness in Nicolai's heart was getting heavier and heavier, he looked at the old woman fixedly, and did not speak again.

"Then what are you waiting for?" The Meteorite said coldly, "Let's do it—or do you think that as long as we get stuck here, we will obediently surrender?"

But to his surprise, Kashan shook her head: "Of course not."

"I do have all the advantages," the Scarlet Witch said flatly, "but that's not what I want, and unnecessary violence and death won't help."

"We haven't finished talking yet."

"Only for the White Blades and the Darkroom, only for Blade and Wing talk."

Nicolai was slightly taken aback.


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