Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 51: The Worthy King


Rumba nodded thoughtfully: "The Immortal Starlight."

"What do you want to say?" Grand Duke Ronnie frowned: "The biggest threat to us is Sonia Sutherley?"

But Luba ignored him, Grand Duke Heisha just stared blankly at the table, and continued to speak:

"Starlight Legion, they are very young and immature - even if they have combat experience with domestic rebels, they are simply vulnerable to our experienced and invincible northern soldiers."

Grand Duke Lecco's expression changed, and he fell into deep thought.

"On the way from the northern border to the Central Territory, we defeated them in the first battle." Lumba took a deep breath, his expression became hard and persistent: "Nothing special, as usual: light cavalry probing, archers suppressing, light infantry biting Hold the main force, and the heavy cavalry will launch a decisive attack."

Rumba nodded slowly, but his eyes were extremely complicated:

"With just one encounter, their main force was defeated, and the rest fled in all directions. They couldn't even use the epee infantry and heavy armored axemen who fought tough battles. It was easy."

"Just like all previous enemies," Rumba raised his fists, and his right fist punched the eye of his left fist powerfully, like a craftsman nailing a nail, "you gather the best and hardest fighters, and strike like a thunderbolt to destroy The strongest part of them, and then wait for the rest to flee, crumble, howl, surrender, never to rise again."

"Not even the private army of the local lords in the north to fight against - at least they are from the north."

Grand Duke Ronnie showed a strange look: "So?"

He noticed sensitively: Regarding this question, as witnesses, neither the Grand Duke Olsio nor the Grand Duke Trudida spoke, but looked serious.

Even with some... homage?

"So that's the Starlight Legion," Grand Duke Lecco answered him, only to hear the old grand duke sigh: "At that time, no one took them seriously."

The bald-headed Grand Duke of Jiecheng City shook his head: "Until a few days."

Ronnie frowned slightly.

Rumba took up the conversation.

"A few days later, they—the group of child soldiers who should have lost their armor and armor, were routed, fled in all directions, and lost their souls,

"The Grand Duke of Lombard sat on a chair and narrowed his eyes:

"It's back again."

Ronnie was slightly taken aback.

"When we were about to attack Glacier City, he stood in front of us again." Lunba said indifferently, as if seeing the scene more than ten years ago again in the distance.

"Although the number of people is small, they are organized, established, and in formation, as if they have just been recruited," Lunba continued, with an erratic tone and misty eyes: "They just opened up the formation again like that. The moment before our siege is about to win, decisively raid our rear."

"Like rekindled dead ashes."

"No," Grand Duke Lecco closed his eyes and shook his head: "It's not dead ashes, it's immortal starlight."

Grand Duke Ronnie's suspicions deepened.

"But we still defeated them," Grand Duke Lecco opened his eyes suddenly: "Once again."

Rumba looked at him.

"Yes, again."

Grand Duke Heisha nodded slowly: "But this time we sent Qingqi to pursue them, trying to drive them all to death."

"Nearly 10% of the light cavalry was lost," Lyco sighed, "I remember...the light cavalry I dispatched."

"And then?" Rumba's expression was indistinguishable, and he asked himself and answered, "Again."

Ronnie raised his eyebrows: again?

"Again!" Rumba's voice sounded decisively like a metal impact:

"The Xinghui Legion, which fled all over the country, regrouped and gathered under the battle flag in just a few days, and launched an attack on us along the banks of the Muhe River."

Grand Duke Ronnie finally changed color.

"How could it be?" The Grand Duke of Qiyuan City was surprised and said: "How did they regroup the defeated army? What about morale? Can the supplies and logistics keep up?"

Rumba shook his head.

"This kind of game has been repeated several times," Lumba said in a tired tone, "but no matter how many times we defeat them, as long as we don't wipe them out completely, the rest of them can always be gathered together like a miracle—I don't know where they are. How to deal with the logistics on the hellish battlefield, but at least the eyes of those baby soldiers are very decisive-then when we are attacking the city, or occupying the territory, or resting for supplies, or rotating troops, the ghosts will linger around us A cold blow from the side or the back."

Grand Duke Lecco's face darkened: "The Immortal Stars—this is the title our people gave them."

Rumba snorted.

"What makes all of us puzzled is why such a young ordinary army can reorganize without hindrance every time after experiencing such fiascos and collapses?" Grand Duke Heisha asked softly .

No one answered.

Grand Duke Olsio frowned and looked at the others.

"Xinghui God of War is a good leader. He trained his army very well. This is his honor," Olsio said affirmatively and resolutely: "A great opponent, even though he dies, his soul will live forever." .”

Rumba's laugh cuts in inappropriately.

"Really? Because John Canxing is a great military strategist, all the civilian soldiers under him can become extraordinary warriors?" Lunba sneered lightly, with a bad tone: "Then our king, grand duke, and nobleman , are the leaders and even the soldiers all trash?"

The faces of the princes all turned cold.

"Careful with your words, Rumba." Lecco narrowed his eyes.

But Rumba ignored them.

"Why is it that an army that is isolated and helpless, and difficult to match us head-on, is actually an 'indestructible' army?" Lunba's face was determined: "We are puzzled, we are surprised, we are surprised, because even the famous for being good at fighting Northerners can hardly imagine such a situation."

The other grand dukes fell into deep thought.

"Yes, the Northlanders are the strongest in body and the most fanatical in spirit. Under the same conditions, no one can defeat us on the frontal battlefield! Even the most terrifying enemy!" Lunba said firmly .

But his tone changed immediately:

"But even if it is us, the number one military power in the West, after a big victory, the head coach will spend a day camping and counting, and dispatching his trusted nobles and personal guards, either with swords, spears and axes, or noble warrants , to gather and appease those soldiers who are so excited and fanatical that their eyes are red, their hands are soft, their pants are loose, and they are scattered around the battlefield to vent their anger."

"It is normal efficiency to be able to regroup the troops in one day and one night, and then march again the next day."

Grand Duke Lecco shook his head.

"That's not surprising," the old man said slowly, "We have fought wars like this for hundreds of years."

Rumba turned his head abruptly, his gaze fixed on the old man like a blade.

The old man turned his head slightly when he stabbed him.

"And what about when we lost the battle?" Rumba said coldly: "Even the Exeters-fleeing after a panic-stricken and fear-spreading rout, don't go through weeks or even months. It may be possible to reorganize the organization, arrange the logistics, and gather the defeated troops when everyone is at a loss! This is not like hunting, you just blow a whistle, and the stray hounds will come back. "

"As for quickly gathering, reorganizing in a short time, deploying manpower, arranging logistics, organizing into an army, reorganizing combat power, and marching again?"

Rumba folded his arms tightly, looked at the four Grand Dukes with different expressions, and snorted coldly: "In the entire Kingdom of Exeter, only the White Blade Guard and Glacier Watch can achieve it-I suspect that many of the Grand Duke's personal guards are Can't do that."

He looked at Ronnie.

"Kulikun, you Qiyuan City have seen a lot of blood in the Golden Corridor and the Great Desert, and you are considered to have outstanding military strength in Exeter." Lunba pursed his lips: "Can you?"

Ronnie didn't speak, but his expression was serious.

The other princes did not answer either.

Rumba narrowed his eyes: "Have you ever thought about why?"

A few seconds later, Olsio sighed slightly.

"They are on their own land," the Grand Duke of Wellandland shook his head: "They have all the advantages—whether it is the support of the locals or the familiarity with the terrain..."

But he was soon interrupted unceremoniously by Rumba.

"Go to his mother's own land!" Only the Grand Duke Heisha said harshly:

"Most of those baby soldiers were recruited by Xinghui God of War from the south and west of Xingchen, and they were new recruits less than a year old. In comparison, we, as northerners, are more adaptable to the climate from the northern border to the central border of Xingchen." terrain."

Trudida snorted softly:

"Say it straight."

The Grand Duke of the Reconstruction Tower raised the corners of his mouth: "What are you implying?"

Rumba's eyes immediately gouged out to him.


"I have reviewed the battles against the stars in the past three or four hundred years," the Grand Duke Heisha said coldly: "In the past, at least in the great war a hundred years ago, the people of the stars were just like us. It can’t be gathered in a few months, from the logistical capability to the speed of reprogramming, it’s on par with us.”

"Why can he train the Xinghui Legion when he comes to the Xinghui God of War?"

The four princes frowned together.

"Get to the point, don't take history lessons," Trudida said impatiently, saying everyone: "None of us are stupid."

Rumba narrowed his eyes.

No, you are not stupid.

His face turned cold: it is more terrifying than a fool - pretending to be smart.

After a second.

"Which one?" Rumba asked softly.

The four princes were slightly taken aback.

"Which one?" Trudida asked suspiciously.

Rumba leaned forward, and under the light of the brazier, he pressed down on the table like a hill, looking oppressively at the four princes.

"I mean……"

He narrowed his eyes: "You guys, which star king in history has the deepest impression?"

The four Grand Dukes looked at each other two by two, exchanging a few puzzled looks.

Star King?


"The kings of the stars...more than thirty of them..."

Rumba leaned back on his chair, stretched out his right hand, and slowly began to count:

"Is it the 'Renaissance King' Tormund I who fought alone for ten years and vowed to restore the country in a desperate situation?"

"Is it 'Black Eyed' John I who opened up the territory and fought with Nunn I around the Watch City?"

"Or the 'Red King' John II, and his wrath of the king who wiped out the entire Duchy of Brad within a month?"

"Is it 'Far Sail' Kessel II who defeated the Humble fleet in the Second Continental War?"

"Is she the only 'Northern Conqueror' Queen Elijah who ruled the stars as a woman and snatched Cold Castle from Exeter?"

"Or the 'Oathkeeper' Midil IV who is brave, swears to keep his promise, and is a brother and sister with Sara?"

"Oh, otherwise, it's Eddie II, the 'King of Constant Rule' who has ruled longer than Nunn, the country is stable, and has not had any troubles except for the last year? Although his fate is not very good."

While talking, Rumba observed the expressions of several grand dukes.

But he didn't see anything - the Grand Dukes didn't even show their facial movements.

Rumba sneered mockingly: "No? Impossible?"

After a few seconds, he sighed indifferently.

"Okay," Rumba narrowed his eyes: "The King of Stars that I'm most impressed with..."

Several Grand Dukes narrowed their eyes slightly.

He only heard Lumbardi say indifferently: "Mindis Canxing III."

Grand Duke Trudida heard the words, his expression moved slightly: "Could it be that..."

Rumba nodded slowly.

"Yes," Grand Duke Heisha said lightly, his eyes full of complex and incomprehensible emotions: "One hundred and fifty years ago, the Mindis III who experienced the Fourth Continental War."

He said softly:

"That 'virtuous gentleman'."

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