Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 62 I am honored

Palace of Heroes, west corridor.

"Damn it, I almost stabbed you just now!"

Panting, Wyah pulled out his single-edged sword from the last enemy's body, and patted his left wound, which seemed to be split open: "How is this strange grouping arranged?"

The corpse was turned over, and Cohen Karabyan crawled out from underneath in embarrassment. He watched Wyatt's sword being pulled out from his ear with his scalp numb, and rolled his eyes.

"I'm really sorry, I'm not as strong as Miranda, nor as strong as Raphael, and I'm not as good as the experienced White Blade Guard," the security officer said in a perfunctory tone: "So I need your help... Your Excellency Caso's attendant!"

Just now, Cohen and Wyah escaped from several elite volleys from the black sand collar.

"Well, maybe I should be lucky." The attendant took a deep breath and said, "At least I don't have to be with the dumb guy—that guy is very sensitive. If I stare at his throat for more than a second, he will notice , that look, as if I was the culprit who crushed his throat..."

Cohen stopped in his tracks and looked at Wyah with a displeased face.

Huai Ya was stunned for a second before shrugging embarrassingly: "Ah, I'm sorry, I forgot that you are the right one."

"Thank you for your understanding." Cohen replied angrily.

Huai Ya looked at the three corpses in front of him, rubbed his shoulders, and sighed: "Your Majesty guessed right, they sent a small group of elites to disperse the search—if His Royal Highness is still with us , probably exposed her whereabouts by now, and then was dragged down by endless harassment."

"Let's go," Cohen gasped, listening to the faint sound of fighting coming from the east: "We are lucky this time, their reinforcements received the signal, but were misled by the other side - I don't know if it is the White Blade Guard or our people."

They walked forward for about tens of seconds and came to a fork.

"Do you want to continue?" Huai Ya pointed in one direction, frowning: "We have already..."

Cohen kept up with Wyah's pace and surpassed him without hesitation: "We can only keep going, we have to make room for the prince and the others."

Wyatt glanced at Cohen, suddenly laughed, and then quickly followed.

In the heavy atmosphere, the police officer turned his eyes to the latter's single-edged sword, and frowned slightly: "You are a student of Mr. Shatier,

But when using a sword, he looks like someone from Master Shao's side. "

Wyatt nodded, frowning.

"I know—the teacher told me that my finishing power is very special, and it even affected my swordsmanship."

The sergeant raised his eyebrows.

Just special?

"The fighting styles of the 'Sin' series are very dangerous. In many cases, it looks like suicide." Cohen recalled the figure in white and said calmly.

"But it is the line with the highest achievements." Wyatt shook his head sullenly: "Many famous swordsmen or masters come from there."

Cohen nodded slowly: "Since you have just graduated, why did you choose to be an attendant? Higher family background or better swordsmanship?"

"There are many candidates who are stronger than me and have noble backgrounds." Huai Ya shook his head and continued to move forward: "But the prince is still young, and they need someone who can grow up with the prince and be his arm in the future— The newcomers who have just come out of the tower are clean, and they are the most suitable for this job."

"Otherwise, the Kaso family is neither a local Ludor nobleman with a long lineage, nor a noble imperial lineage like your Karabyan. It was just a small local gentry four generations ago—a hundred years ago , we can't even be a squire, let alone an aide."

Cohen nodded knowingly.

It is also because of this——Cohen said silently: The king is relieved to allow you to serve as attendants.

"So, what's it like to be born in a family of the thirteenth family?" Huai Ya suddenly turned his head and asked, "Not everyone has a family that has been passed down for thousands of years."

Cohen froze.

"A thousand-year-old family?" Cohen was stunned, and then fell into deep thought.

That dark and mysterious forbidden door, those big and small castles...

"You have a lot, but you carry more, and you can't unload it." Cohen's face darkened: "That's the feeling."

Wyatt looked at his expression and shrugged.

"The heir to the imperial earl is willing to condescend to become a small police officer in the capital." The attendant shook his head: "Is this not common?"

what is this.

Cohen said contemptuously in his heart: When I was in the Saber Dunes, I was still - bah bah, the western dialect is easy to say - I was still in the desert.

"My old man said that the times are changing, and learning to adapt is not a bad thing," Cohen shrugged. "The era when Count Karabyan was directly appointed as the chief of intelligence is over."

"A heir to the royal earl should be a police officer, just for training - to see how the kingdom works."

"It's really not a bad thing," Wyah shrugged. "That's why we—Caso and Karabyan—have the chance to fight side by side here, right?"

Cohen smiled slightly: "Remember to tell this story to your grandchildren."

"Exactly," Wyatt spread his hands, shook his head and laughed, "'Your grandfather once took risks in Dragon Clouds City with the future Earl of the Kingdom, and risked his life for the future Supreme King...'"

The next moment, the expressions of both of them changed at the same time!


The two unsheathed their swords as quickly as possible, bent their knees slightly, stepped apart, and looked nervously at the opposite steps.

A figure in armor appeared there.

I saw "Fire Knight" Tuleha, step by step, slowly walking down the steps, looking at them with a serious expression.

The security officer let out a long breath, lamenting his "luck".

Huai Ya narrowed his eyes, feeling uneasy.

"Come on, big man, I haven't forgotten the one in the cell," the security officer gritted his teeth, and made a sword gesture: "It's time to pay off the debt."

In front of them, Tuleha pressed his golden saber expressionlessly.

"It's him again," Huai Ya nervously looked at Tuleha in front of him, recalling the scene in the cell, and said solemnly to Cohen:

"Are you sure you want to fight?"

Run away now, maybe there is still a chance to get rid of him.

"There is no other choice," Cohen frowned: "Do our best."

Huai Ya took a deep breath, raised his single-edged sword, and shook his head: "That's fine."

Tuleha curled one corner of his mouth, and walked towards them slowly like a hill.

"You sent almost everyone," Tuleha heard the sounds of fighting one after another, and said with sharp eyes: "You even scattered your hands, and used volleys to fight our volleys at any cost."

"It should not be to assassinate the Grand Duke."

"Where is the meteorite?" He whispered, his voice was thunderous.

Cohen and the two frowned.

"Where is your prince?"

Both Cohen and Wyatt were taken aback.

"You seem to be very concerned about His Highness the Prince." Huai Ya snorted coldly.

Tuleha narrowed his eyes.

"I can feel it." The Flame Knight seemed very relaxed, and the Flame Knight slowly drew out his saber, making the two of Cohen even more nervous: "Your people are scattered, almost a semicircle, gradually approaching the Hall of Heroes."

Cohen exhaled deeply.

Really bad.

How does this guy feel?

"You are not here to break through, but to act as scouts and sentries," Tuleha said coldly, "to hide the location of some people and cover up his intentions, aren't you?"

Cohen and Wyah looked at each other and saw the hesitation in each other's eyes.

"Cambida believes that the middle-aged Lord and the meteorite are the most threatening existence," he waved his saber lightly: "But since we met in the snow, seeing his eyes facing Nicolai, I There's a gut feeling."

Tuleha solemnly said: "That seemingly harmless prince is the most dangerous."

"Your prince, where is he?" Tuleha's face changed, and he continued to ask, "What are you going to do?"

The two of Cohen didn't say a word, they just nervously thought about what to do later.

But the next moment, Tuleha stepped on his feet and attacked with a knife!

The tense Huai Ya was shocked, and the single-edged sword immediately struck Tuleha's face.

Cohen's expression changed.

"No!" The security officer shouted angrily, grabbed Wyatt's left arm forcefully, and pulled him back.

Wyah's single-edged sword meets Tuleha's golden saber in the air!

The temperature in the air rose sharply.


The weird sizzle sounded again.


The crisp sound of metal falling to the ground.

Wyah was pulled back five full steps by the police officer until he sat down on the ground.

But he had no time to estimate Cohen.

Huai Ya stared blankly at the single-edged sword in his hand: the blade at the front had been broken, the fracture was smooth, the blade was red, and faintly exuded high temperature.

It's like being blown instantly.

The broken blade kept shaking on the ground.

On the opposite side of them, Tuleha snorted softly without any surprise, and flicked the golden saber in his hand, splashing strange sparks in the air.

Cohen and Wyah watched with tingling scalp as the Flaming Knight raised his knife and stabbed it into the wall next to him without hindrance.

He swung his arm slowly, and the saber slashed across the wall, sparks splashed everywhere he went, leaving only scorched black marks.

With the sound of sizzle, there was an unpleasant smell of roasting in the air.

"Since losing its corresponding prey, the importance of this knife has greatly diminished." Tuleha pulled his knife out of the wall, as if pulling it out of water.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at the two people on the ground: "But it's still an effective weapon."

Cohen supported Wyah, and looked at the knife in Tuleha's hand in astonishment.

That is……

He remembered the old book he had read in the family's old castle.

Cohen remembered Tuleha's nickname again.

That is……

"This is just a warning," Tuleha said with a serious expression, "I respect your spirit, so..."

"I promise, it will be over soon."

"How come..." Wyah murmured looking at the fracture on his weapon, "This is...the steel refined in the tower..."

He looked at Tuleha's saber again, and was extremely surprised: "What kind of weapon is that?"

Unhindered, effortless... cut through metal?

Cohen took a deep breath.

"Legendary anti-magic weapons," Cohen replied solemnly, staring at the golden horse fighting knife:

"Sun Saber."

"The fiery blade that claims to cut everything," Cohen gritted his teeth as he smelled the burning smell in the air and felt the rising temperature:

"AKA: Breath of Hell."

Huaiya was slightly taken aback.

"Good knowledge." Tuleha nodded approvingly, looking at his weapon: "The sharpest blade in the world - it has temperature."

The faces of the two on the Xingchen side became extremely ugly.

"What should we do now?" Huai Ya frowned, "His knife..."

"Yeah." Cohen gritted his teeth.

He watched Tuleha raise the Rising Sun Saber and approach slowly.

The security officer shook his head embarrassingly and heavily, as if he was talking to himself: "Facing a weapon that can cut off almost all armor..."

"What should I do?"


In another room of the Palace of Heroes.

Little Slick leaned against the wall in a daze.

Thales clenched his fists and remained silent.

Footsteps came.

Deputy envoy Xingchen came to their side.

The little slippery head was slightly startled, came back to his senses, and looked at Thales as if asking for help.

The prince nodded to her.

Puttilai looked at Thales in front of him, and the little slippery guy behind him who was uncomfortable because he had returned to the Palace of Heroes, and couldn't help but sighed.

"They've already spread out," Puttilai listened to the faint sounds of fighting around him, and estimated their distance:

"Your Highness, it's time for you to go."

Thales raised his head and calmly looked at Puttilai in front of him.

"Will they survive?" he asked bitterly.

Puttilai didn't speak, just watched him silently.

After a few seconds.

"As you said," Mr. Deputy Envoy sighed slightly: "You know exactly where the key is in this chess game, and you must put the strongest chess pieces on the battlefield."

"You win," Puttilai said flatly, "We won."

"No matter how many sacrifices are made."

For a while, Thales was speechless.

He can only bow his head.

"I," Thales felt heavy in his heart, "I'm sorry."

"It wasn't my plan."

The atmosphere was very depressing, and the little slippery man pursed his lips, preoccupied.

"I know, Your Highness," Puttilai shook his head, his expression normal: "I know."

"It was an accident that we had to break into the city gate, and it was another accident to be found there again."

"In the end we had to."

Puttilai squatted down slowly.

"But one of the most fascinating things in life," Mr. Deputy Envoy sighed softly: "There are always accidents that interrupt our planned dreams."

Puttilai's eyes drifted away, as if recalling the past: "Accident."

"I know," Thales took a deep breath, looked at the floor tiles, and tried his best to expel unnecessary emotions from his brain: "Just, listen to them..."

Puttilai lowered his eyelids and remained motionless.

"Puttilai, I'm sorry," Thales sighed, and finally gave up and continued: "Take care."

at this moment.

"Your Highness."

Mr. Deputy Envoy suddenly interrupted Thales.

He sighed for a long time, as if he had made up his mind.

"Before we leave," Puttilai lowered his head and nodded slowly, "I want you to know one thing."

"Please don't feel guilty about me."

Thales frowned and looked at the deputy envoy.

But Puttilai's face was hidden in the darkness, he couldn't see clearly.

Thales inexplicably felt that Puttilai was very abnormal at this time.

"Twelve years ago, I was at the border between Exeter and the Stars, and I was in charge of the intelligence collection of the Department of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with the Secret Service." Puttilai's voice trembled slightly: "In the summer of that year, I once made a a decision."

Thales became more and more confused.

"An easy decision, a light proposition."

He said in a low voice, his voice was as soft as a feather that had fallen through the air: "I only need to nod slightly, and the letter about Exeter's proposal will be sent back to China..."

Thales suddenly thought of something, and an inexplicable panic arose spontaneously.

twelve years ago.


Putilai paused for a while, as if he couldn't continue speaking.

"But that was a mistake..."

"An unforgivable mistake..." The deputy envoy gasped slightly: "The northern border has thus ushered in a disaster."

"The flames of war continued to burn, blood flowed into rivers, and corpses littered the fields."

At that moment, Thales was shocked.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Puttilai in disbelief:


King Nun's voice seemed to reverberate in his ears again.

【That is the assassin from your stars...】

Thales stared blankly at the thin man in front of him.

Puttilai raised his head, trembling slightly on the way.

His face was covered with dead and gray mourning.

"I've lied to myself countless times, told myself it wasn't my fault, convinced myself it was just an accident, just a stupid mistake by an assassin..."

"I even learned to be indifferent, learned to be indifferent, and told myself: forget the past."

"But that's useless." The deputy envoy's expression was gloomy, and his tone seemed to be full of despair: "Fate is so magical, full of accidents, but also full of inevitability."

"The sins you have committed will eventually come back to you."

"Whether you escape or not."

Thales looked at the man's confession, but his heart was blank.

He didn't know how to react.

"So, Your Highness, when I heard you say that you want to stop the war, want to change, want to save, want to do something..."

Puttilai's eyes were red, and his expression was sad and peaceful.

"I'm really relieved." He said softly, with a bitter smile.

Thales stared back at him blankly: "Puttilai..."

Puttilai took a deep breath, restrained his expression, and his eyes flickered: "Tales Canxing."

Hearing him call his name directly, Thales moved slightly.

Puttilai looked at him quietly with firm eyes.

In the next second, Puttilai slowly pressed his right chest, nodded slowly, with a solemn tone.

"Working with you."

"I am very honored."

As soon as the words fell, Putilei stood up resolutely, turned and left.

Thales was left in a daze.

The second prince frowned, his breathing was short, and his thoughts were confused.

In the room, there was only the voice of the little cunning questioning.

A few minutes later.

Outside the Hall of Heroes, dense black sand collar soldiers formed a tight line of defense, watching everything around them vigilantly, even the inexplicable noises in the walls were not let go, and there were special personnel to listen.

Their actions even affected the people on the side of the four grand dukes, who frequently looked at them.

Viscount Canbida calmly listened to the rewards from his subordinates, nodding from time to time.

Finally, after a report, Cambida's face changed slightly.

He hesitated for a second, then gestured to his deputy, turned and left decisively.

Accompanied by a group of soldiers, Cambida walked through layers of tight lines of defense, responding to his subordinates' salutes from time to time, and finally, he turned around a corridor.

In this corridor, two groups of soldiers led by Heisha escorted a prisoner to Cambida's body.

Cambida frowned.

"Meeting under such circumstances..." the Viscount of Menton City said indifferently: "Should I be surprised?"

"Your Excellency, the self-inflicted lord?"

In front of Canbida, the Deputy Envoy of the Star Mission, Lord Putilei Nyman, with his arms clasped, raised his head calmly and looked at him.

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