Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 24: The

I was slack, lazy, lazy. . lwxiaoshuo.

Looking at King Charman's steady and indifferent expression, Thales, who was sweating profusely, suddenly realized this sadly.

Even though he thinks he has been very vigilant in the past six years, and he is also worried by the eyes and whispers of the people in the Northland, but compared with those days when dangers surrounded him and forced him to work hard, the life of the prince now is still too comfortable , too leisurely.

I don't know when it started, and even Thales didn't realize that he had unknowingly gotten used to such a comfortable rhythm, so that he suddenly faced such a terrifying and powerful enemy as Charman Rumba, especially in a situation that was worse than six years ago. In the thrilling game, he who has been absent from the "battlefield" for a long time seems to be at a loss and unable to do what he wants.

Thales even began to suspect that the reason why Luba came to him abruptly and boldly at this time was to catch the unprepared prince by surprise.

"You know," across the carriage, King Charman didn't care about the prince's expression, he nodded with satisfaction:

"It's a good thing you're acknowledging that and not playing dumb."

There was a dangerous light in his eyes: "Save me from 'testing' the power of this truth again."

Thales' face became more and more ugly.

For six years, Thales was breathing in a trance—Lumba stood at the highest point of the country, honed and refined in the desperate struggle with the Grand Duke and vassals, and became more sophisticated and clever. One careless step, everything was lost .

But he himself, the prince of the stars, named as a guest, was actually a hostage pawn, but was imprisoned at the highest point of this famous city by the king's order for a full six years.

Accompanied and protected by his guards, and under the surveillance and isolation of various forces, he spent his days in silence and solitude with books and servants.

He can't get in touch with more people, and can't get further information. He stays away from the most dangerous and complicated games, and becomes confused and corrupted in the illusion of peace created.

In a way, Rumba won, he fought for six years and took six years away from me.

Thales clenched his fists.

Maybe... There is a voice in Thales's heart calling out: Maybe it's time for me to go.

Leaving Dragon Clouds City, returning to...


Thales raised his eyes slightly, and looked into King Charman's eyes expressionlessly.

Breathe, Thales, breathe.

The chess game is not over yet, and it is not time to give up.

Even, the battle has just begun.

isn't it, old friend?

The familiar crime of Hell and River emanated from his nerves and blood vessels, spreading across his whole body, like the fire of hell, and like the frost of the extreme north, which made Thales tremble.

Think carefully, Thales.

Fear, nervousness, frustration, frustration, surprise, countless unnecessary emotions left him in an instant.

Thales leaned on the back of the seat, folded his arms tightly, and frowned.

First of all—Thales thought coldly: Rumba said that the Scarlet Witch didn't tell him a single word.

is this real?

If it is true, it means that the king has learned the biggest top secret of Dragon Clouds City from another channel.

He needs confirmation.

King Charman was unhurried, waiting intriguingly for the prince's response, as if everything was under control.

"You're not sure either, are you?"

"For this bargaining chip that can overturn Dragon Clouds City and yourself at the same time, the 'field test' is just talk," Thales said with a deadpan expression, "Since when did you start to doubt?"

There was a considerable degree of interest in King Charman's eyes.

"From day one."

Thales gritted his teeth lightly: The first day, that is to say...

"'Triumph' is a token given to Necaru by the Fuxing King. It has a lofty status and extraordinary significance: for many years, it symbolizes the inheritance of Walton and the authority of Dragon Clouds City, and has been worn by the successive Grand Dukes of Dragon Clouds City. It has been passed down from generation to generation, and everyone knows it.”

The king's voice came coldly, giving people a chilling illusion: "But that night, when my men took Nun's body away, his fingers were empty."

"Until I saw you put a ring on that girl in the Hall of Heroes."

Thales moved slightly, remembering the confrontation in the hall that year.

"Do you suspect that I took the ring in private and put it on for Thelma?" The prince said softly, "It seems a bit arbitrary?"

King Charman shook his head.

"No, I don't think that group of former White Blade Guards have the guts to desecrate the corpse of the former king, and I don't think they will allow you to remove the supreme token representing the Walton family from Nun's corpse."

"Therefore, 'Triumph' can only be taken from King Nun's finger while he was still alive and given to his granddaughter."

The look in King Charman's eyes became more and more dangerous: "That's even more suspicious."

Thales' expression froze, and he figured out the key.

The news about Rumba did not come from the dark room and the Scarlet Witch.

This terrible hero found out the secret by himself.

In this case……

The king snorted coldly: "It is impossible for Nunn to know that he is about to die. Why did he hastily peel off the ring representing the Dragonlance family, and privately and secretly hand it over to a girl who cannot even be convinced by the vassals?"

"Isn't it better to gather the vassals in public, pass the ring in full view, determine the heir, and use the authority of the born king to endorse the Grand Duke's inheritance and pave the way for the female Grand Duchess?"

"Then I thought of you," King Charman said silently, "You were also in Dragon Clouds City the day the former king privately passed the Ring of Triumph to his granddaughter."

"Thals Canxing."

The prince lowered his head so that the other party could not see his expression clearly.

"That night, the reason why the former king passed the ring to his granddaughter was for you to see it, and for the Canxing family to see it, right?"

"He chose you, Thales." Strangely, King Charman's voice was full of respect and disdain at the same time: "Because of the status of the Canxing family and King Xingchen, and because of the specialness you showed that night, He chose you as the husband of his granddaughter, as the husband of the future Grand Duke, and after his death, he will use the power of the stars to continue the Dragonlance family's rule over Dragon Clouds City and protect your wife's family."

The prince could hear his heart beating at a constant speed.

At that moment, the once familiar thinking mode returned to Thales' mind.

In the conversation just now, he first tried to see if I had a marriage contract with Thelma.

Then he asked about my alliance with King Nun.

Both are...

"For many years, I have been doubtful about the achievement of this alliance between you," Charman Wang Han said: "You are right about one thing, Thales, the heir of the Star Kingdom, how can he get along with you under heavy opposition?" The Grand Duchess of Dragon Clouds City is getting married?"

The king gradually approached Thales' face, and the prince could even see himself reflected in his eyes.

"Two doubts."

"First of all, how could you possibly believe that this fragile alliance is still effective and profitable in the face of many obstacles when King Nun's life is about to end? Moreover, with a fragile marriage, Eternal Star City can really intervene in the dragon Xiaocheng?"

"Secondly, how can King Nuen ensure that what he did was not to lure wolves into the house, and that the covenant he reached would not fall apart after his death? Kester, send the Walton family and Dragon Clouds City to hell?"

King Charman sat back in his seat, and the bullying words came to an end.

Leave the endless silence and deep thought in the carriage.

Thales narrowed his eyes slightly.

Well, Rumba's statement, "Not really of Walton blood," doesn't mean he knows the whole truth.

On that cruel night six years ago, what happened in the Hall of Heroes was not just as simple as the old king giving a surname to a girl who was not of his blood.

that night.

Alex's pale face appeared in front of Thales' eyes.

He turned his attention back to the king.

That being said, the only fact that Rumba can ascertain is...

From now on, it's up to him to make the move himself.

In the dim compartment, Thales took a deep breath.

"A good guess," Prince Xingchen considered his words carefully, reminding himself every second of the existence of the opponent he was facing: "But there is still one link missing."

King Charman raised his eyebrows.

Thales said indifferently: "Crowey, how many things did she tell you?"

There was silence in the carriage.

The prince waited patiently.

Sure enough, the next moment, King Charman's face moved, and an emotion similar to surprise appeared in his eyes.


King Charman seemed a little unexpected: "How do you know?"

No, I do not know.

Thales said silently in his heart.

Until you confirmed this for me.

"Cambida's audience," Thales replied bluntly: "The cold-faced female warrior behaved abnormally, the irritability when facing the herald, her attitude towards Cambida, and finally the attitude towards the female archduke. Those inexplicable words, of course, and her eagerness to fight when she came to ask me to get in the car."

King Charman looked at him silently, and after a few seconds, the king laughed softly.

"Ash is a very interesting girl."

"I have never seen a person as proud as Elassa, who was so fascinated by a woman-I guess the Tower of the End has a way, right? A long time ago, Kaslan was also fascinated by a woman from the Tower of the End .”

Thales shook his head, not wanting to hear the king's nonsense, and went straight to the point: "I guess, she introduced you to her father, Lord Byrne Michael?"

King Charman's eyelids moved.

"Not exactly," the king snorted softly. "When we were discussing the Liberty Alliance, we happened to talk about the eldest son of Surril Walton who broke the Fort of Liberty."

"My lovely Lieutenant-General of the Guard told me how she was brought up in the care of the Princely Princess, Madame Adele."

"Of course, there is her father, Brian Michael, the loyal and loyal officer of the previous king," King Charman said in a deep voice, "and how he tried his best to mediate in the unfortunate marriage between Prince Suriel and his wife, protecting the poor The prince and concubine, and the one who persuaded the cruel prince."

I see.

Thales thought silently, but then his heart moved.


If Croath had known about it from the beginning, it wouldn't have had to wait until...

"Who found the problem?"

The prince asked calmly: "You can't confirm anything just based on the memory of a little girl."

King Charman was silent for three full seconds.

It was so long that Thales couldn't help frowning.

This time, Charmain Rumba's voice was very soft, as if floating from afar, and as if he was afraid of waking up the sleeping baby: "It's Harold."

Thales was taken aback.


wait, he means...

The king sneered with unknown emotions, like sadness and anger.

"When Prince Suriel was assassinated, my brother, Harold Rumba, was the first to arrive on the scene - of course, the assassin was hiding in his team, remember?"

King Charman's voice slowly returned to calm, as if he was describing something about someone else's family:

"Harold once described the tragedy to me: the prince fell in the carriage covered in blood, his body was cold, while his bodyguard held the body of the princess and knelt outside the carriage, looking at the woman in her arms. Baby, crying so hard."

Thales didn't speak.

Rumba sneered: "Elhasa is very interested in this detail: Why did the White Blade Guard back then, and later the officer Lord Michael, seem to care more about the princess?"

The prince's expression froze, he was getting closer and closer.

"Following this line, Elassa also discovered that after the election of the king, the Grand Duchess ascended to the throne, but she has dedicatedly guarded Miss Walton for the past twelve years. Meyer, who should have continued to guard Dragon Clouds City with her life, Ke was engaged as an official but has since disappeared, and for six years, even Ashe didn’t know where her father was, as if he became disheartened overnight and gave up everything, including his blade oath and loyalty.”

The king's words continued:

"Soon, he found more: some of the servants and guards in a certain area of ​​the Palace of Heroes were all missing or killed in the disaster six years ago, and none of them remained," "and they happened to be the Grand Duchess Your Excellency, that is, the baby girl's valet."

"Viscount Lhasa Cambida," Thales sighed, "That's why people call him 'Night Falcon'? It makes sense, he is good at hunting with eyes open in the deep dark night that ordinary people don't care much about? "

The king shook his head and did not answer.

"Using Lhasa to make a bold guess, Krowash beat him three times for this: the current Grand Duchess of Dragon Clouds City is not her father's daughter, but the blood of the officer in charge of Michael."

There was a terrible cold light in King Charman's eyes: "I guess, in order to protect the secret of the bloodline, the Regent of Lisbon has made him disappear forever?"

very good.

he does not know.

Thales told himself silently: He only knew half of the truth.

All he knew was Alex.

But he didn't know Slick, he didn't know Selma.

"You actually discovered the truth like this," Thales rubbed his forehead in pain, and said helplessly, "Your subordinates are really talented."

The king lightly grabbed the sword beside him.

"Finally, I understand the answer to those two doubts: Outside of the marriage contract, in order to win your trust and seduce you, King Nuen must have given you more, and given you a treasure that is enough to destroy Dragon Clouds City and Walton, and make Rees A confidant like Ben is also afraid of the three-point bargaining chip, so that even after the death of King Nuen, Eternal Star City can still control the restless Dragon Clouds City."

"And you are quite satisfied with that."

King Charman shook his head, not knowing whether he was feeling emotional or proud: "I think this is one of the reasons why the Scarlet Witch betrayed the former king: although she never admitted it."

Thales sighed deeply.

The battlefield is already clear.

"So, this is a secret that can simultaneously eliminate the legitimacy of the Grand Duke of Dragon Clouds City and weaken the legitimacy of the king. We are holding onto each other's weaknesses," Thales said indifferently, "I guess, you want to win over Dragon Clouds City ? On your side, or at least not on Ronnie's side?"

"Ah, Thales, we've known each other for a long time," King Charman snorted softly, "We've fought more than once—this lets us understand each other."

The prince took a deep breath and shook his head: "Why would I do this?"

"This is just a grievance between you and Longxiao City." He shrugged seemingly indifferently: "If you want to destroy Longxiao City together, then go for it, and I can get out of the matter."

Charmain sneered.

"Even if I and the Grand Duchess of Dragon Clouds City die together, it will make you, the Star Kingdom, lose all hope and interests in Dragon Clouds City?" the king said meaningfully.

"The hope for Dragon Clouds City?"

Thales smiled softly, and he replied without showing any weakness: "I'm not even a king, it's too early to talk about this."

King Charman narrowed his eyes, and his eyes became intriguing.

"Yeah, you are not a king yet, but you have done so much for Dragon Clouds City..."

In the next second, the king's tone changed, and his words revealed mystery and weirdness at the same time: "But if I say, you do your best to support the Grand Duchess to the throne, and fight hard, all the things you have maintained in Dragon Clouds City , are they all based on terrible lies?"

"And everything you think is just a joke that paves the way for others?"

At that moment, looking at King Charman's expression, Thales frowned slightly.

He instinctively felt something was wrong.

"What do you mean?" the prince clenched his fist unconsciously.

A groundbreaking joke?


"I remember the first time we met, when you rejected my proposal, you said: Be careful with those who want to be your allies?" King Charman's face was as cold as water dripping down: "No matter how much they Sweet talk, sincerity?"

Thales' brows became tighter and tighter.

"Tales, Thales," King Charman shook his head, and said lightly in a tone that made Thales' heart shudder:

"Do you really think that our beloved former king, Nun Walton, is a trustworthy ally of yours?"

Thales' breathing gradually became smaller.

"Do you think he would be so generous that he entrusted the chips enough to destroy the family into your hands, believed in you wholeheartedly, and believed that you would protect the Walton family desperately?"

"Do you think that you and Nunn have made a good win-win deal, you get a wife representing Dragon Clouds City, he gets Walton's continuation, and everyone gets what they need?"

"Do you think that Nunn will be tolerant enough to endure a person who is not of his family blood, sitting on the throne of Grand Duke, and all he cares about is that vain and empty family name?"

The king said softly, "You underestimated our former king too much."

Thales looked at King Charman suspiciously, not knowing why:

"If you have nothing to say..."

"Morral is still alive," said the king silently.

At that moment, Thales, who couldn't react to the slightly unfamiliar name, was slightly taken aback.

Uneasy, he subconsciously said:


A strange and terrifying expression appeared on King Charman's face.

"Morral," the king whispered a name in the next moment: "Morral Walton."

Mo... Moral?

Thales chewed the name, his face turned pale unconsciously.


That's, that's...

"I was more shocked than you when I just found out."

The king added as if nothing had happened: "Yes, six years ago, when everything started, the one who was assassinated and died in the territory of the stars, which led to a series of upheavals in our two countries, and laid the foundation for our mutual future destiny. Your hostage Prince Exeter..."

At that moment, King Charman's eyes seemed to be burning with terrible fire.


Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

It seemed that even the air in the carriage was about to freeze for this terrifying moment.

Thales was genuinely stunned.

What is he saying?

that prince?

That...that Prince Moral who was jointly assassinated by Lumbard, Peifet, Arend, and the 'nova' of the stars?

still alive?

That means……

A terrible idea climbed into his mind instantly.

God knows how much effort Thales took to suppress the trembling all over his body and the drastic change in expression.

A few seconds later, Thales stared, his face was ugly, and he couldn't believe it: "You...this...impossible."

"Don't you understand, Thales?" King Charman's eyes flashed with resentment, and he paused every word, as if chewing on the deepest hatred: "In Dragon Clouds City, whether it is the late king , or Lisbane or the Meteorites, they all know and understand this matter."

In the extreme astonishment and shock, Thales' brain struggled to maintain his thinking.

"They all knew it well, and they all waited patiently, looking forward to the day when Prince Moral returned. Before he came back, they used a fake grand duchess to temporarily keep the Walton family's power, and at the same time they made false claims with you, Get help from the stars."

Charmain I's words were like the most terrible poison, penetrating into every inch of Thales' thinking: "From the beginning to the end, there are only two people who have been kept in the dark without knowing it."

"That's why I came to you, Thales," the king looked at Thales, whose expression was almost frozen, and glanced at his trembling left hand on his knee: "You, and that poor girl Grand Duke himself, you are nothing but puppets held in the palm of the hand by King Nun."

"Xingchen thinks he holds the bargaining chip that can check and balance Dragon Clouds City, maintains the relationship with Dragon Clouds City with painstaking efforts, supports the rule of the Walton family conscientiously, and hopes that one day he will receive rewards from the marriage between the king and the Grand Duchess. ?”

"However, many years later, when Moral returns, his legitimacy will prevail, the existence of the Grand Duchess will be overthrown, your marriage will be a laughing stock, and the promise you got from King Nun will be proved. It's a stupid joke, everything you built will be wiped out overnight."

He is lying.

He must be lying.

Thales could only tell himself that.

for me to...

Thales still stared at the king with unbelievable eyes.

He seemed to be returning to that terrible night again.

Twitching Alex.

Michael howling in pain.

King Nuen sneered again and again.


Thelma... no, it's a cunning.

And the ring in her hand.

At that moment, the prince felt that even his thoughts were almost frozen.

"As I said, I know my uncle very well. Unlike you, I only spent a short day with him."

"Nun, he has everyone in his hands."

The king caressed the saber between his knees, and bit out the following words with a sneer: "He cheated your trust and faith with an unprecedented lie, and caught your persistence with a seemingly sweet and sincere bait." And loyalty, from your self-righteous thoughts, harvest the prey that the dragon most wants."

King Charman slowly raised his right hand and slowly closed his fingers:

"This is King Nuen's real means and strategy, and it is a 'gift' from the previous king."

The next second, Charmain Rumba's right hand was clenched suddenly.

It was as if someone had just strangled someone's throat.

In the terrifying cold sweat, Thales' breathing trembled.

"Welcome to the cruel real world," King Charman said with an ugly and cold smile on his colorless face in the darkness:

"The guardian of Dragon Clouds City, Your Highness Thales."

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